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Event funding and marketing

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E xpenses on marketing are one of the main articles of account part in many companies. I t is necessary to plan (to budget) expenses on advance, to carry out scheduling of actions taking into account seasonality and other factors. O ne of the new directions marketing activity is event marketing which allows the company to increase recognition of a brand. E vent marketing has a pronounced social… Читать ещё >

Event funding and marketing (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Listofcontents1 Financing fundamentals in marketing
  • 2. Event marketing in activity of marketing department
    • 2. 1. Problem definition
    • 2. 2. Theoretical basis of event funding and marketing
    • 2. 3. Example of event marketing in Pelican Avto
  • Conclusion
  • Listofliteratures

". I t was caused huge discussions in the Internet. A the same time thousands of car owners started finding round magnetic stickers with the image of a pelican and an inscription «You pelicanned! «and address web site «Pelican captain» on cowls of the cars.

A nd in a week the first eyewitnesses sawa group of 15 pelicans celebrating a wedding in a street. W ithin three weeks people could contemplate «mad» birds on the street, but they didn’t answer to any questions, and joyfully involved citizens in the holiday, visited supermarkets, went down in the subway, started ridiculous squabbles with confused police officers. «Pelicans» moved on three Nissan cars which boards were painted with an aerographics with sketches from «pelican» life.

Then the second stage began — «Follow a pelican!». Pelicans with megaphones moved around the city on Nissan cars, carrying away going afterwards on test drive. As a result three times a day column from 15−20 carscame to test drive, and there were appeared carts with an automobile wheel and a motor show logoin capital supermarkets.

However not always provocative marketing welcome, not everybody is capable to accept it. Sometimes people feel misguided. Therefore it is necessary to be the accurate with such events: they have to be surely supported with rather powerful complex of marketing actions for brand promotion.

As a whole, level of use of technologies of event-marketing of the Pelican Avtocompany is quite high. Specialists of marketing and PR departments find new methods of company positioning in the market, paying enough attention to social policy of the company. Every year in an arsenal of the Pelican Avto appears more and more special events. The company expands and grows, due to not only competent policy of quality, but also the correct use of technologies of event-marketing


E xpenses on marketing are one of the main articles of account part in many companies. I t is necessary to plan (to budget) expenses on advance, to carry out scheduling of actions taking into account seasonality and other factors. O ne of the new directions marketing activity is event marketing which allows the company to increase recognition of a brand. E vent marketing has a pronounced social focus.

P rocess of the organization of event-actions assumes that the event will be organized not only under a certain brand, but also can have character of the large project where some brands as partners, sponsors, etc. take part.

Depending on the volume of participation in action the sums of expenses for sponsorship will differ. But in any case they will be lower, than when carrying out similar action by own efforts. That is event marketing by sponsorship is more cost-friendly, than creation of all event at own expense.

We discussed on of the successful example of marketing event conducted by one of the Nissan dealer Pelican Avto. Resultsofthiseventwere:

Effective emotion connection between brand and consumer

Involve consumer in marketing event that resulted in loyalty growth to company;

Other marketing instruments were activated such as PR and BTL;

Growth in sales.


International experience of event marketing assessment // International economy and International economy relation, 2010.-№ 7(68).- p. 249−251

David C. Court. A New Model for Marketing // The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009, No 4, p. 4−5

Event Marketing — Obtaining Sponsorship and Funding//


Dushkina M.R. PR promotion in marketing: communication and influence, techniques and psychology.-M.Infa, 2010.-318 p.

International experience of event marketing assessment // International economy and International economy relation, 2010.-№ 7(68).- p. 249−251

David C. Court. A New Model for Marketing // The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009, No 4, p. 4−5

Event Marketing — Obtaining Sponsorship and Funding//


Dushkina M.R. PR promotion in marketing: communication and influence, techniques and psychology.-M.Infa, 2010.-318 p.

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Список литературы

  1. Listofliteratures
  2. International experience of event marketing assessment // International economy and International economy relation, 2010.-№ 7(68).- p. 249−251
  3. David C. Court. A New Model for Marketing // The McKinsey Quarterly, 2009, No 4, p. 4−5
  4. Event Marketing — Obtaining Sponsorship and Funding//http://www.eply.com/event-marketing-obtaining-sponsorship-and-funding/
  5. Dushkina M.R. PR promotion in marketing: communication and influence, techniques and psychology.-M.Infa, 2010.-318 p.
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