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Products and services market positioning

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Values ​​. It’s no secret that for each person the new year is of great value is coming a new milestone in a person’s life, summed up and their hopes for a better future (achieving certain results, the acquisition of something new, in both the material and the mental plane). Services are volatile, it is a fact does not give the opportunity to fully standardize the consumption of services, as used… Читать ещё >

Products and services market positioning (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the provision of services in some cases accompanied by a physical object, but in itself is immaterial, intangible nature.

Services are volatile, it is a fact does not give the opportunity to fully standardize the consumption of services, as used in this industry wide application people. As you know, one and the same person is able to provide services with different results.

Simultaneity of creation (production) and consumption of services indicates the participation of the consumer at the time the services.

For example: get advice auditor, where simultaneously the process of granting and use of services is going.

Very important role played by transfer services, often on its purchase, the client first cover, only then received the service.

The above features make certain demands services to its positioning in the market. The service must accept the outlines of an important event in the perception of the client, such a significant, for example, as a celebration of the new year.

To your service in the mind of the customer has become an event, you need to consider several factors:

1. Values ​​. It’s no secret that for each person the new year is of great value is coming a new milestone in a person’s life, summed up and their hopes for a better future (achieving certain results, the acquisition of something new, in both the material and the mental plane).

2. Emotional unique bid that is directly related to the value of the services. Considering feature services, an important task is to create the feelings that remain after the event. These feelings (which, of course, is not associated with the sight of one banner at the event) associated with the process of identification with the service, and a sense of community and the possibility of implementation needs of the target audience.

3. Stylistics and visual identity services. Are expressed through the senses-material form of presentation services: the sounds, music, sight and taste.

4. A method of interacting with the target audience. Provision of services consists of a chain of various customer contact: oral, visual, written, audio, tactile. It is important to organize each contact so as to form a holistic and planned presentation about your service. Learn how to create such contacts, in which the client will actively collaborate with you.

5. Unique selling proposition. Affects consumer properties of services and pricing. The service is good, because for every customer you can make it unique, if accurately identify customer needs and to build up in his mind the image of the corresponding services. Changing point of view, you can change the service and its properties! Catching a real need, you can easily justify the cost.

The smallest details in the process of informing, sale and delivery of services, you can make the service unique and make it live long in the memory of the client.

Given the above specified factors, position your service as an event valuable, emotionally intense and active for all participants, and the result will be a lesson, securing and retaining market your unique services.

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