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I n China there has been a sharp decline in foreign direct investment, which have always been a crucial factor in the rapid economic growth of the country. H owever, the Chinese Government is quite optimistic and believes that in the long term investment flows stabilized. A nyway, the PRC Government has already demonstrated its determination to combat economic shocks by providing support to key… Читать ещё >

Эссе на английском языке по заданию (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

These studies show that, in the major industrial centers of costs caused by insufficient infrastructure, crime, bribery, legal regulation and the difficulty of enforcing contracts, covering an average of less than 14%. This is much less than in countries such as Brazil and Pakistan. China still has a long way to go, especially with regard to the dissemination of similar improvements in other parts of the country, but having said that, his achievements are clear.

The State encourages foreign investors to participate in China’s priority projects and programmes (electronics, computing industry, power-saving and environmental technologies, money and profitable industry, with new technology and new equipment of last generation, etc.).

I n China there has been a sharp decline in foreign direct investment, which have always been a crucial factor in the rapid economic growth of the country. H owever, the Chinese Government is quite optimistic and believes that in the long term investment flows stabilized. A nyway, the PRC Government has already demonstrated its determination to combat economic shocks by providing support to key sectors of the national economy 4 trillion. Y

uan. T he anti-crisis package is designed stimulaii for the next two years and could be supplemented, if need be. I n General, the authorities now expect major investments to support economic growth by providing funds for «socially important projects, as well as stimulating domestic demand. The Chinese Government has acknowledged that it will be no easy task, but to do it, «there are all necessary conditions» .

T he Chinese authorities are doing a great deal to further develop a competitive investment climate. T hey create a modern market infrastructure, are actively working on the construction of highways, railways and energy development.

T here is a real construction boom, are burgeoning city. T here are serious plans to develop atomic energy. C hina has long been used to attract private investment for the construction of toll roads and infrastructure. T here are ambitious plans to build airports, regional development.

T he total length of Expressway in China ranks 2 place in the world-41 k miles … In 1999, established a credit system for private housing to solve the housing problem by use of household savings.

Too high levels of manufacturing savings (investments) can lead to lack of consumer demand, difficulties in selling products. Thus, in CHINA from time to time (1986;1988, 1993;1995) there were «overheating» of the economy related to the excessive expansion of the loan of capital construction and the front, called the inflationary trend, disruption of transport and energy. In such cases, the «cool» economy: limit the credit and interest rate increases, impose administrative restrictions on new construction and resale homes, frozen rates and business activity in the real estate sector. One of the indicators of «overheating is too high a rise in prices on the real estate market. In 2005, it amounted to 6.

6% in China. However, without increased investment, economic growth is not stable.

The practice of involvement of foreign investments to the economy of China and, at the same time, public policy to create favourable and effective investment climate in the country were a direct consequence and an integral part of a long-term national strategy for socio-economic development of China.

Large-scale (1978 onwards) to attract FDI and evolutionary formation of investment climate in China are based on a long-term investment strategy, have improved with the progress of the reforms and with long-term development objectives of the country’s economy.

Among the attractive incentive investment climate for FDI in China include: strategic position of China in the Asia-Pacific region, a progressive expansion of the domestic market of the country, the presence of many investment resources (raw materials, work force, etc.), political stability, opportunities for re-export, the rapid development of infrastructure, low rate, presence of large financial resources in the international financial center Hong Kong (Hong Kong S.A.R.) etc.

Crafted in CHINA a favorable investment climate, contributes as, attracting FDI into the country’s economy and, equally important, transforming China into a global player, which is essential to effective development of international economic cooperation (especially in the ASIA-PACIFIC REGION).

Improving the investment environment in CHINA is driven largely by the joint enterprise zones. These zones are characterized by a diversity of forms, flexible adaptation to local conditions, allowing to increase the pace of economic growth in the effective development of foreign investment zones taking into account priority areas for development of economy of China.

Thus, the attractiveness of CHINA as a recipient of foreign capital is determined to maintain a high level of socio-economic and political stability, the presence of a significant domestic market and cheap labour, and active domestic investment policy.


Ramsey, F. A Mathematical Theory of Saving [Text] / F. Ramsey // Economic Journal. — 1928.- № 38.

Aghion, P. Endogenous Growth Theory [Text] / P. Aghion и P. Howitt. — Cambridge-London: The MIT Press, 1998.

American Economic Review. — 1965. — № 55.

Barro, R. Economic Growth [Text] / R. Barro и X. Sala-i-Martin. — New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Cass, D. Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation [Text] / D. Cass// Review of Economic Studies. — 1965. — № 32.

Diamond, P. National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model [Text] / P. Diamond //Economic Record. — 1956. — № 32.

J ones, L. E. A C onvex Model of Eguilibrium Growth: Theory and Plicy Implications [Text] /L. E. J ones и R.

M anuelli // Journal of Political Economy. — 1990. — № 98.

Lucas, R. E. On the Mechanics of Economic Development [Text] / R. E. Lucas // Journal of Monetary Economics. — 1988. — № 22.

Rebelo, S. Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth [Text] / S. Rebelo // Journal of Political Economy. — 1991. — № 99.

Romer, P. M. Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth [Text] / P. M. Romer // Journal of Political Economy. — 1986. — № 94.

Solow, R. M. A contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth [Text] / R. M. Solow // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. — 1956. — № 70.

Swan, T. W. Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation [Text] / T. W. Swan //

Rebelo, S. Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth [Text] / S. Rebelo // Journal of Political Economy. — 1991. — № 99.

Solow, R. M. A contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth [Text] / R. M. Solow // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. — 1956. — № 70.

Lucas, R. E. On the Mechanics of Economic Development [Text] / R. E. Lucas // Journal of Monetary Economics. — 1988. — № 22.

Cass, D. Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation [Text] / D. Cass// Review of Economic Studies. — 1965. — № 32.

Aghion, P. Endogenous Growth Theory [Text] / P. Aghion и P. Howitt. — Cambridge-London: The MIT Press, 1998.

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Список литературы

  1. Bibliography
  2. Ramsey, F. A Mathematical Theory of Saving [Text] / F. Ramsey // Economic Journal. — 1928.- № 38.
  3. Aghion, P. Endogenous Growth Theory [Text] / P. Aghion и P. Howitt. — Cambridge-London: The MIT Press, 1998.
  4. American Economic Review. — 1965. — № 55.
  5. Barro, R. Economic Growth [Text] / R. Barro и X. Sala-i-Martin. — New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.
  6. Cass, D. Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation [Text] / D. Cass// Review of Economic Studies. — 1965. — № 32.
  7. Diamond, P. National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model [Text] / P. Diamond //Economic Record. — 1956. — № 32.
  8. Jones, L. E. A Convex Model of Eguilibrium Growth: Theory and Plicy Implications [Text] /L. E. Jones и R. Manuelli // Journal of Political Economy. — 1990. — № 98.
  9. Lucas, R. E. On the Mechanics of Economic Development [Text] / R. E. Lucas // Journal of Monetary Economics. — 1988. — № 22.
  10. Rebelo, S. Long-Run Policy Analysis and Long-Run Growth [Text] / S. Rebelo // Journal of Political Economy. — 1991. — № 99.
  11. Romer, P. M. Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth [Text] / P. M. Romer // Journal of Political Economy. — 1986. — № 94.
  12. Solow, R. M. A contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth [Text] / R. M. Solow // The Quarterly Journal of Economics. — 1956. — № 70.
  13. Swan, T. W. Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation [Text] / T. W. Swan //
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