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Проанализировать 2 разных метода снижения уровня преступности в городе/стране на выбор (кроме РФ)

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Http://www.ncpa.org/pub/bg148Stevens, J.P.(2011, 10th November). Our ‘Broken System' of Criminal Justice. The Review of the Book «The Collapse of American Criminal Justice» by William J. Stuntz. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: Http://www.americanexperiment.org/publications/commentaries/crime-punishment-and-rehabilitationPloeg, G. (2012, 18th December). Norway’s Prisons Are Doing Something… Читать ещё >

Проанализировать 2 разных метода снижения уровня преступности в городе/стране на выбор (кроме РФ) (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)

Imprisonment should be implemented only towards serious offenders who are responsible for what they do. I would highly recommend looking at some of the European countries' policies: in Norway the recidivism rate is low despite the fact that prison is not an isolated institution there, it considered as part of the community (Ploeg, 2012).

1904 wordsReferencesBandyopadhyay, S. (2012).Acquisitive Crime: Imprisonment, Detection and Social Factors. L

ondon: Civitas. Benson, E. (2003). R ehabilitate or Punish?

M onitor on Psychology.34 (7). 46. Chen, M. K., S hapiro, J. M. (2007). D

o Harsher Prison Conditions Reduce Recidivism? A D iscontinuity-Based Approach. American Law and Economics Review, 9 (1), 1 — 30. Criminal Justice Handbook Series. (2007). H andbook of principles and promising practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment. NY: United Nations, 2007. DeParle, J.

(2007, 12th April). T he American Prison Nightmare.

Retrieved 20th November 2014 from:

http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2007/apr/12/the-american-prison-nightmare/Epstein, H. (2009). America’s Prisons: Is There Hope? Retrieved 18th November 2014 from:

http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2009/jun/11/americas-prisons-is-there-hope/Gilligan, J. (2012, 19th December).Punishment Fails. Rehabilitation Works. The New York Times. Retrieved 18th November from:

http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/punishment-fails-rehabilitation-worksGoldfein, A. Punishment or rehabilitation? Retrieved 20th November 2014 from:

http://adamgoldfein.com/punishment-or-rehabilitation/International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.(2008). Imprisonment. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:

http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2−3 045 301 095.htmlJones, Craig G.A., Weatherburn, Don J. (2011). Willingness to pay for rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce adult and juvenile crime. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 46 (1), 9 — 27. Kleiman, Mark A.R. (2013, 22nd May).Community Supervision Is Better Than Incarceration. The New York Times. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:

http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/community-supervision-is-better-than-incarcerationKovandzic, T.V., Sloan III, J.J., Vieraitis, L. M. (2004). «S triking out» as crime reduction policy: The impact of «three strikes» laws on crime rates in U.S. cities.

J ustice Quarterly, 21 (2), 207 —239.Levin M.A., Reddy V.P. (2013). T he Verdict on Federal Prison Reform: State Successes Offer Keys to Reducing Crime & Costs. T exas: Texas Public Policy Foundation. Lim, J.L. (2014, 4th April). T

reatment vs. P unishment: Poll Finds Americans Prefer Rehab Over Jail For Drug Offenders. Medical Daily. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:

http://www.medicaldaily.com/treatment-vs-punishment-poll-finds-americans-prefer-rehab-over-jail-drug-offenders-27 4660Mahara, A. Top 10 Cities in USA with Lowest Recorded Crime Rates. Retrieved 18th November 2014 from:

http://www.elist10.com/top-10-cities-usa-lowest-recorded-crime-rates/Ministry of Justice Analytical Series. (2013). T ransforming Rehabilitation: a summary of evidence on reducing reoffending. Muffitt, E. (2013, 18th December).The old debate: punish prisoners, or rehabilitate them?

T he Telegraph. Retrieved 18th November from:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10 514 678/The-old-debate-punish-prisoners-or-rehabilitate-them.htmlNagin, D.S., Piquero, A.R., Scott, E.S., Steinberg, L. (2006). P ublic Preferences for Rehabilitation Versus Incarceration of Juvenile Offenders: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Survey. C riminology & Public Policy, 5 (4), 301 — 326. Pearlstein, M.

(2011, 2nd October). C rime, Punishment, and Rehabilitation. Center of theAmerican Experiment. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:

http://www.americanexperiment.org/publications/commentaries/crime-punishment-and-rehabilitationPloeg, G. (2012, 18th December). Norway’s Prisons Are Doing Something Right. The New York Times. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:

http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/norways-prisons-are-doing-something-rightReynolds, M.O. (1998, 17th August). Does Punishment Deter? National Center for Policy Analysis. Retrieved 20th November 2014 from:

http://www.ncpa.org/pub/bg148Stevens, J.P.(2011, 10th November). Our ‘Broken System' of Criminal Justice. The Review of the Book «The Collapse of American Criminal Justice» by William J. Stuntz. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from:


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  1. References
  2. , S. (2012). Acquisitive Crime: Imprisonment, Detection and Social Factors. London: Civitas.
  3. , E. (2003). Rehabilitate or Punish? Monitor on Psychology. 34 (7). 46.
  4. Chen, M. K., Shapiro, J. M. (2007). Do Harsher Prison Conditions Reduce Recidivism? A Discontinuity-Based Approach. American Law and Economics Review, 9 (1), 1 — 30.
  5. Criminal Justice Handbook Series. (2007). Handbook of principles and promising practices on Alternatives to Imprisonment. NY: United Nations, 2007.
  6. DeParle, J. (2007, 12th April). The American Prison Nightmare. Retrieved 20th November 2014 from: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2007/apr/12/the-american-prison-nightmare/
  7. , H. (2009). America’s Prisons: Is There Hope? Retrieved 18th November 2014 from: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2009/jun/11/americas-prisons-is-there-hope/
  8. , J. (2012, 19th December). Punishment Fails. Rehabilitation Works. The New York Times. Retrieved 18th November from: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/punishment-fails-rehabilitation-works
  9. Goldfein, A. Punishment or rehabilitation? Retrieved 20th November 2014 from: http://adamgoldfein.com/punishment-or-rehabilitation/
  10. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. (2008). Imprisonment. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2−3 045 301 095.html
  11. Jones, Craig G.A., Weatherburn, Don J. (2011). Willingness to pay for rehabilitation versus punishment to reduce adult and juvenile crime. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 46 (1), 9 — 27.
  12. Kleiman, Mark A.R. (2013, 22nd May). Community Supervision Is Better Than Incarceration. The New York Times. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/community-supervision-is-better-than-incarceration
  13. Kovandzic, T.V., Sloan III, J.J., Vieraitis, L. M. (2004). «Striking out» as crime reduction policy: The impact of «three strikes» laws on crime rates in U.S. cities. Justice Quarterly, 21 (2), 207 — 239.
  14. M.A., Reddy V.P. (2013). The Verdict on Federal Prison Reform: State Successes Offer Keys to Reducing Crime & Costs. Texas: Texas Public Policy Foundation.
  15. Lim, J.L. (2014, 4th April). Treatment vs. Punishment: Poll Finds Americans Prefer Rehab Over Jail For Drug Offenders. Medical Daily. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.medicaldaily.com/treatment-vs-punishment-poll-finds-americans-prefer-rehab-over-jail-drug-offenders-274 660
  16. Mahara, A. Top 10 Cities in USA with Lowest Recorded Crime Rates. Retrieved 18th November 2014 from: http://www.elist10.com/top-10-cities-usa-lowest-recorded-crime-rates/
  17. Ministry of Justice Analytical Series. (2013). Transforming Rehabilitation:
  18. a summary of evidence on reducing reoffending.
  19. , E. (2013, 18th December). The old debate: punish prisoners, or rehabilitate them? The Telegraph. Retrieved 18th November from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/10 514 678/The-old-debate-punish-prisoners-or-rehabilitate-them.html
  20. Nagin, D.S., Piquero, A.R., Scott, E.S., Steinberg, L. (2006). Public Preferences for Rehabilitation Versus Incarceration of Juvenile Offenders: Evidence from a Contingent Valuation Survey. Criminology & Public Policy, 5 (4), 301 — 326.
  21. , M. (2011, 2nd October). Crime, Punishment, and Rehabilitation. Center of the
  22. American Experiment. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.americanexperiment.org/publications/commentaries/crime-punishment-and-rehabilitation
  23. , G. (2012, 18th December). Norway’s Prisons Are Doing Something Right. The New York Times. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/12/18/prison-could-be-productive/norways-prisons-are-doing-something-right
  24. , M.O. (1998, 17th August). Does Punishment Deter? National Center for Policy Analysis. Retrieved 20th November 2014 from: http://www.ncpa.org/pub/bg148
  25. , J.P. (2011, 10th November). Our ‘Broken System' of Criminal Justice. The Review of the Book «The Collapse of American Criminal Justice» by William J. Stuntz. Retrieved 19th November 2014 from: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2011/nov/10/our-broken-system-criminal-justice/
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