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Инверсия в английском и французском языках на примерах из художественной литературы 20 века/Inversion in the English and French Languages based on the analysis of fiction literature of 20th century

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When taking into account imperative sentences, which lack any subject, we can say that they are unlikely to have inversion. But instead of imperative sentences we can use interrogative ones, which tend to be more polite requests and suggestions. This type of sentences is not inversion free at all. Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs as well when the sentence begins with… Читать ещё >

Инверсия в английском и французском языках на примерах из художественной литературы 20 века/Inversion in the English and French Languages based on the analysis of fiction literature of 20th century (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • Contents
  • I. ntroduction
  • Chapter 1. Changing word order reasons in the English language
    • 1. 1. English word order features because of the sentence classification
    • 1. 2. Partial and full inversion difference in the English language
  • I. nferences from the chapter
  • Chapter 2. Comparison of the English and French languages
    • 2. 1. Factors encouraging inversion in English and French
    • 2. 2. Inversion for stylistic reasons in English and French
  • I. nferences from the chapter
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

[Wilson, 1992, p. 55]

Seldom does this treatment provide satisfactory results. [Murdoch, 2001, p. 66]

Scarcely did we recognize him. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 33]

When looking for similar examples in the XX-th century fiction in the English language we have found just a few examples like that.

Never before did I realize that one man could have such a golden opportunity of doing so much. [Aldridge, 2002, p. 132]

Not once during dinner did he mention what was uppermost in his mind… [Wilson, 1992, p. 75]

The same expressions may be found without inversion as well.

In vain I shifted my aching legs and worked my benumbed hands. [Wilson, 1992, p. 97]

The reason why M. Wilson prefers to use «In vain I shifted my aching legs and worked my benumbed hands» (without inversion) instead of «In vain did I shift my aching legs and worked my benumbed hands» (with inversion) is connected with the speaker’s intention. He prefers not to outline the predicate considering the information it refers to rather well known to the reader or quite insignificant.

Inversion for stylistic reasons occurs in the English language as well when a restrictive adjunct beginning with only opens the sentence (only by chance, only then, only with difficulty, only yesterday) [Сатарова, 2011, p. 76]:

Only by chance did he discover the truth. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 88]

Only then did he become aware of the danger. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 97]

Only thus can you achieve your aim. [Wilson, 1992, p. 77]

Only after a great deal of discussion did we agree on the proposed solution. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 97]

In only one instance has he disappointed them. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 143]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language happens as well when an emphatic adjunct with a positive meaning is placed in initial position [Dixon, 2005, p. 154]. In this case inversion is more common in English fiction:

Especially did we enjoy the view from the top. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 24]

How many times has she begged him to stop drinking! [Chaplin, 2004, p. 43]

Many a time did they help him out. [Carr, 2014, p. 76]

Often did she mention their generosity. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 87]

So beautifully did she sing that the audience burst into applause. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 74]

So hard did he work that he was absolutely exhausted. [Carr, 2014, p. 79]

Three times has he asked you not to smoke in the bus. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 165]

Well do I remember that day! [Carr, 2014, p. 98]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs as well when an adjunct (usually of place) expressed by a prepositional phrase opens the sentence and the subject contains a noun [Буров, 2007, p. 88].

The predicator, however, must contain an intransitive verb, e. g. arrive, be, come, emerge, fall, flow, fly, follow, lie, live, move, remain, run, sit, stand.

There is full inversion in these cases:

Among those present were Dr. Johnson and his wife. [Carr, 2014, p. 65]

Below them lay the blue Adriatic. [Christie, 2000, p. 66]

On the ground lay his black briefcase. [Mitchell, 2008, p. 677]

Next to him sat a general. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 55]

Beside us stood a young couple with a child. [Christie, 2000, p.86]

In the middle of the room stood a table set for six. [Chaplin, 2004, p. 88]

Across the green lawn tripped a group of five cheerful boys. [Mitchell, 2008, p. 776]

The predicator in the English language may also occur in the passive:

On the tree in front of the house was tied a large flag. [Christie, 2000, p. 46]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs as well when the sentence begins with the adjuncts now, then, here, and there on condition that the subject contains a noun (or a clause) and the predicator is in the indefinite present or past tense [Murphy, 2006, p. 167]:

Now is the time to go. [Mitchell, 2008, p. 65]

Now comes the most dramatic scene of the whole play. [Carr, 2014, p. 75]

Then came the question of transport. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 85]

Here is what you want. [Aldridge, 2002, p. 99]

Here is the book you are looking for. [Carr, 2014, p. 98]

There comes your sister with her boy friend. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 73]

There goes the champion. [Carr, 2014, p. 76]

There go all my hopes. [Aldridge, 2002, p. 99]

If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, inversion in the English language does not take place [Минякова, 2012, p. 55]:

Here she is! [Christie, 2000, p. 77]

There he comes! [Aldridge, 2002, p. 87]

Inversion for stylistic reasons happens as well when an adjunct containing an adverbial particle expressing direction (away, back, down, in, off, round, up etc.) opens the sentence, but only when the subject contains a noun:

In stepped the headmaster. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 84]

Out rushed the cats. [Aldridge, 2002, p. 66]

Up flew the kite. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 85]

Down fell the vase and broke into pieces. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 80]

Away rolled the wheel. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 55]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs sometimes when a subject complement containing an adjective or the demonstrative pronoun such is placed at the beginning of the sentence. The adjective may be premodified by an intensifier, e. g. extremely, more, most, quite, so, or postmodified by indeed:

Fair was she as the roses in May. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 65]

Smooth runs the water where the brook runs deep. [Mitchell, 2008, p. 876]

Such is life! [Mitchell, 2008, p. 77]

Such are the results! [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 77]

So angry were the onlookers at the bad play that they started shouting. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 67]

Great indeed was our sorrow when we learned about the railway disaster. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 154]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs as well in sentences containing passive structures when special emphasis is laid on the verb in the form of the past participle:

Enclosed is a cheque for $ 10. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 98]

Included in the bibliography are the publications recommended for further study. [Wilson, 1992, p. 99]

Tabulated below are the results of the computation. [Cusack and James, 2013, p. 123]

Presented here is a specimen of the caterpillar. [Wilson, 1992, p. 122]

Inversion for stylistic reasons in the English language occurs as well when a direct object beginning with many (a) or not a or little opens the sentence [Утевская, 2011, p. 77]:

Many a tragic scene did we witness during the war. [Carr, 2014, p. 88]

Many lands have I seen but none of them as beautiful as Slovenia. [Wilson, 1992, p. 65]

Not a soul did we meet on our way to the top of the mountain. [Mitchell, 2008, p. 455]

Little feeling did he show on that occasion. [Wilson, 1992, p. 98]

While trying to look for inversion for stylistic reasons in French fiction we have found some particular examples as well:

Les gens sont bizarres. Peut-être s’agit-il d’anormaux. [Beckett, 1990, p. 15]

Peut-être y a-t-il d’autres caveaux encore plus profonds que le mien, pourquoi pas. [Beckett, 1990, p. 74]

Peut-être craignent-ils l’autopsie. Ce sont des gens qui voient loin, ça se voit. [Beckett, 1990, p. 135]

Je me quitte moins volontiers. Ainsi soit-il. J’ai attendu l’aube. [Beckett, 1990, p. 59]

Cet inventaire non plus je ne l’achèverai pas, un petit oiseau me le dit, le paraclet peut-être, au nom de psittaddé. Ainsi soit-il. [Beckett, 1990, p. 125]

Ainsi le lieu de la transaction se déplaçait-il progressivement, de la route de l’abattoir aux portes de l’abattoir et de celles-ci jusque dans la cour. [Beckett, 1990, p. 63]

Les Louis, les Louis, s’agit-il des Louis. Non, pas spécialement. [Beckett, 1990, p. 69]

Et sans doute n’y croit-il plus, à force de l’avoir attendu en vain. [Beckett, 1990, p. 97]

Thus, we can see that not only can we come across a great number of examples of inversion for stylistic reasons in English fiction. So can we see them in French literary works too.

Inferences from the chapter 2

To sum up, we can say that inversion in English and French sometimes is very similar, other times it is quite different.

Both English and French fiction has a lot of examples of having inversion in various interrogative sentences, declarative and exclamatory ones.

Both the English and French languages have some distinctive features of using inversion for stylistic reasons.

As to frequency of partial and full inversion in the English and French languages we can see that full one appears to be much more wide-spread in French.

Both in the English and French languages full inversion tends to be fairly often used in reported speech.


Most linguists consider the factors encouraging either partial and full inversions in each particular language without trying to compare inversion specific features in a number of them. Willing to compare inversion distinctive features in the English and French languages we have made the following conclusions:

When studying word order specific features in general and distinctive traits of inversion in particular you gave to take into account not only classification of sentences but intentions of the speaker as well.

Classifying sentences into such types of them as declarative sentences or statements; interrogative sentences or questions; imperative sentences or commands; exclamatory sentences or exclamations one can see which of them are more likely to have inversion and which of them are unlikely to have it.

Every language can be distinguished from any other languages, which may have something in common and something quite different.

When paying attention to interrogative sentences both in the English and French languages we are determined to consider them as those that are very likely to have inversion, although some of them look like declarative ones.

When taking into consideration declarative sentences both in the English and French languages we have to look for those with inversion rather long because they tend to be inversion free. Even some words and expressions, which are considered as factors encouraging inversion may keep on having such word order as S+P instead of P+S (in case of full inversion) or P1+S+P2 (in case of partial inversion).

Since both English and French have a number of complex tenses (predicate consisting of two, three and even four verb forms (modal + perfect continuous infinitive, for example, or modal + passive perfect infinitive) they have partial inversion.

Because of the greater number of complex tenses in English, which uses such an auxiliary verb as do / does / did in negative declarative sentences and most of interrogative ones, partial inversion in the English language takes its place much more frequently.

When taking into account imperative sentences, which lack any subject, we can say that they are unlikely to have inversion. But instead of imperative sentences we can use interrogative ones, which tend to be more polite requests and suggestions. This type of sentences is not inversion free at all.

Exclamatory sentences may be both inverted and inversion free. Having a look at the frequency of inversion in English and French we can conclude that French exclamations tend to be a little more frequently inverted.

While considering the reasons why some similar sentences ten to be inverted or inversion free we are getting convinced that inversion has both stylistic and pragmatic reasons. It is connected with emphasis and should be considered as a means of outlining special importance or significance of the information given.


Браше, О. Историческая грамматика французского языка /О. Браше. — Москва: УРСС, 2005. — 183 с.

Буров, А. А. Фразовая номинация и актуальное членение высказывания. (когниволингвистическое измерение) /А.А. Буров, Ю. Г. Завьялова. — Пятигорск: Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет, 2007. — 185 с.

Груенко, С. Е. Практическая грамматика французского языка. /С.Е. Груенко. — Омск: ОГИС, 2009. — 124 с.

Камянова, Т.Г. English grammar. /Т. Г. Камянова. — Москва: Дом Славянской Книги, 2014. — 447 с.

Минякова, Н. И. E nglish grammar. S

yntax. / Н. И. Минякова. -

Орск: Изд-во Орского гуманитарно-технологического института, 2012. — 91 с.

Мурадова, Л. А. Грамматика французского языка /Л.А. Мурадова. — Москва: Айрис-пресс, 2013. — 317 c.

Садыкова, А.Г. Theoretical English gramma. / А. Г. Садыкова. — Казань: ТГГПУ, 2009. — 162 с.

Сатарова, А. Ф. Актуальное членение предложения в сопоставительном аспекте /А. Ф. Саттарова. — Сибай: СГТ, 2011. — 125 с.

Селихов, О. В. Грамматика английского языка /О. В. Селихов. — Орехово-Зуево: б. и., 2008. — 78 c.

Титаренко, Д. А. Инверсия тематического компонента простых повествовательных предложений в современном шведском языке: автореф. дисс. на соиск. yч. ст. к. филол. н. специальность 10.

02.04 <�Герман. языки> / Д. А. Титаренко [МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова]. — Москва, 2012. — 24 с.

Утевская, Н. Л. Грамматика английского языка /Н. Л. Утевская. — Санкт-Петербург: Anthology, 2011. — 478 с.

Шмелев, В. М. Грамматическое и актуальное членение предложения в английском языке /В. М. Шмелев. — Казань: Изд-во Казанского государственного технического университета, 2010. — 30 c.

Aldridge J., The Diplomat / J. Aldridge. — Chicago: The Bodley Head, 2002. — 727p.

B abić, J. E urope in the emerging word order: searching for a new paradigm / J. B

abić. — Belgrade: Inst. for philosophy a. social theory, Univ. of Belgrade, 2011. — 218 с.

Beckett S. Malone meurt / S. Beckett. — Paris: Minuit, 1990. — 365p.

Beckett S. Waiting for Godot / S. Beckett. — New York: Grove Press, 1982. — 125p.

Bruant A., Les Bas-Fonds de Paris / A. Bruant. — Paris: Editions des Equateurs, 2008. — 372p.

Carr, J. D. The Devil in Velvet / J. D. Carr. — New York: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014. — 727p.

C arter, R. C ambridge grammar of English.

a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage /R. Carter, M. M cCarthy. — C ambridge etc.: Cambridge univ.

press, 2006. — 973 с.

Chaplin, S. The Whatchers and the Watched / S. Chaplin. — New York: Flambard Press, 2004. — 323p.

Christie, A. The Thirteen Problems / A. Christie. — London: Signet, 2000. — 224p.

C usack, D. and James, F. C ome in Spinner / D.

C usack and F. J ames. — N

ew York: Angus & Robertson, 2013. — 444p.

D evine, A. M. L atin word order.

/A.M. D evine. — N ew York: Oxford univ. press, 2006.

— 639 c.

Dixon, R. M. W. A semantic approach to English grammar /R.M.W. Dixon. — New York: Oxford univ. press, 2005. — 543 c.

F alk, Y. N. S ubjects and universal grammar: an explanatory theory /Y. N.

F alk. — C ambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. — 237 с.

Martin du Gard, R. Les Thibault / R. Martin du Gard. — Paris: Folio, 2003. — 639p.

Mitchell, M. Gone with the Wind / M. Mitchell. — New York: Pocket Books, 2008. — 1472p.

Murdoch, B. The Bell / B. Murdoch. — London: Penguin Classics, 2001. — 320p.

Murphy, R. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers /R. Murphy. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. — 327 c.

Wilson, M. My Brother, My Enemy/ M. Wilson. — New York: Grove Press, 1992. — 328p.

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Список литературы

  1. Bibliography
  2. , О. Историческая грамматика французского языка /О. Браше. — Москва: УРСС, 2005. — 183 с.
  3. , А. А. Фразовая номинация и актуальное членение высказывания. (когниволингвистическое измерение) /А.А. Буров, Ю. Г. Завьялова. — Пятигорск: Пятигорский государственный лингвистический университет, 2007. — 185 с.
  4. , С. Е. Практическая грамматика французского языка. /С.Е. Груенко. — Омск: ОГИС, 2009. — 124 с.
  5. Камянова, Т.Г. English grammar. /Т. Г. Камянова. — Москва: Дом Славянской Книги, 2014. — 447 с.
  6. , Н. И. English grammar. Syntax. /Н.И. Минякова. — Орск: Изд-во Орского гуманитарно-технологического института, 2012. — 91 с.
  7. , Л. А. Грамматика французского языка /Л.А. Мурадова. — Москва: Айрис-пресс, 2013. — 317 c.
  8. Садыкова, А.Г. Theoretical English gramma. / А. Г. Садыкова. — Казань: ТГГПУ, 2009. — 162 с.
  9. , А. Ф. Актуальное членение предложения в сопоставительном аспекте /А. Ф. Саттарова. — Сибай: СГТ, 2011. — 125 с.
  10. , О. В. Грамматика английского языка /О. В. Селихов. — Орехово-Зуево: б. и., 2008. — 78 c.
  11. , Д.А. Инверсия тематического компонента простых повествовательных предложений в современном шведском языке: автореф. дисс. на соиск. yч. ст. к. филол. н. специальность 10.02.04 <�Герман. языки> / Д. А. Титаренко [МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова]. — Москва, 2012. — 24 с.
  12. , Н. Л. Грамматика английского языка /Н. Л. Утевская. — Санкт-Петербург: Anthology, 2011. — 478 с.
  13. , В. М. Грамматическое и актуальное членение предложения в английском языке /В. М. Шмелев. — Казань: Изд-во Казанского государственного технического университета, 2010. — 30 c.
  14. Aldridge J., The Diplomat / J. Aldridge. — Chicago: The Bodley Head, 2002. — 727p.
  15. Babić, J. Europe in the emerging word order: searching for a new paradigm / J. Babić. — Belgrade: Inst. for philosophy a. social theory, Univ. of Belgrade, 2011. — 218 с.
  16. Beckett S. Malone meurt / S. Beckett. — Paris: Minuit, 1990. — 365p.
  17. Beckett S. Waiting for Godot / S. Beckett. — New York: Grove Press, 1982. — 125p.
  18. Bruant A., Les Bas-Fonds de Paris / A. Bruant. — Paris: Editions des Equateurs, 2008. — 372p.
  19. Carr, J. D. The Devil in Velvet / J. D. Carr. — New York: Open Road Media Mystery & Thriller, 2014. — 727p.
  20. Carter, R. Cambridge grammar of English. a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage /R. Carter, M. McCarthy. — Cambridge etc.: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. — 973 с.
  21. Chaplin, S. The Whatchers and the Watched / S. Chaplin. — New York: Flambard Press, 2004. — 323p.
  22. Christie, A. The Thirteen Problems / A. Christie. — London: Signet, 2000. — 224p.
  23. Cusack, D. and James, F. Come in Spinner / D. Cusack and F. James. — New York: Angus & Robertson, 2013. — 444p.
  24. Devine, A. M. Latin word order. /A.M. Devine. — New York: Oxford univ. press, 2006. — 639 c.
  25. Dixon, R. M. W. A semantic approach to English grammar /R.M.W. Dixon. — New York: Oxford univ. press, 2005. — 543 c.
  26. Falk, Y. N. Subjects and universal grammar: an explanatory theory /Y. N. Falk. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. — 237 с.
  27. Martin du Gard, R. Les Thibault / R. Martin du Gard. — Paris: Folio, 2003. — 639p.
  28. Mitchell, M. Gone with the Wind / M. Mitchell. — New York: Pocket Books, 2008. — 1472p.
  29. Murdoch, B. The Bell / B. Murdoch. — London: Penguin Classics, 2001. — 320p.
  30. Murphy, R. English grammar in use: a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers /R. Murphy. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2006. — 327 c.
  31. Wilson, M. My Brother, My Enemy/ M. Wilson. — New York: Grove Press, 1992. — 328p.
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