Феномен музыки цифрового века
Обычно под культурой понимается «совокупность искусственных порядков и объектов, созданных людьми в дополнение к природным, заученных форм человеческого поведения и деятельности, обретенных знаний, образов самопознания и символических обозначений окружающего мира"2. В этом смысле музыкальная культура — это что-то вроде «общей вовлеченности группы людей в музыку: идеи, действия, материальные… Читать ещё >
Список литературы
- Монографии по цифровой культуре и цифровым медиа
- Audio culture: readings in modern music. Ed. by C. Cox, D. Warner. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004. 454 c.
- Bel, D. Science, technology and culture. McGraw-Hill International, 2006. 159 c.
- Bentkowska-Kafel A., Cashen Т., Gardiner H. Digital Visual Culture: Theory and Practice. Intellect books, 2009.
- Borgma, C. From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in the networked world. MIT Press, 2003. 324 c.
- Buckingha, D. Beyond technology: children’s learning in the age of digital culture. Wiley-Blackwell, 2007, 209 c.
- Carrington V. Rethinking middle years: early adolescents, schooling and digital culture.
- Cubit, S. Digital aesthetics. SAGE, 1998. 172 c.
- Darle A. Visual digital culture: surface play and spectacle in new media genres. Routledge, 2000.
- Digital culture in Europe: a selective inventory of centres of innovation in the arts and new technologies, Part 53. Council of Europe, 1999. 209 c.
- Digital Culture, Play, and Identity. A World of Warcraft® Reader. MIT Press, 2008. 304 c.
- Feene, M. Digital culture: maximising the nation’s investment: a synthesis of JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of electronic materials. National Preservation Office, 1999. 85 c.
- Fischer H. Digital shock: confronting the new reality. McGill-Queen's Press -MQUP, 2006. 280 c.
- Gere Ch Digital culture. Reaktion Books, 2002. 222 c.
- Gillespie, T. Wired shut: copyright and the shape of digital culture. MIT Press, 2007.
- Greene P. D., Porcello Th. Wired for sound: engineering and technologies in sonic cultures. Wesleyan University Press, 2005. 288 c.
- Hand M. Making digital cultures: access, interactivity, and authenticity. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2008. 186 c.
- Hesmondhalgh D. The cultural industries. SAGE, 2007. 346 c. (2nd edition)
- Hugil A. The digital musician. Taylor & Francis, 2007. 292 c.
- Karagani, J. Structures of participation in digital culture. Social Science Research Council, 2007. 284 c.
- Kellner D. Media culture: cultural studies, identity, and politics between the modern and the postmodern. Routledge, 1995. 357 c.
- Lister M. New media: a critical introduction. Routledge, 2003. 404 c.
- Manovich L. The language of the new media. MIT Press, 2001. 354 c.
- MirzoeffN. An introduction to visual culture. Routledge, 1997
- Nakamura L. Digitizing race: visual cultures of the Internet. U of Minnesota Press, 2007. 248 c.
- O’Brien G. Sonata for jukebox: pop music, memory, and the imagined life. Counterpoint Press, 2004. 328 c.
- O’Hara K., Brown B. Consuming music together: social and collaborative aspects of music consumption technologies. Springer, 2006. 311 c.
- Parsons J. J., OjaD. New Perspectives Computer Concepts 2010. Cengage Learning, 2010. 795 c.
- Rabinovitz L., GeilA. Memory bytes: history, technology, and digital culture. Duke University Press, 2004. 346 c.
- Rodowick D. Reading the figural, or, Philosophy after the new media. Duke University Press, 2001. 276 c.
- Taylor T. D. Strange sounds: music, technology & culture. Routledge, 2001. 278 c.
- The SAGE handbook of media studies. Ed. by J. Downing. SAGE, 2004. 629 c.
- TrendD. Reading digital culture. Willey-Blackwell, 2001. 374 c.
- Wheeler S. Connected minds, emerging cultures: cybercultures in online learning. IAP, 2008. 284 c.
- Wood A. F., Smith M. J. Online communication: linking technology, identity, and culture. Routledge, 2005. 245 c. (2nd edition)
- Цифровое инфопространство: бизнес, экономика, безопасность, юридическая сторона
- Дэвид Д’Алессандро. Войны брендов (10 правил создания непобедимой торговой марки). Перевод с англ. С. Жильцов под ред. Ю. Н. Каптуревского. СПб: Питер, 2002. 224 с: ил (Серия «Деловой бестселлер»)
- Займан С. Конец маркетинга, каким мы его знаем. Мн., 2003. 400с.
- Котлер Ф. Основы маркетинга: Пер. с англ. / Общ. ред. И вступ. Ст. Е. М. Пеньковой. М.: Прогресс, 1990. — 736 с.
- Кутлалиев А., Попов А. Эффективность рекламы. М.: Изд-во «Эксмо», 2005. 416 с. (Профессиональные издания для бизнеса)
- ЛасикаДж. Д. Даркнет: Война Голливуда против цифровой революции. Екатерингбург, 2006. 335 с.
- Малхотра, Нэреш К. Маркетинговые исследования. Практическое руководство, 3-е издание: Пер. с англ. — М.: Издательский дом «Вильяме», 2003. -960 е.: ил.
- Попов А. В. Блоги. Новая сфера влияния. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2008. 336 с.
- ТраутДж. Большие бренды большие проблемы. Перевод с англ. С. Жильцов под ред. Ю. Н. Каптуревского. СПб: Питер, 2002. 240 с: ил (Серия «Деловой бестселлер»)
- Экономика культуры / Отв. ред. А. Я. Рубинштейн. М., 2005. 608 с.
- Albarran А. В. Media economics: understanding markets, industries and concepts. Wiley-Blackwell, 2002. 229 c.
- Bilton C. Management and creativity: from creative industries to creative management. Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. 190 c.
- Britten A. Working in the music industry: how to find an exciting and varied career in the world of music. How To Books Ltd, 2004. 159 c.
- Burkart P., McCourt T. Digital music wars: ownership and control of the celestial jukebox. Rowman & Littlefield, 2006. 163 c.
- Cavanagh A. Sociology in the age of the Internet. McGraw-Hill International, 2007. 224 c.
- Compaine В. M., GomeryD. Who owns the media?: competition and concentration in the mass media industry. Routledge, 2000. 604 c.
- Cottle S. Media organisation and production. SAGE, 2003. 203 c.
- Dann A., Underwood J. How to succeed in the music business. Omnibus Press, 2003. 166 c.
- DimmickJ. W. Media competition and coexistence: the theory of the niche. Routledge, 2003. 145 c.
- Doyle G. Understanding media economics. SAGE, 2002. 184 c.
- Edgar S. L. Morality and machines: perspectives on computer ethics. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2003. 522 c.
- Gelder S. Global brand strategy: unlocking brand potential across countries, cultures & markets. Kogan Page Publishers, 2003. 260 c.
- Godwin M. Cyber rights: defending free speech in the digital age. MIT Press, 2003. 402 c.
- Gordon S. The future of the music business: how to succeed with the new digital technologies: a guide for artists and entrepreneurs, backbeat books, 2005. 269 c.
- Graham L. D. Legal battles that shaped the computer industry. Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999. 251 c.
- HalbertD. J. Resisting intellectual property. Routledge, 2005. 237 c.
- HaringB. Beyond the charts: MP3 and the digital music revolution. JM Northern Media LLC, 2000. 174 c.
- Hull G. P. The recording industry. Routledge, 2004. 335 c. (2nd edition)
- Kanter, R. Moss. Evolve!: succeeding in the digital culture of tomorrow. Harvard Business Press, 2001. 352 c.
- Keren M. Blogosphere: the new political arena. Lexington books, 2006. 165 c.
- Lessig L. Free culture: how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity. Penguin, 2004. 345 c.
- Lieberman A., Esgate P. The entertainment marketing revolution: bringing the moguls, the media, and the magic to the world. FT Press, 2002. 345 c.
- Lucchi N. Digital media & intellectual property: management of rights and consumer protection in a comparative analysis. Springer, 2006. 169 c.
- Magnani L. Morality in a technological world: knowledge as duty. Cambridge University Press, 2007. 288 c.
- MaynardN. Mega media: how market forces are transforming news. Trafford Publishing, 2000. 176 c.
- McGuire M. Hypercrime: the new geometry of harm. Routledge, 2007. 375 c.
- McPherson B. Get it in writing: the musician’s guide to the music business. Hal Leonard Corporation, 1999. 249 c.
- Mogel L. Creating your career in communications and entertainment. Routledge, 1998.302p.
- Munro A. K., HookK., Benyon D. Social navigation of information space.1. Springer, 1999. 278 с.
- Murphie A., Potts J. Culture and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
- Navigating the music industry: current issues & business models. Ed. by F. Jermance. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2003. 348 c.
- Nielsen J. Multimedia and Hypertext: the Internet and beyond. Morgan Kaufmann, 1995. 480 c.
- Picard R. G. Unique characteristics and business dynamics of media products. Journal of Media Business Studies, 2(2): 61−69 (2005).
- Ploug Th. Ethics in cyberspace. Springer, 2009. 220 c.
- Schwabach A. Internet and the law: technology, society, and compromises. ABC-CLIO, 2006. 395 c.
- Scientific American. The future of privacy. 2008, September.
- Sparrow A. Music distribution and the Internet: a legal guide for the music business. Gower Publishing Ltd., 2006.
- Spinello R. A. CyberEthics: morality and law in cyberspace. Jone & Bartlett Learning, 2003. 238 c.
- Straubhaar J. D., LaRose R. Media now: understanding media, culture, and technology. Cengage Learning, 2008. 573 c. (6th edition)
- ThussuD. K. News as entertainment: the rise of global infotainment. SAGE 2007. 214 c.
- Time and media markets. Ed. by A. B. Albarran, A. Arrese. Routledge, 2003. 177 c.
- Технологии цифровой музыки
- Харуто А. В. Музыкальная информатика: Теоретические основы: Учебное пособие. М., 2009. 400 с.
- Anderson John В. Digital transmission engineering. John Willey and Sons, 2005.
- Audio anecdotes: tools, tips, and techniques for digital audio, Volume 2. Ed. by K. Greenebaum, R. Brazel. A K Peters, Ltd., 2004. 489 c.
- Audio anecdotes: tools, tips, and techniques for digital audio. Ed. by K. Greenebaum, R. Brazel. A K Peters, Ltd., 2004. 489 c.
- BartlettB., Bartlett J. Practical Recording Techniques: The Step-by-step Approach to Professional Audio Recording. Focal Press, 2008. 631 c. (5th edition)
- Bosi M., Goldberg R. Introduction to digital audio coding and standards. Springer, 2003. 434 p.
- Breeding A. The music Internet untangled: using online services to expand your musical horizons. Giant Path pub., 2004. 211 c.
- Cacavas J., Kaplan S. The art of writing music: a practical book for composers and arrangers of instrumental, choral, and electronic music as applied to publication, films, television, recordings, and schools. Alfred Music Publishing, 1994. 196 c.
- Chanan M. Repeated takes: a short history of recording and its effects on music. Verso, 1995. 204 c.
- Collins M. A professional guide to audio plug-ins and virtual instruments. Focal Press, 2003. 625 c.
- Collins M. Pro Tools 8: Music Production, Recording, Editing and Mixing. Focal Press, 2009. 360 c.
- Francis G. REAPER User Guide v3.5. 2010. http://reaper.fin/userguide/ReaperUserGuide35e.pdf
- Gemmell K. Cubase 4 Tips and Tricks. PC publishing, 2007. 151 c.
- Handbook of multimedia computing. Ed. by B. Furht. CRC Press, 1999. 971 c.
- Hill B. The digital songstream: mastering the world of digital music. Routledge, 2003. 269 p.
- Hoffmann F. Encyclopedia of recorded sound, Volume 1. CRC Press, 2004. 1289 c. (2nd edition)
- HuberD. M., Runstein R. E. Modern Recording Techniques. Focal Press, 2009. 654 c. (7th edition)
- Jenkins M. Analog synthesizers: understanding, performing, buying: from the legacy of Moog to software synthesis. Elsevier, 2007. 322 c.
- Kirk R., Hunt A. Digital sound processing for music and multimedia. Focla Press, 1999. 334 c.
- Leider C. Digital audio workstation. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004. 398 c.
- MansfieldR. The Savvy Guide to Digital Music. Indy Tech Publishing, 2005. 175 c.
- Miranda E. R. Composing music with computers. Focal Press, 2001. 238 c.
- Miranda E. R. Computer sound design: synthesis techniques and programming. Focal Press, 2002. 263 c. (2nd edition)
- Multimedia systems, standards, and networks. Ed. by A. Puri, Ts. Chen. CRC Press, 2000. 636 c.
- Music and artificial intelligence: Second International Conference, ICMAI 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 12−14, 2002: proceedings. Ed. by C. Anagnostopoulou, M. Ferrand, A. Smaill. Springer, 2002. 206 c.
- Newhouse B. Producing Music with Digital Performer. Berklee Press, 2004. 222 c.
- Puckette M. The theory and technique of electronic music. World scientific, 2007. 331 c.
- Readings in multimedia computing and networking. Ed. by K. Jeffay, H. Zhang. Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. 863 c.
- Roads C. The computer music tutorial. MIT Press, 1996. 1234 c.
- Russ M. Sound synthesis and sampling. Focal Press, 1996. 400 c.
- Souvignier T. Loops and Grooves: The Musician’s Guide to Groove Machines and Loop Sequencers. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2003. 98 c.
- Standard handbook of audio and radio engineering. Ed. by J. C. Whitaker, K. Blair Benson. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2002. 1100 c.
- Strong J. PC recording studios dor dummies. For Dummies, 2005. 404 c.
- The Csound book: perspectives in software synthesis, sound design, signalprocessing, and programming. Ed. by R. Ch. Boulanger. MIT Press, 2000. 740 c.
- Truesdell C. Mastering Digital Audio Production: The Professional Music Workflow with Mac OS X. John Wiley and Sons, 2007. 591 c.
- Vines R. D. Composing Digital Music For Dummies. For Dummies, 2008. 357c.
- Watkinson J. The art of digital audio. Focal Press, 2001. 752 c. (3rd edition)
- Watkinson J. The art of sound reproduction. Focal Press, 1998. 552 c.
- Weinstein S. B. The multimedia Internet. Springer, 2005. 383 c.1. Киберпространство
- Прими красную таблетку: Наука, философия и религия в «Матрице» / Под ред. Гленна Йеффета. М., 2003. 312 с.
- Biocca F, Levy М. R. Communication in the age of virtual reality. Routledge, 1995.401 c.
- BouldM. Cyberpunk //A companion to science fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. Pp. 217−231.
- Bukatman S. Terminal identity: the virtual subject in postmodern science fiction. Duke University Press, 1993. 404 c.
- Butler A. M. William Gibson: Neuromancer //A companion to science fiction. Wiley-Blackwell, 2005. Pp. 534−543.
- Cavallaro D. Cyberpunk and cyberculture: science fiction and the work of William Gibson. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000 258 c.
- Cyberspace/cyberbodies/cyberpunk: cultures of technological embodiment. Ed. by M. Featherstone, R. Burrows. SAGE, 1995. 280 c.
- Dery M. Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century. Grove Press, 2007. 400 c.
- Edwards P. N. The closed world: computers and the politics of discourse in Cold War America. MIT Press, 1997. 462 c.
- Flanagan M., Booth A. Reload: rethinking women + cyberculture. MIT Press, 2002. 581 с.
- Gibson, William. «The Future Perfect: How Did Japan Become the Favored Default Setting for So Many Cyberpunk Writers?», Time International, 30 April 2001. Vol. 157. No. 17. http://www.time.com/time/asia/features/japan view/scifi.html
- Harris J. L., Taylor P. A. Digital matters: theoiy and culture of the matrix. Routledge, 2005. 210 c.
- HeuserS. Virtual geographies: cyberpunk at the intersection of the postmodern and science fiction. Rodopi, 2003. 257 c.
- Heim M. The metaphysics of virtual reality. Oxford University Press US, 1994.
- KitchinR. Mapping cyberspace. Routledge, 2001. 260 c.
- Matrix S. E. Cyberpop: digital lifestyles and commodity culture. CRC Press, 2006. 197 c.
- MiahA., Rich E. The medicalization of cyberspace. Routledge, 2008. 160 c.
- Nakamura L. Digitizing race: visual cultures of the Internet. U of Minessota Press, 2007. 248 c.
- Psychological aspects of cyberspace: theory, research, applications. Ed. By A. Barak. Cambridge University Press, 2008. 317 c.
- Raparzikou T. Gothic motifs in the fiction of William Gibson. Rodopi, 2004. 253 c.
- Russell C. Dream and Nightmare in William Gibson’s Architectures of Cyberspace. Altitude vol 2, 2002.
- SterlingB. The Hacker crackdown. http://www.mit.edu/haclcer/introduction.html
- Storming the reality studio: a casebook of cyberpunk and postmodern science fiction. Ed. by L. McCaffery. Duke University Press, 1991. 387 c.
- The Internet as a large-scale complex system. Ed. by K. Park, W. Willinger. Oxford University Press US, 2005. 308 c.
- The Matrix trilogy: cyberpunk reloaded. Ed. by S. Gillis. Wallflower Press, 2005. 195 c.
- Waltz M. Alternative and activist media. Edinburgh Univercity Press, 2005. 149 c.
- Whittaker J. The cyberspace handbook.1. Музыкальные культуры
- Горохов А. Музпросвет.ги. M., 2001
- Козлов А. Рок: Истоки и развитие. М., 2001.
- Конен В. Пути американской музыки. М., 1965.
- Конен В. Рождение джаза. М., 1984.
- Миф. Музыка. Обряд. (Сб. ст.) / Ред-сост. М. И. Катунян. М., 2007. 336 с.
- Музыка народов Азии и Африки: Вып. 2. М., 1973. Вып. 3. М., 1980. Вып. 4. 1984.
- Музыка народов мира: проблемы изучения. Материалы международных научных конференций. Вып. 1 / ред.-сост. В. Н, Юнусова, А. В. Харуто. М.: Научно-издательский центр «Московская консерватория», 2008. 416 с.
- Народное музыкальное творчество: Учебник / Отв. Ред. О. А. Пашина. СПб., 2005. 586 с.
- Новое сакральное пространство. Духовные традиции и современный культурный контекст: материалы научной конференции / Сб. ст. Ред.-сост. М. И. Катунян. М., 2004. 272 с.
- Руднева А. В. Русское народное музыкальное творчество: Очерки по теории фольклора. М.: Советский композитор, 1990. 224 с.
- СустелъЖ. Ацтеки: воинственные подданные Монтесумы. М., 2003.
- Сыров В.Н. Стилевые метаморфозы рока или путь к третьей музыке. Н. Новгород. Изд-во Нижегородского университета, 1997. 209 с.
- Троицкий А. Рок в Союзе: 60-е, 70-е, 80-е. М.: Искусство, 1991. 207 с.
- Тэйлор Э. Первобытная культура: в 2 кн. Кн. 1. М., 2009. 464 с. Кн. 2. М., 2009. 496 с.
- Чаки М. Идеология оперетты и венский модерн. СПб., 2001. 348 с.
- Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Rough Studies, 1999. 762 c.
- American media and mass culture: left perspectives. Ed. By D. Lazere. University of California Press, 1987. 618 c.
- Ashby A. M. The pleasure of modernist music: listening, meaning, intention, ideology. Boydell & Brewer, 2004. 404 c.
- Bad music: the music we love to hate. Ed. by Ch. Washburne, M. Demo. Routledge, 2004. 379 c.
- BenedictisA. Radiodramma e arte radiofonica: storia e funzioni della musica per radio in Italia. EDT srl, 2004. 341 c.
- Berger H. M., Carroll M. T. Global pop, local language. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2003. 352 c.
- Brewster В., Broughton F. Last night a dj saved my life: the history of the disc jockey. Grove Press, 2000. 435 c.
- Campbell P. Sh. Songs in their heads: music and its meaning in children’s lives. Oxford University Press US, 1998. 246 c.
- Crook L. Music of Northeast Brazil. Taylor & Francis, 2009. 300 c. (2nd edition)
- Danesi M. Popular culture: introductory perspectives. Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. 315 c.
- Expression in pop-rock music: a collection of critical and analytical essays (сб.) Taylor & Francis, 2000. 372 c.
- Gilbert J., Pearson E. Discographies: dance music, culture and the politics of sound. Routledge, 1999. 195 c.
- Gronow P., Saunio I. An international history of the recording industry. Continuum International Publishing Group, 1999. 230 c.
- Hannan M. Australian Guide to Careers in Music. UNSW Press, 2003. 304 c.
- Klein G. Electronic Vibration: Pop Kultur Theorie, Volume 2001. VS Verlag, 2004. 298 c.
- KoskoffE. Music cultures in the United States: an introduction. Routledge, 2005. 428 c.
- KrimsA. Music and urban geography. CRC Press, 2007. 203 c.
- LiuK. Globalization and cultural trends in China. University of Hawaii Press, 2004. 208 c.
- Livingston-Isenhour T. E., Caracas Garcia Th. G. Choro: a social history of a Brazilian popular music. Indiana University Press, 2005. 254 c.
- Longhurst B. Popular music and society. Wiley-Blackwell, 1995. 277 c.
- LysloffR. T. A., Gay L. C. Music and techno culture. Wesleyan University Press, 2003. 395 c.
- Manuel P. Popular musics of the non-Western world: an introductory survey. Oxford University Press US, 1990. 287 c.
- Matsue J. M. Making music in Japan’s underground: the Tokyo hardcore scene. Taylor & Francis, 2008. 171 c.
- Meintjes L. Sound of Africa!: making music Zulu in a South African studio. Duke University Press, 2003. 335 c.
- Moore A. Analyzing popular music. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 270 c.
- Muggleton D., Weinzierl R. The post-subcultures reader. Berg Publishers, 2003. 324 c.
- Music, space and place: popular music and cultural identity, ed. by. Sh. Whiteley, A. Bennett. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2005. 238 c.
- Perspectives. Ed. By D. Lazere. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. 477 c.
- Popular music: critical concepts in media and cultural studies, Volume 2. Ed. by S. Frith. Routledge, 2004. 430 c.
- Reynolds S. Generation ecstasy: into the world of techno and rave culture.1. Routledge, 1999. 454 c.
- Shuker R. Popular music: the key concepts. Routledge, 2005. 324 c.
- Slobin M. Subcultural sounds: micromusics of the West. Wesleyan University Press, 1993. 127 c.
- St. James Encyclopedia of popular culture. St. James Press, 2000. 613 c.
- Stars don’t stand still in the sky: music and myth. Ed. by K. Kelly, E. McDonnell. NYU Press, 1999. 287 c.
- Sylvan R. Traces of the spirit: the religious dimensions of popular music. NYU Press, 2002. 291 c.
- TaggPh. Analyzing popular music: theory, method and practice // Popular music, 2 (1982). Pp. 37−65.
- Takeuchi T. Pop music and nation: can pop music be a soft power of nation? AY, 2009. 88 c.
- Taylor S. A to X of Alternative Music. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2006. 308 c.
- The Cambridge companion to pop and rock. Ed. by S. Frith, W. Straw, J. Street. Cambridge University Press, 2001. 303 c.
- Thompson G. American culture in the 1980s. Edinburgh University Press, 2007. 236 c.
- Worlds of music: an introduction to the music of the world’s peoples. Shorter version. Ed. by J. T. Titon. Cengage Learning, 2009. 464 c. (3rd edition)
- Topno S. Musical culture of the Munda tribe. Concept Publishing Company, 2004. 589 c.
- W. Scott Haine. Culture and customs of France. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006. 315 c.
- Wang J. Brand new China: advertising, media, and commercial culture. Harvard University Press, 2008. 411 c.
- Warner T. Pop music: technology and creativity: Trevor Horn and the digital revolution. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2003. 172 c.
- Waxer L. The city of musical memory: salsa, record grooves, and popular culture in Cali, Colombia. Wesley an University Press, 2002. 316 c.
- Western music and its others: difference, representation, and appropriation in music. Ed. by G. Born, D. Hesmondhalgh. University of California Press, 2000. 360 c.
- Youth culture: identity in a postmodern world. Wiley-Blackwell, 1998. 329 c.
- Материалы по отдельным музыкальным культурам:1. Растафари
- Chevannes В. Rastafari: roots and ideology Syracuse University Press, 1994. 298 c.
- Edmonds E. B. Rastafari: from outcasts to culture bearers Oxford University Press US, 2003. 194 c.
- King S., Foster P. Reggae, Rastafari, and the Rhetoric of Social Control Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2007. 200 c.
- Veal M. Dub: soundscapes and shattered songs in Jamaican reggae. Wesley an University Press, 2007. 338 c.1. Хиппи
- Hicks M. Sixties Rock: Garage, Psychedelic, and Other Satisfactions. University of Illinois Press, 2000. 192 pages
- MacFariane S. The hippie narrative: a literary perspective on the counterculture. McFarland, 2007. 255 c.
- McCleary J.B. The hippie dictionary: a cultural encyclopedia (and phraseicon) of the 1960s and 1970s. Ten Speed Press, 2004. 704 pages1. Electronic dance
- Buckland F. Impossible dance: club culture and queer world-making. Wesley an University Press, 2002. 224 c.
- Butler M. J. Unlocking the groove: rhythm, meter, and musical design in electronic dance music. Indiana University Press, 2006. 346 c.
- Fikentscher K. «You better work!»: underground dance music in New York City. Wesley an University Press, 2000. 159 c.
- John G.St. Rave culture and religion. Routledge, 2004. 314 c.
- Shapiro P. Drum 'n' bass: the rough guide. Rough Studies, 1999. 377 c.
- Snoman R. Dance music manual: tools, toys and techniques. Focal Press, 2008. 522 c. (2nd edition)
- Verderosa T. The techno primer: the essential reference for loop-based music styles. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2002. 96 c.1. Рэп/хип-хоп
- Condry I. Hip-hop Japan: rap and the paths of cultural globalization. Duke University Press, 2006. 249 c.
- Flores J. From bomba to hip-hop: Puerto Rican culture and Latino identity. Columbia University Press, 2000. 265 c.
- Forman M. Neal M.A. That’s the joint!: the hip-hop studies reader. Routledge, 2004. 628 c.
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