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Реализация концепта «хитрость» в идиомах английского языка. 
Presentation of Concept «Cunning» in the idioms of the English language

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Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «know a trick or two» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is again solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive… Читать ещё >

Реализация концепта «хитрость» в идиомах английского языка. Presentation of Concept «Cunning» in the idioms of the English language (реферат, курсовая, диплом, контрольная)


  • I. ntroduction
  • Chapter I. The Problem of Differentiation of Idiomatic and Non-idiomatic Fixed Phrases
    • 1. 1. Language As a Culture Element. Conceptual Picture of the World: Denotation and Connotation of Various Word Combinations
    • 1. 2. Distinctive Features and Types of Fixed Phrases and Idioms or Idiomatic Fixed Phrases
    • 1. 3. Term «Concept» as a Cognitive Research Item and Ways of its Linguistic Expression
    • 1. 4. Phraseologisms in the Conceptual Picture of the World
  • Summary of the Chapter
  • Chapter II. Analysis of Idioms Presenting Concept «Cunning» in the English Language
    • 2. 1. Sources of the Research Data
    • 2. 2. Constituents of the Concept «Cunning» Represented by Words as well as Non-idiomatic Fixed Phrases «in the English Language
    • 2. 3. Specific Features of the Concept «Cunning» Represented by English Idioms
    • 2. 4. Problem of Adequate Translation of English Idioms Referring to the Concept «Cunning» into the Russian Language
  • Summary of the Chapter
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Dictionaries Used

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «жулик, мошенник, плут, шулер» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «cheat death» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «cheat» over here may be understood as «a deliberately dishonest transaction, especially for gain or; fraud» but if we consider the meaning of its component «death» (the permanent end of all functions of life in an organism) we’ll see that it has much more in common with ability to survival in hard conditions because it characterizes some hard life experience, being on the brink of death.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «избежать смерти, ‘воскресенуть из мертвых,'выжить чудом» [52].

Such a nominal idiom as «cheat sheet» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «cheat» over here may be understood as «a deliberately dishonest transaction, especially for gain or; fraud» but if we consider the meaning of its component «sheet» (a thin piece of a paper) we’ll see that it has much more in common with ability to pass exams in hard conditions because it characterizes some bad students' experience, who are willing to swindle their severe examinors.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «шпаргалка» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «cheat the gallows» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «cheat» over here may be understood as «a deliberately dishonest transaction, especially for gain or; fraud» but if we consider the meaning of its component «gallows» (a wooden structure usually consisting of two upright posts with a crossbeam from which a rope is suspended, used for hanging criminals) we’ll see that it has much more in common with natural death because it characterizes some hard life experience, being on the brink of death by means of execution.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «надуть виселицу, умереть своей смертью» [52].

Such a nominal idiom as «twists and turns» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «twist» over here may be understood as «winding or causing to wind» but if we consider the meaning of its component «turn», its synonym we’ll see that this idiom has much more in common with ability to be shrewd because it characterizes some detailed information only cunning people may be aware of.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «тонкости, детали, подробности» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «twist smb. around one’s little finger» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «twist» over here may be understood as «causing smb. to turn» but if we consider the meaning of its component «little finger» (minimus, pinkie) we’ll see that it has much more in common with deceit because it characterizes some talented swindlers, cheats, frauds or tricksters.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «заставить кого-то плясать под свою дудку» [52].

This idiom is similar in its form to such a Russian one as «обвести кого-то вокруг пальца», which has a different equivalent English, that is «get the fast shuffle from» or «double cross smb.» or «catch smb. with chaff» or «get the best of smb.» or «get the better of smb.» or «sell smb. a bill of goods» or «sell smb. a pup» or «take in» [50, 58].

Such a verbal idiom as «twist smb’s tail» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «twist» over here may be understood as «causing smb. to turn» but if we consider the meaning of its component «tail» (the region of the vertebrate body that is posterior to or above the anus and contains an elongation of the vertebral column, especially forming a flexible movable appendage) we’ll see that it has much more in common with deceit because it characterizes some successful activity of gifted swindlers, cheats, frauds or tricksters.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «прищемить, накрутить кому-то хвост» [52].

It is connected with such other English idioms as «twist the lion’s tail» (= «крутить хвост британскому льву, выступать с нападками на Англию»).

Such a verbal idiom as «twist smb.'s arm» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «twist» over here may be understood as «causing smb. to turn» but if we consider the meaning of its component «arm» (either of the upper limbs from the shoulder to the wrist) we’ll see that it has much more in common with impact because it characterizes some successful activity of persuasion.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «выкручивать руки, оказывать давление» [52].

In the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin we can see another meaning of this idiom, metaforically motivated by this one, which is «уговаривать, уламывать кого-то» [52]. It is much more connected with the concept «cunning».

Such a verbal idiom as «burn one’s fingers» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «burn» over here may be understood as «causing to undergo combustion» but if we consider its another meaning «feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion» we’ll see that it has much more in common with trick failure.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «обжечься на чём-то/обжечь себе крылья» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «have light fingers» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «light» over here may be understood as «not heavy; weighing relatively little» but if we consider its another meaning «loose in morals» we’ll see that it has much more in common with trying to steal something.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «присвоить что плохо лежит» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «have smth. at one’s fingers' ends» is extermely expressive as well since it characterizes a highly cunning or shrewd person capable of doing absolutely anything.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «собаку съесть на чём-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «have sticky fingers» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «sticky» over here may be understood as «covered or daubed with an adhesive or viscous substance» but if we consider its another meaning «awkward» we’ll see that it has much more in common with trying to steal something.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «быть нечистым на руку» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «stick to smb.'s fingers» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «stick» over here may be understood as «thrust or push» but if we consider its another meaning «place or put in a specified position» we’ll see that it has much more in common with trying to steal something as well.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «присвоить, прикарманить, прилипать к рукам» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «put one’s fingers in the fire» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «fire» over here is highly metaphorical it has much more in common with trying to risk, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «напрашиваться на неприятности, лезть на рожон, рисковать» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «take for a ride» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «ride» over here is highly metaphorical it has much more in common with trying to deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «надуть, одурачить, обмануть» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «come the old soldier over smb.» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «old soldier» over here is highly metaphorical it has much more in common with trying to command, deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «надувать кого-то, втирать очки кому-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «come the raw prawn» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «raw prawn» over here is highly metaphorical it has much more in common with trying to deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «пытаться охмурить, надуть, облапошить» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «put Yorkshire over smb.» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «Yorkshire» over here is highly linked with cultural and national stereotypes. It has much more in common with trying to deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning like anybody from Yorkshire, the county of the most cunning people.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «провести, обмануть, надуть кого-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «get a beat on smb.» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «beat» over here is highly metaphorical it has much more in common with managing to deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «надуть, обжулить кого-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «get the best of smb.» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «get the best» over here is highly implicit, it has much more in common with managing to deceive or swindle, being tremendously cunning.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «обвести кого-то вокруг пальца» as well as «добиться максимальных преимуществ, извлечь наибольшую выгоду из чего-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «hand smb. a lemon» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «lemon» over here is highly implicit, it has much more in common with a thing considered to be useless or defective than the yellow oval fruit of this tree, having juicy acidic flesh rich in vitamin C.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «обвести кого-то вокруг пальца» as well as «надуть, обмануть кого-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «pull smb.'s leg» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «pull» over here is highly implicit, it has much more in common with swindling than exerting force on a leg so as to draw it towards the source of the force.

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «разыгрывать кого-то; сыграть шутку с кем-то, надуть, одурачить кого-то» [52] as well as «морочить голову кому-то; водить кого-то за нос» [50, 58].

Such a verbal idiom as «sell smb. a gold brick» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «gold brick» over here is highly implicit, it has much more in common with something with only a superficial appearance of value than something with great value (like that of real gold).

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «обжулить, облапошить кого-то» [52].

Such a verbal idiom as «sell smb. a pup» is extermely expressive as well since the constituent «pup» over here is highly implicit, it has much more in common with something with very little value than a young dog or a puppy (like that of real gold).

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «втянуть в невыгодную сделку» [52] as well as «обвести вокруг пальца» [50, 58].

Such a verbal idiom as «catch with chaff» is extermely expressive as well since its meaning is motivated by such a proverbal idiom as «old birds are not to be caught with chaff».

Our supposal is confirmed by the English-Russian dictionary of phraseological units by A.V. Kunin which interprets it as «обмануть без труда» [52] as well as «обвести вокруг пальца» [50, 58].

So we see all the English Idioms regarding to the concept «cunning» can hardly be understood by other language speakers, who use some other idioms, having either different structure or implicit connotation or both.


4. Problem of Adequate Translation of English Idioms Referring to the Concept «Cunning» into the Russian Language.

The problem of adequate translation of English idioms referring to the concept «cunning» into the Russian language is motivated by their implicit meaning and is highly connected with the style of this or that novel, story or play of belletristic literature, where these idioms quite frequently take their place [26].

Belletristic literature does not arise from use of any especial language elements only. Belletristic texts possess a well-thought structure, their own choice of vocabulary that prompts the translater what kind of equivalent for this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» would be the best.

It is possible to say that the belletristic text represents a set of idiomatic phrases co-operating among themselves which are parts of a modelled picture of the world. In the centre of figurative system of a belletristic text there are image of the characters and their mutual relations, which should be paid attention to when the problem of choosing an equivalent for this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» arises.

Language images in the belletristic text enter interaction with its syntactic structure, causing formation of the developed language images: metaphors, other tropes, idioms; however it is figurative means of the text that create a contrast background, allocating their stylistic function; promoting the narrative and compositional organisation of the text that prompts the translater what kind of equivalent for this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» would be the most appropriate [24].

The system of idiomatic phrases of the concrete belletristic text serves realisation of a definite plan of the author [29]. Artistic images form sense of the text, join in speech of the author and characters, become elements of the narrative and graphic exposition for heroes, and also means of expression of the author’s image that dictates why this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» tends to appear.

The system of quite figurative and expressive implication means of each writer finds out its individual manner of work with various idioms and a method of processing of dominating philosophical and aesthetic ideas is involved when this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» does appear [3].

Let us have a look at some fragments of belletristic literature texts where when this or that idiom referring to the concept «cunning» takes its place.

cunning as a fox cunning as a sly хитрый как лиса.

He is a man of forty five years, wiry, slender, and as cunning as a fox… (S. O’Casey, «Oak Leaves and Lavender», act I) — Этому мужчине сорок пять лет, он — стройный, жилистый и хитрый как лиса…[52].

Over here S. O’Casey in his play ‘Oak Leaves and Lavender' uses such an idiom as «as cunning as a fox» that does not create any difficulties for translaters because there is a similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world, that is «хитрый (=cunning) как (=as) лиса (=a fox)».

Y ou’re a sly dog. H and in glove with the great detective, and not a hint to the way things are going. (A. C hristie, «The Murder of Roger «ch.

XVI) — Ну и хитрюга же вы. Дружите со знаменитым детективом и ни слова о том, как развиваются события. [52].

Over here A. Christie uses such an idiom as «a sly dog» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is usually solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive enough. This time the translater chooses such an informal word as «хитрюга», that reflects its skeptical attitude towards his communication partner.

I didn’t say anything about the dirty trick Paddy Cavan played us, though, mum. (K. S. Prichard, «Golden Miles», ch. 28) — Только, мама, я ничего не сказал им про эту гнусную шутку, которую сыграл с нами Пэдди Кеван. [52].

Over here K. S. Prichard uses such an idiom as «dirty trick» that creates some difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is again solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive enough. This time she chooses such informal non-idiomatic phrase as «гнусная (=abominable, hateful, foul, vile) шутка (=trick, prank)» that reflect skeptical attitude of the speaker towards his communication partner.

cheat death чудом избежать смерти, выжить.

Where is the soul to pass judgement on such a man as James Nelson, who, having cheated death by mustard gas, lived only to curse his resurrection. (D. Carter, ‘Fatherless Sons', ch. 27) — Кто же посмеет осудить такого человека, как Джеймс Нелсон, чудом избежавшего смерти, когда он был отравлен горчичным газом, а затем все проклинал время собственное воскресение из мертвых. [52].

Over here D. Carter uses such an idiom as «cheat death» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem this time is solved by means of such Russian idiomatic constituent of the concept «cunning» as «чудом избежать» and word «смерть» (=death), which is a component of the English idiom «cheat death».

The same difficulties arise when some English idioms referring to the concept «cunning» are used in colloquial speech. Let us take some examples from the Axiological dictionary of English idioms by L.K. Bairamova [49] and the Dictionary of idioms and set expressions in the language of modern press on socioeconomic and world affairs problems by K.A. Solodushkina [55].

Is she meeting some other guy on the sly? — Она тайком встречается с другим парнем? [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «on the sly» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is again solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive enough. This time she chooses such an informal word as «тайком», that reflects doubts of the speaker towards his girlfriend.

— But did a rotter like this get taken in such an Institution?

— Easy! He found that the Principal as quite keen on Missions, and came the religious dodge over him.

— И как же такого прохвоста приняли на работу в такое учреждение?

— Запросто. Директор увлечен миссионерской деятельностью, а тип этот прикинулся настоящим святошей. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «come the religious dodge over smb.» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is again solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive enough. This time she chooses such informal words as «прикинуться» (=pretend, feign) and «святоша» (=hypocrite, sanctimonious person) that reflect negative attitude of the speaker towards the person he talks about.

Don’t think you are going to take me in so easily, my friend. I’m old enough to know a trick or two.— Не думаешь ли ты, мой друг, что тебе удастся так легко провести меня. Я не молод уже и понимаю, что к чему. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «know a trick or two» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem is again solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which are implicit and expressive enough. This time she chooses such informal non-idiomatic phrase as «понимаю, что к чему» that reflects skeptical attitude of the speaker towards his cunning communication partner.

Jerry wanted to win both the swimming and diving contests, but he couldn’t quite turn the trick.— Джерри надеялся занять первое место как в заплыве, так и по прыжкам в воду. Но победил только в одном виде соревнований. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «turn the trick» (=achieve the desired result) that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem this time is solved by means of reference to the context that shows what kind of desired result has been achieved. This time she chooses such non-idiomatic phrase as «победил только в одном виде соревнований» that reflects skeptical attitude of the speaker towards some cunning person.

I don’t know how to drive a motor car but I suppose one can soon get the trick of it.— Я не умею водить машину, но надеюсь скоро научиться. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «get the trick of it» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem this time is solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», which is «научиться» (=learn to be / become cunning enough) that reflects skeptical attitude of the speaker towards his future.

Apart from a hat trick by our centre forward it wasn’t much of a game. — В общем игра была неинтересная — единственно только нашему центру нападения удалось забить три мяча. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «hat trick» (=the achievement of a bowler in taking three wickets with three successive balls) that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem this time is solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», explicating what kind of cunning has been managed to carry out — «удалось забить три мяча».

He was caught using a cheat sheet during an exam. — Он попался на том, что пользовался шпаргалкой во время экзамена. [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «cheat sheet» that creates significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. This problem this time is solved by means of non-idiomatic constituents of the concept «cunning», explicating what kind of cunning has been failed to carry out — «шпаргалка».

— I hear that wicked ruffian is actually dying.

Yep, I really believe he is going to cheat the gallows at last.

— Слышал я, что этот негодяй вот-вот Богу душу отдаст.

— Да, наверное, ему удастся обмануть и виселицу." [49].

Over here L.K. Bairamova in the Axiological dictionary of English idioms gives an example of such an idiom as «cheat the gallows» that does not create significant difficulties for translaters because there its idiomatic meaning can be expressed word by word, that is «обхитрить / надуть / обмануть (=cheat) виселицу (=gallows) «.

The front office makes it difficult to put just anything on our swindle sheets these days. — Сейчас начальство не позволит уже включашь что попало в отчеты о расходах. [55].

Over here K.A. Solodushkina in the Dictionary of idioms and set expressions in the language of modern press on socioeconomic and world affairs problems gives an example of such an idiom as «swindle sheet» that makes up create significant difficulties for translaters because there is no similar idiom in the Russian phraseological picture of the world. When trying to solve this problem she uses such a business term as «в отчет о расходах», that shows what kind of cunning might take its place.

In fact the powers took the taxpayers for a ride. — Фактически власти обманули налогоплательщиков. [55].

Over here K.A. Solodushkina in the Dictionary of idioms and set expressions in the language of modern press on socioeconomic and world affairs problems gives an example of such an idiom as «take for a ride» that makes up create significant difficulties for translaters because there its idiomatic meaning has some economic specifics. When trying to solve this problem she uses such a word as «обмануть», that is non-idiomatic constituent of the concept «cunning».

So as we can see the problem of adequate translation of English idioms referring to the concept «cunning» into the Russian language can not be easily solved since Russian native speakers can hardly understand them if they are rendered literally or word for word.

Summary of the Chapter 2.

So we see that there are a lot of constituents of the concept «cunning» represented by words as well as non-idiomatic fixed phrases «in the English and Russian languages.

They are frequently used when this or that problem of translating some idioms belonging to the concept «cunning» arises.

Having had a look at a great number of English idioms belonging to the concept «cunning» we found out that most of them have no equivalents in the Russian language because of their historical and cultural conditions of development.

When classifying English idioms belonging to the concept «cunning» we came to conclusion that most of these idioms contain some words belonging to this conceptual sphere, have a number of different structure options. Most of them are verbal ones but there are nominal, ad verbal, adjectival, proverbal and even interjectional idioms belonging to this cocept sphere.


Idiomatic phrases of various types, idioms, as the are most commonly referred to in the UK and USA, and phraseological units as the are most commonly referred to in Russia, are just a type of many other fixed phrases, such as slang phrases, euphemistic phrases, terminological phrases and clichés, the boundary between which is highly changeable, so we can deal with fixed phrases, which are considered to be both phraseological units and slang phrases, phraseological units and euphemistic phrases, phraseological units and terminological phrases, with most of them being classified without such an ambiguity.

In general tendencies of the English laguageare towards more implicit and idiomatic speech. I is important that our research on the concept «cunning» idioms should show the other people what the English language is nowadays like and how it is developing.

Idioms of the concept «cunning» are not a separate part of the English language, which one can choose either to use or to omit; they form an essential part of the vocabulary of fixed phrases having highly (idioms (= идиоматические фразеологические выражения) and phraseological fusions (=фразеологические сращения)), fairly (phraseological unities (=фразеологические единства)), or a little bit (phraseological combinations (=фразеологические сочетания)) idiomatic, connotative, expressive or implicit meaning. They are quite different to Russian ones, which makes the problem of their translation a highly complicated issue.

All the types of the phraseological units we mentioned are commonly popular in Russia. English-speaking linguists traditionally use such a term as idioms and classify them into slang-originated, euphemism-originated ones as well as highly, fairly or a little bit colloquial ones, those derived from some professional sphere, for example, economics or high technologies.

In any professional sphere (not only in economics or high technologies) there are a lot of slang or jaron fixed phrases which before too long become constituents of the idiomatic or phraseological conceptual picture of the world.

The vocabulary of the English language grows continually with new developments in knowledge resulting in appearance of some new idioms because new ideas need new symbols to denote them. Without new idioms, communication of the contemporary ideas would hardly be possible. Many new idioms belonging to the concept «cunning» have come from slang and therefore are highly implicit. Since they lack equivalents in Russian when translating them we most frequently have to use ordinary words or noniidiomatic fixed phrases belonging to the concept «cunning», preferring to use metaphorically derivated, informal and highly connotated ones.

Most constituents of the concept «cunning» in the English language can take on an additional (implicit) meaning in a special context. For example, the field of economics has given new meaning to formerly nonidiomatic phrases which have become idioms and even got polysematical.

The attitude of the English speakers towards style is also becoming more flexible. Several fixed phrases which were considered to be slang in the past have gradually been up-graded in status and are now often considered idioms of the concept «cunning» sphere. This is partly motivated by the spread in the use of some highly expressive fixed phrases by intelligent English speakers.

It is important to realize that idioms of the concept «cunning» sphere are not only colloquial expressions, as a lot of people reckon. They appear in informal style communication and in conversation, in internet chats, in the novels, stories and plays of the most gifted writers.

Having a look at the issue of adequate interpretation of English idioms of the concept «cunning» we have come to the conclusion that above all, when interpreting these idiomatic fixed phrases any experienced Russian translators should pay attention to the phraseological units and fixed phrases of their mother tongue neglecting their structure or different word components, since semantics of them is the most significant factor.

They ought to maintain their concept «cunning» status trying to be creative enough suggesting that this or that nonidiomatic phrase or word, component of concept «cunning» sphere is implicit and expressive enough to be considered an adequate option of this or that concept «cunning» idiom lacking any equivalents in the Russian language.


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в языкознание: курс лекций для студентов специальности 31 202.

65 «Перевод и переводоведение» очной формы обучения. — Красноярск: Сиб.

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Dictionaries Used.

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Солодушкина К. А. Dictionary of idioms and set expressions in the language of modern press on socioeconomic and world affairs problems. — Moscow: ИНФРА-М, 2013. — 240p.

Clark J.O.E. Word for word. A dictionary of synonyms. — London: Harrap Books Ltd., 1989. — 675p.

Collins English dictionary. — HarperCollins Publishers, 2006. — 1689p.

Lubensky S. Random House Russian-English dictionary of idioms. — New York: Random House, 1995. — 1017 p.

S eidl J. & amp; McMordie W. O xford pocket English idioms.

— O xford: Oxf. U n. P ress, 1992. — 272p.

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— O xford: Oxf. U n. P.

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Список литературы

  1. В. В. Проблема интернационализации лексического состава языка. — Харьков: ХГУ, 1972. — 215 с.
  2. Л.М. Проблемы термина и терминообразования. — Пермь: ПГУ, 1998. — 120с.
  3. Н.Ф. Лингвокультурология: ценностно-смысловое пространство языка. — Moscow: Флинта, 2012. — 282c.
  4. Н.Ф. Фразеология и когнитивистика в аспекте лингвистического постмодернизма. — Белгород: БелГУ, 2008. — 150 с.
  5. Г. Б. Лексикология английского языка. — Moscow: Юрайт, 2013. — 286с.
  6. Н. Д. Типы языковых значений. Оценка. Событие. Факт. — Moscow: Наука, 1988. — 339 с.
  7. Н. Д. Язык и мир человека. — Moscow: Языки русской культуры 1999. — 896с.
  8. С. А. Концепт и слово // Русская словесность. От теории словесности к структуре текста. — Moscow: Academia, 1997. — С. 45−58.
  9. Р.А. Фразеология и фразеография английского и русского языков. — Казань: КГУ, 2013. — 269 с.
  10. Г. Н. Лексикология английского языка. — Moscow: Флинта Наука, 2012. — 195с.
  11. И.Н. Введение в языкознание: курс лекций для студентов специальности 31 202.65 «Перевод и переводоведение» очной формы обучения. — Красноярск: СибГТУ, 2013. — 70с.
  12. Л.Ю. Русская фразеология как когнитивное средство языковой концептуализации моральных качеств личности. — Moscow: Флинта Наука, 2013. — 179c.
  13. А. Сопоставление культур через посредство лексики и прагматики. — Moscow: Языки славянской культуры, 2001. — 272 с.
  14. В.А. Словосложение// Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. — Moscow: Сов. энциклопедия, 1990. — С.468.
  15. В.В. Русская фразеология в культурологическом аспекте. — Сургут: РИО СурГПУ, 2013. — 160с.
  16. Т.Г., Попков В. Д., Садохин А. П. Основы межкультурной коммуникации. — Moscow: Наука, 2002. — 342c.
  17. В. фон, Избранные труды по языкознанию. — Moscow: Прогресс, 1984. — 398с.
  18. Э.М. Лингвистические изменения в современном английском языке. — Moscow, 2003. — 356с.
  19. О. Т. Русские и английские пословицы как лингвокульторологические единицы. — Тюмень, 2002. — 164с.
  20. И.В. Концептосфера культуры и фразеология: теория и методы лингвокультурного изучения. — Moscow: URSS ЛЕНАНД, 2015. — 376с.
  21. Е. В. Пословичная концептуализация мира (на мат. англ. и рус. пословиц): автореф. на с. зв. докт. фил. н. — St. Petersburg, 2003. — 38с.
  22. В. И. Языковой круг: личность, концепт, дискурс. — Волгоград: Перемена, 2002. — 477с.
  23. М.Л. Лингвокультурологический метод во фразеологии: коды культуры. — Moscow: URSS ЛИБРОКОМ, 2013. — 453с.
  24. В. Н. Лингвистикаперевода. — Moscow: URSS ЛИБРОКОМ, 2013. — 165с.
  25. В. Н. Современное переводоведение. — Moscow: Р. Валент, 2014. — 407с.
  26. А.В. Межъязыковой перевод: лингвофилософские аспекты. — Мурманск: МГГУ, 2013. — 216с.
  27. О.В. Лексикология английского языка. — Петропавловск-Камчатский: КамГУ, 2013. — 294с.
  28. Е.С. Словообразование// Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. — Moscow: Сов. энциклопедия, 1990. — С. 467−468.
  29. Е.Н. Британская и американская фразеология (сравнительный анализ). — Moscow: Триумф, 2013. — 102с.
  30. А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. — Дубна: Феникс+, 2005. — 479с.
  31. Ю.М. Семиосфера: культура и взрыв внутри мыслящих миров. — St. Petersburg, 2000. — 546c.
  32. Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. — Moscow: МГПУ Прометей, 2013. — 101с.
  33. М.В. Лексическое значение слова (структура и комбинаторика). — Moscow: Высшая школа, 1983. — 286c.
  34. О.В. Языковая картина мира и национально-культурная идентичность. — Moscow: Государственная академия славянской культуры, 2010. — 108 с.
  35. В. И. Язык как деятельность. Опыт интерпретации концепции В. Гумбольдта. — Moscow: Высш. Шк., 1982. — 156с.
  36. А. П., Грушевицкая Т. Г. Культурология: теория культуры. — Moscow: ЮНИТИ, 2004. — 365с.
  37. Е. А. Языковая картина мира военной сферы (лингвокультурологический и терминологический аспекты): автореф. дис. на соиск. уч. ст. к. филол. н. — Moscow, 2012. — 17с.
  38. В. Н. Культурные слои во фразеологизмах и дискурсных практиках. — Moscow: Яз. слав. культуры, 2004. — 340 с.
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  40. В. Н. Русская фразеология. Семантический, прагматический и лингвокультурологический аспекты. — Moscow, 1996. — 241с.
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  44. В.Н. Что такое фразеологизм. — Тобольск: ТГСПА, 2013. — 116c.
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  49. Dictionaries Used
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  56. К. А. Dictionary of idioms and set expressions in the language of modern press on socioeconomic and world affairs problems. — Moscow: ИНФРА-М, 2013. — 240p.
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  58. Collins English dictionary. — HarperCollins Publishers, 2006. — 1689p.
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  60. J. & McMordie W. Oxford pocket English idioms. — Oxford: Oxf. Un. Press, 1992. — 272p.
  61. Speake J. The Oxford dictionary of idioms. — Oxford: Oxf. Un. Press, 1999. — 393 p.
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