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Курсовая: The peculiarities of news reports in English mass media texts

Each FS is a relatively stable system at the given stage in the development of the literary language, but it changes, and sometimes considerably, from one period to another. Therefore FS is a historical category. Thus, for example in the 17th century it was considered that not all words can be used in poetry, and that a separate poetic style exists. Later, in the 19th century romanticism rejected…

Курсовая: The peculiarities of translating idioms and stable expressions

Many of such and the like idiomatic expressions may often have two and more analogies by sense variants in the target language. The choice of an analogy rests then with the translator and is predetermined by the style of the text: to poke/thrust one’s nose into smth., to pry into smth. — пхати свого носа в чужу розмову, to go in one ear and out of the other — в одне вухо влетіло, з іншого…

Дипломная: The peculiarities in texts of business documents

Standardized forms of export and import deals differ greatly and it makes them two general types of contracts. Thus, there are export and import contracts. They reflect different positions of buyers and sellers in trading. Contracts in import trade are called orders, and their submission warranty and delivery terms as well as sanctions are much harder towards the seller than those ones in export…

Топик: The philosophy should meet the challenge of the new millennium

The new millennium is not so much different from the old one. People are still quarrelling, killing, lying and dying. People are still in need of the most essential thing to rely on: they are in need of LOVE, the only thing that will save the world. The philosophy must teach people to love each other. Not that love that Sigmund Freud told us about, I’m talking about REAL LOVE, when people don’t…

Реферат: The political power

Psychological approach based on understanding the sources of power in the consciousness and subconscious of people. 3. Freud (Austria) thought train to power the transformation of sexual energy Jung (Germany) — mental powers in general. C. Ed-axis and-B. Edelman causes psychological subjugation believe in hypnotism captain and crowd interactions and Jacques Lacan — in the subconscious perception…

Курсовая: The place of «Macbeth» among Shakespeare"s tragedies

Macduff represents the main opposition to Macbeth. He is the chief instrument by which Malkolm is able to obtain the throne of his father Duncan, and he everywhere acts with good sense, bravery and nobleness of nature. Only his wife doubts the wisdom of his flight to England, calling it «madness», and a mixture of fear and treachery. She accused him too of lacking «the natural touch», the guality…

Реферат: The political thinking of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau decisively shaped the western intellectual tradition

I especially would like to specify that Locke more than 300 years ago carried out democratic principles which live so far. Live, liberty and estate — this is the constitutional basis of the today’s countries. Locke denied slavery, he was against the feudal lords. He speaks about clear competition which is based on mutual acknowledgement. I think he was trying to explain that business is based…

Реферат: The positive image as are important component of being competitive on the tourist market

The aim in the sphere of interrelation with clients is clearly determined. This activity heads for the forming of some culture of the relation with consumers and partners and mending of a feedback. There are important conditions for the forming of the optimal image: giving of valid and truthful information, compliance with a contract, adoption an after-sales service. The using of measures for…

Реферат: The problem of violence

Fіrst, аs nеw sоcіаl nоrms оf cоnsumptіоn аnd tеchnоlоgіеs bаsеd оn mоrе еffіcіеnt usе оf еnеrgy аnd mаtеrіаl wоrk thеіr wаy thrоugh оur sоcіаl аnd spаtіаl systеms, nеw fоrms оf еmplоymеnt аnd nеw, mоrе rеsіlіеnt fоrms оf humаn sеttlеmеnt аnd trаnspоrtаtіоn аrе lіkеly tо rеsult. Lоng bеfоrе thе wаtеrshеd еvеnts оf thе 11th оf Sеptеmbеr sоmе pеоplе wеrе аrguіng thаt cоmtеmpоrаry fоrms…

Дипломная: The problem of polysemy in the English language

It should be noted that whereas the basic meaning is representative of the word table in isolation its minor meanings are observed only in certain contexts, e.g. «to keep the table amused», «a piece of contents» etc. Thus we can assume that the meaning «a piece of furniture» occupies the central place in the semantic structure of the word table. As to other meanings of this word it’s hard…

Курсовая: The problems of oral translation

The core of the translation theory is the general theory of translation which is concerned with the fundamental aspects of translation inherent in the nature of bilingual communication and therefore common to all translation events, irrespective of what languages are involved or what kind of text and under what circumstances was translated. Basically, replacement of ST by TT of the same…

Курсовая: The problems of the Subjunctive Mood in English

There is another peculiar complication in the analysis of mood. The question is, what verbs are auxiliaries of Mood in Modern English? The verbs should and would are auxiliaries expressing unreality. But the question is less clear with the verb may when used in such sentences as Come closer that I may hear what you say. Is the group may hear some mood form of the verb hear, or is it a free…

Реферат: The relation between stylistics and linguistics

Operating at all linguistic levels (e.g. lexicology, syntax, text linguistics, and intonation), stylisticians analyze both the style of specific texts and stylistic variation across texts. These texts can be literary or nonliterary in nature. Generally speaking, style may be regarded as choice of linguistic means; as deviation from a norm; as recurrence of linguistic forms; and as comparison…

Дипломная: The Profile of Effective Manager

Let’s now go back to the second aspect — creativity, and let’s see what it means: «Creativity — producing or using new and effective ideas, results, etc» Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, pearson Education Limited, 1978,2001. When we think about creativity, we imagine people who are gifted, talented, and different from others, whose ideas, decisions, and actions are situated out of the…

Статья: The role of ideology in the development of modern states

Now we can conclude that ideology — the phenomenon of social life. The role of ideology is that it changes with the arrival of the new government, new leaders, and people who have great influence on various government institutions. Ideology governing public behavior that is beneficial for a certain time. It can be seen in the examples presented above. Any ideology has the ability of short…

Курсовая: Анализ перевода национально-специфических реалий Романа Хелен Филдинг «Дневник Бриджит Джонс»

Москвичева А. Н. также иногда использовала замену одного имени на другое. В некоторых случаях весьма удачно, заменяя неизвестных русскому читателю деятелей на известные. Например, заменив Джереми Паксмана на Маргарет Тэтчер. (Г. Багдасарян в этом случае замену не производила, дав пояснение после главы.) Однако неудачные замены у переводчицы А. Н. Москвичевой также были. Так, Бонни Лангфорд была…

Курсовая: Анализ перевода антропонимов в романе Дж. Р. Р. Толкина «Властелин колец»

Звуковое восприятие иностранной речи создает в сознании иноязычных слушателей своеобразный фонетический стереотип того или иного иностранного языка. Французская речь представляется многим русским составленной из большого числа носовых гласных и палатализованных согласных и потому мягкой по звучанию, а, например, английская речь с характерными заднеязычными звуками и своеобразным придыханием…

Курсовая: Анализ переводов стихотворений Константиноса Кавафиса, сделанных Геннадием Шмаковым и Иосифом Бродским

Существует две редакции стихотворения «Город». Кавафис написал его в 1894 в Александрии, но в печать не отдал; лишь в 1910 поэт опубликовал это стихотворение, однако сильно отредактировав его. В конце XIX — в начале XX вв Александрия переживала печальный период своей истории: после расцвета, которого она достигла в середине XIX века при Мухаммеде Али, город снова пришел в упадок: в Египте…

Курсовая: The role of prosody and rhythm means in the perception of English-language text

In interpersonal communication for each speech community there are adopted social norms of varying volume, pitch, melodic patterns, tempo, change of replicas and other prosodic forms of speech etiquette. They recommend a strategy of cooperation, which manifests itself in the pick up, tips, active role in the conversation by raising the pitch and volume, maintaining the right to continue talking…

Реферат: The role played by the german and scandinavian tribes on english language

The Tests of Borrowed Words. The similarity between Old English and the language of the Scandinavian invaders makes it at times very difficult to decide whether a given word in Modern English is a native or a borrowed word. Many of the commoner words of the two languages were identical, and if we had no Old English literature from the period before the Danish invasions, we should be unable to say…

Курсовая: Анализ переводческих трансформаций

Увеличение числа стран, позволяющих женщинам голосовать, включая Бутан (один голос на дом), Ливан (частично), Бруней (никто не может голосовать), Саудовская Аравия, 16ОАЭ (ожидается в 2010г) и город Ватикан Женщины, успешно получающие места в парламенте по всей Африке. Во многих случаях, в парламентах африканских стран женщин больше, чем в некоторых западных Протокол в защиту прав женщин…

Курсовая: The Science Of Grammar

Quintilian, whose authority is appealed to above, belonged to that age in which the exegesis of histories, poems, and other writings, was considered an essential part of grammar. He therefore, as well as Diomedes, and other ancient writers, divided the grammarian’s duties into two parts; the one including what is now called grammar, and the other the explanation of authors, and the stigmatizing…

Курсовая: The selection and adaptation of the material on the topic «Towns and places»

The teacher starts by asking individual students to name any museums they have visited. Did they enjoy the excursion? Did they learn any interesting facts about the history? Students are broken up into groups. They have a chance to think of ideas. This kind of discussion can be formalized into proper debate-speakers on different sides giving speeches comments. Role — play activities are those…

Реферат: The Shakespeare"s language

Still French remained the official language in England until the XIV century and gave its positions only in 1509 when English became the official language. The rhetoric of the English language was deeply indebted to Chaucer. However, it is difficult to talk about innovations of the language, because there were few written records of that period. In the XV-XVI centuries there was an approximate…

Реферат: The significance of English in today's world

Once computers and mobile phones were the things that only people of a certain social group could afford. Now these things are necessities. The same can be told about English. It is a necessity! It is studied by everybody and everywhere: at schools, universities, language courses. Moreover in the age of digital technologies anyone can learn English on the Internet, without leaving home. However…

Реферат: The Socialist-Revolutionaries and the labor movement (the beginning of the twentieth century)

The labor movement and socialism as an idea, the desire for social harmony developed in Europe and also in an increasingly close alliance, did not wash off with traits of each other. The most powerful and organized part of the labor movement — trade unions, were the result of social activity of working class struggle for a decent position in society. Their transformation into a class organization…

Курсовая: The sociological analysis of globalization

From the point of view of African carnival in Nottingham, Africa lost its geographical place. For them «Africa» is an idea from black esthetic it is made not in order to ground the black identity in Great Britain, but for breaking up the Afro-Carib groups in England. So there is Africa in Nottingham. There is paradox in the relationship of transnational communal: what can be seen in Europe…

Дипломная: The socialist workers party 1951-1979

But Lаbоur Pаrty wоrk wаs nоt undеrtаkеn оn thе bаsіs оf іmpеndіng crіsіs; thеrе wаs nо еxpеctаtіоn оf іmmіnеnt splіt, nо hоpе оf cаpturіng thе lеаdеrshіp оf, а sеctіоn оf thе Pаrty. Іn, а pеrіоd оf stаbіlіty, whеn thе trаdіtіоnаl Lаbоur Lеft wаs dеclіnіng іn strеngth аnd pоwеr tо mоbіlіsе, such, а pеrspеctіvе cоuld hаvе lеd tо dаngеrоus оppоrtunіsm (аs wаs thе cаsе wіth Sоcіаlіst Оutlооk…

Доклад: The stylistic function of the English article

If I were a sculptor I should choose Mr. Neil Gibson as my model. His tall, gaunt, craggy figure had suggestion of hunger and rapacity. An Abraham Lincoln keyed to base uses instead of high ones would give some idea of the man. (A. Conan Doyle). E.g. There lived a mistress who would have dwelt daintily on a desert island, a master whose daintiness was, as it were, an investment, cultivated by the…

Топик: The system of accommodation in Perm

These conditions were for several hundred years. The advent of the industrial revolution in England brought up new ideas and progress in this business of Inn keeping. In early England, public houses were normally called «Inns» or «Taverns». Normally, the name Inn was reserved for the finer establishments catering to the nobility and clergy. The houses often by the common man were known…
