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Правовая система современного российского общества

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Function _store_setup () record 0×00A1; Record identifier length 0×0022; Number of bytes to follow iPaperSize this_paper_size; Paper size iScale this_print_scale; Print scaling factor iPageStart 0×01; Starting page number iFitWidth this_fit_width; Fit to number of pages wide iFitHeight this_fit_height; Fit to number of pages high grbit 0×00; Option flags iRes 0×0258; Print resolution iVRes… Читать ещё >

Правовая система современного российского общества (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


    • 1. 1. Понятиеᅠ правовойᅠ системыᅠ России
    • 1. 2. ᅠ Элементыᅠ системыᅠ права
    • 2. 1. ᅠ Проблемаᅠ генезисаᅠ правовойᅠ системыᅠ России
    • 3. 2. ᅠ Рецепцияᅠ правовойᅠ системыᅠ России
    • 3. 1. ᅠ Правоваяᅠ системаᅠ России:ᅠ вызовыᅠ времени
    • 3. 2. ᅠ Принципыᅠ формированияᅠ правовыхᅠ системᅠ субъектов

We use this information in the _protect_identifiers to know whether to add a table prefix this_track_aliases (val);

thisar_from this_protect_identifiers (val, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_from this_protect_identifiers (val, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

thisar_cache_exists 'from';

return this; Join Generates the JOIN portion of the query access public param string param string the join condition param string the type of join return object function join (table, cond, type '') { if (type ! '').

type strtoupper (trim (type));

if (! in_array (type, array ('LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'OUTER', 'INNER', 'LEFT OUTER', 'RIGHT OUTER'))) type '';

else type. ' ';

Extract any aliases that might exist. We use this information in the _protect_identifiers to know whether to add a table prefix this_track_aliases (table);

Strip apart the condition and protect the identifiers if (preg_match ('(+)(+)(.+)', cond, match)) match this_protect_identifiers (match);

match this_protect_identifiers (match);

cond match.match.match;

Assemble the JOIN statement join type.'JOIN '.this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE).' ON '.cond;

thisar_join join;

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_join join;

thisar_cache_exists 'join';

return this; Where Generates the WHERE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with AND access public param mixed param mixed return object function where (key, value NULL, escape TRUE) return this_where (key, value, 'AND ', escape);

OR Where Generates the WHERE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with OR access public param mixed param mixed return object function or_where (key, value NULL, escape TRUE) return this_where (key, value, 'OR ', escape); orwhere () is an alias of or_where () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orwhere () has been deprecated function orwhere (key, value NULL, escape TRUE) return thisor_where (key, value, escape); Where Called by where () or orwhere () access private param mixed param mixed param string return object function _where (key, value NULL, type 'AND ', escape NULL) if (! is_array (key)) key array (key value);

If the escape value was not set will will base it on the global setting if (! is_bool (escape)) escape this_protect_identifiers;

foreach (key as k v) prefix (count (thisar_where) 0 AND count (thisar_cache_where) 0)? '': type;

if (is_null (v) ! this_has_operator (k)) value appears not to have been set, assign the test to IS NULL k. ' IS NULL';

if (! is_null (v)) if (escape TRUE) k this_protect_identifiers (k, FALSE, escape);

v ' '.thisescape (v);

if (! this_has_operator (k)) k. ' ';

else k this_protect_identifiers (k, FALSE, escape);

thisar_where prefix.k.v; if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_where prefix.k.v; thisar_cache_exists 'where';

return this; Where_in Generates a WHERE field IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with AND if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function where_in (key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in (key, values);

Where_in_or Generates a WHERE field IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with OR if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function or_where_in (key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in (key, values, FALSE, 'OR ');

Where_not_in Generates a WHERE field NOT IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with AND if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function where_not_in (key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in (key, values, TRUE);

Where_not_in_or Generates a WHERE field NOT IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with OR if appropriate access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on return object function or_where_not_in (key NULL, values NULL) return this_where_in (key, values, TRUE, 'OR ');

Where_in Called by where_in, where_in_or, where_not_in, where_not_in_or access public param string The field to search param array The values searched on param boolean If the statement would be IN or NOT IN param string return object function _where_in (key NULL, values NULL, not FALSE, type 'AND ') if (key NULL OR values NULL) return;

if (! is_array (values)) values array (values);

not (not)? ' NOT': '';

foreach (values as value) thisar_wherein thisescape (value);

prefix (count (thisar_where) 0)? '': type;

where_in prefix. this_protect_identifiers (key). not. implode (, thisar_wherein).;

thisar_where where_in;

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_where where_in;

thisar_cache_exists 'where';

reset the array for multiple calls thisar_wherein array ();

return this;

Like Generates a LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with AND access public param mixed param mixed return object function like (field, match '', side 'both') return this_like (field, match, 'AND ', side);

Not Like Generates a NOT LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with AND access public param mixed param mixed return object function not_like (field, match '', side 'both') return this_like (field, match, 'AND ', side, 'NOT');

OR Like Generates a LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with OR access public param mixed param mixed return object function or_like (field, match '', side 'both') return this_like (field, match, 'OR ', side);

OR Not Like Generates a NOT LIKE portion of the query. Separates multiple calls with OR access public param mixed param mixed return object function or_not_like (field, match '', side 'both') return this_like (field, match, 'OR ', side, 'NOT');

orlike () is an alias of or_like () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orlike () has been deprecated function orlike (field, match '', side 'both') return thisor_like (field, match, side);

Like Called by like () or orlike () access private param mixed param mixed param string return object function _like (field, match '', type 'AND ', side 'both', not '') if (! is_array (field)) field array (field match);

foreach (field as k v) k this_protect_identifiers (k);

prefix (count (thisar_like) 0)? '': type;

v thisescape_str (v);

if (side 'before') like_statement prefix." k not LIKE ''" ;

elseif (side 'after') like_statement prefix." k not LIKE ''" ;

else like_statement prefix." k not LIKE ''" ;

thisar_like like_statement;

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_like like_statement;

thisar_cache_exists 'like';

return this;

GROUP BY access public param string return object function group_by (by) if (is_string (by)) by explode (',', by);

foreach (by as val) val trim (val);

if (val ! '').

thisar_groupby this_protect_identifiers (val);

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_groupby this_protect_identifiers (val);

thisar_cache_exists 'groupby';

return this;

groupby () is an alias of group_by () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as groupby () has been deprecated function groupby (by) return thisgroup_by (by);

} Sets the HAVING value Separates multiple calls with AND access public param string param string return object function having (key, value '', escape TRUE) return this_having (key, value, 'AND ', escape);

orhaving () is an alias of or_having () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orhaving () has been deprecated function orhaving (key, value '', escape TRUE) return thisor_having (key, value, escape);

} Sets the OR HAVING value Separates multiple calls with OR access public param string param string return object function or_having (key, value '', escape TRUE) return this_having (key, value, 'OR ', escape);

Sets the HAVING values Called by having () or or_having () access private param string param string return object function _having (key, value '', type 'AND ', escape TRUE) if (! is_array (key)) key array (key value);

foreach (key as k v) prefix (count (thisar_having) 0)? '': type;

if (escape TRUE) k this_protect_identifiers (k);

if (! this_has_operator (k)) k. ' ';

if (v ! '').

v ' '.thisescape_str (v);

thisar_having prefix.k.v;

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_having prefix.k.v;

thisar_cache_exists 'having';

return this;

Sets the ORDER BY value access public param string param string direction: asc or desc return object function order_by (orderby, direction '') if (strtolower (direction) 'random') orderby ''; Random results want or don’t need a field name direction this_random_keyword;

elseif (trim (direction) ! '').

direction (in_array (strtoupper (trim (direction)), array ('ASC', 'DESC'), TRUE))? ' '.direction: ' ASC';

if (strpos (orderby, ',') ! FALSE) temp array ();

foreach (explode (',', orderby) as part) part trim (part);

if (! in_array (part, thisar_aliased_tables)) part this_protect_identifiers (trim (part));

temp part;

orderby implode (', ', temp);

else if (direction ! this_random_keyword) orderby this_protect_identifiers (orderby);

orderby_statement orderby. direction;

thisar_orderby orderby_statement;

if (thisar_caching TRUE) thisar_cache_orderby orderby_statement;

thisar_cache_exists 'orderby';

return this;

orderby () is an alias of order_by () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as orderby () has been deprecated function orderby (orderby, direction '') return thisorder_by (orderby, direction);

Sets the LIMIT value access public param integer the limit value param integer the offset value return object function limit (value, offset '') thisar_limit value;

if (offset ! '').

thisar_offset offset;

return this;

Sets the OFFSET value access public param integer the offset value return object function offset (offset) thisar_offset offset;

return this;

The function. Allows keyvalue pairs to be set for inserting or updating access public param mixed param string param boolean return object function set (key, value '', escape TRUE) key this_object_to_array (key);

if (! is_array (key)) key array (key value);

} foreach (key as k v) if (escape FALSE) thisar_set[this_protect_identifiers (k)] v;

else thisar_set[this_protect_identifiers (k)] thisescape (v);

return this;

Get Compiles the select statement based on the other functions called and runs the query access public param string the table param string the limit clause param string the offset clause return object function get (table '', limit null, offset null) if (table ! '').

this_track_aliases (table);

thisfrom (table);

if (! is_null (limit)) thislimit (limit, offset);

sql this_compile_select ();

result thisquery (sql);

this_reset_select ();

return result;

" Count All Results" query Generates a platformspecific query string that counts all records returned by an Active Record query.

access public param string return string function count_all_results (table '') if (table ! '').

this_track_aliases (table);

thisfrom (table);

sql this_compile_select (this_count_string. this_protect_identifiers ('numrows'));

query thisquery (sql);

this_reset_select ();

if (querynum_rows () 0) return '0';

row queryrow ();

return rownumrows;

Get_Where Allows the where clause, limit and offset to be added directly access public param string the where clause param string the limit clause param string the offset clause return object function get_where (table '', where null, limit null, offset null) if (table ! '').

thisfrom (table);

if (! is_null (where)) thiswhere (where);

if (! is_null (limit)) thislimit (limit, offset); sql this_compile_select (); result thisquery (sql); this_reset_select ();

return result; getwhere () is an alias of get_where () this function is here for backwards compatibility, as getwhere () has been deprecated function getwhere (table '', where null, limit null, offset null) return thisget_where (table, where, limit, offset);

Insert Compiles an insert string and runs the query access public param string the table to retrieve the results from param array an associative array of insert values return object function insert (table '', set NULL) { if (! is_null (set)) thisset (set);

if (count (thisar_set) 0) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_use_set');

return FALSE; if (table '') if (! isset (thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_set_table');

return FALSE; table thisar_from;

sql this_insert (this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), array_keys (thisar_set), array_values (thisar_set));

this_reset_write ();

return thisquery (sql);

Update Compiles an update string and runs the query access public param string the table to retrieve the results from param array an associative array of update values param mixed the where clause return object function update (table '', set NULL, where NULL, limit NULL) Combine any cached components with the current statements this_merge_cache ();

if (! is_null (set)) thisset (set);

if (count (thisar_set) 0) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_use_set');

return FALSE;

if (table '') if (! isset (thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_set_table');

return FALSE;

table thisar_from;

if (where ! NULL) thiswhere (where);

if (limit ! NULL) thislimit (limit);

sql this_update (this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE), thisar_set, thisar_where, thisar_orderby, thisar_limit);

this_reset_write ();

return thisquery (sql);

Empty Table Compiles a delete string and runs «DELETE FROM table» access public param string the table to empty return object function empty_table (table '') if (table '') if (! isset (thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_set_table');

return FALSE;

table thisar_from;

else table this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

sql this_delete (table);

this_reset_write ();

return thisquery (sql);

Truncate Compiles a truncate string and runs the query If the database does not support the truncate () command This function maps to «DELETE FROM table» access public param string the table to truncate return object function truncate (table '') if (table '') if (! isset (thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_set_table');

return FALSE;

table thisar_from;

else table this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);

sql this_truncate (table);

this_reset_write ();

return thisquery (sql);

Delete Compiles a delete string and runs the query access public param mixed the table (s) to delete from. String or array param mixed the where clause param mixed the limit clause param boolean return object function delete (table '', where '', limit NULL, reset_data TRUE) Combine any cached components with the current statements this_merge_cache ();

if (table '') if (! isset (thisar_from)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_must_set_table');

return FALSE;

table thisar_from;

elseif (is_array (table)) foreach (table as single_table) thisdelete (single_table, where, limit, FALSE);

this_reset_write ();

return; else table this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); if (where ! '') thiswhere (where);

if (limit ! NULL) thislimit (limit); if (count (thisar_where) 0 count (thisar_wherein) 0 count (thisar_like)) if (thisdb_debug) return thisdisplay_error ('db_del_must_use_where');

return FALSE;

} sql this_delete (table, thisar_where, thisar_like, thisar_limit);

if (reset_data) this_reset_write ();

return thisquery (sql); DB Prefix Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration access public param string the table return string function dbprefix (table '') if (table '') thisdisplay_error ('db_table_name_required');

return thisdbprefix. table;

Track Aliases Used to track SQL statements written with aliased tables.

access private param string The table to inspect return string function _track_aliases (table) if (is_array (table)) foreach (table as t) this_track_aliases (t); return; Does the string contain a comma? If so, we need to separate the string into discreet statements if (strpos (table, ',') ! FALSE) return this_track_aliases (explode (',', table));

if a table alias is used we can recognize it by a space if (strpos (table,) ! FALSE) if the alias is written with the AS keyword, remove it table preg_replace (' AS i', ' ', table);

Grab the alias table trim (strrchr (table,));

Store the alias, if it doesn’t already exist if (! in_array (table, thisar_aliased_tables)) thisar_aliased_tables table;

Compile the SELECT statement Generates a query string based on which functions were used.

Should not be called directly. The get () function calls it.

access private return string function _compile_select (select_override FALSE) Combine any cached components with the current statements this_merge_cache ();

Write the portion of the query if (select_override ! FALSE) sql select_override;

else sql (! thisar_distinct)? 'SELECT ': 'SELECT DISTINCT ';

if (count (thisar_select) 0) sql. '';

else { Cycle through the portion of the query and prep each column name.

The reason we protect identifiers here rather then in the select () function is because until the user calls the from () function we don’t know if there are aliases foreach (thisar_select as key val) thisar_select this_protect_identifiers (val);

sql. implode (', ', thisar_select);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_from) 0) sql.;

sql. this_from_tables (thisar_from);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_join) 0) sql.;

sql. implode (, thisar_join);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_where) 0 OR count (thisar_like) 0) sql.; sql.; sql. implode (, thisar_where);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_like) 0) if (count (thisar_where) 0) sql.; sql. implode (, thisar_like);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_groupby) 0) sql.; sql. implode (', ', thisar_groupby);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_having) 0) sql.; sql. implode (, thisar_having);

Write the portion of the query if (count (thisar_orderby) 0) sql.; sql. implode (', ', thisar_orderby);

if (thisar_order ! FALSE) sql. (thisar_order 'desc')? ' DESC': ' ASC'; } Write the portion of the query if (is_numeric (thisar_limit)) sql.; sql this_limit (sql, thisar_limit, thisar_offset);

return sql; Object to Array Takes an object as input and converts the class variables to array keyvals access public param object return array function _object_to_array (object) if (! is_object (object)) return object; array array (); foreach (get_object_vars (object) as key val) There are some built in keys we need to ignore for this conversion if (! is_object (val) ! is_array (val) key ! '_parent_name' key ! '_ci_scaffolding' key ! '_ci_scaff_table') array val;

return array; Start Cache Starts AR caching access public return void function start_cache () thisar_caching TRUE;

Stop Cache Stops AR caching access public return void function stop_cache () thisar_caching FALSE;

Flush Cache Empties the AR cache access public return void function flush_cache () { this_reset_run (array ('ar_cache_select' array (), 'ar_cache_from' array (), 'ar_cache_join' array (), 'ar_cache_where' array (), 'ar_cache_like' array (), 'ar_cache_groupby' array (), 'ar_cache_having' array (), 'ar_cache_orderby' array (), 'ar_cache_set' array (), 'ar_cache_exists' array ());

Merge Cache When called, this function merges any cached AR arrays with locally called ones.

access private return void function _merge_cache () if (count (thisar_cache_exists) 0) return;

foreach (thisar_cache_exists as val) ar_variable 'ar_'.val;

ar_cache_var 'ar_cache_'.val;

if (count (thisar_cache_var) 0) continue;

thisar_variable array_unique (array_merge (thisar_cache_var, thisar_variable));

If we are «protecting identifiers» we need to examine the portion of the query to determine if there are any aliases if (this_protect_identifiers TRUE AND count (thisar_cache_from) 0) this_track_aliases (thisar_from);

Resets the active record values. Called by the get () function access private param array An array of fields to reset return void function _reset_run (ar_reset_items) foreach (ar_reset_items as item default_value) if (! in_array (item, thisar_store_array)) thisitem default_value;

Resets the active record values. Called by the get () function access private return void function _reset_select () ar_reset_items array ('ar_select' array (), 'ar_from' array (), 'ar_join' array (), 'ar_where' array (), 'ar_like' array (), 'ar_groupby' array (), 'ar_having' array (), 'ar_orderby' array (), 'ar_wherein' array (), 'ar_aliased_tables' array (), 'ar_distinct' FALSE, 'ar_limit' FALSE, 'ar_offset' FALSE, 'ar_order' FALSE,);

this_reset_run (ar_reset_items); Resets the active record values.

Called by the insert () update () and delete () functions access private return void function _reset_write () { ar_reset_items array ('ar_set' array (), 'ar_from' array (), 'ar_where' array (), 'ar_like' array (), 'ar_orderby' array (), 'ar_limit' FALSE, 'ar_order' FALSE);

this_reset_run (ar_reset_items);

class CI_DB_odbc_driver extends CI_DB { var dbdriver 'odbc';

the character used to excape not necessary for ODBC var _escape_char '';

The syntax to count rows is slightly different across different database engines, so this string appears in each driver and is used for the count_all () and count_all_results () functions.

var _count_string «SELECT COUNT () AS «;

var _random_keyword;

function CI_DB_odbc_driver (params) parent: CI_DB (params);

this_random_keyword ' RND ('.time ().')'; database specific random keyword Nonpersistent database connection access private called by the base class return resource function db_connect () return odbc_connect (thishostname, thisusername, thispassword);

Persistent database connection access private called by the base class return resource function db_pconnect () return odbc_pconnect (thishostname, thisusername, thispassword);

Select the database access private called by the base class return resource function db_select () Not needed for ODBC return TRUE;

Set client character set access public param string param string return resource function db_set_charset (charset, collation) todo add support if needed return TRUE;

Version number query string access public return string function _version () return «SELECT version () AS ver» ;

Execute the query access private called by the base class param string an SQL query return resource function _execute (sql) sql this_prep_query (sql);

return odbc_exec (thisconn_id, sql);

Prep the query If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string access private called by execute () param string an SQL query return string function _prep_query (sql) return sql;

Begin Transaction access public return bool function trans_begin (test_mode FALSE) if (! thistrans_enabled) return TRUE;

When transactions are nested we only begincommitrollback the outermost ones if (this_trans_depth 0) return TRUE;

Reset the transaction failure flag.

If the test_mode flag is set to TRUE transactions will be rolled back even if the queries produce a successful result.

this_trans_failure (test_mode TRUE)? TRUE: FALSE;

return odbc_autocommit (thisconn_id, FALSE);

Commit Transaction access public return bool function trans_commit () if (! thistrans_enabled) return TRUE;

When transactions are nested we only begincommitrollback the outermost ones if (this_trans_depth 0) return TRUE;

ret odbc_commit (thisconn_id);

odbc_autocommit (thisconn_id, TRUE);

return ret;

Rollback Transaction access public return bool function trans_rollback () if (! thistrans_enabled) return TRUE;

When transactions are nested we only begincommitrollback the outermost ones if (this_trans_depth 0) return TRUE;

ret odbc_rollback (thisconn_id);

odbc_autocommit (thisconn_id, TRUE);

return ret;

Escape String access public param string return string function escape_str (str) Access the CI object CI get_instance ();

ODBC doesn’t require escaping return CI_remove_invisible_characters (str);

Affected Rows access public return integer function affected_rows () return odbc_num_rows (thisconn_id);

Insert ID access public return integer function insert_id () return odbc_insert_id (thisconn_id);

query Generates a platformspecific query string that counts all records in the specified database access public param string return string function count_all (table '') if (table '') return 0;

query thisquery (this_count_string. this_protect_identifiers ('numrows'). this_protect_identifiers (table, TRUE, NULL, FALSE));

if (querynum_rows () 0) return 0;

row queryrow ();

return (int) rownumrows;

Show table query Generates a platformspecific query string so that the table names can be fetched access private param boolean return string function _list_tables (prefix_limit FALSE) sql «SHOW TABLES FROM `» .thisdatabase.;

if (prefix_limit ! FALSE AND thisdbprefix ! '').


return FALSE; not currently supported return sql;

Show column query Generates a platformspecific query string so that the column names can be fetched access public param string the table name return string function _list_columns (table '') return «SHOW COLUMNS FROM «.table;

Field data query Generates a platformspecific query so that the column data can be retrieved access public param string the table name return object function _field_data (table) return «SELECT TOP 1 FROM «.table;

The error message string access private return string function _error_message () return odbc_errormsg (thisconn_id);

The error message number access private return integer function _error_number () return odbc_error (thisconn_id);

Escape the SQL Identifiers This function escapes column and table names access private param string return string function _escape_identifiers (item) if (this_escape_char '') return item;

foreach (this_reserved_identifiers as id) if (strpos (item, '.'.id) ! FALSE) str this_escape_char. str_replace ('.', this_escape_char.'.', item);

remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace ('['.this_escape_char.']+', this_escape_char, str);

} if (strpos (item, '.') ! FALSE) str this_escape_char.str_replace ('.', this_escape_char.'.'.this_escape_char, item).this_escape_char;

else str this_escape_char.item.this_escape_char;

remove duplicates if the user already included the escape return preg_replace ('['.this_escape_char.']+', this_escape_char, str);

From Tables This function implicitly groups FROM tables so there is no confusion about operator precedence in harmony with SQL standards access public param type return type function _from_tables (tables) if (! is_array (tables)) tables array (tables);

return '('.implode (', ', tables).')';

Insert statement Generates a platformspecific insert string from the supplied data access public param string the table name param array the insert keys param array the insert values return string function _insert (table, keys, values) { return.table.implode (', ', keys).implode (', ', values).;

Update statement Generates a platformspecific update string from the supplied data access public param string the table name param array the update data param array the where clause param array the orderby clause param array the limit clause return string function _update (table, values, where, orderby array (), limit FALSE) foreach (values as key val) valstr key. val;

limit (! limit)? '': ' LIMIT '.limit;

orderby (count (orderby) 1)?' ORDER BY '.implode (, orderby):'';

sql.table.implode (', ', valstr);

sql. (where ! '' AND count (where) 1) ?.implode (, where): '';

sql. orderby. limit;

return sql;

Truncate statement Generates a platformspecific truncate string from the supplied data If the database does not support the truncate () command This function maps to «DELETE FROM table» access public param string the table name return string function _truncate (table) return this_delete (table);

Delete statement Generates a platformspecific delete string from the supplied data access public param string the table name param array the where clause param string the limit clause return string function _delete (table, where array (), like array (), limit FALSE) conditions '';

if (count (where) 0 OR count (like) 0) conditions;

conditions. implode (, thisar_where);

if (count (where) 0 count (like) 0) conditions.;

conditions. implode (, like);

limit (! limit)? '': ' LIMIT '.limit;


Limit string Generates a platformspecific LIMIT clause access public param string the sql query string param integer the number of rows to limit the query to param integer the offset value return string function _limit (sql, limit, offset) Does ODBC doesn’t use the LIMIT clause?

return sql;

Close DB Connection access public param resource return void function _close (conn_id) require_once ('Parser.php');

require_once ('BIFFwriter.php');

Class for generating Excel Spreadsheets author Xavier Noguer xnoguerrezebra.com package Spreadsheet_WriteExcel class Worksheet extends BIFFwriter { Constructor param string name The name of the new worksheet param integer index The index of the new worksheet param mixed activesheet The current activesheet of the workbook we belong to param mixed firstsheet The first worksheet in the workbook we belong to param mixed url_format The default format for hyperlinks param mixed parser The formula parser created for the Workbook function Worksheet (name, index, activesheet, firstsheet, url_format, parser) thisBIFFwriter (); It needs to call its parent’s constructor explicitly rowmax 65 536; 16 384 in Excel 5 colmax 256;

strmax 255;thisname name;thisindex index;thisactivesheet activesheet;

thisfirstsheet firstsheet;this_url_format url_format;this_parser parser;thisext_sheets array ();this_using_tmpfile 1;

this_filehandle;thisfileclosed 0;

thisoffset 0;thisxls_rowmax rowmax;

thisxls_colmax colmax;thisxls_strmax strmax;

thisdim_rowmin rowmax +1;thisdim_rowmax 0;

thisdim_colmin colmax +1;thisdim_colmax 0;

thiscolinfo array ();this_selection array (0,0,0,0);

this_panes array ();this_active_pane 3;this_frozen 0;thisselected 0;this_paper_size 0×0;this_orientation 0×1;this_header '';

this_footer '';this_hcenter 0;this_vcenter 0;

this_margin_head 0.50;this_margin_foot 0.50;this_margin_left 0.5;

this_margin_right 0.75;this_margin_top 1.00;this_margin_bottom 1.00;this_title_rowmin NULL;this_title_rowmax NULL;

this_title_colmin NULL;this_title_colmax NULL;this_print_rowmin NULL;

this_print_rowmax NULL;this_print_colmin NULL;this_print_colmax NULL;

this_print_gridlines 1;this_print_headers 0;this_fit_page 0;this_fit_width 0;this_fit_height 0;this_hbreaks array ();this_vbreaks array ();this_protect 0;this_password NULL;thiscol_sizes array ();

thisrow_sizes array ();this_zoom 100;

this_print_scale 100;this_initialize ();

Open a tmp file to store the majority of the Worksheet data. If this fails, for example due to write permissions, store the data in memory. This can be slow for large files.

function _initialize () Open tmp file for storing Worksheet data fh tmpfile ();

if (fh) { Store filehandle this_filehandle fh;

else { If tmpfile () fails store data in memory this_using_tmpfile 0;

Add data to the beginning of the workbook (note the reverse order) and to the end of the workbook.

access public see Workbook: store_workbook () param array sheetnames The array of sheetnames from the Workbook this worksheet belongs to function close (sheetnames) num_sheets count (sheetnames);

Prepend in reverse order!

Prepend the sheet dimensions this_store_dimensions ();

Prepend the sheet password this_store_password ();

Prepend the sheet protection this_store_protect ();

Prepend the page setup this_store_setup ();

Prepend the bottom margin this_store_margin_bottom ();

Prepend the top margin this_store_margin_top ();

Prepend the right margin this_store_margin_right ();

Prepend the left margin this_store_margin_left ();

Prepend the page vertical centering thisstore_vcenter ();

Prepend the page horizontal centering thisstore_hcenter ();

Prepend the page footer thisstore_footer ();

Prepend the page header thisstore_header ();

Prepend the vertical page breaks this_store_vbreak ();

Prepend the horizontal page breaks this_store_hbreak ();

Prepend WSBOOL this_store_wsbool (); Prepend GRIDSET this_store_gridset ();

Prepend PRINTGRIDLINES this_store_print_gridlines (); Prepend PRINTHEADERS this_store_print_headers (); Prepend EXTERNSHEET references for (i num_sheets; i 0; i) { sheetname sheetnames;

this_store_externsheet (sheetname); Prepend the EXTERNCOUNT of external references. this_store_externcount (num_sheets);

Prepend the COLINFO records if they exist if (!empty (thiscolinfo)){ for (i0; i count (thiscolinfo); i++) this_store_colinfo (thiscolinfo);

this_store_defcol (); Prepend the BOF record this_store_bof (0×010);

End of prepend. Read upwards from here.

Append this_store_window2();

this_store_zoom ();

if (!empty (this_panes)) this_store_panes (this_panes);

this_store_selection (this_selection);

this_store_eof ();

Retrieve the worksheet name. This is usefull when creating worksheets without a name.

access public return string The worksheet’s name function get_name () return (thisname);

Retrieves data from memory in one chunk, or from disk in buffer sized chunks.

return string The data function get_data () buffer 4096;

Return data stored in memory if (isset (this_data)) { tmp this_data;

unset (this_data);

fh this_filehandle;

if (this_using_tmpfile) { fseek (fh, 0);

return (tmp);

Return data stored on disk if (this_using_tmpfile) { if (tmp fread (this_filehandle, buffer)) { return (tmp);

No data to return return ('');

Set this worksheet as a selected worksheet, i.e. the worksheet has its tab highlighted.

access public function select () thisselected 1;

Set this worksheet as the active worksheet, i.e. the worksheet that is displayed when the workbook is opened. Also set it as selected.

access public function activate () thisselected 1;

thisactivesheet thisindex;

Set this worksheet as the first visible sheet. This is necessary when there are a large number of worksheets and the activated worksheet is not visible on the screen.

access public function set_first_sheet () thisfirstsheet thisindex;

Set the worksheet protection flag to prevent accidental modification and to hide formulas if the locked and hidden format properties have been set.

access public param string password The password to use for protecting the sheet.

function protect (password) this_protect 1;

this_password this_encode_password (password);

Set the width of a single column or a range of columns.

access public see _store_colinfo () param integer firstcol first column on the range param integer lastcol last column on the range param integer width width to set param mixed format The optional XF format to apply to the columns param integer hidden The optional hidden atribute function set_column (firstcol, lastcol, width, format 0, hidden 0) thiscolinfo array (firstcol, lastcol, width, format, hidden);

Set width to zero if column is hidden width (hidden)? 0: width;

for (col firstcol; col lastcol; col++) { thiscol_sizes width;

Set which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet access public param integer first_row first row in the selected quadrant param integer first_column first column in the selected quadrant param integer last_row last row in the selected quadrant param integer last_column last column in the selected quadrant see _store_selection () function set_selection (first_row, first_column, last_row, last_column) this_selection array (first_row, first_column, last_row, last_column);

Set panes and mark them as frozen.

access public param array panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:

0 Vertical split position, 1 Horizontal split position 2 Top row visible 3 Leftmost column visible 4 Active pane function freeze_panes (panes) this_frozen 1;

this_panes panes;

Set panes and mark them as unfrozen.

access public param array panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:

0 Vertical split position, 1 Horizontal split position 2 Top row visible 3 Leftmost column visible 4 Active pane function thaw_panes (panes) this_frozen 0;

this_panes panes;

Set the page orientation as portrait.

access public function set_portrait () this_orientation 1;

Set the page orientation as landscape.

access public function set_landscape () this_orientation 0;

Set the paper type. Ex. 1 US Letter, 9 A4 access public param integer size The type of paper size to use function set_paper (size 0) this_paper_size size;

Set the page header caption and optional margin.

access public param string string The header text param float margin optional head margin in inches.

function set_header (string, margin 0.50).

if (strlen (string) 255) { carp 'Header string must be less than 255 characters';


this_header string;

this_margin_head margin;

Set the page footer caption and optional margin.

access public param string string The footer text param float margin optional foot margin in inches.

function set_footer (string, margin 0.50).

if (strlen (string) 255) { carp 'Footer string must be less than 255 characters';


this_footer string;

this_margin_foot margin;

Center the page horinzontally.

access public param integer center the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).

function center_horizontally (center 1) this_hcenter center;

Center the page horinzontally.

access public param integer center the optional value for centering. Defaults to 1 (center).

function center_vertically (center 1) this_vcenter center;

Set all the page margins to the same value in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margins (margin) thisset_margin_left (margin);

thisset_margin_right (margin);

thisset_margin_top (margin);

thisset_margin_bottom (margin);

Set the left and right margins to the same value in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margins_LR (margin) thisset_margin_left (margin);

thisset_margin_right (margin);

Set the top and bottom margins to the same value in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margins_TB (margin) thisset_margin_top (margin);

thisset_margin_bottom (margin);

Set the left margin in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margin_left (margin 0.75).

this_margin_left margin;

Set the right margin in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margin_right (margin 0.75).

this_margin_right margin;

Set the top margin in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margin_top (margin 1.00).

this_margin_top margin;

Set the bottom margin in inches.

access public param float margin The margin to set in inches function set_margin_bottom (margin 1.00).

this_margin_bottom margin;

Set the rows to repeat at the top of each printed page. See also the _store_name_xxxx () methods in Workbook. php access public param integer first_row First row to repeat param integer last_row Last row to repeat. Optional.

function repeat_rows (first_row, last_row NULL) this_title_rowmin first_row;

if (isset (last_row)) { Second row is optional this_title_rowmax last_row;

else { this_title_rowmax first_row;

Set the columns to repeat at the left hand side of each printed page.

See also the _store_names () methods in Workbook. php access public param integer first_col First column to repeat param integer last_col Last column to repeat. Optional.

function repeat_columns (first_col, last_col NULL) this_title_colmin first_col;

if (isset (last_col)) { Second col is optional this_title_colmax last_col;

else { this_title_colmax first_col;

Set the area of each worksheet that will be printed.

access public see Workbook:_store_names () param integer first_row First row of the area to print param integer first_col First column of the area to print param integer last_row Last row of the area to print param integer last_col Last column of the area to print function print_area (first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) this_print_rowmin first_row;

this_print_colmin first_col;

this_print_rowmax last_row;

this_print_colmax last_col;

Set the option to hide gridlines on the printed page.

access public see _store_print_gridlines (), _store_gridset () function hide_gridlines () this_print_gridlines 0;

Set the option to print the row and column headers on the printed page.

See also the _store_print_headers () method below.

access public see _store_print_headers () param integer print Whether to print the headers or not. Defaults to 1 (print).

function print_row_col_headers (print 1) this_print_headers print;

Store the vertical and horizontal number of pages that will define the maximum area printed. It doesn’t seem to work with OpenOffice.

access public param integer width Maximun width of printed area in pages param integer heigth Maximun heigth of printed area in pages see set_print_scale () function fit_to_pages (width, height) this_fit_page 1;

this_fit_width width;

this_fit_height height;

Store the horizontal page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).

The breaks represent the row after which the break is inserted.

access public param array breaks Array containing the horizontal page breaks function set_h_pagebreaks (breaks) foreach (breaks as break) { array_push (this_hbreaks, break);

Store the vertical page breaks on a worksheet (for printing).

The breaks represent the column after which the break is inserted.

access public param array breaks Array containing the vertical page breaks function set_v_pagebreaks (breaks) foreach (breaks as break) { array_push (this_vbreaks, break);

Set the worksheet zoom factor.

access public param integer scale The zoom factor function set_zoom (scale 100) Confine the scale to Excel’s range if (scale 10 or scale 400) { carp «Zoom factor scale outside range: 10 zoom 400» ;

scale 100;

this_zoom floor (scale);

Set the scale factor for the printed page.

It turns off the option access public param integer scale The optional scale factor. Defaults to 100 function set_print_scale (scale 100) Confine the scale to Excel’s range if (scale 10 or scale 400) REPLACE THIS FOR A WARNING die («Print scale scale outside range: 10 zoom 400»);

scale 100;

Turn off option this_fit_page 0;

this_print_scale floor (scale);

Map to the appropriate write method acording to the token recieved.

access public param integer row The row of the cell we are writing to param integer col The column of the cell we are writing to param mixed token What we are writing param mixed format The optional format to apply to the cell function write (row, col, token, format 0) Check for a cell reference in A1 notation and substitute row and column if (_ ~ ^D) { _ this_substitute_cellref (_);

} Match an array ref.

if (ref token eq) { return thiswrite_row (_);

} Match number if (preg_match («^(?)(?d-.d)d (.d)?((?d+))?», token)) { return thiswrite_number (row, col, token, format);

Match http or ftp URL elseif (preg_match (, token)) { return thiswrite_url (row, col, token, format);

Match mailto:

elseif (preg_match (, token)) { return thiswrite_url (row, col, token, format);

Match internal or external sheet link elseif (preg_match («^(?:in-ex)ternal:», token)) { return thiswrite_url (row, col, token, format);

Match formula elseif (preg_match (, token)) { return thiswrite_formula (row, col, token, format);

Match formula elseif (preg_match (, token)) { return thiswrite_formula (row, col, token, format);

Match blank elseif (token '') { return thiswrite_blank (row, col, format);

Default: match string else { return thiswrite_string (row, col, token, format);

Returns an index to the XF record in the workbook param mixed format The optional XF format return integer The XF record index function _XF (format) if (format ! 0).

return (formatget_xf_index ());

else return (0x0F);

Internal methods Store Worksheet data in memory using the parent’s class append () or to a temporary file, the default.

param string data The binary data to append function _append (data) if (this_using_tmpfile) Add CONTINUE records if necessary if (strlen (data) this_limit) { data this_add_continue (data);

fwrite (this_filehandle, data);

this_datasize + strlen (data);

else { parent:_append (data);

Substitute an Excel cell reference in A1 notation for zero based row and column values in an argument list.

Ex: (,) is converted to (3, 0,).

param string cell The cell reference. Or range of cells.

return array function _substitute_cellref (cell) cell strtoupper (cell);

Convert a column range: 'A:A' or 'B:G' if (preg_match («(?):(?)», cell, match)) { list (no_use, col1) this_cell_to_rowcol (match.'1'); Add a dummy row list (no_use, col2) this_cell_to_rowcol (match.'1'); Add a dummy row return (array (col1, col2));

Convert a cell range: 'A1:B7' if (preg_match («?(??d+):?(??d+)», cell, match)) { list (row1, col1) this_cell_to_rowcol (match);

list (row2, col2) this_cell_to_rowcol (match);

return (array (row1, col1, row2, col2));

Convert a cell reference: 'A1' or 'AD2000' if (preg_match («?(??d+)», cell)) { list (row1, col1) this_cell_to_rowcol (match);

return (array (row1, col1));

die («Unknown cell reference cell «);

Convert an Excel cell reference in A1 notation to a zero based row and column reference; converts C1 to (0, 2).

param string cell The cell reference.

return array containing (row, column) function _cell_to_rowcol (cell) preg_match («?(?)?(d+)», cell, match);

col match;

row match;

Convert base26 column string to number chars split ('', col);

expn 0;

col 0;

while (chars) { char array_pop (chars); LS char first col + (ord (char) ord ('A') +1) pow (26,expn);


Convert 1index to zeroindex row;


return (array (row, col));

Based on the algorithm provided by Daniel Rentz of OpenOffice.

param string plaintext The password to be encoded in plaintext.

return string The encoded password function _encode_password (plaintext) password 0×0000;

i 1; char position split the plain text password in its component characters chars preg_split ('', plaintext, 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

foreach (chars as char) value ord (char) i; shifted ASCII value bit16 value 0×8000; the bit 16 bit16 15; 0×0000 or 0×0001 bit17 value 0×10 000;

bit17 15;

value 0x7fff; first 15 bits password ^ (value — bit16);

password ^ (value — bit16 — bit17);


password ^ strlen (plaintext);

password ^ 0xCE4B;

return (password);

BIFF RECORDS Write a double to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

An integer can be written as a double. Excel will display an integer. format is optional.

Returns 0: normal termination 2: row or column out of range access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param float num The number to write param mixed format The optional XF format function write_number (row, col, num, format 0) record 0×0203; Record identifier length 0×000E; Number of bytes to follow xf this_XF (format); The cell format Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return (2);

if (col thisxls_colmax) return (2);

if (row thisdim_rowmin) thisdim_rowmin row;

if (row thisdim_rowmax) thisdim_rowmax row;

if (col thisdim_colmin) thisdim_colmin col;

if (col thisdim_colmax) thisdim_colmax col;

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, col, xf);

xl_double pack (, num);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian xl_double strrev (xl_double);

this_append (header.data.xl_double);

return (0);

Write a string to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

NOTE: there is an Excel 5 defined limit of 255 characters.

format is optional.

Returns 0: normal termination 1: insufficient number of arguments 2: row or column out of range 3: long string truncated to 255 chars access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param string str The string to write param mixed format The XF format for the cell function write_string (row, col, str, format 0) strlen strlen (str);

record 0×0204; Record identifier length 0×0008 + strlen; Bytes to follow xf this_XF (format); The cell format str_error 0;

Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return (2);

if (col thisxls_colmax) return (2);

if (row thisdim_rowmin) thisdim_rowmin row;

if (row thisdim_rowmax) thisdim_rowmax row;

if (col thisdim_colmin) thisdim_colmin col;

if (col thisdim_colmax) thisdim_colmax col;

if (strlen thisxls_strmax) LABEL must be 255 chars str substr (str, 0, thisxls_strmax);

length 0×0008 + thisxls_strmax;

strlen thisxls_strmax;

str_error 3;

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, col, xf, strlen);

this_append (header.data.str);

return (str_error);

Writes a note associated with the cell given by the row and column.

NOTE records don’t have a length limit.

access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param string note The note to write function write_note (row, col, note) note_length strlen (note);

record 0×001C; Record identifier max_length 2048; Maximun length for a NOTE record length 0×0006 + note_length; Bytes to follow Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return (2);

if (col thisxls_colmax) return (2);

if (row thisdim_rowmin) thisdim_rowmin row;

if (row thisdim_rowmax) thisdim_rowmax row;

if (col thisdim_colmin) thisdim_colmin col;

if (col thisdim_colmax) thisdim_colmax col;

Length for this record is no more than 2048 + 6 length 0×0006 + min (note_length, 2048);

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, col, note_length);

this_append (header.data.substr (note, 0, 2048));

for (i max_length; i note_length; i + max_length) chunk substr (note, i, max_length);

length 0×0006 + strlen (chunk);

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, 1, 0, strlen (chunk));

this_append (header.data.chunk);

return (0);

Write a blank cell to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

A blank cell is used to specify formatting without adding a string or a number.

A blank cell without a format serves no purpose. Therefore, we don’t write a BLANK record unless a format is specified. This is mainly an optimisation for the write_row () and write_col () methods.

Returns 0: normal termination (including no format) 1: insufficient number of arguments 2: row or column out of range access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param mixed format The XF format function write_blank (row, col, format 0) Don’t write a blank cell unless it has a format if (format 0) return (0);

record 0×0201; Record identifier length 0×0006; Number of bytes to follow xf this_XF (format); The cell format Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return (2);

if (col thisxls_colmax) return (2);

if (row thisdim_rowmin) thisdim_rowmin row;

if (row thisdim_rowmax) thisdim_rowmax row;

if (col thisdim_colmin) thisdim_colmin col;

if (col thisdim_colmax) thisdim_colmax col;

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, col, xf);

this_append (header.data);

return 0;

Write a formula to the specified row and column (zero indexed).

The textual representation of the formula is passed to the parser in Parser. php which returns a packed binary string.

Returns 0: normal termination 2: row or column out of range access public param integer row Zero indexed row param integer col Zero indexed column param string formula The formula text string param mixed format The optional XF format function write_formula (row, col, formula, format 0) record 0×0006; Record identifier Excel normally stores the last calculated value of the formula in num.

Clearly we are not in a position to calculate this a priori. Instead we set num to zero and set the option flags in grbit to ensure automatic calculation of the formula when the file is opened.

xf this_XF (format); The cell format num 0×00; Current value of formula grbit 0×03; Option flags chn 0×0000; Must be zero Check that row and col are valid and store max and min values if (row thisxls_rowmax) return (2);

if (col thisxls_colmax) return (2);

if (row thisdim_rowmin) thisdim_rowmin row;

if (row thisdim_rowmax) thisdim_rowmax row;

if (col thisdim_colmin) thisdim_colmin col;

if (col thisdim_colmax) thisdim_colmax col;

Strip the '' or '' sign at the beginning of the formula string if (ereg (, formula)) { formula preg_replace (, formula);

elseif (ereg (, formula)) { formula preg_replace (, formula);

else { die («Unrecognised character for formula»);

Parse the formula using the parser in Parser. php tree new Parser (this_byte_order);

this_parserparse (formula);

treeparse (formula);

formula this_parserto_reverse_polish ();

formlen strlen (formula); Length of the binary string length 0×16 + formlen; Length of the record data header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, col, xf, num, grbit, chn, formlen);

this_append (header.data.formula);

return 0;

Write a hyperlink. This is comprised of two elements: the visible label and the invisible link. The visible label is the same as the link unless an alternative string is specified. The label is written using the write_string () method. Therefore the 255 characters string limit applies.

string and format are optional and their order is interchangeable.

The hyperlink can be to a http, ftp, mail, internal sheet, or external directory url.

Returns 0: normal termination 1: insufficient number of arguments 2: row or column out of range 3: long string truncated to 255 chars access public param integer row Row param integer col Column param string url URL string param string string Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function write_url (row, col, url, string '', format 0) Add start row and col to arg list return (this_write_url_range (row, col, row, col, url, string, format));

This is the more general form of write_url (). It allows a hyperlink to be written to a range of cells. This function also decides the type of hyperlink to be written. These are either, Web (http, ftp, mailto), Internal (Sheet1!A1) or external ('c:tempfoo.xlsSheet1!A1').

See also write_url () above for a general description and return values.

param integer row1 Start row param integer col1 Start column param integer row2 End row param integer col2 End column param string url URL string param string string Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function _write_url_range (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string '', format 0) Check for internalexternal sheet links or default to web link if (preg_match ('', url)) { return (this_write_url_internal (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string, format));

if (preg_match ('', url)) { return (this_write_url_external (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string, format));

return (this_write_url_web (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string, format));

Used to write http, ftp and mailto hyperlinks.

The link type (options) is 0×03 is the same as absolute dir ref without sheet. However it is differentiated by the unknown2 data stream.

see write_url () param integer row1 Start row param integer col1 Start column param integer row2 End row param integer col2 End column param string url URL string param string str Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function _write_url_web (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, str, format 0) record 0×01B8; Record identifier length 0×0; Bytes to follow if (format 0) { format this_url_format;

Write the visible label using the write_string () method.

if (str '') { str url;

str_error thiswrite_string (row1, col1, str, format);

if (str_error 2) { return (str_error);

Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream unknown1 pack (, «D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000»);

unknown2 pack (, «E0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B»);

Pack the option flags options pack (, 0×03);

Convert URL to a null terminated wchar string url join (, preg_split (, url, 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));

url url.;

Pack the length of the URL url_len pack (, strlen (url));

Calculate the data length length 0×34 + strlen (url);

Pack the header data header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row1, row2, col1, col2);

Write the packed data this_append (header. data.

unknown1. options.

unknown2. url_len. url);

return (str_error);

Used to write internal reference hyperlinks such as.

see write_url () param integer row1 Start row param integer col1 Start column param integer row2 End row param integer col2 End column param string url URL string param string str Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function _write_url_internal (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, str, format 0) record 0×01B8; Record identifier length 0×0; Bytes to follow if (format 0) { format this_url_format;

Strip URL type url preg_replace ('s', '', url);

Write the visible label if (str '') { str url;

str_error thiswrite_string (row1, col1, str, format);

if (str_error 2) { return (str_error);

Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream unknown1 pack (, «D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000»);

Pack the option flags options pack (, 0×08);

Convert the URL type and to a null terminated wchar string url join (, preg_split (, url, 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));

url url.;

Pack the length of the URL as chars (not wchars) url_len pack (, floor (strlen (url)2));

Calculate the data length length 0×24 + strlen (url);

Pack the header data header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row1, row2, col1, col2);

Write the packed data this_append (header. data.

unknown1. options.

url_len. url);

return (str_error);

Write links to external directory names such as 'c:foo.xls', c: foo. xlsSheet1!A1', '.foo.xls'. and '.foo.xlsSheet1!A1'.

Note: Excel writes some relative links with the dir_long string. We ignore these cases for the sake of simpler code.

see write_url () param integer row1 Start row param integer col1 Start column param integer row2 End row param integer col2 End column param string url URL string param string str Alternative label param mixed format The cell format function _write_url_external (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, str, format 0) Network drives are different. We will handle them separately MSNovell network drives and shares start with \ if (preg_match ('', url)) { return (this_write_url_external_net (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, str, format));

record 0×01B8; Record identifier length 0×0; Bytes to follow if (format 0) { format this_url_format;

Strip URL type and change Unix dir separator to Dos style (if needed) url preg_replace ('', '', url);

url preg_replace ('', url);

Write the visible label if (str '') { str preg_replace ('', ' ', url);

str_error thiswrite_string (row1, col1, str, format);

if (str_error 2) { return (str_error);

Determine if the link is relative or absolute:

relative if link contains no dir separator, relative if link starts with updir, otherwise, absolute absolute 0×02; Bit mask if (!preg_match ('', url)) { absolute 0×00;

if (preg_match ('', url)) { absolute 0×00;

Determine if the link contains a sheet reference and change some of the parameters accordingly.

Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists) list (dir_long, sheet) split ('', url);

link_type 0×01 — absolute;

if (isset (sheet)) { link_type — 0×08;

sheet_len pack (, strlen (sheet) + 0×01);

sheet join (, split ('', sheet));


else { sheet_len '';

sheet '';

Pack the link type link_type pack (, link_type);

Calculate the uplevel dir count e.g. (… 3) up_count preg_match_all (, dir_long, useless);

up_count pack (, up_count);

Store the short dos dir name (null terminated) dir_short preg_replace ('.\', '', dir_long).;

Store the long dir name as a wchar string (nonnull terminated) dir_long join (, split ('', dir_long));

dir_long dir_long.;

Pack the lengths of the dir strings dir_short_len pack (, strlen (dir_short));

dir_long_len pack (, strlen (dir_long));

stream_len pack (, strlen (dir_long) + 0×06);

Pack the undocumented parts of the hyperlink stream unknown1 pack (,'D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000');

unknown2 pack (,'30 300 000 000 0000C000000000000046');

unknown3 pack (,'FFFFADDE000000000000000000000000000000000000000');

unknown4 pack (, 0×03);

Pack the main data stream data pack (, row1, row2, col1, col2).














Pack the header data length strlen (data);

header pack (, record, length);

Write the packed data this_append (header. data);

return (str_error);

write_url_xxx (row1, col1, row2, col2, url, string, format) Write links to external MSNovell network drives and shares such as 'NETWORKsharefoo.xls' and 'NETWORKsharefoo.xlsSheet1!A1'.

See also write_url () above for a general description and return values.

sub _write_url_external_net { my this shift;

my record 0×01B8; Record identifier my length 0×0; Bytes to follow my row1 _; Start row my col1 _; Start column my row2 _; End row my col2 _; End column my url _; URL string my str _; Alternative label my xf _ — this; The cell format Strip URL type and change Unix dir separator to Dos style (if needed) url ~ s[];

url ~ s[\]g;

Write the visible label (str url) ~ s[ ] unless defined str;

my str_error thiswrite_string (row1, col1, str, xf);

return str_error if str_error 2;

Determine if the link contains a sheet reference and change some of the parameters accordingly.

Split the dir name and sheet name (if it exists) my (dir_long, sheet) split, url;

my link_type 0×0103; Always absolute my sheet_len;

if (defined sheet) { link_type — 0×08;

sheet_len pack (, length (sheet) + 0×01);

sheet join (, split ('', sheet));


else { sheet_len '';

sheet '';

Pack the link type link_type pack (, link_type);

Make the string null terminated dir_long dir_long.;

Pack the lengths of the dir string my dir_long_len pack (, length dir_long);

Store the long dir name as a wchar string (nonnull terminated) dir_long join (, split ('', dir_long));

dir_long dir_long.;

Pack the undocumented part of the hyperlink stream my unknown1 pack (,'D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000');

Pack the main data stream my data pack (, row1, row2, col1, col2).



sheet;Pack the header data length length data;

my header pack (, record, length);

Write the packed data this_append (header, data);

return str_error;

} This method is used to set the height and XF format for a row.

Writes the BIFF record ROW.

access public param integer row The row to set param integer height Height we are giving to the row.

Use NULL to set XF without setting height param mixed format XF format we are giving to the row function set_row (row, height, format 0) record 0×0208; Record identifier length 0×0010; Number of bytes to follow colMic 0×0000; First defined column colMac 0×0000; Last defined column irwMac 0×0000; Used by Excel to optimise loading reserved 0×0000; Reserved grbit 0×01C0; Option flags. (monkey) see 1 do ixfe this_XF (format); XF index Use set_row (row, NULL, XF) to set XF without setting height if (height ! NULL) { miyRw height 20; row height else { miyRw 0xff; default row height is 256 header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row, colMic, colMac, miyRw, irwMac, reserved, grbit, ixfe);

this_append (header.data);

Writes Excel DIMENSIONS to define the area in which there is data.

function _store_dimensions () record 0×0000; Record identifier length 0×000A; Number of bytes to follow row_min thisdim_rowmin; First row row_max thisdim_rowmax; Last row plus 1 col_min thisdim_colmin; First column col_max thisdim_colmax; Last column plus 1 reserved 0×0000; Reserved by Excel header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max, reserved);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write BIFF record Window2.

function _store_window2() record 0×023E; Record identifier length 0×000A; Number of bytes to follow grbit 0×00B6; Option flags rwTop 0×0000; Top row visible in window colLeft 0×0000; Leftmost column visible in window rgbHdr 0×0; Rowcolumn heading and gridline color The options flags that comprise grbit fDspFmla 0; 0 bit fDspGrid 1; 1.

fDspRwCol 1; 2.

fFrozen this_frozen; 3.

fDspZeros 1; 4.

fDefaultHdr 1; 5.

fArabic 0; 6.

fDspGuts 1; 7.

fFrozenNoSplit 0; 0 bit fSelected thisselected; 1.

fPaged 1; 2.

grbit fDspFmla;

grbit — fDspGrid 1;

grbit — fDspRwCol 2;

grbit — fFrozen 3;

grbit — fDspZeros 4;

grbit — fDefaultHdr 5;

grbit — fArabic 6;

grbit — fDspGuts 7;

grbit — fFrozenNoSplit 8;

grbit — fSelected 9;

grbit — fPaged 10;

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, grbit, rwTop, colLeft, rgbHdr);

this_append (header.data);

Write BIFF record DEFCOLWIDTH if COLINFO records are in use.

function _store_defcol () record 0×0055; Record identifier length 0×0002; Number of bytes to follow colwidth 0×0008; Default column width header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, colwidth);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write BIFF record COLINFO to define column widths Note: The SDK says the record length is 0x0B but Excel writes a 0x0C length record.

param array col_array This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:

0 First formatted column, 1 Last formatted column, 2 Col width (8.43 is Excel default), 3 The optional XF format of the column, 4 Option flags.

function _store_colinfo (col_array) if (isset (col_array)) { colFirst col_array;

if (isset (col_array)) { colLast col_array;

if (isset (col_array)) { coldx col_array;

else { coldx 8.43;

if (isset (col_array)) { format col_array;

else { format 0;

if (isset (col_array)) { grbit col_array;

else { grbit 0;

record 0×007D; Record identifier length 0×000B; Number of bytes to follow coldx + 0.72; Fudge. Excel subtracts 0.72 !?

coldx 256; Convert to units of 1256 of a char ixfe this_XF (format);

reserved 0×00; Reserved header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, colFirst, colLast, coldx, ixfe, grbit, reserved);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write BIFF record SELECTION.

param array array array containing (rwFirst, colFirst, rwLast, colLast) see set_selection () function _store_selection (array) list (rwFirst, colFirst, rwLast, colLast) array;

record 0×001D; Record identifier length 0x000 °F; Number of bytes to follow pnn this_active_pane; Pane position rwAct rwFirst; Active row colAct colFirst; Active column irefAct 0; Active cell ref cref 1; Number of refs if (!isset (rwLast)) { rwLast rwFirst; Last row in reference if (!isset (colLast)) { colLast colFirst; Last col in reference Swap last rowcol for first rowcol as necessary if (rwFirst rwLast) list (rwFirst, rwLast) array (rwLast, rwFirst);

if (colFirst colLast) list (colFirst, colLast) array (colLast, colFirst);

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, pnn, rwAct, colAct, irefAct, cref, rwFirst, rwLast, colFirst, colLast);

this_append (header.data);

Write BIFF record EXTERNCOUNT to indicate the number of external sheet references in a worksheet.

Excel only stores references to external sheets that are used in formulas.

For simplicity we store references to all the sheets in the workbook regardless of whether they are used or not. This reduces the overall complexity and eliminates the need for a two way dialogue between the formula parser the worksheet objects.

param integer count The number of external sheet references in this worksheet function _store_externcount (count) record 0×0016; Record identifier length 0×0002; Number of bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, count);

this_prepend (header.data);

Writes the Excel BIFF EXTERNSHEET record. These references are used by formulas. A formula references a sheet name via an index. Since we store a reference to all of the external worksheets the EXTERNSHEET index is the same as the worksheet index.

param string sheetname The name of a external worksheet function _store_externsheet (sheetname) record 0×0017; Record identifier References to the current sheet are encoded differently to references to external sheets.

if (thisname sheetname) { sheetname '';

length 0×02; The following 2 bytes cch 1; The following byte rgch 0×02; Self reference else { length 0×02 + strlen (sheetname);

cch strlen (sheetname);

rgch 0×03; Reference to a sheet in the current workbook header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cch, rgch);

this_prepend (header.data.sheetname);

Writes the Excel BIFF PANE record.

The panes can either be frozen or thawed (unfrozen).

Frozen panes are specified in terms of an integer number of rows and columns.

Thawed panes are specified in terms of Excel’s units for rows and columns.

param array panes This is the only parameter received and is composed of the following:

0 Vertical split position, 1 Horizontal split position 2 Top row visible 3 Leftmost column visible 4 Active pane function _store_panes (panes) y panes;

x panes;

rwTop panes;

colLeft panes;

if (count (panes) 4) { if Active pane was received pnnAct panes;

else { pnnAct NULL;

record 0×0041; Record identifier length 0×000A; Number of bytes to follow Code specific to frozen or thawed panes.

if (this_frozen) { Set default values for rwTop and colLeft if (!isset (rwTop)) { rwTop y;

if (!isset (colLeft)) { colLeft x;

else { Set default values for rwTop and colLeft if (!isset (rwTop)) { rwTop 0;

if (!isset (colLeft)) { colLeft 0;

Convert Excel’s row and column units to the internal units.

The default row height is 12.75.

The default column width is 8.43.

The following slope and intersection values were interpolated.

y 20y + 255;

x 113.

879x + 390;

Determine which pane should be active. There is also the undocumented option to override this should it be necessary: may be removed later.

if (!isset (pnnAct)) if (x ! 0 and y ! 0).

pnnAct 0; Bottom right if (x ! 0 and y 0) pnnAct 1; Top right if (x 0 and y ! 0).

pnnAct 2; Bottom left if (x 0 and y 0) pnnAct 3; Top left this_active_pane pnnAct; Used in _store_selection header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, x, y, rwTop, colLeft, pnnAct);

this_append (header.data);

Store the page setup SETUP BIFF record.

function _store_setup () record 0×00A1; Record identifier length 0×0022; Number of bytes to follow iPaperSize this_paper_size; Paper size iScale this_print_scale; Print scaling factor iPageStart 0×01; Starting page number iFitWidth this_fit_width; Fit to number of pages wide iFitHeight this_fit_height; Fit to number of pages high grbit 0×00; Option flags iRes 0×0258; Print resolution iVRes 0×0258; Vertical print resolution numHdr this_margin_head; Header Margin numFtr this_margin_foot; Footer Margin iCopies 0×01; Number of copies fLeftToRight 0×0; Print over then down fLandscape this_orientation; Page orientation fNoPls 0×0; Setup not read from printer fNoColor 0×0; Print black and white fDraft 0×0; Print draft quality fNotes 0×0; Print notes fNoOrient 0×0; Orientation not set fUsePage 0×0; Use custom starting page grbit fLeftToRight;

grbit — fLandscape 1;

grbit — fNoPls 2;

grbit — fNoColor 3;

grbit — fDraft 4;

grbit — fNotes 5;

grbit — fNoOrient 6;

grbit — fUsePage 7;

numHdr pack (, numHdr);

numFtr pack (, numFtr);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian numHdr strrev (numHdr);

numFtr strrev (numFtr);

header pack (, record, length);

data1 pack (, iPaperSize, iScale, iPageStart, iFitWidth, iFitHeight, grbit, iRes, iVRes);

data2 numHdr. numFtr;

data3 pack (, iCopies);

this_prepend (header.data1.data2.data3);

Store the header caption BIFF record.

function store_header () record 0×0014; Record identifier str this_header; header string cch strlen (str); Length of header string length 1 + cch; Bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cch);

this_append (header.data.str);

Store the footer caption BIFF record.

function store_footer () record 0×0015; Record identifier str this_footer; Footer string cch strlen (str); Length of footer string length 1 + cch; Bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cch);

this_append (header.data.str);

Store the horizontal centering HCENTER BIFF record.

function store_hcenter () record 0×0083; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fHCenter this_hcenter; Horizontal centering header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fHCenter);

this_append (header.data);

Store the vertical centering VCENTER BIFF record.

function store_vcenter () record 0×0084; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fVCenter this_vcenter; Horizontal centering header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fVCenter);

this_append (header.data);

Store the LEFTMARGIN BIFF record.

function _store_margin_left () record 0×0026; Record identifier length 0×0008; Bytes to follow margin this_margin_left; Margin in inches header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, margin);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian { data strrev (data);

this_append (header.data);

Store the RIGHTMARGIN BIFF record.

function _store_margin_right () record 0×0027; Record identifier length 0×0008; Bytes to follow margin this_margin_right; Margin in inches header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, margin);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian { data strrev (data);

this_append (header.data);

Store the TOPMARGIN BIFF record.

function _store_margin_top () record 0×0028; Record identifier length 0×0008; Bytes to follow margin this_margin_top; Margin in inches header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, margin);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian { data strrev (data);

this_append (header.data);

Store the BOTTOMMARGIN BIFF record.

function _store_margin_bottom () record 0×0029; Record identifier length 0×0008; Bytes to follow margin this_margin_bottom; Margin in inches header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, margin);

if (this_byte_order) if it’s Big Endian { data strrev (data);

this_append (header.data);

This is an Excel972000 method. It is required to perform more complicated merging than the normal set_align ('merge'). It merges the area given by its arguments.

access public param integer first_row First row of the area to merge param integer first_col First column of the area to merge param integer last_row Last row of the area to merge param integer last_col Last column of the area to merge function merge_cells (first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) record 0×00E5; Record identifier length 0×000A; Bytes to follow cref 1; Number of refs Swap last rowcol for first rowcol as necessary if (first_row last_row) { list (first_row, last_row) array (last_row, first_row);

if (first_col last_col) { list (first_col, last_col) array (last_col, first_col);

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cref, first_row, last_row, first_col, last_col);

this_append (header.data);

Write the PRINTHEADERS BIFF record.

function _store_print_headers () record 0×002a; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fPrintRwCol this_print_headers; Boolean flag header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fPrintRwCol);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write the PRINTGRIDLINES BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the GRIDSET record.

function _store_print_gridlines () record 0×002b; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fPrintGrid this_print_gridlines; Boolean flag header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fPrintGrid);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write the GRIDSET BIFF record. Must be used in conjunction with the PRINTGRIDLINES record.

function _store_gridset () record 0×0082; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fGridSet !(this_print_gridlines); Boolean flag header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fGridSet);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write the WSBOOL BIFF record, mainly for fittopage. Used in conjunction with the SETUP record.

function _store_wsbool () record 0×0081; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow The only option that is of interest is the flag for fit to page. So we set all the options in one go.

if (this_fit_page) { grbit 0×05c1;

else { grbit 0×04c1;

header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, grbit);

this_prepend (header.data);


function _store_hbreak () Return if the user hasn’t specified pagebreaks if (empty (this_hbreaks)) { return;

Sort and filter array of page breaks breaks this_hbreaks;

sort (breaks, SORT_NUMERIC);

if (breaks 0) { don’t use first break if it’s 0 array_shift (breaks);

record 0×001b; Record identifier cbrk count (breaks); Number of page breaks length (cbrk + 1) 2; Bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cbrk);

Append each page break foreach (breaks as break) { data. pack (, break);

this_prepend (header.data);


function _store_vbreak () Return if the user hasn’t specified pagebreaks if (empty (this_vbreaks)) { return;

1000 vertical pagebreaks appears to be an internal Excel 5 limit.

It is slightly higher in Excel 97 200, approx. 1026.

breaks array_slice (this_vbreaks, 0,1000);

Sort and filter array of page breaks sort (breaks, SORT_NUMERIC);

if (breaks 0) { don’t use first break if it’s 0 array_shift (breaks);

record 0×001a; Record identifier cbrk count (breaks); Number of page breaks length (cbrk + 1) 2; Bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cbrk);

Append each page break foreach (breaks as break) { data. pack (, break);

this_prepend (header.data);

Set the Biff PROTECT record to indicate that the worksheet is protected.

function _store_protect () Exit unless sheet protection has been specified if (this_protect 0) { return;

record 0×0012; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow fLock this_protect; Worksheet is protected header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, fLock);

this_prepend (header.data);

Write the worksheet PASSWORD record.

function _store_password () Exit unless sheet protection and password have been specified if ((this_protect 0) or (!isset (this_password))) { return;

record 0×0013; Record identifier length 0×0002; Bytes to follow wPassword this_password; Encoded password header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, wPassword);

this_prepend (header.data);

Insert a 24bit bitmap image in a worksheet. The main record required is IMDATA but it must be proceeded by a OBJ record to define its position.

access public param integer row The row we are going to insert the bitmap into param integer col The column we are going to insert the bitmap into param string bitmap The bitmap filename param integer x The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

param integer y The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell.

param integer scale_x The horizontal scale param integer scale_y The vertical scale function insert_bitmap (row, col, bitmap, x 0, y 0, scale_x 1, scale_y 1) list (width, height, size, data) this_process_bitmap (bitmap);

Scale the frame of the image.

width scale_x;

height scale_y;

Calculate the vertices of the image and write the OBJ record this_position_image (col, row, x, y, width, height);

Write the IMDATA record to store the bitmap data record 0×007f;

length 8 + size;

cf 0×09;

env 0×01;

lcb size;

header pack (, record, length, cf, env, lcb);

this_append (header.data);

Calculate the vertices that define the position of the image as required by the OBJ record.


— A — B — ++++ - -(x1,y1) — - - 1 -(A1)._______-______ - - - - - - - - - - - +± BITMAP -+ - - - - - - 2 — -______________. — - - - (B2) — - - - (x2,y2) — + +++ Example of a bitmap that covers some of the area from cell A1 to cell B2.

Based on the width and height of the bitmap we need to calculate 8 vars:

col_start, row_start, col_end, row_end, x1, y1, x2, y2.

The width and height of the cells are also variable and have to be taken into account.

The values of col_start and row_start are passed in from the calling function. The values of col_end and row_end are calculated by subtracting the width and height of the bitmap from the width and height of the underlying cells.

The vertices are expressed as a percentage of the underlying cell width as follows (rhs values are in pixels):

x1 X W 1024 y1 Y H 256×2 (X1) W 1024 y2 (Y1) H 256 Where: X is distance from the left side of the underlying cell Y is distance from the top of the underlying cell W is the width of the cell H is the height of the cell note the SDK incorrectly states that the height should be expressed as a percentage of 1024.

param integer col_start Col containing upper left corner of object param integer row_start Row containing top left corner of object param integer x1 Distance to left side of object param integer y1 Distance to top of object param integer width Width of image frame param integer height Height of image frame function _position_image (col_start, row_start, x1, y1, width, height) Initialise end cell to the same as the start cell col_end col_start; Col containing lower right corner of object row_end row_start; Row containing bottom right corner of object Zero the specified offset if greater than the cell dimensions if (x1 thissize_col (col_start)) x1 0;

if (y1 thissize_row (row_start)) y1 0;

width width + x1 1;

height height + y1 1;

Subtract the underlying cell widths to find the end cell of the image while (width thissize_col (col_end)) { width thissize_col (col_end);


Subtract the underlying cell heights to find the end cell of the image while (height thissize_row (row_end)) { height thissize_row (row_end);


Bitmap isn’t allowed to start or finish in a hidden cell, i.e. a cell with zero eight or width.

if (thissize_col (col_start) 0) return;

if (thissize_col (col_end) 0) return;

if (thissize_row (row_start) 0) return;

if (thissize_row (row_end) 0) return;

Convert the pixel values to the percentage value expected by Excel x1 x1 thissize_col (col_start) 1024;

y1 y1 thissize_row (row_start) 256;

x2 width thissize_col (col_end) 1024; Distance to right side of object y2 height thissize_row (row_end) 256; Distance to bottom of object this_store_obj_picture (col_start, x1, row_start, y1, col_end, x2, row_end, y2);

Convert the width of a cell from user’s units to pixels. By interpolation the relationship is: y 7x +5. If the width hasn’t been set by the user we use the default value. If the col is hidden we use a value of zero.

param integer col The column return integer The width in pixels function size_col (col) Look up the cell value to see if it has been changed if (isset (thiscol_sizes)) { if (thiscol_sizes 0) { return (0);

else { return (floor (7 thiscol_sizes + 5));

else { return (64);

Convert the height of a cell from user’s units to pixels. By interpolation the relationship is: y 43x. If the height hasn’t been set by the user we use the default value. If the row is hidden we use a value of zero. (Not possible to hide row yet).

param integer row The row return integer The width in pixels function size_row (row) Look up the cell value to see if it has been changed if (isset (thisrow_sizes)) { if (thisrow_sizes 0) { return (0);

else { return (floor (43 thisrow_sizes));

else { return (17);

Store the OBJ record that precedes an IMDATA record. This could be generalise to support other Excel objects.

param integer colL Column containing upper left corner of object param integer dxL Distance from left side of cell param integer rwT Row containing top left corner of object param integer dyT Distance from top of cell param integer colR Column containing lower right corner of object param integer dxR Distance from right of cell param integer rwB Row containing bottom right corner of object param integer dyB Distance from bottom of cell function _store_obj_picture (colL, dxL, rwT, dyT, colR, dxR, rwB, dyB) record 0×005d; Record identifier length 0×003c; Bytes to follow cObj 0×0001; Count of objects in file (set to 1) OT 0×0008; Object type. 8 Picture id 0×0001; Object ID grbit 0×0614; Option flags cbMacro 0×0000; Length of FMLA structure Reserved1 0×0000; Reserved Reserved2 0×0000; Reserved icvBack 0×09; Background colour icvFore 0×09; Foreground colour fls 0×00; Fill pattern fAuto 0×00; Automatic fill icv 0×08; Line colour lns 0xff; Line style lnw 0×01; Line weight fAutoB 0×00; Automatic border frs 0×0000; Frame style cf 0×0009; Image format, 9 bitmap Reserved3 0×0000; Reserved cbPictFmla 0×0000; Length of FMLA structure Reserved4 0×0000; Reserved grbit2 0×0001; Option flags Reserved5 0×0000; Reserved header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, cObj);

data. pack (, OT);

data. pack (, id);

data. pack (, grbit);

data. pack (, colL);

data. pack (, dxL);

data. pack (, rwT);

data. pack (, dyT);

data. pack (, colR);

data. pack (, dxR);

data. pack (, rwB);

data. pack (, dyB);

data. pack (, cbMacro);

data. pack (, Reserved1);

data. pack (, Reserved2);

data. pack (, icvBack);

data. pack (, icvFore);

data. pack (, fls);

data. pack (, fAuto);

data. pack (, icv);

data. pack (, lns);

data. pack (, lnw);

data. pack (, fAutoB);

data. pack (, frs);

data. pack (, cf);

data. pack (, Reserved3);

data. pack (, cbPictFmla);

data. pack (, Reserved4);

data. pack (, grbit2);

data. pack (, Reserved5);

this_append (header.data);

Convert a 24 bit bitmap into the modified internal format used by Windows.

This is described in BITMAPCOREHEADER and BITMAPCOREINFO structures in the MSDN library.

param string bitmap The bitmap to process return array Array with data and properties of the bitmap function _process_bitmap (bitmap) Open file.

bmp_fd fopen (bitmap,);

if (!bmp_fd) { die («Couldn't import bitmap»);

Slurp the file into a string.

data fread (bmp_fd, filesize (bitmap));

Check that the file is big enough to be a bitmap.

if (strlen (data) 0×36) { die («bitmap doesn’t contain enough data. n»);

The first 2 bytes are used to identify the bitmap.

identity unpack (, data);

if (identity !) { die («bitmap doesn’t appear to be a valid bitmap image. n»);

Remove bitmap data: ID.

data substr (data, 2);

Read and remove the bitmap size. This is more reliable than reading the data size at offset 0×22.

size_array unpack (, substr (data, 0, 4));

size size_array;

data substr (data, 4);

size 0×36; Subtract size of bitmap header.

size + 0x0C; Add size of BIFF header.

Remove bitmap data: reserved, offset, header length.

data substr (data, 12);

Read and remove the bitmap width and height. Verify the sizes.

width_and_height unpack (, substr (data, 0, 8));

width width_and_height;

height width_and_height;

data substr (data, 8);

if (width 0xFFFF) { die («bitmap: largest image width supported is 65k. n»);

if (height 0xFFFF) { die («bitmap: largest image height supported is 65k. n»);

Read and remove the bitmap planes and bpp data. Verify them.

planes_and_bitcount unpack (, substr (data, 0, 4));

data substr (data, 4);

if (planes_and_bitcount ! 24) { Bitcount die («bitmap isn’t a 24bit true color bitmap. n»);

if (planes_and_bitcount ! 1) { die («bitmap: only 1 plane supported in bitmap image. n»);

Read and remove the bitmap compression. Verify compression.

compression unpack (, substr (data, 0, 4));

data substr (data, 4);

compression 0;

if (compression ! 0) { die («bitmap: compression not supported in bitmap image. n»);

Remove bitmap data: data size, hres, vres, colours, imp. colours.

data substr (data, 20);

Add the BITMAPCOREHEADER data header pack (, 0×000c, width, height, 0×01, 0×18);

data header. data;

return (array (width, height, size, data));

Store the window zoom factor. This should be a reduced fraction but for simplicity we will store all fractions with a numerator of 100.

function _store_zoom () If scale is 100 we don’t need to write a record if (this_zoom 100) { return;

record 0×00A0; Record identifier length 0×0004; Bytes to follow header pack (, record, length);

data pack (, this_zoom, 100);

this_append (header.data);

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Список литературы

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