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Planning of energy consumption for every day and hour in the course of the year, i.e. the need to develop schedules for each day of every month with the consideration of the season, weather conditions, day of week and a number of other factors. To Enel for assessment of economic effectiveness of implementation of the system makes sense to use the methods of the estimated coefficients. The essence… Читать ещё >

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Task 3Following with the research question formulated in task 1, discuss and evaluate the relevant qualitative and quantitative and quantitative research techniques are appropriate to the proposed researchEconomic objective of the functioning of the automated system of monitoring and accounting of power at the local level is to minimize the cost in General, reducing the cost of supply of electricity to consumers, getting maximum profit. However, this system, as an integral part of the electric power industry, has its main features: — the inability to store electrical energy, in connection with what has permanent unity of the distribution and consumption;

— the dependence of the volume of consumption by the consumers;

— the need to assess the volumes of consumption of energy is not only per year, but the hourly values of energy loads;

— the need for uninterrupted power supply of consumers, which is vital to the operation of the energy sector;

— planning of energy consumption for every day and hour in the course of the year, i.e. the need to develop schedules for each day of every month with the consideration of the season, weather conditions, day of week and a number of other factors. To Enel for assessment of economic effectiveness of implementation of the system makes sense to use the methods of the estimated coefficients. The essence of the method consists in the determination of the estimated coefficients increase the efficiency of the introduction of the groups of tasks, subsystems, and calculated on the basis of their economic effect from the implementation of the objectives. The main indicators for evaluation: — reliability and quality of electricity supply to consumers;

— time localization of damaged areas and elimination of accidents at substations and in the networks of 110 kV;efficiency control;

— number of operational personnel;

— information system in accordance with the principles of centralization;

— the structure of dispatch control;

— reduction of subscriber debt, spare parts and materials, working capital (at the expense of timely and informed decisions);

— savings in the costs of repairs of networks and equipment;

— improvement of methods of forecasting of the load;

— reduction of losses and the cost price of the electric power;

— reduction of damage from consumers due to the reduction of the electric power release delays, which is achieved by increasing the quality of repairs of electrical equipment and decrease downtime;

— reduction of production costs for consumers at the expense of improvement of quality of the electric power. Task 4In relation to your chosen research question and the data analysis techniques proposed before, discuss and analyse the relevant research methodologies with appropriate .Then select an appropriate methodology and provide justifications for your choice for your research question. The algorithm of economic efficiency include a serial calculation of individual components: — the annual volume of sales;

— changes in the cost of annual output of products sold;

— changes of working capital;

— one-off costs for the establishment and implementation;

— capital investments for creation and economic efficiency of the system. The calculation of the annual volume of products sold is subject to and without regard to the implementation of the system. T he amount of the additional sales are accounted for electricity and is determined by the formula: А1 = Аi *γί, whereАi is the planned sales volume of the electric power in the current year; γίis settlement factor determining a share of the participation in the formation of the annual growth in the sold production of electricity. Calculation of the change in the cost price of the vacation of sales is made in such branches, as the change of the electricity cost, change of cost of the annual volume of sales of the products and services on the major overhaul of the economic way, the current costs associated with the functioning of the complex. Depending on the number of implemented tasks are determined by the cost-effectiveness ratios for each type of expense. B y multiplying the cost to the implementation of the system in complex on the relevant coefficient is calculated economic efficiency of the implementation of tasks or groups of tasks. Task 5In accordance with your research question, literature review your chosen methodology indicated before, conduct the research and record the research findings using suitable methods. Present your research thindings in a PowerPoint format. Critically analyse your research findings in relation to the reviewed literature, research methodology and research question indicated before. Look the PowerPoin fileBibliographywww. enel. comThe Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment (Hardcover) by Robert S.

K aplan/Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t (Hardcover) by Jim Collins/ Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (Hardcover) by Fred R. D avid Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations (Hardcover) by Linda E.


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Список литературы

  1. www. enel.com
  2. The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment (Hardcover) by Robert S. Kaplan/
  3. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t (Hardcover) by Jim Collins/
  4. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (Hardcover) by Fred R. David
  5. Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations (Hardcover) by Linda E. Swayne/
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