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Although people today are becoming more conscious about their environment, and the damage that has been done in previous years. Many people make their purchase decisions based in part on the company’s ethics or social responsibility. Contributing to stop the pollution, both inside and outside their factories, they will gain the trust and respect of potential buyers who care about preserving the… Читать ещё >

Coca-cola (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Content
  • I. ntroduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the company
  • 2. Analysis of activity
  • 3. Analysis of the consumer
  • References

Coca Cola company has more than 400 brands of beverages, designed to meet a very wide range of consumers. They are able to provide drinks for different target markets, including people of all ages, genders, races, food, etc. Coca-Cola is able to sell a variety of the world’s population, and its success is unparalleled.

In modern society, people are looking to live better, healthier lifestyle, Coca Cola seeing this trend began to produce, diet drinks, which have the same great taste as their regular drinks at the same time low-fat or low-calorie drinks such as diet Coke or Coke Zero. They also have many rows of fruit juices for children and adults, such as Disney dense forest for children, and Odwalla, for adults who want to taste in a healthy adult fruit drink.

Coca Cola products are purchased by all the different classes, but mostly citizens of middle and high class, because they have more money to spend on luxuries. Coca Cola is a very successful company; due to their success they can spend more of their profitable plants operate more efficiently. They can do this by updating the equipment used for the production of their drinks.

Although people today are becoming more conscious about their environment, and the damage that has been done in previous years. Many people make their purchase decisions based in part on the company’s ethics or social responsibility. Contributing to stop the pollution, both inside and outside their factories, they will gain the trust and respect of potential buyers who care about preserving the environment. In gaining their trust and respect more people will be willing to buy their products because the company is behind the same goals that they are trying to protect consumers. Coca Cola Company, trying to be more environmentally aware.

Atribute Site competition

And competing products Effect on demand

Social position, climate, gender, age

hierarchy of Needs

Need for comfort, prestige

historic site


The level of customer satisfaction

fully satisfactory The degree of conjugation


scale Distribution

Social, universal

frequency meet


The nature of


latitude rasprostraniniya

In all areas


Needs Additional products The attitude of society


The degree of elasticity


depth of penetration


At Coca-Cola FT, customers are at the heart of everything we do. Customer preferences is a core value of our business. This means building true partnerships that create sustainable value and profitable growth for our business and our customers in all key channels. By finding new ways to win with the market, we strive to be the preferred supplier for all our customers. To achieve this, we have a full set of initiatives aimed at establishing cooperative relationships with customers and provide excellent performance.

Perfection by areal

Our program is to ensure the continued relevance and excellence of consumers in the market is focused on five main principles:

• A means placing our range in the vicinity of consumers in the package «Right», in the «right» place in the «right» time.

• Accessibility means offering a wide range desired, premium quality products, in packages suitable for the case in the «right» price.

• Eligibility means supplying an extensive and growing range of products that meet the highest quality standards in each country, increasing their acceptability to consumers. Our experience in monitoring the quality of customer service and efficient distribution, combined with a detailed understanding of user needs and the most efficient access to the communication channels, enables us to reach customers and consumers in each of our market and to satisfy their requirements.

• Activation means motivating consumers choose our products to improve product availability and attractiveness at the time of purchase and building brand strength in our local markets.

• Attitude is how our sales representatives and our people behave in their daily interaction with our customers, ensuring that we meet their needs in order to become the preferred supplier of choice. We have also introduced the concept of co-creation of value with key customers, which is built on the premise that the drinks offer significant growth not only for us but also for our retail customers.





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  1. References
  2. http://buytheway.annenbergcourse.org/
  3. http://thesocialpeople.net/
  4. http://www.coca-colacompany.com/
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