Эволюция налоговой системы Великобритании, 1979-1997 гг
Изучение принципов британского корпорациоипого налогообложения и проведение сравнительного анализа с другими странами по некоторым экономическим показателям позволяет сделать вывод о том, что налогообложение компаний оказывает влияние не только на объем прибыли после уплаты налогов, но и на различные аспекты их поведения, включая инвестиции, занятость, технологические нововведения… Читать ещё >
Список литературы
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- The Tax Calculation Guide I have sent you will help if you decide to calculate the tax yourself.• You do not have to wait until 30 September 1997, or 31 January 1998, to send me your Tax Return.
- MB for the year ended 5 April 1:
- Amount after tax deducted Tax deducted Gross amount before tax1. Ю.9 ^^^m 110.10? 110.11
- Amount after tax deducted Tax deducted Gross amount before tax1012 ¦ 10.13 ?1. Dividends• Dividends and other qualifying distributions from UK companies
- Dividend/distribution plus credit j1015 I* 10.16 10/17 I? I
- Dividend/distribution Tax credit Dividend/distribution plus credit1018 J 10.19 I? I 10.20 l? I
- Dividend Notional tax Dividend plus notional tax1021 J 10.22 10,23 l? I
- Dividend Notional tax Dividend plus notional tax1024? 1025 !.t. 10.26 ?
- Dividend Notional tax Dividend plus notional tax1027? 1028? 1029 ?
- Notional tax Taxable amount1030? 1 10.31 к I 1032 ?
- Did you recoive a UK pension, retirement annuity or Social Security benefit?1. D ВЯННяcomplete Ijohm 11.1 to .13 as appropriate
- Taxable amount (or 199G-97
- Do not iixludc contnbulions dcduclcd Iromynir рлу by your employerbeaux Uix iclict is given autonkitiailly.
- Retirement annuity contracts1. yes, (ill in boxes 14.1 to 14 17 below as appropriate
- Subscriptions for Venture Capital Trust shares (up to ?100,000)• Subscriptions under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (up to ?100,000)• Charitable covenants or annuities• Gift Aid
- Post-cessation expenses, and losses on relevant discounted securities• Payments to a trade union or friendly society for death benefits
- ANCESfor the year ended 5 April 1997
- You got your personal allowance of ?3,765 automatically. If you were born before 6 April 1932, enteTyour date of birth jin box 21.4 to get age-related allowances. Fill in other boxes as appropriate. !
- UK j If yrs. f’l! inborn-" 16 1 to 16.28 1 Do you want to claim any of the following allowances? } 17?^j a, app, opriate
- Date of registration (if first year of claim)1. В Hlindperson’s allowanceIlocal authority (of other rt-gibtcr)
- Wife’s tax reference (if known, please)• Date of marriage (if after 5 April 1996)
- Tick box 16.8 if you and your wife have allocated half the allowance to her
- Name and address of other person claimingw1. Postcode
- Enter your share as a percentage
- Married couple’s allowance if you are a married man — see page 24 of your Tax Return Guide163 ?164 к.. J• If share not agreed, enter number of days in year ended 5 April 1997 child lived with
- Married couple’s allowance if you are a married woman — see page 23 of your Tax Return Guide• Date of marriage (if after 5 April 1996)
- Additional personal allowance (available in soma circumstances if you have a child living with you see page 24 of your1. Tax Return Guide) — you ¦ other person1622 days1623 days1624 / /
- Widow’s bereavement allowance
- Date of your husband’s death
- Transfer of surplus allowances see page 25 of your Tax Return Guide before you fill in boxes 16.25 to 16.28
- Tick if you want your spouse to have your unused allowances• Tick if you want to have your spouse’s unused allowances
- NFORMATIONfor the year ended 5 April 1997
- Havo you had any 1996−97 tax refunded directly by your Tax Office or Unemployment Benefit Officc?
- И" I If yes, enu* the i I of refund fieriтшЛ
- Tick box 18.7 if you are making a claim to reduce your payments on account and say why in the 'Additional information' box• 1997−98 tax you are reclaiming now
- Tick box 18.8 if you do not need to make payments on account18118.218.318.418.518.618.8189 «
- Do you want to claim a repayment if you have paid too much tax?1. you tick 'No ', I will set шуЫЩ1. ус., fill in hc. es 19.T:!o?9.12 as appropriate
- Should the repayment/payment be sent or
- Please give details of your (or your nominee’s) bank or building society account for repayment
- Name of bank or building society1. you want your repayment to be made to your agent tick box 19.91. Agent’s ref. НИВВЯfor you1. Nominee’s address7 i
- Branch sort code Account number Name of account Building society ref.193 IHBBHBH19.4195шшшяшшш19.619.71. Postcodeto receive on my behalf the amount due
- This authority must be signed by you. Л photocopy of your signature will not do.1. Signatureb
- Arc your details on the front of the form wrong?1. yes, please make any corrections on the front of the form
- Please give other personal details in boxes 21.1 to 21.4
- Say if you are single, married, widowed, divorced or separated1. Date of birth1. you were born before 6 April 1932, or you have ticked the 'Yes' box in Question 14, or you are claiming relief for Venture Capital Trust subscriptionsей
- OTHER INFORMATION for the year ended 5 April 1997, continued
- Please tick boxes 22.1 to 22.5 if they apply and provide any additional information in the box below.
- Tick box 22.1 if you expect to receive a new pension or Social Security benefit in 1997−98.
- Tick box 22.2 if you do not want any tax you owe collected through your tax code.
- Tick box 22.3 if this Tax Return contains figures which are provisional because you do not yet have final figures. Give details below.