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Место европейского союза во внешней политике Великобритании

Курсовая Купить готовую Узнать стоимостьмоей работы

Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967.; Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967.; Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. — Москва, 1988. Gamble A… Читать ещё >

Место европейского союза во внешней политике Великобритании (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • I. Великобритания и процесс европейской интеграции
    • 1. 1. Послевоенный период
    • 1. 2. ЕАСТ как альтернатива ЕЭС
    • 1. 3. Вступление в ЕЭС
  • II. Место ЕЭС/ЕС в политике Великобритании
    • 2. 1. 1974−1979 — лейбористское правительство
    • 2. 2. -1997 — консервативное правительство
    • 2. 3. -2008 — лейбористское правительство
  • III. Европейская валютная интеграция
    • 3. 1. Политические и экономические факторы неприсоединения
    • 3. 2. Позиция Великобритании по отношению к ЭВС
  • Заключение
  • Список источников и литературы

В настоящее время наиболее сложными вопросами являются проблема принятия единой европейской конституции и переход Великобритании на единую европейскую валюту. В политическом отношении страна сейчас разделена на два лагеря — сторонников и противников перехода на евро. Реалией современной Великобритании стало мощное противодействие переходу на единую валюту консервативной партии, которая в данном вопросе выражает настроения значительной части британского общества. Великобритания не собирается присоединяться к зоне евро до тех пор, пока не будет решены экономические проблемы внутри страны, и внутри ЕС, а также до проведения референдума. Такая осторожная позиция частично объясняется тщательно скрываемыми расхождениями по поводу единой валюты в стране.

Список источников и литературы

I. Официальные заявления, выступления

Address given by Harold Macmillan on the United Kingdom’s application for membership to the EC. 31 July 1961. ;


Address given by Harold Macmillan. London. 20 September 1962. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=23 554

Address given by Margaret Thatcher. Bruges. 20 September 1988. ;


Blair T. Speech on the Euro. 23.

02.1999. ;


DeGaulle. Veto on British membership of the EEC. 14 January 1963. Paris ;


Gordon Brown outlines EU priorities. 17 December 2007. ;


Gordon Brown’s statement on the Treaty of Lisbon. 17 December 2007.London. ;


Gordon Brown’s Statement on Economic and Monetary Union. 27.

10.1997. -

http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/speeches/statement/speech_statement_271 097.cfm

Harold Macmillan’s «Wind of Change» Speech made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960:


Prime Minister’s speech to the CBI conference. 11 November 1997. ;


Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle' by Yves Courrière // RTL, 14 January 1963. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=11 609

Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle: the second veto. Paris. 27 November 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=20 322

Speech by George Brown at the Tenth Congress of the Socialist International. Stockholm, 6 May 1966. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13 115

Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13 997

Speech by Winston Churchill. 19 September 1946. Zürich ;


Statement by the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs James Callaghan. Luxembourg. 1 April 1974. ;


Statement by Harold Wilson to the House of Commons. .London. 9 June 1975. ;


Tony Blair’s speech on Europe. Warsaw. 30 May 2003. ;


Wilson H. A Speech supporting the UK application for accession to the European Economic Community. 23 January 1967. Strasbourg. ;


II. Итоговые документы саммитов Европейского совета

The European Council (Cardiff, 15−16 June 1998). ;


The European Council (Corfu, 24−25 June 1994). ;


The European Council. (Dublin. 10−11 March 1975). ;


The European Council. (Dublin, 29−30 November 1979). ;


The European Council (Luxembourg, 17−18 April 1980). ;


The European Council (Fountainebleau, 25−26 June 1984). ;


III. Документы Великобритании

Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking? Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. ;


Britain Forward Not Back. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. ;

http://a4.g.akamai.net/7/4/15 010/1/labourparty1.download.akamai.com/15 010/manifesto_13 042 005_a3/pdf/manifesto.pdf

Britain Will Win With Labour. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 1987. ;


House of Commons Debates. 5 March 2008. ;

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmhansrd/cm080305/debindx/80 305-x.htm

Joining the Euro. Referendum Trends. 1991;present. MORI. ;


Joint statement by the United Kingdom and Australia. Canberra. 11 July 1961. ;


Joint statement by the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Wellington. 6 July 1961. ;


Joint statement by the United Kingdom and the West Indies. 11 July 1961. ;


Letter from Joseph Bech to Harold Macmillanю 7 June 1955. Luxembourg. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26 310

Letter from Harold Macmillan to Joseph Bech. 15 June 1955. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26 311

Little Change On Euro Vote. MORI. 24.

01.2003. ;


Note from the British Government to the German Government concerning the European Common Market. 18 November 1955. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=25 487

Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons. 16−17 May 1961. ;


The Best Future for Britain. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 1992 ;


White paper on the outcomes of the renegotiation of the initial conditions for the UK’s accession to the EC. March 1975. ;


White Paper presented by the UK Government to the UK Parliament. July 1971. ;


IV. Документы ЕЭС/ЕС

Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association. 4 January 2005. Stockholm. ;


Commission report on progress towards convergence and recommendation with a view to the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 1999 final, 25 March 1998. ;


Communiqué relatif à la réunion tenue par les Sept à Saltsjöbaden les 20 et 21 juillet 1959. ;


C ouncil of the European Union. P ress Releases.

P residency: Greece. J anuary-June 1994. M

eetings and press releases January-March 1994. ;


Memorandum from the European Economic Community. 17 October 1958. ;


Meetings of the Heads of State or Government (Summit). Paris. 9−10 December 1974. ;


Negotiations on the second British application for membership.Luxembourg.25 October 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=14 000

Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland // Treaty on European Union. ;




Rapport de l’Assemblée consultative du Conseil de l’Europe sur la zone de libre-échangeю 10 octobre 1958. ;


Rapport sur les conversations franco-britanniques relatives aux rapports entre les Six et les Sept (4 mars 1961). ;


Reply by the Council of the European Economic Community. — 27 September 1961. ;


Report from the Commission of the EC to the Council in execution of the mandate given to it on 30 May 1980 (24 June 1981). ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=11 932

Report on the negotiations concerning the establishment of a Free Trade Area. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. 14 December 1958. ;


The accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark to the European Communities. 1973. ;


The Amsterdam Treaty. 2 October 1997. ;


The Messina Conference. 2 June 1955. Messina. ;

http://www.ena.lu/messina-conference-messina-june-1955;22 500 112.html

The policies of the Conservative administration from 1990 to 1997. John Major official website. ;


The United Kingdom’s application for membership to the EEC. London. 9 August 1961. ;


Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.

1972. ;


Treaty of Association between the ECSC and the United Kingdom.

1955. ;


Treaty establishing the European Community. 17.

03.1957. (Consolidated version — 24.

12.2002) ;


UK Membership of the Single Currency: an Assessment of the Five Economic Tests. — HM Treasury. 1997. October. ;


United Kingdom: EMU opt-out clause // Activities of the European Union: Summaries of Legislation. 30.

07.2003. ;


V. Монографии

Голубович О. Великобритания в ЕС: проблемы эволюции внешнеполитического сотрудничества. — М., 1994

Журков А., Фаминский И. Великобритания и проблемы западноевропейской интеграции.

М., 1970

Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990;1997 гг.). — М., 1999

Курочкин Д. Евро: новая валюта для Старого Света. Проблемы становления и перспективы развития Европейского экономического и валютного союза. — М., 2000.

Ломакин В. Внешнеэкономическая политика Великобритании. — М., 2004.

Попов В. Маргарет Тэтчер: человек и политик. — М., 2000.

Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. — Москва, 1988.

Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. — М., 2003

Шемятенков В. Евро: две стороны одной монеты. — М., 1998.

Barnes I, Barnes P. The Enlarged European Union. — New York, 1997

Bailey R. The European Connection. Implication of EEC Membership. — Oxford, 1993.

Bulmer S., Scott A. Economic and political integration in Europe. — Oxford, 1994

Dick L. Guide to the European Union. — Oxford, 1997

Dyson K., Featherstone K. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. — Oxford, 1999.

Gamble A., Kelly G. Britain and EMU // European states and the Euro: Europeanization, variation and convergence // edit. by Dyson K. — Oxford, 2002.

Gourvish T., O’Day A. Britain since 1945. — London, 1991

Lord С. British entry to the European Community under the Heath Government of 1970;74. Aldershot, 1993.

Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. — London, 1993

VI. Материалы периодической печати

Бурнашов И. Великобритания и евро // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 2002. № 9.

Buiter W. Britain and EMU // 03.

02.1999. P.

7. ;


Doerr P. Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and European Integration, 1945;63 // Canadian Journal of History. August 1999.

Gamble A. Europeanisation: a political economy perspective. — Sheffield, 2001. ;


Gamble A., Kelly G. The British Labour Party and Monetary Union // West European Politics. 2000 January.

Gardiner N., McNamara S. The EU Lisbon Treaty: Gordon Brown Surrenders Britain’s Sovereignty // WebMemo #1840. ;


Palmer J. EU fails to decide how best to decide // The Guardian. 17 June1997.

UK told price for EMU entry may be tax harmony // Financial Times. 14 January 1999.

Dick L. Guide to the European Union. — Oxford, 1997.P.250

Speech by Winston Churchill. 19 September 1946. Zürich ;


Gourvish T., O’Day A. Britain since 1945. — London, 1991. P.131

Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. — М., 2003. С.


Журков А., Фаминский И. Великобритания и проблемы западноевропейской интеграции.

М., 1970. С.26

Там же. С.27

Letter from Joseph Bech to Harold Macmillanю 7 June 1955. Luxembourg. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26 310

Letter from Harold Macmillan to Joseph Bech. 15 June 1955. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=26 311

The Messina Conference. 2 June 1955. Messina. ;

http://www.ena.lu/messina-conference-messina-june-1955;22 500 112.html

Treaty of Association between the ECSC and the United Kingdom.

1955. ;


Note from the British Government to the German Government concerning the European Common Market. 18 November 1955. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=25 487

Treaty establishing the European Community. 17.

03.1957. (Consolidated version — 24.

12.2002) ;


Doerr P. Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and European Integration, 1945;63 // Canadian Journal of History. August 1999.

Rapport de l’Assemblée consultative du Conseil de l’Europe sur la zone de libre-échangeю 10 octobre 1958. ;


Barnes I, Barnes P. The Enlarged European Union. — New York, 1997. P 75

Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. — Москва, 1988. С. 34

Memorandum from the European Economic Community. 17 October 1958. ;


Report on the negotiations concerning the establishment of a Free Trade Area. Organisation for European Economic Cooperation. 14 December 1958. ;


Communiqué relatif à la réunion tenue par les Sept à Saltsjöbaden les 20 et 21 juillet 1959. ;


Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association. 4 January 2005. Stockholm. ;


Голубович О. Великобритания в ЕС: проблемы эволюции внешнеполитического сотрудничества. — М., 1994 С.8

Журков А, Фаминский И. Великобритания и проблемы западноевропейской интеграции. — М., 1970. С.29

Rapport sur les conversations franco-britanniques relatives aux rapports entre les Six et les Sept (4 mars 1961). ;


Harold Macmillan’s «Wind of Change» Speech Made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960:


Стрежнева М. Великобритания и Западная Европа: политические аспекты. — М., 1988. С.39

Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons. 16−17 May 1961. ;


См. например: Joint statement by the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Wellington. 6 July 1961. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7532; Joint statement by the United Kingdom and the West Indies. 11 July 1961. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=7533; Joint statement by the United Kingdom and Australia. Canberra. 11 July 1961. ;


Announcing the application. ;


Address given by Harold Macmillan on the United Kingdom’s application for membership to the EC. 31 July 1961. ;


The United Kingdom’s application for membership to the EEC. London. 9 August 1961. ;


Reply by the Council of the European Economic Community. — 27 September 1961. ;


Address given by Harold Macmillan. London. 20 September 1962. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=23 554

DeGaulle. Veto on British membership of the EEC. 14 January 1963. Paris ;


Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle' by Yves Courrière // RTL, 14 January 1963. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=11 609

Speech by George Brown at the Tenth Congress of the Socialist International. Stockholm, 6 May 1966. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13 115

Wilson H. A Speech supporting the UK application for accession to the European Economic Community. 23 January 1967. Strasbourg. ;


Wilson H. A Speech supporting the UK application for accession to the European Economic Community. 23 January 1967. Strasbourg. ;


Speech by Lord Chalfont, United Kingdom Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, to the Association of European Journalists. Brussels. 9 October 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=13 997

Negotiations on the second British application for membership.Luxembourg.25 October 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=14 000

Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle: the second veto. Paris. 27 November 1967. ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=20 322

White Paper presented by the UK Government to the UK Parliament. July 1971. ;


The accession of the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark to the European Communities. 1973. ;


Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.

1972. ;


Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. — М., 2003. С.


Bulmer S., Scott A. Economic and political integration in Europe. — Oxford, 1994. P.


Statement by the British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs James Callaghan. Luxembourg. 1 April 1974. ;


Meetings of the Heads of State or Government (Summit). Paris. 9−10 December 1974. ;


The European Council. Dublin. 10−11 March 1975. ;


White paper on the outcomes of the renegotiation of the initial conditions for the UK’s accession to the EC. March 1975. ;


Lord С. British entry to the European Community under the Heath Government of 1970;74. Aldershot, 1993. P.21

Statement by Harold Wilson to the House of Commons. .London. 9 June 1975. ;


Bulmer S., Scott A. Economic and political integration in Europe. — Oxford, 1994. P.


Treaty of Accession of the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland.

1972. ;


The European Council (Dublin, 29−30 November 1979). ;


The European Council (Luxembourg, 17−18 April 1980). ;


Попов В. Маргарет Тэтчер: человек и политик. — М., 2000.С.


См. Report from the Commission of the EC to the Council in execution of the mandate given to it on 30 May 1980 (24 June 1981). ;

http://www.ena.lu?lang=1&doc=11 932

Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. — London, 1993, P.


The European Council (Fountainebleau, 25−26 June 1984). ;


Thatcher M. The Downing Street Years. — London, 1993, P.548−551.

Address given by Margaret Thatcher. Bruges. 20 September 1988. ;


Dyson K., Featherstone K. The Road to Maastricht: Negotiating Economic and Monetary Union. — Oxford, 1999. P.


Dick L. Guide to the European Union. — Oxford, 1997.P.251

The policies of the Conservative administration from 1990 to 1997. John Major official website. ;


Dick L. Guide to the European Union. — Oxford, 1997.P.251

Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990;1997 гг.). — М., 1999. С.


The Best Future for Britain. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 1992 ;


Britain Will Win With Labour. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 1987. ;


Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990;1997 гг.). — М., 1999. С.


C ouncil of the European Union. P ress Releases. P

residency: Greece. J anuary-June 1994. M eetings and press releases January-March 1994. ;


The European Council (Corfu, 24−25 June 1994). ;


Dick L. Guide to the European Union. — Oxford, 1997.P.253

Palmer J. EU fails to decide how best to decide // The Guardian. 17 June1997. P.


Prime Minister’s speech to the CBI conference. 11 November 1997. ;


The Amsterdam Treaty. 2 October 1997. ;


Tony Blair’s speech on Europe. Warsaw. 30 May 2003. ;


The European Council (Cardiff, 15−16 June 1998). ;

http://www.europarl.europa.eu/enlargement_new/ europeancouncil/pdf/car_en.pdf

Gordon Brown outlines EU priorities. 17 December 2007. ;


Gordon Brown’s statement on the Treaty of Lisbon. 17 December 2007.London. ;


Gardiner N., McNamara S. The EU Lisbon Treaty: Gordon Brown Surrenders Britain’s Sovereignty // WebMemo #1840. ;


House of Commons Debates. 5 March 2008. ;

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmhansrd/cm080305/debindx/80 305-x.htm

Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking? Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. ;


Gamble A. Europeanisation: a political economy perspective. — Sheffield, 2001. ;


См. напримерGamble A., Kelly G. Britain and EMU // European states and the Euro: Europeanization, variation and convergence // edit. by Dyson K. — Oxford, 2002. P.118−119.

См. подробнее: Ломакин В. Внешнеэкономическая политика Великобритании. — М., 2004. С.194−195.

Bailey R. The European Connection. Implication of EEC Membership. — Oxford, 1993.P.


Шемятенков В. Европейская интеграция. — М., 2003. С.


Курочкин Д. Евро: новая валюта для Старого Света. Проблемы становления и перспективы развития Европейского экономического и валютного союза. — М., 2000. С.


Joining the Euro. Referendum Trends. 1991;present. MORI. ;

http://www.mori.com/europe/mori-euro-ref.shtml; Little Change On Euro Vote. MORI. 24.

01.2003. ;


Protocol on certain provisions relating to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland // Treaty on European Union. ;



0344:EN:PDF .


Капитонова Н. Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990;1997 гг.). — М., 1999. С.


Цит. по: Бурнашов И. Великобритания и евро // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 2002. № 9. С.


Brown G. Statement on Economic and Monetary Union. 27.

10.1997. -

http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/speeches/statement/speech_statement_271 097.cfm

UK Membership of the Single Currency: an Assessment of the Five Economic Tests. — HM Treasury. 1997. October. ;


United Kingdom: EMU opt-out clause // Activities of the European Union: Summaries of Legislation. 30.

07.2003. ;


Цит. по: Капитонова Н. Приоритеты внешней политики Великобритании (1990;1997 гг.). — М., 1999. С.54

Commission report on progress towards convergence and recommendation with a view to the transition to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union. COM (98) 1999 final, 25 March 1998. ;


Blair T. Speech on the Euro. 23.

02.1999. ;


Курочкин Д. Евро: новая валюта для Старого Света. Проблемы становления и перспективы развития Европейского экономического и валютного союза. — М., 2000. С.


Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking? Conservative Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. ;


Britain Forward Not Back. Labour Party General Election Manifesto. 2005. ;

http://a4.g.akamai.net/7/4/15 010/1/labourparty1.download.akamai.com/15 010/manifesto_13 042 005_a3/pdf/manifesto.pdf

Gamble A., Kelly G. The British Labour Party and Monetary Union // West European Politics. 2000 January. P.


Шемятенков В. Евро: две стороны одной монеты. — М., 1998. С.


Gamble A., Kelly G. The British Labour Party and Monetary Union // West European Politics. 2000 January. P.


См. подробнее: Buiter W. Britain and EMU // 03.

02.1999. P.

7. ;


UK told price for EMU entry may be tax harmony // Financial Times. 14 January 1999. P.


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Список литературы

  1. I.Официальные заявления, выступления
  2. Address given by Harold Macmillan on the United Kingdom’s application for membership to the EC. 31 July 1961. — http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9415
  3. Address given by Harold Macmillan. London. 20 September 1962. — http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=23 554
  4. Address given by Margaret Thatcher. Bruges. 20 September 1988. — http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=9492
  5. Blair T. Speech on the Euro. 23.02.1999. — http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1275.asp
  6. DeGaulle. Veto on British membership of the EEC. 14 January 1963. Paris — http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/DeGaulle's_Veto_on_British_membership_of_the_EEC
  7. Gordon Brown outlines EU priorities. 17 December 2007. — http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page14071.asp
  8. Gordon Brown’s statement on the Treaty of Lisbon. 17 December 2007.London. — http://www.saxonbooks.co.uk/Brown_on_Treaty_Lisbon.htm
  9. Gordon Brown’s Statement on Economic and Monetary Union. 27.10.1997. — http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/newsroom_and_speeches/speeches/statement/speech_statement_271 097.cfm
  10. Harold Macmillan’s «Wind of Change» Speech made to the South Africa Parliament on 3 February 1960: http://africanhistory.about.com/od/eraindependence/p/wind_of_change2.htm
  11. Prime Minister’s speech to the CBI conference. 11 November 1997. — http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/Page1072.asp
  12. Press conference held by Charles de Gaulle' by Yves Courriere // RTL, 14 January 1963. — http://www.ena.lu?lang=2&doc=11 609
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