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Welfare economics: theory and practice

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Management tools in the field of education are aimed primarily at ensuring the Federal program for the development of education, the implementation of state educational standards and the functioning of the education system, financing priority projects in the field of education and science;health management tools are implemented on the basis of guaranteed free medical care, its accessibility… Читать ещё >

Welfare economics: theory and practice (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • I. ntroduction
  • Chapter 1. Welfare economics as a subject, it theorems and peculiarities
  • 1. The subject of welfare economics theory
  • 2. Fundamental theorems of welfare economics
  • 3. The Welfare State
  • Chapter 2. How to calculate welfare?
  • 1. Basic principles and indicators of well-being
  • 2. The level of well-being and poverty
  • Chapter 3. Current situation of welfare in Russia
  • 1. The social and economic welfare of Russia: its level, advantages and disadvantages
  • 2. Ways of improvement economic welfare of Russia
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

I n our opinion, the basic element that underlies all these factors is the social component that characterizes the human resources of the region, their living conditions, production and other activities. I n this regard, it is advisable to consider the system of social management tools. First of all, it should be noted that the use of social tools is aimed at improving the living standards of the population, which is considered as an integrated indicator, formed under the influence of the system of socio-economic factors [5]: gross regional product; level of incomes of the population, the amount of savings, asset accumulation; indicator of the level of employment; status indicators of education, health; indicators of the ecological state of the environment of the region;demographics.High standard of living of the population of the region is provided by carrying out active social policy in such directions as [6]:  regularization of labour relations between employees and employers; reducing unemployment and stabilizing employment; creation of legal prerequisites for improving the living standards of the population, especially the least well-off part of it; curb the growth of prices and rates for social services;improvement of wages in the public sector. The system of social instruments of state regulation is formed depending on the directions of influence: regulation of incomes of the population. R egulation of cash income is carried out in direct connection with the costs.

I n General, the state and regional authorities, in particular, influence incomes and expenses in order to optimize the balance of incomes and expenses of the population. I n summary, the balance sheet shows the volume and structure of income and expenditure, purchasing power of the population. T he main income items reflected in the balance sheet are as follows: remuneration of employees, income from property and entrepreneurial activities, social transfers. T he items of expenditure are: purchase of goods and payment for services, mandatory payments and voluntary contributions, purchase of foreign currency, securities, etc.; policy in the field of employment.

T he state regulates the labor market in order to optimize supply and demand for labor, to restrain growth and reduce unemployment, to ensure the free movement of workers across the country, to reduce social tensions in society. T he policy of promoting employment, the deployment of market infrastructure, equalization of living conditions, social security temporarily unemployed. management tools in the field of education are aimed primarily at ensuring the Federal program for the development of education, the implementation of state educational standards and the functioning of the education system, financing priority projects in the field of education and science;health management tools are implemented on the basis of guaranteed free medical care, its accessibility to the population;social protection of the population is realized on the basis of instruments of regulation of differentiation of the income of the population by calculation of indicators of a living wage, the cost of the fixed set of consumer goods and services, the minimum set of food.

In addition, the formation and functioning of the system of social insurance, social support for families, mothers and children is an important tool of social protection of the population. It should be noted that universal social development instruments should be considered:

1. Social security, the basis for which is the national wealth passed to the use of corporations or individuals. The fee for the use of such facilities is transferred to the social development funds, which Finance budget expenditures for social needs.

2. Minimum social standards that ensure the rights of citizens in the field of social guarantees. On the basis of social standards, financial standards are defined in such areas as living wage, health care, education, culture, labor protection, and the environment. The basis for the development of minimum social standards is a common legal framework and General guidelines. They are used for the formation of local budgets.

3.Social program. On the basis of this tool, one-time and permanent benefits are paid to vulnerable segments of society in various life situations.

4. Social transfers are a purposeful redistribution operation, which consists in the transfer of monetary and natural resources by state and non-profit organizations to the population. B asically, such a transfer is gratuitous. Social transfers include benefits, pensions, scholarships and other social security benefits. I n addition, free services, which make up part of the total income of the population can also be attributed to transfer payments.

T he main tasks solved by the system of social transfers include the following: Provide the population with socially significant services. Reduce the gap in the level of material security of different segments of the population. Improve the standard of living of various social groups that are not involved in the labor process. Mitigate negative external effects of periods of population adjustment to market conditions. T o provide the necessary quantity and structure of reproduction of labor resources. The effectiveness of the transfer system is an indicator and a prerequisite for ensuring and maintaining political stability in the state and the region. T able 2 presents the main forms of social transfers and their features. Table 2-Forms of social transfers№ п/пTransfer nameContentRecipients1social assistance (assistance)system of social goods and servicessocially vulnerable groups of the population on the basis of need assessment (low-income groups whose income is below the poverty line or living wage, as well as persons in difficult life situations)2state social guaranteessystem of socially significant goods and servicesall citizens without taking into account their labor contribution and check the need3social insuranceprotection of the population against various social risks, leading to loss of ability to work and incomeall citizens in case of illness, work injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, birth and upbringing of children, unemployment, old age, death of the breadwinnerCurrently, Russia has more than one thousand regulations governing social benefits, which cover more than 200 different categories of citizens. It should be noted that in order to assess the effectiveness of these systems and tools, monitoring of indicators, their dynamics and growth rates is used at the Federal and regional levels, which makes it possible to implement a single state policy in the field of labor, employment and social protection of the population. ConclusionA distinctive feature of the mechanism of social policy of the state is the consistency in the application, as well as in the functional and substantive composition of the tools for the development and implementation of the main directions of the socio-economic system. I n this regard, the search for effective tools, methods and means to ensure the formation and high level of social development of the state is of particular relevance. Within the framework of this research, the analysis of existing models of state social policy was carried out, their features and principles of implementation were identified.

A lso, on the basis of the analysis, a system of social tools of the state was formed, which consists of: tools of regulation of incomes of the population;employment policies;management tools education;health management tools;instruments of social protection of the population. On the basis of statistical data of the Federal state statistics service the analysis of the main indicators characterizing the level of welfare of the population in subjects of Russia was carried out. Based on the analysis, the following results were obtained: The development of the North Caucasus Federal district is characterized by the best demographic indicators (high birth rate and low mortality rate). A t the same time, this subject of Russia is included in group of subjects with the lowest indicators of material well-being of the population. The highest level of per capita income and the lowest proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum is observed in the Central Federal district, but this subject of the Russian Federation is characterized by the lowest birth rate. According to the level of material well-being, which is characterized by the average per capita income of the population, there is a significant gap between the subjects of the Russian Federation. BibliographyКисуркин А. А. Факторы, влияющие на инновационное развитие региона и их классификация по уровням управления. /.

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Фр.А. Дорога к рабству. М., 1992.

Якобсон Л.И., Шишкин С. В., Авалиани С. Л., Багин А. М., Боярский С. Г., Евдаков В., Засимова Л. С., Кадыров Ф. Н., Какорина С. Л., Козельцев М. Л., Колосницына М. Г., Козовлев О., Линденбратен А. Л., Ревич Б., Сквирская Г. П., Степанов И. М., Третьякова А., Шевский В. И., Шейман И. М. (2013) Политика охраны здоровья / Стратегия-2020: Новая модель роста — новая социальная политика. Итоговый доклад о результатах экспертной работы по актуальным проблемам социально-экономической стратегии России на период до 2020 года / Науч. ред.: В. А. Мау, Я.

И. Кузьминов. Кн. 1. М.: Дело. № 13.

С. 387−428.Ясин Е. Г. и др (2011) Уровень и образ жизни населения России в 1989- 2009 годах: докл. к XII Междунар. науч. конф. по проблемам развития экономики и общества. НИУ ВШЭ.

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Список литературы

  1. исуркин А. А. Факторы, влияющие на инновационное развитие региона и их классификация по уровням управления. / Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2012. № 2. С. 17.
  2. В.С., Архипова М. Ю., Миронкина Ю. Н., Сиротин В. П. Анализ данных. Учебник для академического бакалавриата / Под общ. ред.: В. С. Мхитарян. М.: Юрайт, 2016.
  3. Е.Г. Социальная политика государства в современной России: проблемы научного анализа // Философия социальных коммуникаций. 2014. № 1 (18).
  4. Е.Г., Родин А. В. Проблемы гармонизации общественных интересов в условиях социально ориентированной экономики: теория и практика // Вестник Евразийской академии административных наук. 2013. № 4
  5. Е.Г., Селезнева Е. В., Шишкин С. В. (2015) Доступность медицинской помощи для населения (по материалам мониторинга экономических процессов в здравоохранении) WP8 «Государственное и муниципальное управление», НИУ ВШЭ.
  6. Программа развития Организации Объединённых Наций (ПРООН). http://hdr.undp.org/
  7. Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели. 2017: Стат. сб. / Росстат.  М., 2017.  1266 с.
  8. М.В. Методические подходы к оценке эффективности функционирования региональной инновационной системы. // Мир культуры и образования. 2012. № 5. С. 114.
  9. Н. Л., Панова Л. В., Сафронов В. В. Здоровье и социальный капитал: (опыт исследования в Санкт-Петербурге) // Социологические исследования. 2010. № 1. C. 87—100.
  10. С.С., Олейникова Е. Г. Социальные приоритеты в программах политических партий России // Философия социальных коммуникаций. 2014. № 4 (21).
  11. Фр.А. Дорога к рабству. М., 1992.
  12. Л.И., Шишкин С. В., Авалиани С. Л., Багин А. М., Боярский С. Г., Евдаков В., Засимова Л. С., Кадыров Ф. Н., Какорина С. Л., Козельцев М. Л., Колосницына М. Г., Козовлев О., Линденбратен А. Л., Ревич Б., Сквирская Г. П., Степанов И. М., Третьякова А., Шевский В. И., Шейман И. М. (2013) Политика охраны здоровья / Стратегия-2020: Новая модель роста — новая социальная политика. Итоговый доклад о результатах экспертной работы по актуальным проблемам социально-экономической стратегии России на период до 2020 года / Науч. ред.: В. А. Мау, Я. И. Кузьминов. Кн. 1. М.: Дело. № 13. С. 387−428.
  13. Е.Г. и др (2011) Уровень и образ жизни населения России в 1989- 2009 годах: докл. к XII Междунар. науч. конф. по проблемам развития экономики и общества. НИУ ВШЭ.
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