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Организация индивидуальной учебной деятельности по формированию лексических навыков

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We offer: … English for adults; … secretarial courses; … holidayscourses for adults; … English courses for children. 5. Y ou get the … inEnglish families and hotels. Text 2WELCOME TO ENGLISH COURSES IN LONDONIf you want to speak English fluently, you can join our courses called"Angloschool". Our main building is not far from the centre of London. We have 20 years of experience in planning courses… Читать ещё >

Организация индивидуальной учебной деятельности по формированию лексических навыков (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Введение
  • Глава 1. Лексический навык и его роль в процессе изучения иностранного языка
    • 1. 1. Лексический навык и его составляющие
    • 1. 2. Этапы формирования лексических навыков
    • 1. 3. Трудности в освоении лексических навыков
  • Выводы по главе 1
  • Глава 2. Индивидуальная работа студентов по формированию лексических навыков
    • 2. 1. Порождение логико-языкового высказывания как критерий сформированности лексических навыков
    • 2. 1. Принципы организации обучения лексики у взрослых людей
    • 2. 2. Обучение лексике на базе аутентичных материалов

    2.3. Анализ учебника по английскому языку «Педагогическое образование» (под редакцией С. Н. Степановой. Учебник для студентов учреждений высшего профессионального образования 2012 изд Академия 3"е издание, исправленное)

    2.4. Эффективность индивидуальной работы студентов по формированию лексических навыков

    Выводы по второй главе


    Список литературы

    Приложение Тесты для индивидуальной проверки усвоенной лексики студентами на базе учебника по английскому языку «Педагогическое образование» (под редакцией С. Н. Степановой. Учебник для студентов учреждений высшего профессионального образования 2012 изд Академия 3"е издание, исправленное)

— 1999

Выготский Л. С. Мышление и речь. — М., 1934.

— 352 с.И. А. Гиниатуллин. … С. 60; Бим И. Л. Творчество учителя и методическая наука//Ино- странные языки в школе. …

43 Бердичевский А. Л. Оптимизация системы обучения иностранному языку в педагогическом вузе: Науч.

теорет. пособие. Гиниатуллин И. А. Самостоятельная учебная деятельность по овладению иностранным языком на специальном факультете. — Екатеринбург, УрГПУ, иностранные языки, 2012

Добрович А. Б. Воспитатель о психологии и психогигиене общения. М.: — Просвещение, 1987. — 208 с. Колшанский Г. В. Контекстная семантика. -

М., 1980. — C. 7. Колшанский Г. В. Логика и структура языка. — М., 1965

Кричевская К. С. Прагматические материалы, знакомящие учеников с культурой и средой обитания жителей страны изучаемого языка // Иностранные языки в школе. — 1996. — № 1.Медникова Э. М. Значение слова и методы его описания. М.: Высшая школа, 1974. — C. 96Носонович Е.В., Мильруд Г. П. Параметры аутентичного учебного текста // Иностранные языки в школе .

— 1999. — № 1Симонова Н. М. Экспериментальное исследование структуры мотивации при усвоении иностранного языка в вузе: Автореф. Дис. .к. психол. н. — М.: 1982. 19с.

Степанова С. Н. Педагогическое образование" (Учебник для студентов учрежденийвысшего профессионального образования).- М. изд Академия, 2012(3″ е издание, исправленное) Bachman, L.

F., & P almer. Language testing in practice. — O xford: Oxford University Press, 1996. — 384 с.

B yrd Patricia. G rammar from Context: Re-thinking the Teaching of Grammar at Various Proficiency Levels.

G eorgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia USA, Copyright December 19, 1997.. T eun Van Dijk.

I deology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. — L ondon: Sage, 1998. — 384 с. Приложение

Тесты для индивидуальной проверки усвоенной лексики студентами на базе учебника по английскому языку «Педагогическое образование» (под редакцией С. Н. Степановой. Учебник для студентов учрежденийвысшего профессионального образования 2012 изд Академия 3″ е издание, исправленное) Test 1Put questions to the italicized words according to the Model. Model: There is a nice sofa in your room. — What is there in your room?1. There is a nice garden before your house. 2. There are five chairsin the room. 3. There are three mistakes in my dictation.

2. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. В нашем городе много школ и несколько университетов.

2. В этом году в нашем классе двадцать учеников, а не пятнадцать.

3. На столе много журналов? — Нет, только два. 3. Answer the questions.

1. What is there on your table? 2. I s there a blackboard in theclassroom? 3.

A re there many tables in your classroom? 4. W hat is therein your classroom?

4. M ake sentences using the following word combinations accordingto Table 2 and the Model. Model: to speak English at the lesson — We always speak English at thelesson. to live in this street; to go to the office by bus; to study a foreignlanguage; to work hard at English; to read books in English; to get upat 7 o’clock; to work at the plant5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the present simple tense.

1. I work at the office. 2. W e read, write and speak English duringour lesson.

3. H er sister lives in Moscow. 4. D oes she sometimes meetfriends at the office? 6. Make the sentences negative.

1. Your sister studies at college. 2. I drink coffee in the evening.

3. The baby sleeps well at night. 4. He lives in England. 5. They do theirhomework in the afternoon.

7. Put questions to the italicized words.

1. Mr Black usually walks his dog early in the morning. 2. M y bestfriend lives in Walton Street.

3. I want a lot of good advice. 4.

M y friendgoes to school in the morning. 8. L earn the following English proverbs and sayings. Think ofsituations where you could use them.

1. A good name is better than riches. (Добраяславалучшебогатства.) 2. H andsome is as handsome does. (Красивтот, ктокрасивопоступает.) 3.

P oliteness goes far, yet costs nothing. (Вежливость ценится дорого, но ничего не стоит.) 4.

A friend in need is a friendindeed. (Друзьяпознаютсявбеде.)Put questions to the italicized words according to the Model. Model: There is a nice sofa in your room. — W

hat is there in your room?1. There is a new cinema near my house. 2. There are many animals in the Zoo.

3. There are some Englishmen at the conference.

10. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. На полке нет никаких тетрадей. 2. В этом журнале много интересных статей.

3. В этом тексте много новых слов. 4. Недалеко от нашего домаесть школа. 5. Втеатремноголюдей. 6. В этой контрольной работе есть несколько ошибок.

11. A nswer the questions1. A re there many students at the lecture?

2. H owmany schools are there in your town? 3. How many pages are there inthis book?12.Translate into Russian paying attention to the present simple tense.

1. Do you have lessons in the morning? 2. Wheredoes this teacher work? 3. He doesn’t speak English, he speaks French.

4. Does your sister often go to the theatre? 5. You always look veryhappy. 6. He thinks he is right.

13. Make the sentences negative.

1. Tom plays football on Saturday. 2. T hey go for a walk in theevenings. 3. H

e gets up early in the morning. 4. M y cousin works inhospital. 14. Put questions to the italicized words.

1. He helps his mother every day. 2. Hisbrother plays the piano very well.

3. It takes me an hour to translatethis a text. 4. They go to discos very often.

15. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. Мой сын не живет в Москве. 2. Мой друг изучает два иностранных языка. 3.

Майкл знает французский очень хорошо. 4. Какие книги ты читаешь? 5. Обычно мы гуляем по вечерам. 6. Гдеработают твои родители?

7. Мне требуется несколько минут, чтобы добраться до работы. 8. Вечером я обычно встречаю своих друзей. 9. Кто живет в Англии? 10.

Вы любите получать письма? 11. Как часто вы готовите уроки вместе? — Мы делаем это каждый день. Test 2VOCABULARYEXERCISES1. P

ronouncecorrectly.though, thousand, language, science, medicine, tongue, Chinese, German, hotel, signs, clothing, popularity, dangerous, inevitable, diplomacy, advantage, courses, foreigners, adults, excursions, facilities2. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation of the lettersand combinations of the letters in bold type: a) speak, teach, read, mean, stream, weak, east, feast, deal, appeal;b) tell, centre, attend, letter, spend, enter, get, set, fellow, credit.

3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the new words.

1. A lot of English courses are glad to welcome you and give you goodknowledge of English. 2. S ome people don’t want to lose the purity oftheir native language. 3. I t goes without saying that English is an officiallanguage and it is used everywhere: in business, science, medicine.

4. T hereare many words in Russian which are borrowed from the Englishlanguage. 4. Translate into Russian paying attention to the new words.

1. Nowadays you can choose different language courses: theycan be either for adults or for children. 2. Linguistic schools have gotall teaching aids: good libraries, language laboratories and listeningcentres. 3. You’ll gain a great advantage if you are good at English.

5. Complete the sentences using the following words, word com_binations and expressions: is used, in spite of, courses, a great advantage, laboratories, fluently, teaching aids, popularity, are borrowed, listening, popular.

1. A lot of new words … from English. 2. I f you can speak Englishwell, you gain … over others. 3. D

o you go to any English …? 4. T he12English language is very …. 5. O

ur department of foreign languages hasvarious …: language … and … centres. 6. E nglish … everywhere; its… is obvious (очевидный). 7. C an you speak English …? 8.

… manytextbooks in English, it is not easy to find a good one.

6. Paraphrase using the Vocabulary Notes.

1. My friend is in better situation: he can speak English well. 2. M anymedicine terms are taken from the English language.

3. O ur languagecentre uses various teaching facilities. 4.

S ome people are sure thatEnglish is doing more harm than good to the Russian language. 5. T heseEnglish lessons are for adults. VOCABULARY NOTESofficial language n официальныйязык, e. g. E

nglish is an officiallanguage in many countries of the world. be used использоваться, e. g. E nglish is used almost everywhere. be borrowed (from) заимствоваться (из), e. g. T he words whichare borrowed from English can be used without changes. popularity n популярность, e. g.

I n spite of their popularity, theEnglish words and phrases are not welcome. be dangerous (for) бытьопасным (для), e. g. S ome people thinkthat English is dangerous for the purity of their native language. speak (spoke, spoken) v говорить; to speak English fluentlyговорить на английском языке бегло/свободно владеть англий_скимязыком, e. g. I

f you want to speak English fluently, you must workhard. gain advantage добитьсяпреимущества, e. g. Y ou will gain a greatadvantage over others if you can speak English fluently. courses n plкурсы; language courses языковыекурсы, e. g. Language courses can be either for adults or for children. teaching aids n plсредстваобучения; language laboratories andlisteningcentresязыковые лаборатории и лингафонные центры, e. g. Our University has got all teaching aids for learning English —language laboratories and listening centres.

7. TranslateintoEnglish.

1. Английский — официальный язык во многих странах мира.

2. Английский язык используется везде: в бизнесе, науке, медицине. 3. В русском языке много слов, которые были заимствованы из английского языка, например: сода, теннис, аэропорт идругие. 4. Некоторые люди думают, что использование английского языка является опасным для чистоты родного языка. 5. Есливы пользуетесь лингафонным кабинетом и другими средствамиобучения, вы будете говорить по-английски бегло.

6. Несмотря намою занятость, я посещаю лингвистические курсы два раза в неделю. Test 3. COMPREHENSION EXERCISES1. Answer the questions using the Vocabulary Notes.

1. How many languages are there in the world? 2. W hat words whichare borrowed from English can we find in Russian? 3.

D o you agree withthe statement that English is everywhere: on signs, clothing, soft drinksand other goods? 4. W

hy do some people think that English is dangerousfor their native language? 5. F rom what form do children start learningEnglish? 6. W

here can you study English besides schools? 7. W hy arelinguistic courses good for mastering fluent English?2. Read Text 1 and find the key sentences in each paragraph. Text 1THE ENGLISH LANGUAGEThough there are almost three thousand languages in the world, English is the most universal. I t is the official language in over fortycountries.

W e use English in international business, science andmedicine. A bout 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue (700 million speak Chinese, 200 million speak Russian and 100 millionspeak German).Even in the countries where English is not the first language, a numberof English words are used. W

ords from no other language areborrowed more often than from English. H undreds of words borrowedfrom English can be found in other languages such as soda, hotel, golf, tennis, jeans, OK, baseball and others. M any words are used as they are. Others are changed to make them more like native language, easier tosay and remember. English is everywhere.

I t is on signs, clothing, soft drinks and othergoods around the world. I n spite of their popularity, the English wordsand phrases are not always welcome. S ome people think that the use ofthe English words is dangerous for the purity of their native language. But it goes without saying that English is still an international language. Some people believe that business would run more smoothly if everyonespoke the same language. Languages have changed and disappeared throughout the history. This change is inevitable.

B ut English words will continue to pop upeverywhere, whether some people like it or not. E nglish nowadays is thelanguage of business, diplomacy and international relations. M osteducated people speak English fluently. In most schools children startto learn English just from the first grade. Join the people who want to speak English perfectly and you will gaina great advantage over others.

3. Match the two parts of the sentences using Text 1.

1. English is the official a. can be found in other languages.

2. Words from no other b. everywhere: on signs, clothing, language soft drinks and other goods.

3. Hundreds of words c. language in over forty countries. borrowed from English4. Nowadays you can find d. are borrowed more often thanEnglish from English.

5. In spite of the popularity e. can be dangerous for the purityof the English words, they of the native language.

6. Some people believe that f. is still the internationala great number of borrowings language.

7. But, no doubt, English g. are not always welcome.

8. It goes without saying that h. and you will gain a greatbusiness advantage over others.

9. Today English is the i. would run more smoothly iflanguage of everyone spoke the same language.

10. In most schools children j. join different English courses. start11. Join the people who want k. to learn English from the firstto learn English grade.

12. If you want to speak English l. business, diplomacy andfluently, you can international relations.

4. Find and translate the passages dealing with: a) the latest teaching aids;b) a lively relaxed atmosphere;c) the courses called «Angloschool».

5. Read Text 2 and complete the sentences.

1. The English courses have the most …, … and highly … teachers.

2. The foreign language courses have got the latest … …, such as language… and … centres. 3. You get a lively, … atmosphere for learning English.

4. We offer: … English for adults; … secretarial courses; … holidayscourses for adults; … English courses for children. 5. Y ou get the … inEnglish families and hotels. Text 2WELCOME TO ENGLISH COURSES IN LONDONIf you want to speak English fluently, you can join our courses called"Angloschool". Our main building is not far from the centre of London. We have 20 years of experience in planning courses in English forforeigners of some 60 nationalities. At the teacher training college we have the most creative, talentedand highly qualified teachers. W e have the latest teaching aids, suchas language laboratories and listening centres. You'll enjoy a lively, relaxed atmosphere, perfect for learning thelanguage. D on’t miss the chance!

W e offer:Σ General English for AdultsΣ Bilingual Secretarial Courses for 3, 6, 9 monthsΣ Summer Holidays Courses for AdultsΣ Funny English Courses for ChildrenΣ Excursions, Visits, Sports, Social ActivitiesΣ Accommodation in English Families, HotelsIf you want to visit us, telephone and arrange an appointment. W ewill be delighted to welcome you to the school, show you the school’sfacilities and tell you about our teaching system. Test 4. CONVERSATION AND DISCUSSIONTo p i c a l Voca b u l a r yan official language; the most used language; to speak English asa mother tongue; to be borrowed; an international language; a languageexpert; to speak English fluently and perfectly; a situational language;aspects of English (grammar, lexicology, phonetics); to be good atpronunciation; to get a good working knowledge of a language;a language teacher; an accent; to make a mistake; to learn (learnt, learnt) a language; a foreigner1. R etell Text 1 using the plan from Ex. 21.

2. Retell Text 2. Give your own commentaries.

3. Combine these two texts into one logically built-up topic.

4. Speak out your own attitude to English using the TopicalVocabulary.Σ Discuss the problem of English words borrowed into Russian. I sit good or bad?Σ How are you going to use English in your future work?Σ Discuss the problem of teaching English at schools. W

hat schoolage is appropriate for starting English?5. Read and discuss the text. WHAT A LANGUAGE! This story is about three Frenchmen who lived for some time inEngland. T he first Frenchman once heard someone shout: «Look out!"He was at a hotel when he heard these words. H e put his head out ofthe window and a bucketful of water fell on him. The second Frenchman was once on a ship and heard the captainshout: «All hands on deck!» He put his hands on the deck and someonewalked on them. The third Frenchman wanted to visit a friend of his. W hen he came tothe door of the house, he knocked.

A maid opened it. H e said: «Is MrBrown in?» The maid answered: «He isn’t up yet.

C ome back in half anhour." When he came after half an hour, the maid said: «He's not downyet.» He said: «If he’s not up and he’s not down, where is he?» The maidanswered: «Oh, it’s simple. When I say he’s not up, I mean he has not gotup, and when I say he’s not down, I mean he has not come downstairs."6. Answer the questions.

1. Why is the text called «What a Language!»? 2. Explain eachmisunderstanding between the Frenchmen and the Englishmen. 3. Whatcan you say about English on the whole?7. Retell the text.

8. Discuss the questions.

1. What is the most important thing to learn in English? 2. C an youthink of something in English that is not important to learn? 3. H owimportant is it to speak correctly?

4. W hat is the most difficult aspectof English for you? W hy do you think so? 5. W hat is the easiest aspectof English for you?

W hy do you think so? 6. W hat is the most interestingaspect of English for you? 7. W

hat is the most boring aspect of Englishfor you? 8. D o you think that musical people are good at learningpronunciation?

9. W hat is the best way to learn pronunciation (grammar, vocabulary)? 10. H

ow long does it take to get a good working knowledgeof a language? 11. D o you prefer British English, American English, oranother kind of English? W hy? 12.

D o you think it is possible to learna foreign language perfectly?9. Read the dialogue between the participants of the conference"English Is Around Us" (Mr Black and Mrs Mock). B e ready to actout the dialogue in class. Mr Black: You insist on the idea to use English everywhere ifpossible: even to substitute some Russian words with English ones. Mrs Mock: Yes, you are right. E

nglish has become the most usedlanguage in the world. I' d like to point out that nowadays every educatedperson speaks English fluently. A ll respected companies employ peopleonly with English language knowledge. Mr Black: We’ve got a bit of problem here, you see.

E nglish is notour native language and we mustn’t drop down our own words. T hereare a lot of labels, advertisements, announcements which are given tous, the Russians, in English. W

hat is the idea of it? I' m sorry to disagreewith you but it’s ridiculous. Mrs Mock: Ridiculous? N

ot in the least. E nglish is an internationallanguage. I t is soft and beautiful. B esides this language helps us to be inthe centre of the world’s activity… Mr Black: Look, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but English popularityis dangerous for the purity of the Russian language.

I' m sure we evenmust eliminate English as the official language and save our native one. Mrs Mock: I have to say it, but we look at this problem from differentpoints of view. W e don’t share our thoughts on the question. T

hat’s whyour further conversation is out of the sense, isn’t it? Mr Black: Oh, all right. Let’s go to our colleagues and join them.

34. Discuss the dialogue and speak out your thoughts about popularityof the English language.

10. Writing a letter. Each student is to write an official letter to some language companywhere he/she describes his/her experience in learning English; his/herviews on the role of English in the modern world. The students writethese letters and put them into the «postbox». At the end of the gamethe «representatives» (представители) from the company together withthe teacher analyze the letters and announce the winners.

11. Role-playing.Situation: Discussion of the problem «English at school: the processof teaching English and the best age for starting it».Characters:

1. Helen Sotnikova, aged 22, a language teacher, just graduated fromthe University. Very energetic, full of modern approaches for teachingEnglish. She is sure that the best age for starting English is the age ofthe kindergarten. Exaggerates the role of English in modern society.

2. Anna Plavskaya, aged 49, teacher of English. Sticks to the idea thatthe most important things in teaching English are reading and writing.

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Список литературы

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  2. В. В. Проблемы русской стилистики. — М., 1981. — 320 с.
  3. Г. И. Организация работы с аутентичными текстами молодежной прессы в старших классов школ с углубленным изучением немецкого языка // Иностранные языки в школе. — 1999.
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