ΠŸΠΎΠΌΠΎΡ‰ΡŒ Π² написании студСнчСских Ρ€Π°Π±ΠΎΡ‚
АнтистрСссовый сСрвис

ΠœΠ΅ΠΆΠ΄ΡƒΠ½Π°Ρ€ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎΠ΅ сСмСйноС ΠΏΡ€Π°Π²ΠΎ: общая характСристика основных источников


Razumovich N.Y. Istochniki i formy prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1988. № 3; Morozova L.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. М., 2005. P. 236βˆ’253. M archenko M.N. Istochniki prava. М., 2005. P. 44; Kartashov V.N. Teoriya pravovoy sistemy obshcestva. T. 1. Razumovich N.Y. Istochniki i formy prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1988. № 3. Yablochkov T.M. Trudy po mezhdunarodnomu chastnomu… Π§ΠΈΡ‚Π°Ρ‚ΡŒ Π΅Ρ‰Ρ‘ >

ΠœΠ΅ΠΆΠ΄ΡƒΠ½Π°Ρ€ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎΠ΅ сСмСйноС ΠΏΡ€Π°Π²ΠΎ: общая характСристика основных источников (Ρ€Π΅Ρ„Π΅Ρ€Π°Ρ‚, курсовая, Π΄ΠΈΠΏΠ»ΠΎΠΌ, ΠΊΠΎΠ½Ρ‚Ρ€ΠΎΠ»ΡŒΠ½Π°Ρ)


  • ContentsIntroduction
  • Part 1. Sources of international private law
  • Part 2. Sources of family law of conflict
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The change of the status of Russia in the world community, transition to society openness, fastening in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of new priorities have essentially changed the approach to a way of definition of the law which are subject to application to family relations with a foreign element. In Family Code of the Russian Federation 1995 the legislator at a choice of bindings took into consideration first of all communication of a concrete kind of relations with that or other state, including foreign. The sphere of use of a binding to the Russian law has been considerably narrowed. Really, rigid application to any family relations of the Russian legislation was included into the contradiction with interests of participants of relations, in particular the Russian citizens abroad. So, non-use of the foreign law conducted to that in those states where the law of citizenship of the spouse admits defining, corresponding certificates of the Russian establishments (for example, a marriage) could appear unrecognized and non-realized.

Speaking about the basic conflict bindings, it is necessary to pay attention that last years in the legislation of some the countries which were based earlier in the field of family relations first of all on application of sending to the law of the country of citizenship, last has appeared the pressed «territorial» binding — to a residence or even to a place of ordinary residence (stay) (gewohnlicher Aufenthalt). The tendency designated earlier in the doctrine, receives nowadays reflection and in the legislation. So, in rules of the new Law of Belgium about the international private law of 2004 concerning the personal status and family relations, there were serious changes in regulation in connection with replacement of the reference by citizenship the reference to the place of ordinary residence though sending to the citizenship law too has remained.

Application in the sphere of family relations of more favorable right is provided usually in subsidiary rule supposing — in addition to the general rules — application of the law of other particularly specified state.

In a family law favorable conditions are created for the subject protected here first of all — the child or other person needing material or other help. So it is possible to regard simultaneously it and as protection of the «weak» party of legal relationship — one more tendency shown in modern international private law and having special value in sphere of treaty obligations.


Kartashov V.N. Teoriya pravovoy sistemy obshcestva. T. 1. Yaroslavl, 2005.

Konstituciya Rossiyskoy Federacii // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 26.


Lunz L.A. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. M., 2008.

Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava. М., 2005.

Morozova L.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. М., 2005. P. 236−253.

Razumovich N.Y. Istochniki i formy prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1988. № 3.

Semeynyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii (red. 23.

12.2010) // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 01.

01.1996, N 1.

Shershenevich G.F. Obschaya teoriya prava. В. 2. М., 1995.

Yablochkov T.M. Trudy po mezhdunarodnomu chastnomu pravu. M., 2002.

M archenko M.N. Istochniki prava. М., 2005. P. 44; Kartashov V.N. Teoriya pravovoy sistemy obshcestva. T. 1.

Y aroslavl, 2005. P. 149.

Shershenevich G.F. Obschaya teoriya prava. В. 2. М., 1995. P. 5.

Razumovich N.Y. Istochniki i formy prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1988. № 3; Morozova L.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. М., 2005. P. 236−253.

Lunz L.A. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. M., 2008. P. 30.

Yablochkov T.M. Trudy po mezhdunarodnomu chastnomu pravu. M., 2002. P. 50.

Semeynyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii (red. 23.

12.2010) // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 01.

01.1996, N 1, st. 16.

Konstituciya Rossiyskoy Federacii // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 26.

01.2009, N 4, st. 445.


Бписок Π»ΠΈΡ‚Π΅Ρ€Π°Ρ‚ΡƒΡ€Ρ‹

  1. Bibliography
  2. Kartashov V.N. Teoriya pravovoy sistemy obshcestva. T. 1. Yaroslavl, 2005.
  3. Konstituciya Rossiyskoy Federacii // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 26.01.2009.
  4. Lunz L.A. Kurs mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava. M., 2008.
  5. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava. М., 2005.
  6. Morozova L.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. М., 2005. P. 236−253.
  7. Razumovich N.Y. Istochniki i formy prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1988. № 3.
  8. Semeynyi kodeks Rossiyskoy Federacii (red. 23.12.2010) // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF, 01.01.1996, N 1.
  9. Shershenevich G.F. Obschaya teoriya prava. В. 2. М., 1995.
  10. Yablochkov T.M. Trudy po mezhdunarodnomu chastnomu pravu. M., 2002.
