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Курсовая: Phonetic peculiarities of the popular science text

We are living in a post-industrial era, when the most valuable thing is information. A mere decade ago TV, radio and periodicals dominated the mass-media and the library was the main source of academic knowledge for students. Nowadays the situation has changed. The development of computer technologies has made PC an affordable device which established a digital era. Scholars even say that modern…

Курсовая: Phonetics as a branch of linguistics

It follows from this, that phonetics a basis brunch or fundamental brunch of linguistics, that is why phonetics claims to be of equal importance with grammar and lexicology. Phonetics has two main divisions: phonology, the Study of sound patterns of languages, of how a spoken language functions as a «code», and the study of substance, that carries the code. It shows that there is a close…

Курсовая: Phrasal verbs

A preposition is used with a noun (or its substitute), stands before it, and is not stressed. A preposition is part of a prepositional noun phrase, which means that a preposition always needs a noun. A postposition is used with a verb, stands after it, usually forms an idiom with this verb (it changes the meaning of the verb), and is always stressed. A postposition is part of the predicate, which…

Курсовая: Phrasal verbs

A preposition is used with a noun (or its substitute), stands before it, and is not stressed. A preposition is part of a prepositional noun phrase, which means that a preposition always needs a noun. A postposition is used with a verb, stands after it, usually forms an idiom with this verb (it changes the meaning of the verb), and is always stressed. A postposition is part of the predicate, which…

Курсовая: Pidgin English как диалект современного английского языка

Тем не менее, существуют пиджины, имеющие весьма сложную грамматику. В системе местоимений, например, существует целый ряд черт, которых нет в английском языке, но которые очень важны для ток-писина. Во-первых, если в английском языке есть только одна форма местоимения второго лица, ток-писин имеет отдельные формы для второго лица единственного и второго лица множественного числа: уи, «you…

Дипломная: Phrasal verbs and verb expressions. Verb expressions with «Come» and «Go»

Phrasal verbs are an important feature of English. Their importance lies in the fact that they form such a key part of everyday English. Not only are they used in spoken and informal English, but they are also a common aspect of written and even formal vernacular. Understanding and learning to use phrasal verbs, however, is often problematic and there are many reasons for this. The meaning…

Курсовая: Phraseological unit as a newspaper title

There is a pressing need for criteria distinguishing set expressions not only from free phrases but from compound words as well. One of these criteria is the formal integrity of words which had been repeatedly mentioned and may be best illustrated by an example with the word breakfast borrowed from W.K. Graff. His approach combines contextual analysis and diachronic observations. He is interested…

Курсовая: Piracy in Somaly

In response to the increased activity of the INS Tabar, India sought to augment its naval force in the Gulf of Aden by deploying the larger INS Mysore to patrol the area. Somalia also added India to its list of states, including the U.S. and France, who are permitted to enter its territorial waters, extending up to 12 nautical miles (22 km) from the coastline, in an effort to check piracy…

Реферат: Place and role of political relations in the aggregate of public relations

Most forms of social relations — economic, political, ideological, legal, moral, domestic, etc. — to distinguish on the basis of their objects. Thus, economic relations — a relationship that consists of about ownership of the means of production, during the manufacture and distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Political relations made about power in society and in its…

Реферат: Pipeline transport of Russia. Transneft

Промежуточную перекачивающую станцию «Петропавловск», оборудованную пятью насосами типа НТ-45 с приводом от дизелей «Шкода» 65−350, ввели в эксплуатацию в 1956 году. Пропускная способность продуктопровода достигла проектной величины — 2 млн тонн. По решению Правительства СССР, предполагалось увеличить пропускную способность продуктопровода до 3,9 млн тонн в год на участке Уфа — Челябинск и до 3,5…

Реферат: Places of interest in Kyiv

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. It has been standing on steep hills overlooking the Dnipro River for more than 1,500 years. According to the ancient legend, Kyiv was founded by the three brothers Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and their sister Lybid, and it was named after the eldest brother Kyi. Since then, Kyiv has developed into a valuable center of East Europe…

Курсовая: Plane crash under Lokberi

Выявлялся ужас у жителей города Локерби в Шотландии. «Это было похоже на метеоры, падающие с неба» сказала жительница Энн Макфэйл (Newsweek, 2 января 1989, pg. 17). Рейс 103 был над Локерби, когда произошёл взрыв. Многие жители описали это событие, как освещающееся небо и большой, оглушительный рев. Вскоре жители увидели, как части самолёта и тела людей падали в окрестностях задних дворов…

Лекция: Political discourse

As suggested above, syntactic selection undoubtedly affects interpretation, but this must be seen in relation to other contextual factors, and indeed in relation to the impact of lexical choices themselves. Wilson and Rose (1997) argue, for example, that the problems of interpretation which accompanied one piece of controversial legisla tion, the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement, seemed to revolve…

Курсовая: Policy of Barack Obama

Starting with information received in July 2010, intelligence developed by the CIA over the next several months determined what they believed to be the location of Osama bin Laden in a large compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, a suburban area 35 miles from Islamabad. CIA head Leon Panetta reported this intelligence to President Obama in March 2011. Meeting with his national security advisers over…

Курсовая: Polysemy in the semantic field of movement in the english language

The FLM establishes three axes of analysis: the paradigmatic, syntagmatic and cognitive axes. The elaboration of the paradigmatic axis entails the structuring of the lexicon in semantic domains —each corresponding to a basic area of meaning, 2 and the organization of lexical domains into hierarchically constructed subdomains elaborated on the basis of shared meaning components A subdomain…

Курсовая: Polysemy in english language

The essential feature of this approach is that it distinguishes between the three components closely connected with meaning: the sound-form, and the actual referent, i. e. that part or that aspect of reality to which the linguistic sign refers. The best known referential model of meaning is the so-called «basic triangle» (as it was mentioned above) which, with some variations, underlies the…

Реферат: PR and Journalism

It should be added that today’s senders, whether they are professionals within an organization or hired consultants, find it fairly easy to get material published in newspapers. The prevailing conditions are the result of decreases in editorial staff in recent years and increasing demands for raised production goals for each journalist. «Today, we are so pressed by shrinking advertising revenue…

Эссе: Post-structuralism in France

The second key figure in the development of post-structuralism in the late 1960s is the philosopher Jacques Derrida. Indeed, the starting point of post-structuralism may be taken as his 1966 lecture `Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences'. In this paper Derrida sees in modern times a particular intellectual `even' which constitutes a radical break from past ways…

Реферат: Pravomonarhist movement

In addition to offices of the Union of Russian People in Belarus operated ideological kinship NRC organizations such as Society «Peasant», founded in late 1905, and emerged in 1906, «Russian suburban Union», which was later reorganized as the «Russian margins of society.» In 1908, a split society, «peasant» emerged «The Belarusian society», which included representatives of the intelligentsia…

Курсовая: Pragmatics: rules of conversation

Grice’s other reason for invoking the distinction between speaker’s and linguistic meaning was to combat extravagant claims, made by so-called «ordinary language» philosophers, about various important philosophical terms, such as 'believes' or 'looks.' For example, it was sometimes suggested that believing implies not knowing, because to say, e.g., «I believe that alcohol is dangerous…

Реферат: Pretrial investigation

On closing the criminal case the police must inform interested persons, or send them a copy of the closure case. Features close a criminal case under paragraph 4 of Art. 6 CPC of Ukraine stated above. Decision to close a criminal case consists of the requirements of Articles 130, 214 CPC of Ukraine. The introduction states: location and time of its making, the officials, who shall rule, its name…

Реферат: Price wars

Furthermore, price wars are very common in newspaper industry, the most famous of which is the one took place in 1993 in Great Britain. The first step in this war was made by R. Murdoch who decreased the price on Times from 45 penny to 30. Then he continued reduction to 20 penny. The nearest rivals responded by the same reduction but after a while raised a price again because of irreplaceable…

Курсовая: Principles of word-formation in English

F. Ungerer recоgnizes, that «Wоrd-fоrmatiоn is оne оf thоse linguistic terms that may be unsatisfactоry оn a mоre theоretical level, but that are immensely useful when оne tries tо survey prоcesses оf extending the lexicоn». Wоrd-fоrmatiоn ranges frоm prefixatiоn and suffixatiоn tо prоcesses nоt even reflected in the phоnоlоgical fоrm оf the item invоlved (e.g., cоnversiоn); there, wоrd-fоrmatiоn…

Реферат: Problem of meaning ambiguity in a language

Although ambiguity is fundamentally a property of linguistic expressions, people are also said to be ambiguous on occasion in how they use language. This can occur if, even when their words are unambiguous, their words do not make what they mean uniquely determinable. Strictly speaking, however, ambiguity is a semantic phenomenon, involving linguistic meaning rather than speaker meaning…

Курсовая: Problem of sraff (personnel) adaptation

Subjective parameters characterise satisfaction of the employee work as a whole or its separate displays. They are subdivided similarly objective on an accessory to one of aspects of adaptation and define own estimation the worker. Exactly, the attitude to a trade and qualification; attitudes with collective of employees, with a management; state of health, conditions and weight of work…

Дипломная: Problem of Synonyms in the Translation

Since the exact meaning of each synonym is delimited by its interrelatedness with the other elements of the same group, comparison plays an important part in synonymic research. It has already been tentatively examined in the opening paragraph of this chapter; now we offer a slightly different angle of the same problem. The interchangeability and possible neutralization are tested by means…

Курсовая: Problems in usage of tests in ELT

The central concept of testing as a form of control is a test. Currently, the test in a foreign pedagogy called any form of formal assessment in any area of language, which is carried out under conditions allowing the estimation of personal achievements in any given area. Russian scientist V.A. Kokkota gives a more specific definition of a test as prepared in accordance with the specific…

Статья: Problems in reading speeds comprehension

Alongside of the three cardinal communicative sentence-types, another type of sentences is recognised in the theory of syntax, namely, the so-called exclamatory sentence. In modern linguistics it has been demonstrated that exclamatory sentences do not possess any complete set of qualities that could place them on one and the same level with the three cardinal communicative types of sentences. The…

Реферат: Problems of the children and the youth

The government will soon unveil legal moves to ban the use of cane or belt on children. This behavior of parents will be declared unacceptable and will be made a criminal offence in the UK. These developments were pushed by a case of a boy who was repeatedly and severely beaten by his father with a three-foot pole. The father was acquitted in the English court but such mild judgments are going…

Контрольная: Productivity Growth

For those countries in which land and labor productivity levels are furthest from frontier levels, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa, opportunities exist to enhance agricultural productivity substantially. Countries that are laud constrained, such as India, can be expected to follow a productivity growth path that places primary emphasis on biological technology. In contrast, Brazil, which…
