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Художественное пространство в современной лингвистике текста и индивидуальном стиле

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Амбивалентная природа Храма, изначально заложенная в нем двойственность и противоречивость позволяют расширить уподобление Храма конкретному человеку до сравнения с человеческой природой вообще. На последних страницах романа шпиль, как пространственная координата, соединяющая небо и грешную землю, воплощающих темное и светлое, материальное и божественное, рациональное и иррациональное начала… Читать ещё >

Художественное пространство в современной лингвистике текста и индивидуальном стиле (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Введение
  • Глава 1. Теоретические основы изучения пространства как текстовой категории в лингвистике
    • 1. 1. Определение понятия категории текста
    • 1. 2. Подходы к изучению пространства как одной из основных текстовых категорий
    • 1. 3. Общие характеристики пространства
    • 1. 4. Выводы к первой главе
  • Глава 2. Особенности репрезентации пространства в индивидуальном авторском стиле (на материале англоязычных художественных текстов)
    • 2. 1. Методика анализа художественного пространства
    • 2. 2. Черты художественного пространства в англоязычных сказках (3−4 сказки)
    • 2. 3. Черты художественного пространства в произведениях С. Моэма и В. Голдинга
    • 2. 4. Выводы ко второй главе
  • Заключение
  • Литература Приложение 1
  • Приложение 2
  • Приложение 3
  • Приложение 4
  • Приложение 5
  • Приложение 6
  • Приложение 7

В романе «Шпиль» присутствуют две архитектонические перспективы — вертикаль, которая выражается в строительстве шпиля и духовном росте причастных к этому строительству, и горизонталь, которая выражается в переплетении человеческих судеб, в сложности личных взаимоотношений. Эти доминанты образовывают крест, который в романе появляется не только как культовый символ, но и как выражения его архитектоники. Все, что происходит в романе, это возведение настоятелем собора Джослином своего креста, на котором он и будет распят. Крест и Мировое Дерево объединяются в символе «Крестного Дерева», что соединяет вертикаль (божественный логос) и горизонталь (человеческую природу). Разным — явным и неявным — проявлениям Креста в романе Голдинга отвечает «христоподобность» его повествовательной структуры: движение по вертикалу — к высотам духа и к его низинам — соединяется с движением по горизонтали — в виде «разветвлений» и «переплетений» разных аллегорических и символических значений. Само соединение вертикали и горизонтали дает истинное знание, которое нельзя передать словами. Оно является непонятным для тех, кто сам не достиг, ценой жертв и страданий, ясности видения. Страдание, которые испытает герой, и сочувствие читателей к нему, побуждают обращаться к центру, к неизреченной сердцевине духовной жизни.

Амбивалентная природа Храма, изначально заложенная в нем двойственность и противоречивость позволяют расширить уподобление Храма конкретному человеку до сравнения с человеческой природой вообще. На последних страницах романа шпиль, как пространственная координата, соединяющая небо и грешную землю, воплощающих темное и светлое, материальное и божественное, рациональное и иррациональное начала бытия, не имеющая под собой твердого фундамента и готовая рухнуть в любую секунду, превращается во всеобъемлющую метафору о нескончаемой борьбе и единстве противоположных начал в человеческом бытии.

2.4 Выводы ко второй главе

В данной главе были исследованы художественные пространства произведений английских авторов. Для сказочных произведений, как правило, характерно небольшое географическое пространство и наличие пространства волшебства и чуда. При этом пространство добра и правды всегда берет вверх над пространством зла и ли.

В изученных произведениях Моэма присутствует очень широкая гамма различных типов пространства, при этом, очень тонко и чутко передаются особенности эмоционального и психологического пространства. Внутренний мир героев раскрывается как раз через эти плоскости.

Для произведений Голдинга всегда характерно присутствие пространства добра и зла, Бога и греха, правды и лжи, и именно через преломление главных героев сквозь эти пространства он раскрывает человеческую сущность.


В дипломной работе проведены исследования по изучению художественного пространства произведений английских авторов. Исследованы три английских сказки на различную тематику, а также по два произведения С. Моэма и У. Голдинга.

Проведен анализ данных произведений на предмет использования в них различных типов художественных пространств, проанализировано, как через них автор раскрывает сущность идейного построения произведения.

Для сказок, несмотря на очень малый объем произведения, тем не менее, характерен широкий диапазон пространственных координат: это и время, место действие и социальные характеристики. В них всегда присутствует пространство добра и зла, свое — чужое пространство.

Для романов характерна более сложная пространственная композиция, при этом достаточно важную роль, особенно для романов «Шпиль» и «Луна и грош», выполняют пространства эмоций и психологии.

В приложениях перечислены основные элементы художественных пространств сказок и романов.

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Вып. 8.

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Приложение 1

«Ring and fish»

Топонимы: North Countrie, Scarborough (2), York.

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, that, under the shadow, sitting by the door .

Предлоги: into, under, take away, along, over, down to, up to,, from to, in, from, in.

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: little inn, brother’s castle, cliffs, sea, York Minster, house, river Ouse, great noble’s castle, kitchen.

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: send up the cook that cooked that fine fish, So they went down to the kitchen, went up into the hall, went up to him, he took her and his son home to his castle, coming up to the noble’s house, she came to a great noble’s castle, Baron himself came to his brother’s castle, went on to the Baron’s brother at Scarborough, girl set out for Scarborough, and slept for the night at a little inn, rode off to his castle, rode into York; and passed by the father’s house.

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве:

to sit with her back to the light, wife was seated near the stove at her sewing, Mrs Stroeve sat quietly mending her stockings…,

Границы: the door, the banks,

Географическое пространство:

Once upon a time, there was a mighty baron in the North Countrie who was a great magician that knew everything that would come to pass. And to his dismay, he found that his son would wed a lowly maid that had just been born in a house under the shadow of York Minster. And when he got by the bank of the river Ouse, he threw the little, thing into the river, and rode off to his castle. So soon after the girl set out for Scarborough, and slept for the night at a little inn. The poor girl wandered on and on, till at last she came to a great noble’s castle, and she asked to have some work given to her; and they made her the scullion girl of the castle, for she had been used to such work in the fisherman’s hut.

Временное пространство:

Once upon a time, there was a mighty baron in the North Countrie who was a great magician that knew everything that would come to pass. … So one day, when his little boy was four years old, he looked into the Book of Fate to see what would happen to him.

I’ll take away the last little one, and you wont have to bother about her." «I was picked up just here after having been brought down by the river about fifteen years ago.» So soon after the girl set out for Scarborough, and slept for the night at a little inn. Now one day, who should she see coming up to the noble’s house but the Baron and his brother and his son, her husband.

Социальное пространство: Once upon a time, there was a mighty baron in the North Countrie who was a great magician that knew everything that would come to pass. Now the Baron knew the father of the little girl was very, very poor, and he had five children already.

Точечное пространство:

So the girl went up to him with her hand before her with the ring on it; and she put it down before him on the table.

Then she washed and tidied herself and put the Baron’s gold ring on her thumb and went up into the hall.

Now one day, who should she see coming up to the noble’s house but the Baron and his brother and his son, her husband. She didn’t know what to do; but thought they would not see her in the castle kitchen.

Soon after, the Baron himself came to his brother’s castle, and what was his surprise to find that the very thing he had plotted against had come to pass. But he was not to be put off that way; and he took out the girl for a walk, as he said, along the cliffs.

One day it happened that the Baron went out hunting with some companions along the banks of the River Ouse, and stopped at the fisherman’s hut to get a drink, and the girl came out to give it to them.

So he called for his horse, and rode into York; and passed by the father’s house, and saw him sitting by the door, sad and doleful.

Приложение 2

Kate Crackernuts

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, that, back home, passed through, enter, sitting down.

Предлоги: set out, along, by the way, along, on, behind, to get on, in.

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: the kitchen, the roadside, downstairs, stable, greenwood, green hill.

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: Anne set out, passed through the kitchen, she went along, she came to the henwife’s, They went on, and slips downstairs, They rode on, they passed in, rode away to, rode through the, got to.

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве:

Kate got home to her room, Kate jumped up behind, Kate sitting down by the fire, hid herself behind the door, fell upon a couch …,

Границы: the door, hill,

Географическое пространство:

Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, as in many lands have been. so watched the next morning and sent her away fasting; but the princess saw some country-folk picking peas by the roadside, and being very kind she spoke to them and took a handful of the peas, which she ate by the way. They went on, and they went on, and they went on, till they came to a castle. They went in and found it was a king’s castle… Away rode the prince and Kate through the greenwood, Kate, as they pass, plucking nuts from the trees and filling her apron with them. They rode on and on till they came to a green hill.

Временное пространство:

O nce upon a time there was a king and a queen, as in many lands have been. S o next morning early, the queen said to Anne… The queen knew from this that the lassie had had something to eat, so watched the next morning and sent her away fasting… The third day the queen goes along with the girl herself to the henwife. T ill midnight all goes well.

A s twelve o clock rings, however, the sick prince rises, dresses himself, and slips downstairs. K ate followed, but he didn’t seem to notice her.

I mmediately the green hill opened and they passed in. A t last the cock crew, and the prince made all haste to get on horseback. T he second night passed as the first had done.

T his time she did not watch the prince, for she knew he would dance and dance, and dance. T he third night Kate consented to watch, only if she should marry the sick prince. So the sick son married the well sister, and the well son married the sick sister.

Волшебное пространство: Immediately the green hill opened and they passed in. The prince entered a magnificent hall, brightly lighted up, and many beautiful fairies surrounded the prince and led him off to the dance.

Точечное пространство:

but as she passed through the kitchen she saw a crust.

The prince went to the stable.

Away rode the prince and Kate through the greenwood.

The prince entered a magnificent hall,

hid herself behind the door.

gathering nuts as they rode through the forest.

When the morning sun rose they came in and found Kate sitting down by the fire and cracking her nuts.

Приложение 3

«Tom Tit Tot»

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, that, coming along, sitting on, took into, getting over, sat down, quiet to, again to

Предлоги: into, under, away to, along, over, down to, up to, from to, in.

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: the street, a room, a place in the wood, spinning-wheel and a stool, old chalkpit.

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: he came for the flax, and that come right in on the ledge, away that flew into the dark, I got away to a place in the wood, king coming along the passage, away it flew, there little black impet used to come, husband came in, upped and opened it, sat down on a stool, takes her to a room, was coming down, come again; So back she came, came out.

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве:

she took her spinning to the door to spin, king was coming down the street, he takes her to a room she’d never set eyes on before, She sat down on a stool in the kitchen, husband took her into the room, little old thing sitting on the ledge, the king coming along the passage, I went right quiet to the pit,

Границы: the door, the window.

Географическое пространство:

«A-why,» says he, «I was out a-hunting to-day, and I got away to a place in the wood I’d never seen before

Временное пространство:

O nce upon a time there was a woman, and she baked five pies. … eleven months out of the year she shall have all she likes to eat. but the last month of the year she’ll have to spin five skeins every day, and if she don’t I shall kill her. B ut when the time was getting over, she began to think about the skeins and to wonder if he had 'em in mind.

H owever, the last day of the last month he takes her to a room she’d never set eyes on before. W ell, she thought she’d be sure to guess that’s name before the month was up. W ell, come the evening a knocking came again to the window. you’ll have your food and your flax in the morning.

W ell, every day the flax and the food were brought, and every day that there little black impet used to come mornings and evenings. A nd all the day the girl sat trying to think of names to say to it when it came at night. And as it got towards the end of the month…"Woman, there’s only to-morrow night, and then you’ll be mine!" .

Точечное пространство:

And when they came out of the oven.

The king was coming down the street.

She sat down on a stool in the kitchen, and law!

Well, the next day, her husband took her into the room, and there was the flax and the day’s food.

He’d hardly gone, when there was a knocking against the window.

She upped and she oped it, and there sure enough was the little old thing sitting on the ledge.

I got away to a place in the wood I’d never seen before.

I went right quiet to the pit,

She oped the window, and that come right in on the ledge.

Well, when that heard her, that gave an awful shriek and away that flew into the dark, and she never saw it any more.

Приложение 4

«The painted vail»

Топонимы: South Kensington, Colonial Governor, Hong Kong, Liverpool, China, Ku-Chou's, Victoria Road, Paris, France, Port Said, Marseilles, Indian Ocean, Happy Valley, Northern Circuit, Welsh town, South Kensington, East, Harrington Gardens, Blessed Virgin, Western River,

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, that, under the, out on to, away from, standing at, in the, into the, over the, behind, round, through,

Предлоги: coming to, to go to, went back into, sat down, down to, up to,, from to, in, at, to enter, stood up, lay on, turned away, across, over

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: house, sitting-room, verandah, drawing-room, sandalwood chest, Victoria Road, downstairs, bedroom, the church, sea, church, hill, garden, monastery, park, building, bathroom, British Embassy.

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: BUT one afternoon when she was walking home from Harrod’s, he asked her if she would take a turn with him in the Park, the men came into the drawing-room after dinner, HE came into the room, He left the room, she went back into her boudoir, SHE got out of her rickshaw in the Victoria Road and walked up the steep narrow lane till she came to the shop, Townsend cams in and shut the door behind him, They were dining out that evening and when he came back from the Club she was dressing, She was ready before he was and when he came downstairs she was already seated in the car, she was aroused by a knock at her door, rode off to his castle, rode into York; and passed by the father’s house, She went upstairs and into the large, cold and pretentious bedroom in which her mother for so many years had slept. She made her way through the crowded streets with their motor cars, A ship was sailing in two days, But one afternoon when she was lying on a sofa outside her room reading he passed along the verandah and stopped, came to drink a quiet cup of tea with her. He gave Kitty a little nod and then passing by his wife’s chair took her hand and kissed it., But when he came into the drawing-room, WADDINGTON walked with Kitty up the hill and they turned aside for a moment to look at Walter’s grave, She vent up to Kitty and took her hand, They hastened along a narrow lane, turned a corner, and then at a run took a flight of steps; the bearers were beginning to blow hard; they walked with long, rapid strides, in silence; o

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве: by the fire, sat on the edge, was lying on a sofa, at the head of his table, at the window, down the hill, Behind its crenellations lay the city in the dread grip of the pestilence, Behind its crenellations lay the city in the dread grip of the pestilence, Kitty hurried up and leaned over the pallet, Kitty passed through the country with unseeing eyes, They passed through the archway and the chair-bearers paused to change the pole from shoulder to shoulder.

Границы: the door, the window, wall, water-gate.

Географическое пространство:

it was in plaster of Paris painted in crude colours; it was very bright and new and garish. came from Paris without so much as the smallest chip. T hey had talked of the theatres in London, and of Ascot and Cowes,' all the things she knew about, so that really she might have met him at some nice house in Lennox Gardens and later, when the men came into the drawing-room after dinner, he had strolled over and sat beside her again.

H e seemed to look upon life in a spirit of banter, and his ridicule of the Colony at Hong Kong was acid; but he laughed also at the Chinese officials in Mei-tan-fu and at the cholera which decimated the city. S he hated the Chinese city and it made her nervous to go into the filthy little house off the Victoria Road in which they were in the habit of meeting. I think I’d get off at Marseilles and come back as quick as you can. as we steamed out of the harbour at Marseilles and we saw golden figure of Sainte-Marie la Grace, we said a prayer together.

. K itty’s mother had brought to London from her native Liverpool a practical sense of house-wifery and Kitty. Anyhow they lived in South Kensington.

Временное пространство:

W hen she left his office that afternoon he must have hoped with all his heart that he would never set eyes on her again. but on the day of Kitty’s arrival Dorothy (they were Kitty and Dorothy to one another by now) told her that if she felt up to seeing him he would like to come and bid her welcome. T his evening they should reach the city on the Western River.

WHEN the boat docked, at Hong Kong, Kitty, who had been standing on deck to look at the coloured, gay and vivacious traffic of the, NEXT morning Kitty went to the convent., THEY buried him three hours later. WALTER did not come back to dinner that evening. SINCE W alter went out early in the morning, came back at tiffin only for half an hour. SHE

saw Waddington every day, for he strolled up the hill to the Fanes' bungalow when his day’s work was done. Two days after their arrival the cook, with the unconcern of the Chinese, had sent it in and Kitty without thinking took some.

Звуковое пространство: In Kitty’s ears rang still the ghastly sounds she heard when for a moment Sister St Joseph opened the infirmary door. There was a sound of voices and people came into the compound. you could not imagine that ever again that house would echo with talk and resound with laughter. His voice sounded strange to her. 'I'm glad shall be born out there within sound of the sea and under a wide blue sky.' Like a rich melody on a harp that rang in exultant arpeggios through the complicated harmonies of a symphony, one thought beat in her heart insistently.

Цветовое пространство: She was dressed in white and the only colour on her habit was the red heart that burnt on her breast. it was in plaster of Paris painted in crude colours; it was very bright and new and garish.. Kitty noticed her hands; they were preternaturally long, very slender, of the colour of ivory: and the exquisite nails were painted.

Психологическое пространство: She felt a sudden chill at her heart. She knew that she was very pale and her heart was beating fast, but she faced him coolly, with hostile eyes. Kitty thought that perhaps a generous heart might pity rather than condemn her. to himself and never would, in his heart he disliked her. Her heart beat quickly; it was curious that on a sudden she should be so nervous.

Точечное пространство:

I live just at the bottom of the hill, but coming in this way you wouldn’t have seen.

He would show it to them when they came and dined with him at the Customs.

At the foot of the wall that surrounded the compound a man lay on his back with his legs stretched out and his arms thrown over his head.

THEY crossed the river in a sampan. A chair was waiting for Kitty at the landing-stage and she was carried up hill to the water-gate.

ALONE once more in the sordid parlour of the dead missionary, lying on the long chair that faced the window.

Kitty hurried up and leaned over the pallet.

It was incredible that over there, up country, six hundred miles away only (the distance from London to Edinburgh, wasn’t it?) men, women, and children had been dying like flies

THE Townsend’s lived on the Peak in a house with a wide view over the sea,

THEY went in to luncheon. Charlie, sitting at the head of his table, easily took charge of the conversation.

. But one afternoon when she was lying on a sofa outside her room reading he passed along the verandah and stopped.

They walked together along the bare, white-washed corridors.

Приложение 5

«The moon and sixpence»

Топонимы: France, England (3), London (14), Paris (23), Tahiti, Nineveh, Westminster, the City, Norfolk, Rome, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Italy,

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, this way, at the back of, on the left, about the middle of it, at the sight of the shop, là, downstairs,

Предлоги: under, in, from, in front of, at, between, on, near,

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: Montmartre, Christie’s, Victoria Station, Chelsea, Bloomsbury, Hampstead, Notting Hill Gate, High Street, bus, street, airless room, a flat, the sea, a park, Jermyn Street, room, Hampstead, a hotel, the country, the Hotel des Belges, quarter, stairs, the landing, sort of box, a desk, an electric bell, a bench, a couple of chairs, on the sixth floor, furniture, a bedstead, a wardrobe, a table, a washstand, two chairs, on the floor, Avenue de Clichy, tavern,

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: to walk three times round the cathedral, to saunter through the Park, to shepherd the ladies out of the room, to move to the other end of the table, before leaving London, should go and eat ices in the park, to crowd into a cab to go home, to return to London, to follow her into the drawing room, to hurry from the room, to go off to Paris, to walk up Victoria street, to get out into the street, to come back to town, to cross the street, to cut across St. James’s Park, to come up to town, to walk to the hotel, to make one’s way upstairs, passing our table, to walked out of the inn, to reach London, to leave England, to accompany her to Paris, let her flat, to settle in two tiny rooms in Westminster,

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве:

to sit with her back to the light, wife was seated near the stove at her sewing, Mrs Stroeve sat quietly mending her stockings…,

Другое: Mercure de France, in the magazines of France and America, a letter written from Paris, the school of Alexander Pope, the French Revolution, The Napoleonic Wars, on the kerb of Jermyn Street, The French,

Имена собственные: George Сrabbe (английский поэт),

Границы: the door, windows of the hotel,

Географическое пространство:

Fortunately, there is no need for me to risk the adventure, since my friend, Mr. Edward Leggatt, an able writer as well as an admirable painter, has exhaustively discussed Charles Strickland’s work in a little book which is a charming example of a style, for the most part, less happily cultivated in England than in France.

And when such as had come in contact with Strickland in the past, writers who had known him in London, painters who had met him in the cafes of Montmartre, discovered to their amazement that where they had seen but an unsuccessful artist, like another, authentic genius had rubbed shoulders with them there began to appear in the magazines of France and America a succession of articles, the reminiscences of one, the appreciation of another, which added to Strickland’s notoriety, and fed without satisfying the curiosity of the public.

…but I do not suppose I should ever have set down my recollections if the hazards of the war had not taken me to Tahiti. There, as is notorious, he spent the last years of his life; and there I came across persons who were familiar with him.

The new evangel was old when Nineveh reared her greatness to the sky.

It is not without melancholy that I wander among my recollections of the world of letters in London when first, bashful but eager, I was introduced to it. Chelsea and Bloomsbury have taken the place of Hampstead, Notting Hill Gate, and High Street, Kensington. (о самом повествователе)

I lived near Victoria Station, and I recall long excursions by bus to the hospitable houses of the literary. In my timidity I wandered up and down the street while I screwed up my courage to ring the bell; and then, sick with apprehension, was ushered into an airless room full of people.

She (Mrs Strickland) had a flat in Westminster, overlooking the unfinished cathedral, and because we lived in the same neighbourhood we felt friendly disposed to one another. The Army and Navy Stores are a bond of union between all who dwell between the river and St. James’s Park.

I had understood from Mrs. Strickland that it was a large and sumptuous place at the back of the Rue de Rivoli.

The only hotel of that name was in the Rue des Moines.

Do you know, they buy my pictures not only in Holland, but in Norway and Sweden and Denmark?

Психологическое пространство:

His heart warms to him when he can bring forward some example of cruelty or meanness, and he exults like an inquisitor at the auto da fé of an heretic when with some forgotten story he can confound the filial piety of the Rev. Robert Strickland.

…but his intelligence was adequate to his surroundings, and that is a passport, not only to reasonable success, but still more to happiness.

I recognised its social values, I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course.

In my heart was a desire to live more dangerously.

She smiled, and her eyes shone with a malice I knew already.

It could not have been very easy to be bright and careless with that sudden secret in her heart, nor to give her attention to all the things that needed doing to get her children comfortably packed off.

Anger struggled in her breast with misery.

…and I was perturbed by the suspicion that the anguish of love contemned was alloyed in her broken heart with the pangs…

His eyes had something strange in them, so that I felt rather uncomfortable.

There was real passion in his voice, and in spite of myself I was impressed.

I seemed to feel in him some vehement power that was struggling within him; it gave me the sensation of something very strong, overmastering, that held him, as it were, against his will.

Perhaps she reddened under her paint.

There was a real distaste in his face, and yet it was the face of a coarse and sensual man.

I tried to persuade myself than an obscure feeling of revolt had been gradually coming to a head in his slow mind, but to challenge this was the undoubted fact that he had never shown any impatience with the monotony of his life.

I asked myself whether there was not in his soul some deep-rooted instinct of creation, which the circumstances of his life had obscured, but which grew relentlessly, as a cancer may grow in the living tissues, till at last it took possession of his whole being and forced him irresistibly to action.

It is (conscience) the policeman in all our hearts, set there to watch that we do not break its laws. It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego.

The suggestion sent a ray of hope in all their breasts, but I would have nothing to do with it.

Now I am well aware that pettiness and grandeur, malice and charity, hatred and love, can find place side by side in the same human heart.

His soul palpitating with love of art, he painted the models who hung about the stairway of Bernini in the Piazza de Spagna, undaunted by their obvious picturesqueness…

Poor pantaloon, he was not an object to excite love, but the smile in her eyes was affectionate, and it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling.

Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul… It is a melody that he sings to you, and to hear it again in your own heart you want knowledge and sensitiveness and imagination.

Точечное пространство:

It was at her house one day that I met Charles Strickland’s wife. Miss Waterford was giving a tea-party, and her small room was more than usually full.

The dining-room was in the good taste of the period. It was very severe. There was a high dado of white wood and a green paper on which were etchings by Whistler in neat black frames. The green curtains with their peacock design, hung in straight lines, and the green carpet, in the pattern of which pale rabbits frolicked among leafy trees, suggested the influence of William Morris. There was blue delft on the chimneypiece (Mrs Strickland’s dining-room).

I think you will find everything all right in the flat.

I imagined that she saw her husband installed in a luxurious suite of rooms, dining at one smart restaurant after another, and she pictured his days spent at race-meetings and his evenings at the play.

I enquired at my hotel for that in which Charles Strickland was living. It was called the Hotel des Belges.

The only hotel of that name was in the Rue des Moines. The quarter was not fashionable; it was not even respectable.

It was a street of small shops subservient to the needs of poor people, and about the middle of it, on the left as I walked down, was the Hotel des Belges.

It was a tall, shabby building, that cannot have been painted for years, and it had so bedraggled an air that the houses on each side of it looked neat and clean. The dirty windows were all shut.

The door was at the side of a shop. It stood open, and just within was a sign: «Bureau au premier.» I walked up narrow stairs, and on the landing found a sort of box, glassed in, within which were a desk and a couple of chairs. There was a bench outside, on which it might be presumed the night porter passed uneasy nights. There was no one about, but under an electric bell was written «Garcon.»

It was a very small room, overcrowded with furniture of the style which the French know as Louis Philippe. There was a large wooden bedstead on which was a billowing red eiderdown, and there was a large wardrobe, a round table, a very small washstand, and two stuffed chairs covered with red rep. Everything was dirty and shabby… Strickland threw on the floor the clothes that burdened one of the chairs, and I sat down on it.

The Avenue de Clichy was crowded at that hour, and a lively fancy might see in the passers-by the personages of many a sordid romance.

There is in the streets of the poorer quarters of Paris a thronging vitality which excites the blood and prepares the soul for the unexpected.

He’s living in one tiny room in the most squalid way.

I quickly found myself a tiny apartment on the fifth floor of a house in the Rue des Dames, and for a couple of hundred francs bought at a second-hand dealer’s enough furniture to make it habitable.

…and his studio was full of canvases on which were portrayed moustachioed, large-eyed peasants in peaked hats, urchins in becoming rags, and women in bright petticoats.

Приложение 6

«The Lord of flies»

Топонимы: Chatham, Devonport,

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, this way, at the back of, on the left, about the middle of it, at the sight of, down the, under the, near, over the, behind, round them, вelow the other side, among the, through the upper, above, here, forward into, across, into the center, nearer, between the.

Предлоги: in, from, in front of, at, on, away, along, into.

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: the Castle Rock, beach, water, rock, lagoon, jungle, terrace, sand, forest, the square motif of the landscape, platform, grass, mountain, cliff, island, sea, shelter, palm trees, bathing pool, green candle-like buds, small pool at the end of the river.

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to. H e walked with an accustomed tread through the acres of fruit trees. S imon turned away from them and went where the just perceptible path led him. H e came at last to a place where more sunshine fell.

R oger and Maurice came out of the forest. R oger led the way straight through the castles, kicking them over, burying the flowers, scattering the chosen stones.

When Henry tired of his play and wandered off along the beach, Roger followed him, keeping beneath the palms and drifting casually in the same direction, Ralph climbed out of the bathing pool and trotted up the beachю. ю Maurice came running, and stared out to sea, By the time Ralph had reached the landward end of the scar he was using precious breath to swear.

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение героя в пространстве:

he had hidden behind a great palm; was standing under a tree about ten yards away., trotted up the beach, tried to sit up in the water, A procession had appeared, far down among the pink stones that lay near the water’s edge. Piggy stood behind him, islanded in a sea of meaningless color,

Географфическое пространство: Once, following his father from Chatham to Devonport,

Временное пространство:

between this meeting and the one held in the morning. The afternoon sun slanted in from the other side of the platform. passed the great rock where Ralph had climbed on the first morning. Strange things happened at midday. Henry was a bit of a leader this afternoon, because the other two were Percival and Johnny, the smallest boys on the island. In the darkness of early morning there were noises by a rock a little way down the side of the mountain.

Эмоциональное пространство:

A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in.

Ralph smiled and held up the conch for silence.

Again came the sounds of cheerfulness and better heart.

Ralph spoke first, crimson in the face.

The madness came into his eyes again.

Some hidden passion vibrated in Ralph’s voice.

He paused for a moment and they both pushed their anger away.

Точечное пространство:

After they had eaten, Ralph and the biguns set out along the beach.

He was surrounded on all sides by chasms of empty air.

Ralph turned away to the red cliff.

They were waiting behind him in the long grass, waiting to see what he would do.

Jack was edging along the ledge.

The others, waiting in the grass, saw Jack and Ralph unharmed and broke cover into the sunlight.

Here, on the other side of the island, the view was utterly different.

Just behind the cottage there was a sort of shed and you could lie up there.

Once more Jack led them along by the suck and heave of the blinding.

As they came to the last slope, Jack and Roger drew near, changed from the ink-stains to distinguishable figures.

Piggy looked up miserably from the dawn-pale beach to the dark mountain.

Ralph turned toward the platform.

The beast comes out of the sea.

Ralph flopped down in the sand.

Ralph jumped up, ran swiftly round the fireand stood by Piggy, holding up his hair.

Simon had passed through the area of fruit trees.

Far off alone the beach, Jack was standing before a small group of


They spread out, nervously, in the forest.

They raced along the pig-track,

He jumped down from the terrace.

A child had appeared among the palms, about a hundred yards along the вeach.

The children who came along the beach, singly or in twos,

Приложение 7

«The Spire»

Дейктические номинации пространственных координат: there, this way, back of, behind, еverywhere, right to left in, sideways, straight at, down the, over the, nearly, round them, from side to side over it, close to, up and down, across the, throw away.

Предлоги: under, in, from, in front of, at, between, on, near.

Слова, обозначающие объекты и предметы, заполняющие текстовое пространство: cathedral, lower chamber, the floor, spire, great hall, chair, sea, grass,

Словосочетания, показывающие передвижение в пространстве: to walk three times round the cathedral, He wandered without saying much to anyone but himself, or at least to some nameless and invisible attendant, would find himself walking down the south aisle one fist clenched by his chest, Then the workmen came back into his head, August came in and went out, and the spire drew towards its end,

Словосочетания и предложения, определяющие местонахождение в пространстве:

But papers were being shuffled on the long table, He rolled of the bed and went quickly to the door. she passed the unlighted altars of the north aisle.

Границы: the door, windows.

Эмоциональное пространство:

He was laughing, chin up, and shaking his head.

He stopped laughing and wiped his eyes.

He watched her with love and a little disappointment as she passed the unlighted altars of the north aisle.

She smiled, and her eyes shone with a malice I knew already.

But this was only one feeling. Inside them, his mine knew what it knew.

Slowly his mind came back to its own life.

The question was hard and sharp as the edge of stone.

The Visitor let out his breath in sudden exasperation.

She was smiling and humming from an empty mouth.

The smile became a grimace, and the water fell.

She began to laugh, round after round of laughter that built up high.

The pain left him sometimes so that he could think.

Временное пространство: For two days, with the spire vibrating, they dismantled scaffolding, I don’t know. I can’t remember. A long time ago.

Точечное пространство:

he came to the side door into the West End of the cathedral.

he went round the cloisters, lifting curtain after curtain, until he came to the side door into the West End of the cathedral.

as if his memory of her had called her in, she came quickly through the door was very severe.

He watched her with love and a little disappointment as she passed the unlighted altars of the north aisle.

and there the dumb man sat on the plinth of the north arcade in his leather apron.

he went to the windlass, unbent the fastenings,

So he went forward and knelt beside the chair set for witnesses and gave his name.

Father Anonymous was standing behind and a little to one side of the chair set for witnesses.

The secretary was speaking from the left end of the table.

After a while he went and stood close to the window.

He rolled of the bed and went quickly to the door.

Then, in the faint light, among the hands and the booming of the wind, he saw what he had to do.

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Список литературы

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