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16380 Разработка АСР разряжения в топке котла ДКВР 4/13

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While nogo == 0; for i = 1:1:4 if i == 1 sign1 = 1; sign3 = 1; elseif i == 2 sign1 = 1; sign3 = -1; elseif i == 3 sign1 = -1; sign3 = 1; else sign1 = -1; sign3 = -1; end a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; rho = sqrt (Px2+Py2); phi = atan2(Py, Px); K = (Px2+Py2+Pz2-a22-a32-d32-d42)/(2*a2); c4 = cos (theta4); s4 = sin (theta4); c5 = cos (theta5); s5 = sin (theta5); c6 = cos (theta6); s6 = sin… Читать ещё >

16380 Разработка АСР разряжения в топке котла ДКВР 4/13 (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Введение
  • 1. Описание объекта управления
  • 2. Разработка требований к АСР
  • 3. Разработка структурной схемы АСР
  • 4. Разработка технической структуры АСР
  • 5. Выбор структуры регулятора
    • 5. 1. Характеристика объекта управления, описание устройства и работы САР, составление её функциональной схемы, принцип автоматического управления и вид схемы
    • 5. 2. Составление структурной схемы
    • 5. 3. Определение закона регулирования системы
    • 5. 4. Определение передаточных функций системы по управляющему воздействиям и для ошибок по этим воздействиям
    • 5. 5. Анализ устойчивости системы. Определение устойчивости запасов
      • 5. 5. 1. Анализ устойчивости по критерию Гурвица
      • 5. 5. 2. Анализ устойчивости по критерию Найквиста
      • 5. 5. 3. Определение запасов устойчивости
    • 5. 6. Анализ зависимости статической ошибки системы от изменения управляющего воздействия на систему
    • 5. 7. Совместный анализ изменения управляемой величины объекта управления и системы от возмущающего воздействия в статике. Определение статической ошибки системы по возмущающему воздействию
    • 5. 8. Оценка качества управления по переходным функциям
      • 5. 8. 1. Отклонения регулируемой величины от своего установившегося значения характеризуется следующими величинами, показаниями
      • 5. 8. 2. Быстродействие системы оценивается временем регулирования
      • 5. 8. 3. Колебательность переходного процесса
  • 6. Конфигурирование контроллера
  • 7. Разработка функциональной схемы регулятора
  • 8. Организация внешних соединений АСР
  • 9. Разработка и описание схемы внешних соединений АСР
  • Заключение
  • Список литературы
  • Приложение, А — Листинг программы

function gohome () pumaANI (90,-90,-90,0,0,0,20,'n') % show it animate home %PumaPOS (90,-90,-90,0,0,0) %drive it home, no animate. set (t1_edit,'string', 0); set (t1_slider,'Value', 0); %At the home position, so all set (t2_edit,'string', 0); %sliders and input boxes = 0. set (t2_slider,'Value', 0); set (t3_edit,'string', 0); set (t3_slider,'Value', 0); set (t4_edit,'string', 0); set (t4_slider,'Value', 0); set (t5_edit,'string', 0); set (t5_slider,'Value', 0); set (t6_edit,'string', 0); set (t6_slider,'Value', 0); setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[90,-90,-90,0,0,0]); end%%% This function will load the 3D CAD data.%function loaddata% Loads all the link data from file linksdata.mat.% This data comes from a Pro/E 3D CAD model and was made with cad2matdemo. m% from the file exchange. A ll link data manually stored in linksdata. mat[linkdata]=load ('linksdata.mat','s1','s2', 's3','s4','s5','s6','s7','A1');%Place the robot link 'data' in a storage areasetappdata (0,'Link1_data', linkdata. s1);setappdata (0,'Link2_data', linkdata. s2);setappdata (0,'Link3_data', linkdata. s3);setappdata (0,'Link4_data', linkdata. s4);setappdata (0,'Link5_data', linkdata. s5);setappdata (0,'Link6_data', linkdata. s6);setappdata (0,'Link7_data', linkdata. s7);setappdata (0,'Area_data', linkdata. A1);end%%%% Use forward kinematics to place the robot in a specified configuration.% function PumaPOS (theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6) s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); % a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; Px = 5000; Py = 5000; Pz = 5000; t1 = theta1; t2 = theta2; t3 = theta3%-180; t4 = theta4; t5 = theta5; t6 = theta6; % % Forward Kinematics T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6); %T01 = T01; T02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; handles = getappdata (0,'patch_h'); % L1 = handles (1); L2 = handles (2); L3 = handles (3); L4 = handles (4); L5 = handles (5); L6 = handles (6); L7 = handles (7); % set (L1,'vertices', Link1(, 1:3),'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2,'vertices', Link2(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3,'vertices', Link3(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4,'vertices', Link4(, 1:3),'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5,'vertices', Link5(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6,'vertices', Link6(, 1:3),'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7,'vertices', Link7(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); end%%% This function computes the Inverse Kinematics for the Puma 762 robot% given X, Y, Z coordinates for a point in the workspace. N ote: The IK are% computed for the origin of Coordinate systems 4,5 & 6. function [theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6] = PumaIK (Px, Py, Pz) theta4 = 0; theta5 = 0; theta6 = 0; sign1 = 1; sign3 = 1; nogo = 0; noplot = 0; % Because the sqrt term in theta1 & theta3 can be + or — we run through % all possible combinations (i = 4) and take the first combination that % satisfies the joint angle constraints.

while nogo == 0; for i = 1:1:4 if i == 1 sign1 = 1; sign3 = 1; elseif i == 2 sign1 = 1; sign3 = -1; elseif i == 3 sign1 = -1; sign3 = 1; else sign1 = -1; sign3 = -1; end a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; rho = sqrt (Px2+Py2); phi = atan2(Py, Px); K = (Px2+Py2+Pz2-a22-a32-d32-d42)/(2*a2); c4 = cos (theta4); s4 = sin (theta4); c5 = cos (theta5); s5 = sin (theta5); c6 = cos (theta6); s6 = sin (theta6); theta1 = (atan2(Py, Px)-atan2(d3,sign1*sqrt (Px2+Py2-d32))); c1 = cos (theta1); s1 = sin (theta1); theta3 = (atan2(a3,d4)-atan2(K, sign3*sqrt (a32+d42-K2))); c3 = cos (theta3); s3 = sin (theta3); t23 = atan2((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz-(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(d4-a2*s3),(a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py)); theta2 = (t23 — theta3); c2 = cos (theta2); s2 = sin (theta2); s23 = ((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz+(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(a2*s3-d4))/(Pz2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); c23 = ((a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py))/(Pz2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); r13 = -c1*(c23*c4*s5+s23*c5)-s1*s4*s5; r23 = -s1*(c23*c4*s5+s23*c5)+c1*s4*s5; r33 = s23*c4*s5 — c23*c5; theta4 = atan2(-r13*s1+r23*c1,-r13*c1*c23-r23*s1*c23+r33*s23); r11 = c1*(c23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-s23*s5*c6)+s1*(s4*c5*c6+c4*s6); r21 = s1*(c23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-s23*s5*c6)-c1*(s4*c5*c6+c4*s6); r31 = -s23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-c23*s5*c6; s5 = -(r13*(c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)+r23*(s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)-r33*(s23*c4)); c5 = r13*(-c1*s23)+r23*(-s1*s23)+r33*(-c23); theta5 = atan2(s5,c5); s6 = -r11*(c1*c23*s4-s1*c4)-r21*(s1*c23*s4+c1*c4)+r31*(s23*s4); c6 = r11*((c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)*c5-c1*s23*s5)+r21*((s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)*c5-s1*s23*s5)-r31*(s23*c4*c5+c23*s5); theta6 = atan2(s6,c6); theta1 = theta1*180/pi; theta2 = theta2*180/pi; theta3 = theta3*180/pi; theta4 = theta4*180/pi; theta5 = theta5*180/pi; theta6 = theta6*180/pi; if theta2>=160 && theta2<=180 theta2 = -theta2; end if theta1<=160 && theta1>=-160 && (theta2<=20 && theta2>=-200) && theta3<=45 && theta3>=-225 && theta4<=266 && theta4>=-266 && theta5<=100 && theta5>=-100 && theta6<=266 && theta6>=-266 nogo = 1; theta3 = theta3+180; break end if i == 4 && nogo == 0 h = errordlg ('Point unreachable due to joint angle constraints.','JOINT ERROR'); waitfor (h); nogo = 1; noplot = 1; break end end end end%%% function pumaANI (theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6,n, trail) % This function will animate the Puma 762 robot given joint angles. % n is number of steps for the animation % trail is 'y' or 'n' (n = anything else) for leaving a trail. % %.

disp ('in animate'); a2 = 650; %D-H paramaters a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; % Err2 = 0; % ThetaOld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % theta1old = ThetaOld (1); theta2old = ThetaOld (2); theta3old = ThetaOld (3); theta4old = ThetaOld (4); theta5old = ThetaOld (5); theta6old = ThetaOld (6); % t1 = linspace (theta1old, theta1, n); t2 = linspace (theta2old, theta2, n); t3 = linspace (theta3old, theta3, n);% -180; t4 = linspace (theta4old, theta4, n); t5 = linspace (theta5old, theta5, n); t6 = linspace (theta6old, theta6, n); n = length (t1); for i = 2:1:n % Forward Kinematics % T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1(i)); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2(i)); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3(i)); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4(i)); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5(i)); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6(i));% % % T67 = [ 1 0 0 0% % 0 1 0 0% % 0 0 1 188% % 0 0 0 1]; %T01 = T01; % it is, but don’t need to say so. T_ 02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % T07 = T06*T67; % s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); %A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; % Tool = T07; % if sqrt (Tool (1,4)^2+Tool (2,4)^2)<514% Err2 = 1; % break % end % handles = getappdata (0,'patch_h'); % L1 = handles (1); L2 = handles (2); L3 = handles (3); L4 = handles (4); L5 = handles (5); L6 = handles (6); L7 = handles (7); Tr = handles (9); % set (L1,'vertices', Link1(, 1:3),'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2,'vertices', Link2(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3,'vertices', Link3(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4,'vertices', Link4(, 1:3),'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5,'vertices', Link5(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6,'vertices', Link6(, 1:3),'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7,'vertices', Link7(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); % store trail in appdata if trail == 'y' x_trail = getappdata (0,'xtrail'); y_trail = getappdata (0,'ytrail'); z_trail = getappdata (0,'ztrail'); % xdata = [x_trail T04(1,4)]; ydata = [y_trail T04(2,4)]; zdata = [z_trail T04(3,4)]; % setappdata (0,'xtrail', xdata); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ytrail', ydata); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ztrail', zdata); % used for trail tracking. %.

set (Tr,'xdata', xdata,'ydata', ydata,'zdata', zdata); end drawnow end setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6]); end%%%%%% function InitHome % Use forward kinematics to place the robot in a specified % configuration. % F igure setup data, create a new figure for the GUI set (0,'Units','pixels') dim = get (0,'ScreenSize'); fig1 = figure ('doublebuffer','on','Position',[0,35,dim (3)-200,dim (4)-110],… 'MenuBar','none','Name',' 3D Puma Robot Graphical Demo',… 'NumberTitle','off','CloseRequestFcn',@del_app); hold on; %light ('Position',[-1 0 0]); light % add a default light daspect ([1 1 1]) % Setting the aspect ratio view (135,25) xlabel ('X'), ylabel ('Y'), zlabel ('Z'); title ('WWU Robotics Lab PUMA 762'); axis ([-1500 1500 -1500 1500 -1120 1500]); plot3([-1500,1500],[-1500,-1500],[-1120,-1120],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,1500],[-1120,-1120],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,-1500],[-1120,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[1500,1500],[-1120,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,1500],[-1500,-1500],[1500,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,1500],[1500,1500],'k') s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); % a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; Px = 5000; Py = 5000; Pz = 5000; %The 'home' position, for init. t1 = 90; t2 = -90; t3 = -90; t4 = 0; t5 = 0; t6 = 0; % Forward Kinematics T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6); % Each link fram to base frame transformation T02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % Actual vertex data of robot links Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; % points are no fun to watch, make it look 3d.

L 1 = patch ('faces', s1. F1, 'vertices', Link1(, 1:3)); L2 = patch ('faces', s2. F2, 'vertices', Link2(, 1:3)); L3 = patch ('faces', s3. F3, 'vertices', Link3(, 1:3)); L4 = patch ('faces', s4. F4, 'vertices', Link4(, 1:3)); L5 = patch ('faces', s5. F5, 'vertices', Link5(, 1:3)); L6 = patch ('faces', s6. F6, 'vertices', Link6(, 1:3)); L7 = patch ('faces', s7. F7, 'vertices', Link7(, 1:3)); A1 = patch ('faces', A1. Fa, 'vertices', A1. Va (, 1:3)); Tr = plot3(0,0,0,'b.'); % holder for trail paths % setappdata (0,'patch_h',[L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,A1,Tr]) % setappdata (0,'xtrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ytrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ztrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. %.

set (L1, 'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2, 'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3, 'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4, 'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5, 'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6, 'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7, 'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (A1, 'facec', [.8,.8,.8],'FaceAlpha',.25); set (A1, 'EdgeColor','none'); % setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[90,-90,-90,0,0,0]); % end%% function T = tmat (alpha, a, d, theta) % tmat (alpha, a, d, theta) (T-Matrix used in Robotics) % The homogeneous transformation called the «T-MATRIX» % as used in the Kinematic Equations for robotic type % systems (or equivalent). % % T his is equation 3.6 in Craig’s «Introduction to Robotics.» % alpha, a, d, theta are the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. % % (NOTE: ALL ANGLES MUST BE IN DEGREES.) % alpha = alpha*pi/180; %Note: alpha is in radians. theta = theta*pi/180; %Note: theta is in radians. c = cos (theta); s = sin (theta); ca = cos (alpha); sa = sin (alpha); T = [cs 0 a; s*ca c*casasa*d; s*sa c*sa ca ca*d; 0 0 0 1]; end%% function del_app (varargin) %This is the main figure window close function, to remove any % app data that may be left due to using it for geometry. %C.

loseRequestFcn % here is the data to remove: % Link1_data: [1×1 struct] % Link2_data: [1×1 struct] % Link3_data: [1×1 struct] % Link4_data: [1×1 struct] % Link5_data: [1×1 struct] % Link6_data: [1×1 struct] % Link7_data: [1×1 struct] % Area_data: [1×1 struct] % patch_h: [1×9 double] % ThetaOld: [90 -182 -90 -106 80 106] % xtrail: 0% ytrail: 0% ztrail: 0% Now remove them. rmappdata (0,'Link1_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link2_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link3_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link4_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link5_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link6_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link7_data'); rmappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); rmappdata (0,'Area_data'); rmappdata (0,'patch_h'); rmappdata (0,'xtrail'); rmappdata (0,'ytrail'); rmappdata (0,'ztrail'); delete (fig1); end%% function [hout, ax_out] = uibutton (varargin) %uibutton: Create pushbutton with more flexible labeling than uicontrol. % U sage: % uibutton accepts all the same arguments as uicontrol except for the % following property changes: % % Property Values % —————- ——————————————————————————— % Style 'pushbutton', 'togglebutton' or 'text', default = % 'pushbutton'. % String Same as for text () including cell array of strings and % TeX or LaTeX interpretation. % I nterpreter 'tex', 'latex' or 'none', default = default for text () % % Syntax: % handle = uibutton ('PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % handle = uibutton (parent,'PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % [text_obj, axes_handle] = uibutton ('Style','text',… % 'PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % % uibutton creates a temporary axes and text object containing the text to % be displayed, captures the axes as an image, deletes the axes and then % displays the image on the uicontrol. T.

he handle to the uicontrol is % returned. I f you pass in a handle to an existing uicontol as the first % argument then uibutton will use that uicontrol and not create a new one. % % I f the Style is set to 'text' then the axes object is not deleted and the % text object handle is returned (as well as the handle to the axes in a % second output argument). % % S ee also UICONTROL.

% V ersion: 1.6, 20 April 2006% Author: Douglas M. S chwarz % Email: dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu % Real_email = regexprep (Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'}) % Detect if first argument is a uicontrol handle. keep_handle = false; if nargin > 0 h = varargin{1}; if isscalar (h) && ishandle (h) && strcmp (get (h,'Type'),'uicontrol') keep_handle = true; varargin (1) = []; end end % Parse arguments looking for 'Interpreter' property. I.

f found, note its % value and then remove it from where it was found. interp_value = get (0,'DefaultTextInterpreter'); arg = 1; remove = []; while arg <= length (varargin) v = varargin{arg}; if isstruct (v) fn = fieldnames (v); for i = 1: length (fn) if strncmpi (fn{i},'interpreter', length (fn{i})) interp_value = v.(fn{i}); v = rmfield (v, fn{i}); end end varargin{arg} = v; arg = arg + 1; elseif ischar (v) if strncmpi (v,'interpreter', length (v)) interp_value = varargin{arg+1}; remove = [remove, arg, arg+1]; end arg = arg + 2; elseif arg == 1 && isscalar (v) && ishandle (v) && … any (strcmp (get (h,'Type'),{'figure','uipanel'})) arg = arg + 1; else error ('Invalid property or uicontrol parent.') end end varargin (remove) = []; % Create uicontrol, get its properties then hide it. if keep_handle set (h, varargin{:}) else h = uicontrol (varargin{:}); end s = get (h); if ~any (strcmp (s.Style,{'pushbutton','togglebutton','text'})) delete (h) error ('''Style'' must be pushbutton, togglebutton or text.') end set (h,'Visible','off') % Create axes. parent = get (h,'Parent'); ax = axes ('Parent', parent,… 'Units', s. Units,… 'Position', s. Position,… 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],… 'XColor', s. BackgroundColor,… 'YColor', s. BackgroundColor,… 'Box','on',… 'Color', s. BackgroundColor); % Adjust size of axes for best appearance. set (ax,'Units','pixels') pos = round (get (ax,'Position')); if strcmp (s.Style,'text') set (ax,'Position', pos + [0 1 -1 -1]) else set (ax,'Position', pos + [4 4 -8 -8]) end switch s. HorizontalAlignment case 'left' x = 0.0; case 'center' x = 0.5; case 'right' x = 1; end % Create text object.

text_obj = text ('Parent', ax,… 'Position',[x, 0.5],… 'String', s. String,… 'Interpreter', interp_value,… 'HorizontalAlignment', s. HorizontalAlignment,… 'VerticalAlignment','middle',… 'FontName', s. FontName,… 'FontSize', s. FontSize,… 'FontAngle', s. FontAngle,… 'FontWeight', s. FontWeight,… 'Color', s. ForegroundColor); % If we are creating something that looks like a text uicontrol then we’re % all done and we return the text object and axes handles rather than a % uicontrol handle. if strcmp (s.Style,'text') delete (h) if nargout hout = text_obj; ax_out = ax; end return end % Capture image of axes and then delete the axes. frame = getframe (ax); delete (ax) % Build RGB image, set background pixels to NaN and put it in 'CData' for % the uicontrol. if isempty (frame.colormap) rgb = frame. cdata; else rgb = reshape (frame.colormap (frame.cdata:),[pos ([4,3]), 3]); end size_rgb = size (rgb); rgb = double (rgb)/255; back = repmat (permute (s.BackgroundColor,[1 3 2]), size_rgb (1:2)); isback = all (rgb == back, 3); rgb (repmat (isback,[1 1 3])) = NaN; set (h,'CData', rgb,'String','','Visible', s. Visible) % Assign output argument if necessary. if nargout hout = h; end%% endenddemo = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Demo','callback',@demo_button_press,… 'Position',[20 5 60 20]);rnd_demo = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Random Move','callback',@rnd_demo_button_press,… 'Position',[100 5 80 20]);clr_trail = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Clr Trail','callback',@clr_trail_button_press,… 'Position',[200 5 60 20]);%home = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Home','callback',@home_button_press,… 'Position',[280 5 70 20]);%% Kinematics Panel%K_p = uipanel (fig1,… 'units','pixels',… 'Position',[20 45 265 200],… 'Title','Kinematics','FontSize', 11);%% Angle Range Default Name% Theta 1: 320 (-160 to 160) 90 Waist Joint % Theta 2: 220 (-110 to 110) -90 Shoulder Joint% Theta 3: 270 (-135 to 135) -90 Elbow Joint % Theta 4: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Roll% Theta 5: 200 (-100 to 100) 0 Wrist Bend % Theta 6: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Swivelt1_home = 90; % offset to define the «home» position as UP. t2_home = -90;t3_home = -90;LD = 105; % Left, used to set the GUI. HT = 18; % HeightBT = 156; % Bottom%% GUI buttons for Theta 1. pos is: [left bottom width height]t1_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 160,'Min',-160,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t1_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t1_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 160',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht1_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+160',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht1_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… % Nice program Doug. N eed this 'String','theta1',… % due to no TeX in uicontrols. &# 39;Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, H% t1_text = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… % when matlab fixes uicontrol% 'String','t1',… % for TeX, then I can use this. % &#.

39;Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht1_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t1_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 2. BT = 126; % Bottomt2_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 115,'Min',-115,'Value', 0,… % Mech. stop limits ! 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t2_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t2_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 110',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht2_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+110',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht2_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta2',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht2_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t2_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 3. BT = 96; % Bottomt3_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 135,'Min',-135,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t3_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t3_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 135',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht3_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+135',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht3_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta3',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht3_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t3_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 4. BT = 66; % Bottomt4_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 266,'Min',-266,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t4_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t4_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 266',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht4_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+266',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht4_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta4',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht4_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t4_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 5. BT = 36; % Bottomt5_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 100,'Min',-100,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t5_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t5_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 100',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht5_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+100',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht5_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta5',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht5_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t5_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 6. BT = 6; % Bottomt6_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 266,'Min',-266,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t6_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t6_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 266',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht6_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+266',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht6_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta6',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht6_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t6_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% Slider for Theta 1 motion.% function t1_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t1_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (slider_value+t1_home, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 2 motion.% function t2_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t2_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, slider_value+t2_home, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 3 motion. function t3_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t3_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, slider_value+t3_home, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 4 motion. function t4_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t4_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, slider_value, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 5 motion. function t5_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t5_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, slider_value, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 6 motion.

function t6_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t6_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, slider_value, 10,'n') end%%% Edit box for Theta 1 motion.% function t1_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-160,160,0,t1_edit); set (t1_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (user_entry+t1_home, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Edit box for Theta 2 motion.% function t2_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-110,110,0,t2_edit); set (t2_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (t1old, user_entry+t2_home, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%% Edit box for Theta 3 motion.% function t3_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-135,135,0,t3_edit); set (t3_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box.

T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (t1old, t2old, user_entry+t3_home, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%%% Edit box for Theta 4 motion.% function t4_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-266,266,0,t4_edit); set (t4_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, user_entry, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%% Edit box for Theta 5 motion.% function t5_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-100,100,0,t5_edit); set (t5_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, user_entry, t6old, 10,'n') end%%%% Edit box for Theta 6 motion.% function t6_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-266,266,0,t6_edit); set (t6_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box.

T_O ld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); % pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, user_entry, 10,'n') end%% function user_entry = check_edit (h, min_v, max_v, default, h_edit) % This function will check the value typed in the text input box % against min and max values, and correct errors. % % h: handle of gui % min_v min value to check % max_v max value to check % default is the default value if user enters non number % h_edit is the edit value to update. % user_entry = str2double (get (h,'string')); if isnan (user_entry) errordlg (['You must enter a numeric value, defaulting to ', num2str (default),'.'],'Bad Input','modal') set (h_edit,'string', default); user_entry = default; end % if user_entry < min_v errordlg (['Minimum limit is ', num2str (min_v),' degrees, using ', num2str (min_v),'.'],'Bad Input','modal') user_entry = min_v; set (h_edit,'string', user_entry); end if user_entry > max_v errordlg (['Maximum limit is ', num2str (max_v),' degrees, using ', num2str (max_v),'.'],'Bad Input','modal') user_entry = max_v; set (h_edit,'string', user_entry); end end%%% Demo button’s callback function demo_button_press (h, dummy) % % disp ('pushed demo bottom'); % R = 500; % x = 1000; n = 2; % demo ani steps num = 30; % home to start, and end to home ani steps % j = 1; % M = 1000; for t = 0:.1:7*pi Px = 30*t*cos (t); Py = 1200−300*t*(t)/(50*pi); Pz = 30*t*sin (t); [theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6] = PumaIK (Px, Py, Pz); if t==0%move to start of demo pumaANI (theta1,theta2,theta3−180,0,0,0,num,'n') end % Theta 4, 5 & 6 are zero due to plotting at wrist origen.

pumaANI (theta1,theta2,theta3−180,0,0,0,n,'y') set (t1_edit,'string', round (theta1)); % Update slider and text. set (t1_slider,'Value', round (theta1)); set (t2_edit,'string', round (theta2)); set (t2_slider,'Value', round (theta2)); set (t3_edit,'string', round (theta3−180)); set (t3_slider,'Value', round (theta3−180)); end gohome% pumaANI (90,-90,-90,0,0,0,num,'n') end%%%% function home_button_press (h, dummy) %disp ('pushed home bottom'); gohome end%%% function clr_trail_button_press (h, dummy) %disp ('pushed clear trail bottom'); handles = getappdata (0,'patch_h'); % Tr = handles (9); % setappdata (0,'xtrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ytrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ztrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. % set (Tr,'xdata', 0,'ydata', 0,'zdata', 0); end%% function rnd_demo_button_press (h, dummy) %disp ('pushed random demo bottom'); % a = 10; b = 50; x = a + (b-a) * rand (5) % Angle Range Default Name % Theta 1: 320 (-160 to 160) 90 Waist Joint % Theta 2: 220 (-110 to 110) -90 Shoulder Joint % Theta 3: 270 (-135 to 135) -90 Elbow Joint % Theta 4: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Roll % Theta 5: 200 (-100 to 100) 0 Wrist Bend % Theta 6: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Swival t1_home = 90; % offsets to define the «home» postition as UP.

t2_home = -90; t3_home = -90; theta1 = -160 + 320*rand (1); % offset for home theta2 = -110 + 220*rand (1); % in the UP pos. theta3 = -135 + 270*rand (1); theta4 = -266 + 532*rand (1); theta5 = -100 + 200*rand (1); theta6 = -266 + 532*rand (1); n = 50; pumaANI (theta1+t1_home, theta2+t2_home, theta3+t3_home, theta4, theta5,theta6,n,'y') set (t1_edit,'string', round (theta1)); % Update slider and text. set (t1_slider,'Value', round (theta1)); set (t2_edit,'string', round (theta2)); set (t2_slider,'Value', round (theta2)); set (t3_edit,'string', round (theta3)); set (t3_slider,'Value', round (theta3)); set (t4_edit,'string', round (theta4)); set (t4_slider,'Value', round (theta4)); set (t5_edit,'string', round (theta5)); set (t5_slider,'Value', round (theta5)); set (t6_edit,'string', round (theta6)); set (t6_slider,'Value', round (theta6)); end%%%Here are the functions used for this robot example:%%%% When called this function will simply initialize a plot of the Puma 762% robot by plotting it in it’s home orientation and setting the current% angles accordingly. function gohome () pumaANI (90,-90,-90,0,0,0,20,'n') % show it animate home %PumaPOS (90,-90,-90,0,0,0) %drive it home, no animate. set (t1_edit,'string', 0); set (t1_slider,'Value', 0); %At the home position, so all set (t2_edit,'string', 0); %sliders and input boxes = 0. set (t2_slider,'Value', 0); set (t3_edit,'string', 0); set (t3_slider,'Value', 0); set (t4_edit,'string', 0); set (t4_slider,'Value', 0); set (t5_edit,'string', 0); set (t5_slider,'Value', 0); set (t6_edit,'string', 0); set (t6_slider,'Value', 0); setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[90,-90,-90,0,0,0]); end%%% This function will load the 3D CAD data.%function loaddata% Loads all the link data from file linksdata.mat.% This data comes from a Pro/E 3D CAD model and was made with cad2matdemo. m% from the file exchange. A.

ll link data manually stored in linksdata. mat[linkdata]=load ('linksdata.mat','s1','s2', 's3','s4','s5','s6','s7','A1');%Place the robot link 'data' in a storage areasetappdata (0,'Link1_data', linkdata. s1);setappdata (0,'Link2_data', linkdata. s2);setappdata (0,'Link3_data', linkdata. s3);setappdata (0,'Link4_data', linkdata. s4);setappdata (0,'Link5_data', linkdata. s5);setappdata (0,'Link6_data', linkdata. s6);setappdata (0,'Link7_data', linkdata. s7);setappdata (0,'Area_data', linkdata. A1);end%%%% Use forward kinematics to place the robot in a specified configuration.% function PumaPOS (theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6) s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); % a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; Px = 5000; Py = 5000; Pz = 5000; t1 = theta1; t2 = theta2; t3 = theta3%-180; t4 = theta4; t5 = theta5; t6 = theta6; % % Forward Kinematics T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6); %T01 = T01; T02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; handles = getappdata (0,'patch_h'); % L1 = handles (1); L2 = handles (2); L3 = handles (3); L4 = handles (4); L5 = handles (5); L6 = handles (6); L7 = handles (7); % set (L1,'vertices', Link1(, 1:3),'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2,'vertices', Link2(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3,'vertices', Link3(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4,'vertices', Link4(, 1:3),'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5,'vertices', Link5(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6,'vertices', Link6(, 1:3),'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7,'vertices', Link7(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); end%%% This function computes the Inverse Kinematics for the Puma 762 robot% given X, Y, Z coordinates for a point in the workspace. N ote: The IK are% computed for the origin of Coordinate systems 4,5 & 6. function [theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6] = PumaIK (Px, Py, Pz) theta4 = 0; theta5 = 0; theta6 = 0; sign1 = 1; sign3 = 1; nogo = 0; noplot = 0; % Because the sqrt term in theta1 & theta3 can be + or — we run through % all possible combinations (i = 4) and take the first combination that % satisfies the joint angle constraints. while nogo == 0; for i = 1:1:4 if i == 1 sign1 = 1; sign3 = 1; elseif i == 2 sign1 = 1; sign3 = -1; elseif i == 3 sign1 = -1; sign3 = 1; else sign1 = -1; sign3 = -1; end a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; rho = sqrt (Px2+Py2); phi = atan2(Py, Px); K = (Px2+Py2+Pz2-a22-a32-d32-d42)/(2*a2); c4 = cos (theta4); s4 = sin (theta4); c5 = cos (theta5); s5 = sin (theta5); c6 = cos (theta6); s6 = sin (theta6); theta1 = (atan2(Py, Px)-atan2(d3,sign1*sqrt (Px2+Py2-d32))); c1 = cos (theta1); s1 = sin (theta1); theta3 = (atan2(a3,d4)-atan2(K, sign3*sqrt (a32+d42-K2))); c3 = cos (theta3); s3 = sin (theta3); t23 = atan2((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz-(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(d4-a2*s3),(a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py)); theta2 = (t23 — theta3); c2 = cos (theta2); s2 = sin (theta2); s23 = ((-a3-a2*c3)*Pz+(c1*Px+s1*Py)*(a2*s3-d4))/(Pz2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); c23 = ((a2*s3-d4)*Pz+(a3+a2*c3)*(c1*Px+s1*Py))/(Pz2+(c1*Px+s1*Py)^2); r13 = -c1*(c23*c4*s5+s23*c5)-s1*s4*s5; r23 = -s1*(c23*c4*s5+s23*c5)+c1*s4*s5; r33 = s23*c4*s5 — c23*c5; theta4 = atan2(-r13*s1+r23*c1,-r13*c1*c23-r23*s1*c23+r33*s23); r11 = c1*(c23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-s23*s5*c6)+s1*(s4*c5*c6+c4*s6); r21 = s1*(c23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-s23*s5*c6)-c1*(s4*c5*c6+c4*s6); r31 = -s23*(c4*c5*c6-s4*s6)-c23*s5*c6; s5 = -(r13*(c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)+r23*(s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)-r33*(s23*c4)); c5 = r13*(-c1*s23)+r23*(-s1*s23)+r33*(-c23); theta5 = atan2(s5,c5); s6 = -r11*(c1*c23*s4-s1*c4)-r21*(s1*c23*s4+c1*c4)+r31*(s23*s4); c6 = r11*((c1*c23*c4+s1*s4)*c5-c1*s23*s5)+r21*((s1*c23*c4-c1*s4)*c5-s1*s23*s5)-r31*(s23*c4*c5+c23*s5); theta6 = atan2(s6,c6); theta1 = theta1*180/pi; theta2 = theta2*180/pi; theta3 = theta3*180/pi; theta4 = theta4*180/pi; theta5 = theta5*180/pi; theta6 = theta6*180/pi; if theta2>=160 && theta2<=180 theta2 = -theta2; end if theta1<=160 && theta1>=-160 && (theta2<=20 && theta2>=-200) && theta3<=45 && theta3>=-225 && theta4<=266 && theta4>=-266 && theta5<=100 && theta5>=-100 && theta6<=266 && theta6>=-266 nogo = 1; theta3 = theta3+180; break end if i == 4 && nogo == 0 h = errordlg ('Point unreachable due to joint angle constraints.','JOINT ERROR'); waitfor (h); nogo = 1; noplot = 1; break end end end end%%% function pumaANI (theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6,n, trail) % This function will animate the Puma 762 robot given joint angles. % n is number of steps for the animation % trail is 'y' or 'n' (n = anything else) for leaving a trail. % %.

disp ('in animate'); a2 = 650; %D-H paramaters a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; % Err2 = 0; % ThetaOld = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % theta1old = ThetaOld (1); theta2old = ThetaOld (2); theta3old = ThetaOld (3); theta4old = ThetaOld (4); theta5old = ThetaOld (5); theta6old = ThetaOld (6); % t1 = linspace (theta1old, theta1, n); t2 = linspace (theta2old, theta2, n); t3 = linspace (theta3old, theta3, n);% -180; t4 = linspace (theta4old, theta4, n); t5 = linspace (theta5old, theta5, n); t6 = linspace (theta6old, theta6, n); n = length (t1); for i = 2:1:n % Forward Kinematics % T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1(i)); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2(i)); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3(i)); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4(i)); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5(i)); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6(i));% % % T67 = [ 1 0 0 0% % 0 1 0 0% % 0 0 1 188% % 0 0 0 1]; %T01 = T01; % it is, but don’t need to say so. T_ 02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % T07 = T06*T67; % s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); %A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; % Tool = T07; % if sqrt (Tool (1,4)^2+Tool (2,4)^2)<514% Err2 = 1; % break % end % handles = getappdata (0,'patch_h'); % L1 = handles (1); L2 = handles (2); L3 = handles (3); L4 = handles (4); L5 = handles (5); L6 = handles (6); L7 = handles (7); Tr = handles (9); % set (L1,'vertices', Link1(, 1:3),'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2,'vertices', Link2(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3,'vertices', Link3(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4,'vertices', Link4(, 1:3),'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5,'vertices', Link5(, 1:3),'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6,'vertices', Link6(, 1:3),'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7,'vertices', Link7(, 1:3),'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); % store trail in appdata if trail == 'y' x_trail = getappdata (0,'xtrail'); y_trail = getappdata (0,'ytrail'); z_trail = getappdata (0,'ztrail'); % xdata = [x_trail T04(1,4)]; ydata = [y_trail T04(2,4)]; zdata = [z_trail T04(3,4)]; % setappdata (0,'xtrail', xdata); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ytrail', ydata); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ztrail', zdata); % used for trail tracking.

% set (Tr,'xdata', xdata,'ydata', ydata,'zdata', zdata); end drawnow end setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[theta1,theta2,theta3,theta4,theta5,theta6]); end%%%%%% function InitHome % Use forward kinematics to place the robot in a specified % configuration. % F igure setup data, create a new figure for the GUI set (0,'Units','pixels') dim = get (0,'ScreenSize'); fig1 = figure ('doublebuffer','on','Position',[0,35,dim (3)-200,dim (4)-110],… 'MenuBar','none','Name',' 3D Puma Robot Graphical Demo',… 'NumberTitle','off','CloseRequestFcn',@del_app); hold on; %light ('Position',[-1 0 0]); light % add a default light daspect ([1 1 1]) % Setting the aspect ratio view (135,25) xlabel ('X'), ylabel ('Y'), zlabel ('Z'); title ('WWU Robotics Lab PUMA 762'); axis ([-1500 1500 -1500 1500 -1120 1500]); plot3([-1500,1500],[-1500,-1500],[-1120,-1120],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,1500],[-1120,-1120],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,-1500],[-1120,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[1500,1500],[-1120,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,1500],[-1500,-1500],[1500,1500],'k') plot3([-1500,-1500],[-1500,1500],[1500,1500],'k') s1 = getappdata (0,'Link1_data'); s2 = getappdata (0,'Link2_data'); s3 = getappdata (0,'Link3_data'); s4 = getappdata (0,'Link4_data'); s5 = getappdata (0,'Link5_data'); s6 = getappdata (0,'Link6_data'); s7 = getappdata (0,'Link7_data'); A1 = getappdata (0,'Area_data'); % a2 = 650; a3 = 0; d3 = 190; d4 = 600; Px = 5000; Py = 5000; Pz = 5000; %The 'home' position, for init. t1 = 90; t2 = -90; t3 = -90; t4 = 0; t5 = 0; t6 = 0; % Forward Kinematics T01 = tmat (0, 0, 0, t1); T12 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t2); T23 = tmat (0, a2, d3, t3); T34 = tmat (-90, a3, d4, t4); T45 = tmat (90, 0, 0, t5); T56 = tmat (-90, 0, 0, t6); % Each link fram to base frame transformation T02 = T01*T12; T03 = T02*T23; T04 = T03*T34; T05 = T04*T45; T06 = T05*T56; % Actual vertex data of robot links Link1 = s1. V1; Link2 = (T01*s2.V2')'; Link3 = (T02*s3.V3')'; Link4 = (T03*s4.V4')'; Link5 = (T04*s5.V5')'; Link6 = (T05*s6.V6')'; Link7 = (T06*s7.V7')'; % points are no fun to watch, make it look 3d. L 1 = patch ('faces', s1. F1, 'vertices', Link1(, 1:3)); L2 = patch ('faces', s2. F2, 'vertices', Link2(, 1:3)); L3 = patch ('faces', s3. F3, 'vertices', Link3(, 1:3)); L4 = patch ('faces', s4. F4, 'vertices', Link4(, 1:3)); L5 = patch ('faces', s5. F5, 'vertices', Link5(, 1:3)); L6 = patch ('faces', s6. F6, 'vertices', Link6(, 1:3)); L7 = patch ('faces', s7. F7, 'vertices', Link7(, 1:3)); A1 = patch ('faces', A1. Fa, 'vertices', A1. Va (, 1:3)); Tr = plot3(0,0,0,'b.'); % holder for trail paths % setappdata (0,'patch_h',[L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,A1,Tr]) % setappdata (0,'xtrail', 0); % used for trail tracking.

setappdata (0,'ytrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. setappdata (0,'ztrail', 0); % used for trail tracking. % set (L1, 'facec', [0.717,0.116,0.123]); set (L1, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L2, 'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L2, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L3, 'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L3, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L4, 'facec', [1,0.542,0.493]); set (L4, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L5, 'facec', [0.216,1,.583]); set (L5, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L6, 'facec', [1,1,0.255]); set (L6, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (L7, 'facec', [0.306,0.733,1]); set (L7, 'EdgeColor','none'); set (A1, 'facec', [.8,.8,.8],'FaceAlpha',.25); set (A1, 'EdgeColor','none'); % setappdata (0,'ThetaOld',[90,-90,-90,0,0,0]); % end%% function T = tmat (alpha, a, d, theta) % tmat (alpha, a, d, theta) (T-Matrix used in Robotics) % The homogeneous transformation called the «T-MATRIX» % as used in the Kinematic Equations for robotic type % systems (or equivalent). % % T.

his is equation 3.6 in Craig’s «Introduction to Robotics.» % alpha, a, d, theta are the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. % % (NOTE: ALL ANGLES MUST BE IN DEGREES.) % alpha = alpha*pi/180; %Note: alpha is in radians. theta = theta*pi/180; %Note: theta is in radians. c = cos (theta); s = sin (theta); ca = cos (alpha); sa = sin (alpha); T = [cs 0 a; s*ca c*casasa*d; s*sa c*sa ca ca*d; 0 0 0 1]; end%% function del_app (varargin) %This is the main figure window close function, to remove any % app data that may be left due to using it for geometry. %C.

loseRequestFcn % here is the data to remove: % Link1_data: [1×1 struct] % Link2_data: [1×1 struct] % Link3_data: [1×1 struct] % Link4_data: [1×1 struct] % Link5_data: [1×1 struct] % Link6_data: [1×1 struct] % Link7_data: [1×1 struct] % Area_data: [1×1 struct] % patch_h: [1×9 double] % ThetaOld: [90 -182 -90 -106 80 106] % xtrail: 0% ytrail: 0% ztrail: 0% Now remove them. rmappdata (0,'Link1_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link2_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link3_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link4_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link5_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link6_data'); rmappdata (0,'Link7_data'); rmappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); rmappdata (0,'Area_data'); rmappdata (0,'patch_h'); rmappdata (0,'xtrail'); rmappdata (0,'ytrail'); rmappdata (0,'ztrail'); delete (fig1); end%% function [hout, ax_out] = uibutton (varargin) %uibutton: Create pushbutton with more flexible labeling than uicontrol. % U sage: % uibutton accepts all the same arguments as uicontrol except for the % following property changes: % % Property Values % —————- ——————————————————————————— % Style 'pushbutton', 'togglebutton' or 'text', default = % 'pushbutton'. % String Same as for text () including cell array of strings and % TeX or LaTeX interpretation. % I nterpreter 'tex', 'latex' or 'none', default = default for text () % % Syntax: % handle = uibutton ('PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % handle = uibutton (parent,'PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % [text_obj, axes_handle] = uibutton ('Style','text',… % 'PropertyName', PropertyValue,…) % % uibutton creates a temporary axes and text object containing the text to % be displayed, captures the axes as an image, deletes the axes and then % displays the image on the uicontrol. T he handle to the uicontrol is % returned.

I f you pass in a handle to an existing uicontol as the first % argument then uibutton will use that uicontrol and not create a new one. % % I f the Style is set to 'text' then the axes object is not deleted and the % text object handle is returned (as well as the handle to the axes in a % second output argument). % % S ee also UICONTROL.

% V ersion: 1.6, 20 April 2006% Author: Douglas M. S chwarz % Email: dmschwarz=ieee*org, dmschwarz=urgrad*rochester*edu % Real_email = regexprep (Email,{'=','*'},{'@','.'}) % Detect if first argument is a uicontrol handle. keep_handle = false; if nargin > 0 h = varargin{1}; if isscalar (h) && ishandle (h) && strcmp (get (h,'Type'),'uicontrol') keep_handle = true; varargin (1) = []; end end % Parse arguments looking for 'Interpreter' property.

I f found, note its % value and then remove it from where it was found. interp_value = get (0,'DefaultTextInterpreter'); arg = 1; remove = []; while arg <= length (varargin) v = varargin{arg}; if isstruct (v) fn = fieldnames (v); for i = 1: length (fn) if strncmpi (fn{i},'interpreter', length (fn{i})) interp_value = v.(fn{i}); v = rmfield (v, fn{i}); end end varargin{arg} = v; arg = arg + 1; elseif ischar (v) if strncmpi (v,'interpreter', length (v)) interp_value = varargin{arg+1}; remove = [remove, arg, arg+1]; end arg = arg + 2; elseif arg == 1 && isscalar (v) && ishandle (v) && … any (strcmp (get (h,'Type'),{'figure','uipanel'})) arg = arg + 1; else error ('Invalid property or uicontrol parent.') end end varargin (remove) = []; % Create uicontrol, get its properties then hide it. if keep_handle set (h, varargin{:}) else h = uicontrol (varargin{:}); end s = get (h); if ~any (strcmp (s.Style,{'pushbutton','togglebutton','text'})) delete (h) error ('''Style'' must be pushbutton, togglebutton or text.') end set (h,'Visible','off') % Create axes.

parent = get (h,'Parent'); ax = axes ('Parent', parent,… 'Units', s. Units,… 'Position', s. Position,… 'XTick',[],'YTick',[],… 'XColor', s. BackgroundColor,… 'YColor', s. BackgroundColor,… 'Box','on',… 'Color', s. BackgroundColor); % Adjust size of axes for best appearance. set (ax,'Units','pixels') pos = round (get (ax,'Position')); if strcmp (s.Style,'text') set (ax,'Position', pos + [0 1 -1 -1]) else set (ax,'Position', pos + [4 4 -8 -8]) end switch s. HorizontalAlignment case 'left' x = 0.0; case 'center' x = 0.5; case 'right' x = 1; end % Create text object. text_obj = text ('Parent', ax,… 'Position',[x, 0.5],… 'String', s. String,… 'Interpreter', interp_value,… 'HorizontalAlignment', s. HorizontalAlignment,… 'VerticalAlignment','middle',… 'FontName', s. FontName,… 'FontSize', s. FontSize,… 'FontAngle', s. FontAngle,… 'FontWeight', s. FontWeight,… 'Color', s. ForegroundColor); % If we are creating something that looks like a text uicontrol then we’re % all done and we return the text object and axes handles rather than a % uicontrol handle. if strcmp (s.Style,'text') delete (h) if nargout hout = text_obj; ax_out = ax; end return end % Capture image of axes and then delete the axes. frame = getframe (ax); delete (ax) % Build RGB image, set background pixels to NaN and put it in 'CData' for % the uicontrol. if isempty (frame.colormap) rgb = frame. cdata; else rgb = reshape (frame.colormap (frame.cdata:),[pos ([4,3]), 3]); end size_rgb = size (rgb); rgb = double (rgb)/255; back = repmat (permute (s.BackgroundColor,[1 3 2]), size_rgb (1:2)); isback = all (rgb == back, 3); rgb (repmat (isback,[1 1 3])) = NaN; set (h,'CData', rgb,'String','','Visible', s. Visible) % Assign output argument if necessary. if nargout hout = h; end%% endenddemo = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Demo','callback',@demo_button_press,… 'Position',[20 5 60 20]);rnd_demo = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Random Move','callback',@rnd_demo_button_press,… 'Position',[100 5 80 20]);clr_trail = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Clr Trail','callback',@clr_trail_button_press,… 'Position',[200 5 60 20]);%home = uicontrol (fig1,'String','Home','callback',@home_button_press,… 'Position',[280 5 70 20]);%% Kinematics Panel%K_p = uipanel (fig1,… 'units','pixels',… 'Position',[20 45 265 200],… 'Title','Kinematics','FontSize', 11);%% Angle Range Default Name% Theta 1: 320 (-160 to 160) 90 Waist Joint % Theta 2: 220 (-110 to 110) -90 Shoulder Joint% Theta 3: 270 (-135 to 135) -90 Elbow Joint % Theta 4: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Roll% Theta 5: 200 (-100 to 100) 0 Wrist Bend % Theta 6: 532 (-266 to 266) 0 Wrist Swivelt1_home = 90; % offset to define the «home» position as UP. t2_home = -90;t3_home = -90;LD = 105; % Left, used to set the GUI. HT = 18; % HeightBT = 156; % Bottom%% GUI buttons for Theta 1. pos is: [left bottom width height]t1_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 160,'Min',-160,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t1_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t1_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 160',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht1_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+160',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht1_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… % Nice program Doug. N eed this 'String','theta1',… % due to no TeX in uicontrols. &# 39;Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, H% t1_text = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… % when matlab fixes uicontrol% 'String','t1',… % for TeX, then I can use this. % &#.

39;Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht1_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t1_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 2. BT = 126; % Bottomt2_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 115,'Min',-115,'Value', 0,… % Mech. stop limits ! 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t2_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t2_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 110',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht2_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+110',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht2_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta2',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht2_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t2_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 3. BT = 96; % Bottomt3_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 135,'Min',-135,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t3_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t3_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 135',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht3_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+135',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht3_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta3',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht3_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t3_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 4. BT = 66; % Bottomt4_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 266,'Min',-266,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t4_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t4_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 266',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht4_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+266',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht4_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta4',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht4_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t4_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 5. BT = 36; % Bottomt5_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 100,'Min',-100,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t5_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t5_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 100',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht5_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+100',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht5_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta5',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht5_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t5_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% GUI buttons for Theta 6. BT = 6; % Bottomt6_slider = uicontrol (K_p,'style','slider',… 'Max', 266,'Min',-266,'Value', 0,… 'SliderStep',[0.05 0.2],… 'callback',@t6_slider_button_press,… 'Position',[LD BT 120 HT]);t6_min = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','.

— 266',… 'Position',[LD-30 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, from bottom, W, Ht6_max = uicontrol (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','+266',… 'Position',[LD+125 BT+1 25 HT-4]); % L, B, W, Ht6_text = uibutton (K_p,'style','text',… 'String','theta6',… 'Position',[LD-100 BT 20 HT]); % L, B, W, Ht6_edit = uicontrol (K_p,'style','edit',… 'String', 0,… 'callback',@t6_edit_button_press,… 'Position',[LD-75 BT 30 HT]); % L, B, W, H%%% Slider for Theta 1 motion.% function t1_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t1_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (slider_value+t1_home, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 2 motion.% function t2_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t2_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, slider_value+t2_home, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 3 motion. function t3_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t3_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, slider_value+t3_home, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 4 motion. function t4_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t4_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, slider_value, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 5 motion. function t5_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t5_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t6old = T_Old (6); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, slider_value, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Slider for Theta 6 motion. function t6_slider_button_press (h, dummy) slider_value = round (get (h,'Value')); set (t6_edit,'string', slider_value); T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); t1old = T_Old (1); t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); pumaANI (t1old, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, slider_value, 10,'n') end%%% Edit box for Theta 1 motion.% function t1_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-160,160,0,t1_edit); set (t1_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t2old = T_Old (2); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (user_entry+t1_home, t2old, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end%%% Edit box for Theta 2 motion.% function t2_edit_button_press (h, dummy) user_entry = check_edit (h,-110,110,0,t2_edit); set (t2_slider,'Value', user_entry); % slider = text box. T_Old = getappdata (0,'ThetaOld'); % Current pose % t1old = T_Old (1); t3old = T_Old (3); t4old = T_Old (4); t5old = T_Old (5); t6old = T_Old (6); % pumaANI (t1old, user_entry+t2_home, t3old, t4old, t5old, t6old, 10,'n') end.

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Список литературы

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