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Style of business letters

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Omplex sentences combine various subordinate connection. T he most common among them are complex sentences with attributive subordinate clauses characterized by conjunctions-which: We have enclosed a Request Order Form for you to complete should you require additional material which can help you in the marketing of our programs. — that: Unfortunately, after much consideration we find that the… Читать ещё >

Style of business letters (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • I. ntroduction
  • Chapter 1 Official style in modern communication
    • 1. 1. The essence of style as a whole
    • 1. 2. Factors that shape the official style
    • 1. 3. Top features of official business text
    • 1. 4. Genre specificity of functional style
  • Chapter 2 Features of English Business Letters
    • 2. 1. Communicative and pragmatic features of business letters
    • 2. 2. The structure of a business letters
    • 2. 3. Grammatical features of business letters
    • 2. 4. Lexical features of business letters
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

I n a letter, each of these intentions is materialized in the form of positive, negative or evasive answers. S ituational variability in each individual case depends on the content of letter text. Regardless of the reaction nature, the reply letter contains: link element (for example, in the form of gratitude) to correspondence received or previous oral contact. T.

his item is characterized by expressions such as: I was very pleased to receive your enquiry. We have received with pleasure your letter dated, I regret to inform you that. expressed attitude (positive, negative, etc.) to the resulting stimulus: We greatly appreciate your invitation I appreciate the quality of your servicestatements in connection with the issues raised in the correspondence received (during oral contacts): We are willing to place an order… Please, note that… Besides we strongly believe that… The attitude to the stimulus contained in letter to a large extent determines the logic of the response letter. F or example, the denial is followed by an explanation of the reasons. A ccordingly, the scheme will be as follows: Compliance:expression of gratitude: We have received with pleasure your letter dated… Thank you for your letter of… consent expression (positive response): We greatly appreciate your invitation, we were glad to receive the invitation from you. Denial:references to correspondence received (motivation): I regret to inform you that your invoice contains mistakes, unfortunatelyexpression of negative reaction (or refusal) to the request, invitation, custom, request, etc .: I am convinced that you do not expect me to pay …, anyway I will wait for your full refund. statement of the reasons for refusal: The price was changed and we are not going to pay more for the product. Response avoidance: expression of gratitude (reference element): Thank you very much for information, we are glad to receive the detailsabout… failure to comply with the expression contained in the request: We are not going to …, our company will not refund. statement of reasons for the refusal: We are not satisfied with the quality, the terms of delivery were not mentioned. description of alternative solutions to the problem: We expect you to give us the correct information, it will be better to organize in the delivery during next month.‘Apology' communicative intent is usually expressed in a response letter, namely his/her desire to understand and evaluate what had happened, and apologize a partner. G enerally, apology communicative intention in the text takes place according to the following scheme: reference to the receipt of the complaint.

T his item can be expressed with clichéd phrases as follows: Your letter dated on … was duly notedWe have received your letter of. expression of apology arisen in connection with the problematic situation, mistakes, etc .: We apologize for the inconvenience caused by… We offer apologies for the oversight. statement of incident assessment, ways of solving the problem: We are sending a new oneWe will contact our agents to prevent delays. polite completion of letters: Yours faithfullyYours sincerely. The above intentions are materialized in business letter, as shown, through various language means. F irst of all, it is a rigid structure of business letter, which, as a rule, is written in a prescribed form. H.

aving clear structural components and a fairly limited range of tools, filling these components makes it possible to create a standard business letter scheme. The result is a maximum harmonization of business letters texts, increasing the effectiveness of this form of communication for business transactions.

2.3 Grammatical features of business lettersBusiness letters in English are very diverse on grammatical level. T here is a contrast of simple and complex sentences. M.

oreover, the preference is given to complex sentences. C omplex sentences combine various subordinate connection. T he most common among them are complex sentences with attributive subordinate clauses characterized by conjunctions-which: We have enclosed a Request Order Form for you to complete should you require additional material which can help you in the marketing of our programs.

— that: Unfortunately, after much consideration we find that the information furnished by you does not meet our credit requirements. when: Perhaps we can consider your application request when your circumstances change. with conventional subordinate clauses characterized by conjunctionif: If we can be of service to you further, please let us know. as soon as: We will ship your order as soon as it is available. with causal subordinate clauses characterized by conjunction- because: Because our assumption was our error, we are mailing you a credit for the difference in delivery rates. T he most frequently used coordinative conjunctions are: and: Could you check to see who sent it and ask them to try it again. but: It was sent late last week, but I only received the very top portion of one page, or, so: Also I would appreciate your acknowledging the receipt of this message so I will know that you received it. The texts of business letters reflect the contrast of Passive and Active Voice: Present Passive: Before new accounts are opened, we conduct a routine credit investigation.

Y our patronage is highly valued. T herefore, an account has been opened for you. P ast Passive: We explained to our customers that these pricing schedules were based equitably on maximum value. T.

his was decided based on the information you gave us as well as from our normal sources. Future Passive: We regretfully have no idea when they will be shipped to us. W e know that you will be served intellectually and courteously. and a large amount of infinitive constructions: Complex Object: Please drop in again and let us see that your next purchase is handled correctly, I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference to be held at Sheraton Hotel, London on Thursday / Friday 10 / 11 December 2009. as well as the Gerund: We intend shipping the goods in May. W e appreciate your giving us the opportunity to be of service to you. Business correspondence is characterized by grammatical features such as the use of modal verbs: Replying to your enquiry of… we regret to say that we cannot give information in this case.

[ 29, 90]We are sorry that at the present time our machines Type AB12 are not available for sale and must ask you to excuse us from sending you a quotation. [ 9, 99]In the circumstances, we have to disclaim any responsibility. [.

14, 112]As we would not be able to promise delivery before next spring, we feel we must return your order, with our apologies and thanks. 29, 58]In general, the sentences follow the regular grammatical structure, i.e., the subject followed by the predicate, and the rest of the sentence.

2.4 Lexical features of business lettersThe general lexical peculiarities of business letters include^- the use of case-lexicon: We thank you for your order and are pleased to place an order with you for 100 kg of apples at the price of 3000 net VAT unpaid. It would give us great pleasure if you could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o’clock.the use of proper names: We shall be glad to meet here Mr. J ames Moore and Mr. A.

rnold Jackson and discuss with them these questions .If this time is convenient for you, kindly let us know the date of their arrival in Moscow. We are obliged for your name and address to the Russian Trade Representative office in Sri Lanka importers. We can let you have any information to enable you to quote the most competitive prices including our 2% commission. L etters of business correspondence tend to use terminology and abbreviations: As to the business integrity of our firm we refer you to the Merchantile Bank Ltd., Colombo (Ltd. ;

limited limited liability).On behalf of Universal Process Equipment, Inc. (UPE)I would like to express interest in discussing with you company any surplus manufacturing facilities. I t is rare for business correspondence, but there are emotional and sensitive words, especially with respect to those letters in which the addresser appears related to the letter recipient: We are very pleased to invite you to the meeting that will take place on the 10th of May. It would give us great pleasure if you could join us for dinner on Saturday, the 23rd August, at seven o’clock.Phrasal verbs, the so-called multi-part verbs are found in the business phraseology: Please drop in again and let us see that your next purchase is handled correctly. We send out statements at the end of each month and expect payment sometime during the following month. Having examined the various factors that affect communication in business correspondence we can conclude that the intention is the determining factor, since it is an illocutionary factor. T hat is why we have classified the business letters on intentions and analysed all communicative intentions on the grammatical and lexical levels. ConclusionSumming up the results of our study, it should be noted that due to the rapid development of business relations in the past decade writing as a kind of communication has undergone significant changes.

T hese changes have affected not only the lexical filling of the text letter, but its syntactic structure and stylistic features as well. Commercial correspondence genre occupies a special place among the genres of official style as being an integral part of the most numerous and business discourse. I t has the characteristic features of the genre on the structural, semantic and pragmatic levels. The trend to use certain lexical and emotionally expressive means in business texts, business correspondence genre led to division of communicative functions when impliedthey suggest the various linguistic means to be used. The term paper provided all the necessary materials for structure, grammar and lexicology of English business letters, the knowledge of which helps in solving various pragmatic tasks.BibliographyАбегг.

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1983). T he Syntax of Persuasion: Two Business Letters of Request, Journal of Business Communication, Urbana, 111: American Business Writing Association, — Vol. 20, No. 2. — pp.

17−30.Myers M. (1999). T he Influence of the Purpose of a Business Document on its Syntax and Rhetorical Schemes, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Vol. 29 (4), BaywoodPublishingCo, Inc.-pp.

401−408.Seglin J.L. The AMA Handbook of Business Letters, New York, 1998. Shelby, A.N., & Reinsch, N.L.Jr. (1995). P.

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http://www.legislation.gov.uk/[accessed 04 April 2016].

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Список литературы

  1. ., Бенфорд М. 100 писем на английском: учеб. пособие. — М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2007. — 159 c.
  2. , И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. [Текст]: учеб. для вузов / И. В. Арнольд. — 4-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: Флинта: Наука, 2002. — с. 384.
  3. О.С. О разграничении слова и словосочетания: дис. д-ра филол. наук. — М., 1956.
  4. М.П. Стилистика немецкого языка. Учебник. М.: Высш. школа, 1990. С. 110.
  5. Л. Деловая переписка на английском языке. — М., 1998. — 352 с.
  6. И.Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. — М., 1958.-459 с.
  7. Е.A. Еще раз о стиле как научном объекте современного языкознания // Дискурс — Стиль. — СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУЭФ, 2003.
  8. А.А., Жданова И. Ф. Деловые письма и контракты. 3-е изд. — М.: Филоматис, 2008. — 288.
  9. Е.Е. Коммерческая корреспонденция и документация на английском языке. С.-Пб.: Лениздат, 1992. — 446 с.
  10. , К.А. Профессионально-ориентированное обучение переводу с листа текста делового письма студентов языковых факультетов вузов: дис… канд. пед. наук / К. А. Касаткина. — Тольятти, 2000. — 217 с.
  11. , К.А., Косс, Е.В. Перевод делового письма (английский язык): учеб. пособие. — ТГУ, Тольятти, 2009. — 5−24 с.
  12. М.Н. К основаниям функциональной стилистики. — Пермь, 1968. — 250 с.
  13. Е.В. Лингвистические особенности выражения побудительности в текстах официально-деловой прозы (па материале современного немецкого языка): дис. … канд. филол. наук. -СПб., 2003.
  14. Комплект образцов деловых писем на английском языке с переводом на русский язык. — Рига: Маркетинг стандарт, 1991. — 142 с.
  15. , JI.A. Настольная книга бизнесмена (Курс английского языка по коммерческой деятельности и формам деловой коммуникации) / Л. А. Лукьянова. — М.: ГИС, 2001. — 276 с.
  16. И.Я. Как пишут письма на английском языке. — М.: Высшая школа, 1993. — 80 с.
  17. Л.В. Письмо как тип текста: дис. … канд. филол. Наук. -Одесса, 1991.- 159 с.
  18. Переписка с иностранными партнерами: учебное пособие. — Сост.: Московская Школа Секретарей Общества «Бизнес-Сервис». М.: «Бизнес-Сервис», 1992. -74 с.
  19. Н.М. Функциональная стилистика. — М.: Высшая школа, 1989. 174 с.
  20. Л.В. Стилистика деловой речи и редактирование служебных документов. Учеб. пособие. — 3-е изд. — М.: Высшая школа, 1988. — 239 с.
  21. М.Ю. Документы делового общения — М.: Издательство «РДЛ», 2001. — 208 с.
  22. Дж. Классификация иллокутивных актов // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. М.: Прогресс, 1986. — Вып. XVII. — с. 170.
  23. Г. Я. Стилистика текста: Учеб. пособие. 5-е изд. — М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. — 256 с.
  24. Business Letters for Busy People (2002). Ed. National Press Publications, Inc. KS USA.
  25. Cover Letter Almanac and Disk (1996). Adams Media Corporation.
  26. , W. (1991). Action Letters for Small Business Owners, New York.
  27. , I.R. (1977). Stylistics. 2nd edition, M.: Higher School. — 332 p.
  28. , A.B. (1998). Business Letters the Easy Way. — 3rd edition. Barron’s Educational Series, Hauppage, New York. — 192 p.
  29. King, F.W., Cree, A.D. (1994). English Business Letters. Commercial Correspondence for Foreign Students, М.: Высшая школа. — 192 p.
  30. , M. (1983). The Syntax of Persuasion: Two Business Letters of Request, Journal of Business Communication, Urbana, 111: American Business Writing Association, — Vol. 20, No. 2. — pp. 17−30.
  31. M. (1999). The Influence of the Purpose of a Business Document on its Syntax and Rhetorical Schemes, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Vol. 29 (4), Baywood Publishing Co, Inc. — pp. 401−408.
  32. Seglin J.L. The AMA Handbook of Business Letters, New York, 1998.
  33. , A.N., & Reinsch, N.L.Jr. (1995). Positive emphasis and you-attitude: An empirical study. The Journal of Business Communication, 32, pp. 303−320.
  34. Л.А., Гаврилова Г. Ф., Малычева Н. В. Учебный словарь лингвистических терминов. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2005. — 256 с.
  35. Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. — М., 1990.
  36. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ [accessed 04 April 2016]
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