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The possible ways of Teacher׳s professional development

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The conclusion is that the above mentioned site contributes to rising teacher professional competence in the spheres of current information, innovative techniques and creative ideas. It helps to develop critical thinking, creativity and motivation for self-development. The advantage of this site is in full and up-to-fate official information on educational topics, various opportunities of using… Читать ещё >

The possible ways of Teacher׳s professional development (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Contents
  • I. ntroduction
  • Chapter 1. Objectives, methods and stages of teacher professional development
    • 1. 1. Teacher professional competence, objectives and stages of its development
    • 1. 2. Methods and forms of teacher professional development
  • Chapter 1 Conclusion
  • Chapter 2. Study of potential of pedagogical Internet resources for teacher professional development
  • Chapter 2 conclusion
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

So it is generally accepted that the best way to learn to teach is by practising it, with an experienced trainer to guide you.

2.2 Distance learning courses, teacher portfolio, planning, teacher diaries

Distance learning courses do not normally offer practical teaching: but they do offer theoretical training and the chance to participate in communities with other teachers.

The courses are organized in three levels — basic, professional and specialist. They also prepare teachers for more specialist role, as a teacher trainer, materials or curriculum developer, area specialist, examiner or test writer, manager or advisor.

The section also contains a large collection of eBooks for English teachers and several other tools such as places for creating teacher portfolio, planning tools and convenient tools for creating teacher diaries.

The conclusion is that the website under consideration provides many opportunities for teacher professional development. It has a lot of theoretical materials, texts and tasks for lessons, as well as possibilities for communication, discussion and sharing the ideas. The website gives the advantage of using authentic materials for English lessons, communicating with foreign teachers and using their experience, developing teacher’s language skills and knowledge of the subject.

http://1september.ru/ belongs to the popular Russian publishing house connected with pre-school and school education. This site is subdivided into sections according to school subjects, so teachers of any subject can benefit from it. It also provides fresh news of education from Russia and the whole world. It also publishes best articles from other periodicals on the topic of education. Thus it solves the task of teacher’s awareness of up-to-date events and news.

One of the sections of this site is «Pedagogical University» which provides online training courses for teachers. It is also subdivided according to subjects, and teachers of any subject have an opportunity to find a course they need. The topics encompass all up-to-date problems which teachers face every day: preparing for the National Exams, examples of applying project work in different subjects, techniques of dealing with difficult topics of all subjects from maths to geography and many others.

The «Demo lesson» section provides opportunity of publishing for every teacher. This is also a good way to develop teacher’s competence. Everyone can share his pedagogical ideas and publish his tutorial materials. This program has been held since 2003 and contains more than 70 000 articles. This project is useful for development of teacher’s research work which is an integral part of teacher professional competence as the whole.

Also the site carries out online conferences, video-lectures and virtual master-classes for teachers.

The «Portfolio» section helps to publish teachers' and students' creative and research work. The students' works are published in sections according to school subjects. The «Portfolio» section is a good way of developing creativity of teachers and students.

The conclusion is that the above mentioned site contributes to rising teacher professional competence in the spheres of current information, innovative techniques and creative ideas. It helps to develop critical thinking, creativity and motivation for self-development. The advantage of this site is in full and up-to-fate official information on educational topics, various opportunities of using classroom ideas for teachers of all subjects, large collection of psychological information which can help to develop personal qualities useful for teachers.

http://www.eidos.ru/index.htm is a large Internet-portal dedicated to innovative teaching. It provides many different remote courses on such topics as modern teaching techniques and information technologies. Numerous courses give teachers knowledge on such topics as heuristic teaching, remote education, modern organization forms of a lesson, applying computer and Internet technologies in teaching, effective ways of preparing for exams, organization of school conferences, effective ways of control and testing.

The site also publishes articles written by leading modern scientists and progressive practicing teachers. The portal carries out different contests, seminars, conferences and exhibitions for students, teachers and school administration. It stimulates creativity and motivation in professional growth. It also provides service of academic advising thus it helps to develop research skills of participants. Such service as organization of a teaching experiment helps to develop experiment and research skills of participants and to apply and test innovative methods and techniques in everyday school life.

This site cooperates with A.V. Khutorskoy, leading Russian theoretician of pedagogical science. His scientific school promotes the progressive and innovative ideas. It is ready to cooperate with teachers and headmasters in the field of modernization of education.

Such practice as contests for teachers is widely used by Eidos company. Every visitor of the site can see the practical results of the previous contests, some of them dare to participate in next ones. Participating in contests of teaching ideas contributes to rising motivation for self-development, inspires to search for new teaching ideas and apply them. It is a very effective way of teacher professional development.

As many other teacher websites, Eidos has a forum and a chat for communication. As it was already mentioned, teacher’s conversations are important for sharing positive experience, comparing and evaluating the results of the work and analyzing all aspects of professional activity.

The conclusion is that

http://www.eidos.ru/index.htm is a useful community which solves such tasks of teacher professional development as innovative work, research work, developing computer literacy. Its content is closely connected with the most progressive trends in pedagogical science. Participation in its project will certainly lead to development of teaching skills and useful personal qualities such as critical thinking, creativity, tolerance, open-mindedness. This website gives the advantage of innovative ideas, informing of progressive scientific achievements, and participating in official courses and contests for teacher professional development.

After the interviews with practicing teachers of Moscow schools several useful resources of information on teacher professional development were defined. The websites named by the said teachers were studied and analyzed from the point of view of usability and applicability for teacher professional development.

All the three sites were considered as useful and applicable. They are full of theoretical and practical information on such problems as National Exam, new educational standards, innovative teaching techniques, applying computer and Internet technologies in teaching process and others.

Teachers can get useful information on educational psychology and thus develop their pedagogical and communicative competence.

The sites also provide a lot of materials for lessons: exercises, games, songs, various ideas for lesson planning, so teachers can enlarge their luggage of teaching techniques and methods.

All these sites help to share and discuss progressive teaching experience, and as it has already been mentioned, it is an effective way of analyzing and developing teacher professional skills and qualities.

The sites also carry out conferences, contests and seminars for teachers on up-to-date educational topics, thus contributing to development of teachers' creativity, teaching skills and innovative thinking.

Moreover, they are a splendid opportunity to communicate with other teachers, students and experts. Teachers share their ideas, discuss and analyze them, create new projects together, making education more progressive and attractive for learners.

These and other similar sites provide all the opportunities for teacher professional development. A teacher with strong motivation for self-development is sure to benefit from them.


After critical analysis of literature on psychology, pedagogy and teacher training, Internet resources the following conclusions can be made:

The complex of personal and professional qualities essential for the effective teaching activity is called teacher professional competence. It consists of several smaller competences, such as communicative, information, regulatory and pedagogical, which are connected together.

The main objectives and ways of teacher professional development are connected with the modern tendencies of education. They include computer literacy for teachers, teacher’s research work and innovative work.

The main forms of teacher professional development are teacher council, seminar, demo lessons, creative teams, positive professional practice study and others, it have been written in second chapter of this work.

Teacher professional development is practically impossible without proper motivation and favorable school environment, because professional development needs the motivation, needs to know what it is for and why. When we know why we have to do it — when we have motivation we have the forces to do it.

So there are many ways to develop teacher’s competence, such as distance learning courses, portfolio, contests, seminars, Internet resources, conferences and exhibitions.

The practical result of the present research paper is analysis of three popular educational web-sites for teachers.

They were analyzed from the point of view of usability and applicability for teacher professional development.

The conclusion is that the above mentioned sites contain all the important information for teacher professional development and provide various opportunities for innovative work, research work, developing computer literacy.

The aim of the present research work — the theoretical analysis of the possible ways of teacher professional development — was successfully achieved.


Введенский В. Н. Моделирование профессиональной компетентности педагога // Педагогика. — 2003. — № 10. — С. 51−55.

Захарова И. Г. Информационные технологии в образовании.— М.: Академия, 2003.—192 с.

Зеер Э. Ф. Психология профессионального образования. — Екатеринбург, 2000.

Лукьянова М.И. Психолого-педагогическая компетентность учителя // Педагогика. — 2001. — № 10. — С. 56−61.

Новые педагогические и информационные технологии / Под ред. Е. С. Полат. — М.: Академия, 2001 — 272 с.

Равен Дж. Компетентность в современном обществе: выявление, развитие и реализация / Пер. с англ. — М., «Когито-Центр», 2002. — 396с.

Синенко В. Я. Профессионализм как категория педагогической науки/ Современный учитель: стандарты профессионализма. Сб. научно-методических статей. — Новосибирск: Изд-во НИПКиПРО, 2000.

Ситникова М. И. Творческая самореализация субъектов образовательного пространства: моногр. / М. И. Ситникова. — Белгород: Из-во Бел

ГУ, 2006.

Соловова Е. Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей/ Е. Н. Соловова.

М.: Просвещение, 2002.

Соловова Е. Н. Методическая подготовка и переподготовка учителя иностранного языка: интегративно-рефлексивный подход. Монография. — М.: ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС, 2004.

Станкин М. И. Психология общения. М.: НПО «Модек», 2000. — 304с.

Хуторской А. В. Педагогическая инноватика. М.: Академия, 2008. — 256с.

Barrett H. Using Technology to Support Alternative Assessment and Electronic Portfolios. [online:


Bejaard D. Teacher Professional Development in Changing Conditions. — Springer, 2005. — 365pages

Kenning, M. M., & Kenning, M. J. Computers and Language Learning: Current Theory and Practice.—New York: Ellis Horwood, 1990.—300 р.

Wallace M.J. Training Foreign Language Teacher. — Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Warschauer, M. Computer-Assisted Language Learning: an introduction, Multimedia Language Teaching, 3−20. Tokyo: Logos, 1996.





Wallace M.J. Training Foreign Language Teacher. — Cambridge University Press, 2001. p.55

Wallace M.J. Training Foreign Language Teacher. — Cambridge University Press, 2001. p.55

Лукьянова М.И. Психолого-педагогическая компетентность учителя // Педагогика. — 2001. — № 10. — С. 56−61.

Хуторской А. В. Педагогическая инноватика. М.: Академия, 2008. — p. 102

Введенский В. Н. Моделирование профессиональной компетентности педагога // Педагогика. — 2003. — № 10. — С. 51−55.

Соловова Е. Н. Методическая подготовка и переподготовка учителя иностранного языка: интегративно-рефлексивный подход. Монография. — М.: ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС, 2004. c. 102

8W's by Annette Lamb // From:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/5 017 477/8Ws-by-Annette-Lamb




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Интернет это лишь часть! Вспомогательный ресурс… что еще помогает (напр: планирование, Distance learning courses, portfolio, contests, seminars, conferences and exhibitions)

Выделить в отдельную тему Вот об этом д.б. подробно написано!!!

Выделить в отдельную тему

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Тоже хороший способ повышать квалификацию.

Нужно расписать, как и почему, выделить в описать как один из способов,

Teachers Students Port — как использовать для T-development — выделить в отдельный абзац как один из способов, описать

Как это помогает повышать компетенцию… выделить в отдельный абзац как один из способов, описать

Distance learning courses, portfolio, contests, seminars, conferences and exhibitions

The Int/ resources, methods and …

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Список литературы

  1. Bibliography
  2. В.Н. Моделирование профессиональной компетентности педагога // Педагогика. — 2003. — № 10. — С. 51−55.
  3. И.Г. Информационные технологии в образовании.— М.: Академия, 2003.—192 с.
  4. Э.Ф. Психология профессионального образования. — Екатеринбург, 2000.
  5. М.И. Психолого-педагогическая компетентность учителя // Педагогика. — 2001. — № 10. — С. 56−61.
  6. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии / Под ред. Е. С. Полат. — М.: Академия, 2001 — 272 с.
  7. Дж. Компетентность в современном обществе: выявление, развитие и реализация / Пер. с англ. — М., «Когито-Центр», 2002. — 396с.
  8. В.Я. Профессионализм как категория педагогической науки/ Современный учитель: стандарты профессионализма. Сб. научно-методических статей. — Новосибирск: Изд-во НИПКиПРО, 2000.
  9. М.И. Творческая самореализация субъектов образовательного пространства: моногр. / М. И. Ситникова. — Белгород: Из-во БелГУ, 2006.
  10. Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для студентов пед. вузов и учителей/ Е. Н. Соловова.- М.: Просвещение, 2002.
  11. Е.Н. Методическая подготовка и переподготовка учителя иностранного языка: интегративно-рефлексивный подход. Монография. — М.: ГЛОССА-ПРЕСС, 2004.
  12. М.И. Психология общения. М.: НПО «Модек», 2000. — 304с.
  13. А.В. Педагогическая инноватика. М.: Академия, 2008. — 256с.
  14. Barrett H. Using Technology to Support Alternative Assessment and Electronic Portfolios. [online: http://transition.alaska.edu/www/portfolios.html]
  15. Bejaard D. Teacher Professional Development in Changing Conditions. — Springer, 2005. — 365pages
  16. , M. M., & Kenning, M. J. Computers and Language Learning: Current Theory and Practice.—New York: Ellis Horwood, 1990.—300 р.
  17. Wallace M.J. Training Foreign Language Teacher. — Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  18. Warschauer, M. Computer-Assisted Language Learning: an introduction, Multimedia Language Teaching, 3−20. Tokyo: Logos, 1996.
  19. http://1september.ru/
  20. http://www.eidos.ru/index.htm
  21. http://www.zavuch.info/
  22. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/
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