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Incentive Tour

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When an organization properly designs an incentive program, which includes looking at all departments which will be affected, rather than just the impact to the department that is sponsoring the incentive, the return on investment can be proven Incentive travel investments yield a return of investment of more than $ 4:$ 1. In addition, executives state that in order to achieve the same effect… Читать ещё >

Incentive Tour (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

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МІНІСТЕРСТВА ОСВІТИ І НАУКИ Кафедра іноземних мов професійного спілкування Реферат з англійської мови на тему:

«Incentive Tour»

Виконав: студент гр. МТУ 141

Павлов Руслан Володимирович Запоріжжя


1. Proem

2. Useful Effect

3. Psychology of the incentive

4. Benefits of Incentive Travel

5. Group and Individual Incentives

6. Cruise Incentives

7. Literature

1. Proem

tourism incentive program religious

Incentive tourism represents one of the most effective ways of rewarding and motivating your employees, business partners and clients. Financial incentives quickly become commonplace. Unlike them, incentive tourism offers endless opportunities and — if arranged in a professional way — is original and unforgettable.

In the Czech Republic, this type of tourism started to develop in the 1990s, especially under the influence of multinational companies that started their operations on Czech market. They started to motivate their Czech employees and other persons involved in their business processes by foreign journeys.

Incentive tourism events are usually organized for rewarded employees and their family members.

This kind of tourism is organizing trips for employees of travel companies for recreation and entertainment to promote their professional diligence and increase motivation. It also applies on:

Sellers on package tours and individual clients to promote their professional activities.

2. Useful Effect

Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program, which is a business tool used to change behavior to improve profit, cash flow, employee engagement and customer engagement.

When an organization properly designs an incentive program, which includes looking at all departments which will be affected, rather than just the impact to the department that is sponsoring the incentive, the return on investment can be proven Incentive travel investments yield a return of investment of more than $ 4:$ 1. In addition, executives state that in order to achieve the same effect of incentive travel, an employee’s total base compensation would need to be increased by 8.5%.

The Incentive Research Foundation released a study «The Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Program» in 2010. This study follows the steps that this organization took to ensure that they received a return on their investment; they successfully merged acquired organizations into their company and that they successfully merged their incentive programs.

Incentive tourism professional sellers tours designed to familiarize them with the product or services that they offer for sale. They investigate all aspects of the products offered to increase sales. This species is common in the travel agencies, hotels, transport organizations and leads to improved customer service.

3. Psychology of the incentive

Psychological aspects are important, e.g.:

* Public reward of a job achievement or continuous job performance

* Family and social prestige

* Getting acquainted with new destinations

* Participating in programs that are unavailable through regular tourism

* The following aspect is differentiate incentive tourism from standard events

Modern character of tourism demand is influenced by subjective factors. With the emergence of new values in human psychology is undergoing profound changes. They are created in the investigation with the following points:

* Freer self-expression and self-assertion directly to their physical and spiritual data;

* Revision of relations with other individuals, social groups and institutions. These relationships are more soft and flexible and depend mainly on the choice of the person;

* The formation of a relationship with nature, in which, as noted in the final report of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED -92), «people restrain their pride and selfishness and consumption will try to live in harmony with Nature.

This is reflected in the concept of sustainable development based on a sustainable nature, providing a high quality of life of people in the chain of generations. Sustainable development is put forward as the main task of humanity at the turn of the century.

Common options of incentive tourism that designed to stimulate cohesion of workers are:

* A key role in the development of tourism as cultural and educational factors;

* The growing importance of religious tourism;

* An increasing number of tourist development organizations and religious pilgrimage tours;

* Increasing focus on event tourism;

* Rural tourism — is not only saving money for personal travel consumer, but also solutions to complex social problems — initiation to the nature of children and youth;

* Sports tourism begins to regain its relevance with simultaneous increase of the requirements for its safety and comfort;

Organized tourist trips for professionals (employees of travel agencies) largely stimulate increasing tourist demand .

4. Benefits Of Incentive Travel

Formal strategies, such as incentive programs, play a critical role in drawing attention to organization values, driving the behaviors that count, fostering loyalty and commitment, and encouraging participation. Positive recognition is the most effective way to reinforce desired behaviors. People tend to repeat the behaviors that they believe will be rewarded.

Properly structured promotions go beyond spurring one-time behaviors. They thank in a way that builds loyalty over time through sustained recognition. The benefits include higher profit margins, increased sales, increased market share, greater net income per employee, and increased innovation. Tangible recognition, like travel, provides a way not only to thank major contributors dramatically but also to send a message throughout the organization that outstanding performance is highly valued.

When you determine whether or not to do a travel Incentive, there are tangible and intangible benefits to consider. It is fairly easy to put a dollar value on certain tangible benefits, namely, your return on investment. It is quite difficult, however, to place a value on intangible benefits, which include:

* Competitive — Incentives can be used to maintain and/or increase market share

* Customer Relationship Management — Incentive travel allows you to build important relationships with your customers

* Incentives Foster loyalty

* Create enthusiastic customers — There are 3 different customers: satisfied, dissatisfied, and enthusiastic. The goal of every organization today is to create enthusiastic customers. «It's said that an enthusiastic customer will tell up to 15 others about their positive experience with your organization… they become ambassadors for your organization. Enthusiastic customers will encourage and influence their colleagues to do business with your organization.»

* Trophy Value — Travel has a certain aura, and creates wonderful memories for years to come. Your customers remember their incentive experience to Cancun much more than they remember receiving a check. Most incentive winners say they do not remember what they did with cash incentives — maybe paid a few bills, or repaired the dishwasher. Travel gives them an opportunity to build memories that will last a lifetime.

*Motivation — Travel has the highest perceived value of any incentive. Your customers will be motivated to do whatever it takes to win the travel incentive.

*Personal — Travel appeals to your customer’s competitive spirit, their need to be recognized, and their desire for travel. It builds personal relationships with your customer and fosters tremendous loyalty to the organization.

5. Group and Individual Incentives

Group Incentives

Group incentive travel is the ultimate form of recognition. Motivate and recognize your customers (internal or external) in a group setting whenever possible. This fosters a sense of teamwork, loyalty, and camaraderie, which enhances the long-term motivational impact. It enables the leadership of an organization to network with their customers in a unique environment. This networking is one of the greatest values to any incentive program.

Individual Incentives

Individual Incentive travel programs give recipients autonomy and are popular for many incentive programs that would not accommodate a group of individuals out of the office at one time. Individual incentive travel offers more flexibility to your winner to choose the destination, the resort, and/or the time of year, that best suits their lifestyle and needs. Individual travel incentives are available in a wide range of prices and are sure to accommodate any budget.

Awards can be selected for travel in off-peak or year round availability. Certificates are good for one year and prices are per couple based on double occupancy. Gifts can be presented in a certificate form complimentary.

The need to inspire employees, members, distributors, dealers, and customers is more important than ever. Travel incentives have a proven ability to improve sales, raise productivity, ensure safety, reduce turnover, increase market share, reward brand loyalty, lift morale, and improve attendance. Travel incentives are a great vehicle to motivate, drive their overall business performance, and bring additional dollars to the bottom line.

6. Cruise Incentives

The sea has always been a source of adventure, excitement, wonder and romance. Motivate and inspire your participants with an experience on board a floating resort hotel — your cruise ship and you have an unforgettable experience certain to inspire like no other! Less than 15% of the population has cruised. Now, more than ever, cruising has become one of the most sought after experiences.

«The cruise market has been growing in size and scope, beckoning programs that rival even the most luxurious land-based resorts. The satisfaction ratings of cruisers are the highest among all venues… everything a resort offers, and wrapped up in one simple package», as quoted in Successful Meetings/Incentive May 2004. Cruises are now offered from ports closer to home, thereby eliminating the need for flights for many guests. Cruising is all-inclusive and offers something for everyone. Travel to exotic destinations and have the convenience of unpacking one time. On shore events including golf, sightseeing, shopping, water sports, and more can be experienced at many ports of call.

With such a wide variety of cruise ships available, the professional advice and assistance from Sutton & Associates will provide you with invaluable consultation. Selecting the right ship, ambience, and experience for your valued guests is critical to the success of your program.


1. www.wikipedia.org

2. www.tourlib.net

3. www.changeminor.wordpress.com

4. Zorin IV, Katerina TP, Quarterly VA «Tourism as a professional activity» in 2005. 288 p.

5. Babkin A.V. «Special forms of tourism». Rostov on Don, Phoenix. In 2008. — 252 p.

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