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Лингвостилистические особенности англоязычного электронного учебного текста

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Although academic hypertexts are taken into account as purely scientific, nor purely academic, nor do they generate expert language appropriate for semantic analysis, but an elusive mixture of all. We can not ignore academic functions of them concerning evaluation and interpretation of various theories, ideas and phenomena. They are seen as an essential cultural heritage of nowadays, letting the… Читать ещё >

Лингвостилистические особенности англоязычного электронного учебного текста (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • ContentsIntroduction
  • Chapter 1. Distinctive features of academic hypertexts as a discourse form
    • 1. 1. Discourse concept definition
    • 1. 2. Stylistic peculiarities of English academic hypertexts
    • 1. 3. Academic hypertexts and cognitive models of argumentation
    • 1. 4. Terms as an essential component of English academic hypertexts
  • Chapter 2. Objectivity and expressivity of English academic hypertexts
    • 2. 1. Lexical devices used
      • 2. 1. 1. Use of similes
      • 2. 1. 2. Use of metaphors
      • 2. 1. 3. Use of epithets
      • 2. 1. 4. Use of idioms
      • 2. 1. 5. Use of cliches
      • 2. 1. 6. Use of terms
    • 2. 2. Syntactic features of English academic hypertexts
      • 2. 2. 1. Validity of cause-and-effect relation
      • 2. 2. 2. Use of logical links
      • 2. 2. 3. Use of parenthetical words and clauses
      • 2. 2. 4. Use of direct and indirect speech
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Hypertexts referred to

Once again to the Oxford English dictionary, «a person who sells shares hoping to buy them back later at a lower price» or «to speculate for a fall in price». Both seem reasonable enough, but we contend that perhaps these definitions do not quite go far enough.

Therefore, we have found a possibly better suggestion. In his groundbreaking book, «After A Crash: Bear Market Money Making», trading and financial legend Harry D. Schultz suggests that a 'bear' is «an investor or trader who believes the trend of stock prices is down and trades or invests with that trend by selling his stock and / or selling short» .

The stock exchange, to tell the truth, is rarely a place where anyone 'gets rich quick'.

Adverbs serving to a certain extent as connectives and at the same time leading to a new stage in the development of thought (such as firstly, secondly, finally, then, so, anyway, moreover, furthermore, besides, still, yet, otherwise, therefore, etc.) also serve as parenthesis. Parenthetical clauses of the type «I believe», «I hope», «I think», «I wonder», «You see», «As you know», etc. are closely connected with the parenthetical words and stereotyped phrases discussed above. They also express the speaker’s attitude towards or comment on something said in a sentence and like those they have modal force, which is required in academic discourse to sustain a live dialogue with the students.

You see, the little guy can still make money investing. I know, I do. Why can’t you?

In addition to parenthetical words and clauses, functioning as logical links and a form of address to the readers, the hypertext authors do ask such rhetorical questions as «Why can’t you?»

Rhetorical questions are used to make the communication with the students and training process more spontaneous.

As I start my guide, about the Stock Exchange For Beginners, where should a newbie really start?

Firstly, I believe, with a realisation.

Who Was Ralph Elliott?

Ralph Elliott had the type of career that would be astounding even today…

To interests the students beside rhetorical questions there appear suggestions in the forms of questions involving the students to improve their knowledge.

Would you like to learn more about trading? You would? Great! Then please click here for an excellent free online trading tutorial.

Would your profits improve with help from a great market advice service? If they would, please click here.


2.4. Use of direct and indirect speech

Direct speech can be viewed as a stylistic device only in its settingin the midst of the academic hypertext author’s narrative or in contrast to all forms of indirect speech represented therein. Even when an academic hypertext author addresses the student, we cannot classify the utterance as direct speech. It appears only when other experts and specialists are given a chance to express their views without involvement of any mediators or interpreters in the face of the academic hypertext author.

Later in life he was struck by illness and turned his attentions to analysis of the stock market. He was completing a goal that he had expressed in a book he had written about Latin America: «There is a reason for everything, and it is [one's] duty to try to discover it.»

Abraham Lincoln (1809 — 1865) once said: «When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it is best to let him run!»

The same thing is true of bears — don’t panic and sell low.

The direct speech in the academic hypertext is not always introduced or followed by the verbs of speech and thinking, it may be as well accompanied by the parenthetical words as in the example below:

According to The Vanguard Group, «While there’s no agreed-upon definition of a bear market, one generally accepted measure is a price decline of 20% or more over at least a two-month period.» [5]

To make their explication shorter hypertexts tend to give preference to indirect speech enabling to summarize or resume the key idea of what had been said or written by the person, whose ideas seem to the author worthy of consideration.

The students deal with indirect speech when the actual words of experts and specialists, as it were, pass through the academic hypertext author’s mouth in the course of his academic narrative and in this process undergo certain changes. The form of indirect speech is even and does not differ from the rest of the author’s narrative. The graphical substitutes for the intonation give way to lexical unitswhich describe the intonation pattern. Sometimes indirect speech takesthe form of a summary in which only the main points of the actual utteranceare given, and that provides the student with an opportunity to grasp the ideas in a shorter and more effective way.

Returning again to 'Uncle' Harry, in his most recent (1988) version of the book, he lists the bear markets in the United States stock market between 1900 and 1987. In total, he suggests that there were actually 21 in 79 years.

The indirect speech is quite often accompanied by the quotations, which make an effect as if an expert the author refers to is given a chance to involve himself or herself in the discussion with the students, who can as always read what he or she had announced just following the hyperlinks given here and there.

Baron Rothschild is said to have advised that the best time to buy is when there is «blood in the streets», i.e. when the markets have fallen drastically and investor sentiment is extremely negative[9].

The hypertext author’s desire to involve these or those experts into the communication with the student make him introduce a sort of inner or unuttered represented (indirect) speech, which is highly communicative and the expressive, serving to convey one’s thoughts, volitions, emotions and orders to the mind of asecond person.

Inasmuch as inner speech has no communicative function, it is veryfragmentary, incoherent, isolated, and consists of separate units whichonly hint at the content of the utterance but do not word it explicitly. Inner speech is, а psychological phenomenon. But when it is wroughtinto full utterance, it ceases to be inner speech, acquires a communicativefunction and becomes a phenomenon of language. The expressive functionof language is suppressed by its communicative function, and the studentis presented with a complete language unit capable of carrying information.

However, the language forms of inner represented speech bear аresemblance to the psychological phenomenon of inner speech. Innerrepresented speech retains the most characteristic features of innerspeech. It is also fragmentary, but only to an extent which will nothinder the understanding of the communication.

Returning again to 'Uncle' Harry, in his most recent (1988) version of the book, he lists the bear markets in the United States stock market between 1900 and 1987. In total, he suggests that there were actually 21 in 79 years.

He averages this to be a bear market every three and three quarter years, suggesting that for a 'long-term' investor, they «are frequent enough to be impossible to avoid them or to avoid their losses. Thus the investor must try to understand bear markets better. Otherwise, the profits from the previous bull market are usually wiped out.»

The inner speech of 'Uncle' Harry the hypertext refers to is introduced by two words describing him as a skillful bear market player, a stock broker, who has some secrets to share with the students, who would and are to follow his steps, who need his advice so as to avoid faults and failures.

This 'Uncle' Harry, as we can understand reading the hypertext is nobody else but «trading and financial legend Harry D. Schultz».

This quite an informal form of address making impression as if Harry D. Schultz were one from our family, the person who can and will care for us, prompt us the way out of our real or potential financial difficulties, recommend us what we should do and what we should not do. The students are given an illusion of close contact with this trading and financial legend. Such a compliment given by the author by means of evaluative epithets and metaphor can, no doubt, steal or win the students' hearts. And that is the pragmatic target of the academic discourse in whole.

To sum up, we can claim that academic hypertexts have a lot in common with the purely scientific texts as well as journalism and belles-lettres. Like journalism and belles-lettres, academic hypertexts are full of such lexical devices or tropes as similes, metaphors, epithets, their syntactic devices such as direct and indirect speech and even unuttered represented speech are similar to those functional styles as well. All of those make the text much more expressive and persuasive but may turn discussion in the form of the dialogue between the author, who appears as a teacher or trainer, and the readers, who are students or trainees, into the form of a live dialogue, where argumentation can be emotive and even occasionally lack cause-and-effect relation.

But quite more often the cause-and-effect relations, as it is common in the scientific functional style or discourse, are represented very evidently and provide logical links with the previous and following hypertext fragments, which are full of terms, metaphorical and non-metaphorical, and clichés, that can be formal and informal. These formal clichés are attributable to business functional style, which is evident in academic hypertexts on economics.

So, the academic hypertexts seem to be a mixture of scientific and academic discourses, belles-lettres and journalism. They try to encourage close liaison with the global community of students and therefore they tend to mix up scientific terms, referring to some unambiguous scientific concepts, with informal colloquial speech, which is quite figurative and expressive.


Although academic hypertexts are taken into account as purely scientific, nor purely academic, nor do they generate expert language appropriate for semantic analysis, but an elusive mixture of all. We can not ignore academic functions of them concerning evaluation and interpretation of various theories, ideas and phenomena. They are seen as an essential cultural heritage of nowadays, letting the students develop their local and national identifications, consider global and international relations without any ideological bias. Although this is certainly true in many respects, academic hypertexts are no passive transmitters of ideas produced by experts in this or that science, but distinct academic form of reinterpreting the scientific heritage produced by a great number of scientists competing with each other in the attempt to attain more reliable and error-free vision of reality.

The authors of academic hypertexts like everybody else may be far from objectivity and abuse argumentation when trying to persuade the students that their point of view is true and any different points of view are false, inaccurate or mistaken, but the hyperlinks located here and there may encourage the students to become their opponents. Any monopoly on truth in academic hypertexts can be easily destroyed, when referring to a great number of other academic hypertexts.

Although modern academic training methods vary depending each academic hypertext' s style and manner of speech, they encourage the authors either to make their messages as much expressive as possible or be formal and abstain from using any expressive and emotional means of argumentation. Since pragmatic target of academic hypertexts is persuasion rather than discussion: the students can disagree with the author, exposing him or her as an incompetent specialist and referring to other academic hypertexts seeming to be more interesting and reliable.

So the academic scientific discourse appearing in hypertexts seems to be striving to be both logical and emotional — it may be biased due to the wide range of similes, metaphors, epithets, periphrasis, clichés, idioms as well as irrelevance of cause-and-effect relations.

All those make academic hypertexts more expressive and attractive for the students, but should be used cautiously. Evaluation expressed by means of them should be logically proved, they are used more frequently when referring to some definite phenomena from the author’s point of view rather than reflecting other experts' views, which should be as little biased as possible.


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Hypertexts referred to

Bear and Bull Market Run is Unpredictable in the Stock Market ;

http://ezinearticles.com/?Bear-and-Bull-Market-Run-is-Unpredictable-in-the-Stock-Market&id=1 589 634

BSE brokers blame;


Bull or Bear?;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Market trend ;


Staying calm during a bear market ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


The bull may be back despite the bear hug ;

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007;06/18/content_896 264.htm

The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide ;


Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations ;


What Should The Correct Bear Market Definition Be?;


Who Was Ralph Elliott? ;


Riffaferre M. The Stylistic Function. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Linguists, The Hague, 1964. — p. 316−317.

Brown P., Fraser C. Speech as a marker of situation // Social markers in speech. -Cambridge, 1979. — P. 48−97.

Gumperz J.J. Discourse Strategies. -Cambridge, 1982.

Harris Z. Structural linguistics. -Chicago, 1961.

Austin J.L. How to do things with words. -Harward, 1983.

Givon T. On understanding grammar. -NY, 1979.

Brown P., Fraser C. Speech as a marker of situation // Social markers in speech. Cambridge, 1979.

Goffman E. Frame analysis: an essay on the organization of experience. -Cambridge, 1974.

Leech G. Principles of politeness. -L., 1982.

Shiffrin D. Approaches to Discourse. -Cambridge, 1994.

Ван Дейк Т. А. Язык, познание, коммуникация. -М., 1989.

Арутюнова Н. Д. Дискурс. — Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. -М., 1990. — С. 136−137.

Карасик В.И. О типах дискурса // Языковая личность: институциональный и персональный дискурс: Сб. науч. тр. -Волгоград: Перемена, 2000. — С.5

Кубрякова Т. П. Роль языка в познании мира. -М., 2004. — С. 528.

Дейк ван Т. А. Язык. Познание. Коммуникация. — М., 1989.

Арутюнова Н. Д. Предложение и его смысл. -М.: Наука 1976.

Гальперин И. Р. Очерки по стилистике английского языка. — М. 1958.

Арнольд И. В. Стилистика. Современный английский язык. -М., 2002.

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Market trend ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations ;


Bear and Bull Market Run is Unpredictable in the Stock Market ;

http://ezinearticles.com/?Bear-and-Bull-Market-Run-is-Unpredictable-in-the-Stock-Market&id=1 589 634

Bear and Bull Market Run is Unpredictable in the Stock Market ;

http://ezinearticles.com/?Bear-and-Bull-Market-Run-is-Unpredictable-in-the-Stock-Market&id=1 589 634

Market trend ;


Staying calm during a bear market ;


The bull may be back despite the bear hug ;

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007;06/18/content_896 264.htm

Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Bull or Bear?;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Kolln M. Rhetorical Grammar: Grammatical Choices, Rhetorical Effects. — New York: Macmillan, 1991. — P. 89.

L akoff G., Johnson M. C onceptual Metaphor in everyday language// J.

P hylosophy, 1980. V ol. 77. № 8.

— Р. 24−48.

Market trend ;


Market trend ;


The bull may be back despite the bear hug ;

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007;06/18/content_896 264.htm

Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations ;


What Should The Correct Bear Market Definition Be?;


Who Was Ralph Elliott? ;


Birch D. and O’Toole M. Functions of Style.- London: Pinter Publishers, 1988. — P. 76.

Bull or Bear?;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Bull or Bear?;


Bull or Bear?;


Bull or Bear?;


BSE brokers blame;


Bull or Bear?;


Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations ;


Market trend ;


Arnold I. V. The English Word. — Moscow, 1986. — P. 80.

Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations ;


Bull or Bear?;


Market trend ;


Staying calm during a bear market ;


Market trend ;


Staying calm during a bear market ;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Market trend ;


Market trend ;


Market trend ;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Who Was Ralph Elliott? ;


Bull or Bear?;


Market trend ;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Givon T. On understanding grammar. -NY, 1979.

Бузаров В. В. Основы синтаксиса английской разговорной речи. М., 1998. — C. 56.

Harris Z. Structural linguistics. -Chicago, 1961.

Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Bull or Bear?;


The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide ;


The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide ;


The bull may be back despite the bear hug ;

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007;06/18/content_896 264.htm

The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Who Was Ralph Elliott? ;


The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide ;


Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


Market trend ;


Market trend ;


Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets ;


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Список литературы

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  73. Hypertexts referred to
  74. Bear and Bull Market Run is Unpredictable in the Stock Market — http://ezinearticles.com/?Bear-and-Bull-Market-Run-is-Unpredictable-in-the-Stock-Market&id=1 589 634
  75. BSE brokers blame- http://www.4to40.com/newsat4/index.asp?id=1306
  76. Bull or Bear?- http://www.londonstockexchange.com/en-gb/pricesnews/education/interchange/Authors/gregsmith/bullorbear.htm
  77. Bull Vs. Bear in Stock Exchange Game — http://www.indianofficer.com/forums/economics/2177-bull-vs-bear-stock-exchange-game.html
  78. Market trend — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Market_trends
  79. Staying calm during a bear market — https://retirementplans.vanguard.com/VGApp/pe/PubVgiNews?ArticleName=Stayingcalmbearmkt
  80. Stock Market: Bull and Bear Markets — http://www.greekshares.com/bullbe.php
  81. The bull may be back despite the bear hug — http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2007−06/18/content_896 264.htm
  82. The Stock Exchange For Beginners Guide — http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/stock-exchange-for-beginners-1.html
  83. Understanding Bull And Bear Market Situations — http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/bull-and-bear-market.html
  84. What Should The Correct Bear Market Definition Be?- http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/bear-market-definition.html
  85. Who Was Ralph Elliott? — http://www.stockexchangesecrets.com/ralph-elliott.html
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