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Zagorchev, A. Corporate governance and performance of financial institutions / A. Zagorchev, L. Gao //Journal of Economics and Business. Article in Press. — 2015. — URL: http://dx.doi.Org/l0.106/j.jeconbus.20l5.04.0004/. Prabha, A. Implicit guarantees, business models and banks' risktaking through the crisis: global and European perspectives / A. Prabha, C. Wihlborg// Journal of Economics and… Читать ещё >

Список использованной литературы к данному разделу (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

  • 1. Волков, А. А. Управление рисками в коммерческом банке / А. А. Волков. — М.: Омега-Л, 2006.
  • 2. Круи, М. Основы риск-менеджмента / М. Круи., 2011.
  • 3. Маслова, К. Н. Сущность интегрированного управления банковскими рисками / К. Н. Маслова // Российское предпринимательство. — 2013. — № 8 (230). — С. 27−38.
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  • 5. Энциклопедия финансового риск-менеджмента / иод ред. А. А. Лобанова, А. В. Чугунова. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2003.
  • 6. Allen, F. Networks in finance / F. Allen, A. Babus; eds. P. Kleindorfer, J. Wind //Network-Based Strategies and Competencies. — N. Y.: MacMillan. — 2009. — P. 367−382.
  • 7. Allen, F. Financial crises: theory and evidence / F. Allen, A. Babus, E. Carletti // Annual Review of Financial Economics. — 2009. — V. 1. — № 1. — P. 97−116.
  • 8. Allen, F. Asset commonality, debt maturity and systemic risk / F. Allen, A. Babus, E. Carletti //Journal of Financial Economics. — 2012. — V. 104. — № 3. — P. 519−534.
  • 9. Allen, F. Credit market competition and capital regulation / F. Allen, E. Carletti, R. Marquez // The Review of Financial Studies. — 2011. — V. 24. — P. 983−1018.
  • 10. Allen, F. Financial contagion / F. Allen, D. Gale //Journal of Political Economy. — 2000. — V. 108. — № 1. — P. 1−33.
  • 11. Anagnostis, K. Factors of weaknesses of supervisory methods as components of svstemic risk / K. Anagnostis, K. Alexios // Procedia Economics and Finance. — 2014. — V. 9. — P. 120−132.
  • 12. Angelini, P. Are banks risk averse? Intraday timing of operations in the interbank market / P. Angelini //Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. — 2000. — V. 32. — № 1. — P. 54−73.'
  • 13. Anginer, D. Has the global banking system become more fragile over time? / D. Anginer, A. Demirguc-Kunt //Journal of Financial Stability. — 2014. — V. 13. — P. 202−213.
  • 14. Apatachioae, A. New challenges in the management of banking risks /

A. Apatachioae // Procedia Economics and Finance. — 2014. — V. 15. — P. 1364−1373.

15. Beasley, M. Report on the Current State of Enterprise Risk / M. Beasley,.

B. Branson, B. Hancock. — Raleigh, NC: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2011.

  • 16. Beasley, M. Information conveyed in birring announcements of senior executives overseeing enterprise-wide risk management processes / M. Beasley, D. Pagach, R. Warr //Journal of Accounting and Auditing. — 2008. — V. 3. — P.311−332.
  • 17. Beatty, A. Regulatory capital ratios, loan loss provisioning and procyclicality / A. Beatty, S. Liao // Journal of Accounting and Economics. — 2011. — V. 52. — P. 1−20.
  • 18. Beatty, A. Financial accounting in the banking industry: a review of the empirical literature / A. Beatty, S. Liao //Journal of Accounting and Economics. — 2014. — V. 58. — P. 339−383.
  • 19. Berger, A. Does function follow organizational form? Evidence from the lending practices of large and small banks / A. Berger [et ah] //Journal of Financial Economics. — 2005. — V. 76. — № 2. — P. 237−279.
  • 20. Blum, J. Subordinated debt, market discipline, and banks' risk taking / J. Blum //Journal of Banking Finance. — V. 26. — № 7. — P. 1427—1441.
  • 21. Bramer, P. A simulation approach to evaluate systemic risk / P. Barmer, H. Gischer, Ch. Lucke // European Journal of Political Economy. — 2014. — V. 34. — P. 553−564.
  • 22. Browne, S. Risk-constrained dynamic active portfolio management /

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  • 23. Bushman, R. Thoughts on financial accounting and the banking industry / R. Bushman // Journal of Accounting and Economics. — 2014. — V. 58. — P. 384−395.
  • 24. Bushman, R. Accounting discretion, loan loss provisioning and discipline of banks' risk-taking / R. Bushman, C. Williams //Journal of Accounting and Economics. — 2012. — V. 54. — № 1. — P. 1−18.
  • 25. Butterworth, M. The emerging role of the risk manger / M. Butterworth; ed. by J. Pickford // Mastering Risk. — V. 1. — L.: Prentice Hall, 2001.
  • 26. Calomiris, C. Building an incentive compatible safety net / C. Calomiris // Journal of Banking Finance. — 1999. — V. 23. — P. 1499—1519.
  • 27. Carlin, B. Strategic price complexity in retail financial markets / B. Carlin //Journal of Financial Economics. — 2009. — V. 91. — P. 278—287.
  • 28. Carlin, B. Obfuscation, learning, and the evolution of investor sophistication / B. Carlin, G. Manzo // Review of Financial Studies. — 2011. — V. 24. — № 3. — P. 754−785.
  • 29. Certo, S. T. Influencing initial public offering investors with prestige: signaling with board structures / S. T. Certo // Academy of Management Review. — 2003. — V. 29. — № 3. — P. 432−446.
  • 30. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (C.O.S.O.). Enterprise Risk Management Framework. — N. Y.: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2004.
  • 31. Constantinescu, L. Risk management era in European credit institutions: predictable mutation in XXI century / L. Constantinescu, A. Constantinescu, A. Dumitrescu // Procedia Economics and Finance. — 2014. — V. 16. — P.314−319.
  • 32. Crouchy, M. Risk Management / M. Crouchy, D. Galai, R. Mark. — N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
  • 33. DeJonghe, О. Banks' size, scope and systemic risk: what role for conflicts of interest? / O. de Jonghe, M. Diepstraten, G. Schcpens //Journal of Banking and Finance. Article in Press. — 2015. — URL: http://dx.doi.Org/10.1016/j/ jbankfi n2014.12.024/.
  • 34. Deloitte. Enterprise Risk Management Survey Report. — L.: Deloitte&Touche, 2012.
  • 35. Diamond, D. Financial intermediation and delegated monitoring / D. Diamond // Review of Economic Studies. — 1984. — V. 51. — P. 393—414.
  • 36. Diamond, D. Monitoring and reputation: the choice between bank loans and directly placed debt / D. Diamond //Journal of Political Economy. — 1991. — V. 99. — P. 689−721.
  • 37. Flannery, M. The faces of «market» discipline / M. Flannery //Journal of Financial Services Research. — 2001. — V. 20. — P. 107—119.
  • 38. Flannery, M. Market evidence on the opaqueness of banking firms' assets / M. Flannery, S. К wan, M. Nimalendran //Journal of Financial Economics. — 2004. — V. 71. — P.419−460.
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  • 40. Foote, E. Information asymmetries and spillover risk in settlement systems / E. Foote //Journal of Banking and Finance. — 2014. — V. 42. — P. 179−190.
  • 41. Freixas, X. Systemic risk, interbank relations, and liquidity provision by the Central Bank / X. Freixas, B. Parigi, J. Rochet //Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. — 2000. — V. 32. — № 3. — Part 2. — P. 611−638.
  • 42. Freixas, X. Microeconomics of Banking / X. Freizas, J. C. Rochet. — Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2008.
  • 43. Gai, P. Contagion in financial networks / P. Gai, S. Kapadia // Proceedings of the Royal Society. — 2010. — V. 466. — P. 2401—2423.
  • 44. Gao, T. Optimal hedging strategy for risk management on a network / T. Gao [et al.] //Journal of Financial Stability. — 2015. — V. 16. — P. 31—44.
  • 45. Gorton, G. Bank panics and the endogeneity of central banking / G. Gorton, L. Huang //Journal of Monetary Economics. — 2006. — V. 53. — № 7. — P. 1613−1629.
  • 46. Grossman, R. Double liability and bank risk taking / R. Grossman // Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. — 2001. — V. 33. — № 2. — P. 143—159.
  • 47. Grote, G. Promoting safety by increasing uncertainty — implications for risk management / G. Grote // Safety Science. — 2015. — V. 71. — P. 71—79.
  • 48. Hall, M. How do risk managers become influential? A field study of toolmaking in two financial institutions / M. Hall, A. Mikes, Y. Millo // Management Accounting Research. — 2015. — V. 26. — P. 3—22.
  • 49. Hellwig, M. Financial intermediation with risk aversion / M. Hellwig / The Review of Economic Studies. — 2000. — V. 67. — № 4. — P. 719—742.
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  • 51. Huber, C. The dispositif of risk management: reconstructing risk management after the financial crisis / C. Hubert, T. Schcytt // Management Accounting Review. — 2013. — V. 24. — P. 88−99.
  • 52. Instefjord, N. Risk and hedging: do credit derivatives increase bank risk? / N. Instefjord //Journal of Banking and Finance. — 2005. — V. 29. — P. 333−345.
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  • 5A. Jordan, S. Performing risk and the project: risk maps as mediating instruments / S. Jordan, L. Jergensen, H. Mitterhofer // Management Accounting Research. — 2013. — V. 24. — P. 156—174.
  • 55. Kappler, E. Risiko management trotz nicht abwend barer risiken / E. Kappler, T. Scheytt, C. Huber // Jahrbuch fuer Rechnungs wesen und Controlling. — 2010.'- V. 26. — P. 529−547.
  • 56. Klein, A. Audit committee board of director characteristics, and earnings management / A. Klein //Journal of Accounting and Economics. — 2002. — V. 33. — № 3. — P. 375−400.
  • 57. Kohler, M. Which banks are more risky? The impact of business models on bank stability / M. Kohler //Journal of Financial Stability. — 2015. — V. 16. — P. 195−212.
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  • 60. Laeven, L. Corporate governance: what’s special about banks? /

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  • 73. Prabha, A. Implicit guarantees, business models and banks' risktaking through the crisis: global and European perspectives / A. Prabha, C. Wihlborg// Journal of Economics and Business. — 2014. — V. 76. — P. 10—38.
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