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Реферат: Les problemes des parties du discours en francais

Les 3 criteres qui sont a la base de al distinction des parties du discours sont intimement lies entre eux. C’est le sens categoriel qui determine les categories morphologiques et les fonctions syntaxiques du mot. En fin de compte, les parties du discours se determinent par leur valeur denominative, c’est-a-dire par ce que les mots representent et par la facon dont ils le representent. Selon…

Реферат: Lexical Meaning and Semantic Structure of English Words

Take, for example, the noun «screen». We find it in its direct meaning when it names a movable piece of furniture" used to hide smth. or protect smb, as in case of «fire screen» placed in front of a fireplace. The meaning is figurative when the word is applied to anything which protects by hiding, I as in «smoke screen». We define this meaning as figurative comparing it to the first that…

Курсовая: Les moyens linguo-stylistiques de letude du texte

Au demeurant l’attention a la realite textuelle est loin d’etre un phenomene recent si l’on sort du cadre strict des sciences du langage; elle est meme fort ancienne si l’on songe aux pratiques philologiques des humanistes de la Renaissance et plus encore aux analyses formelles des textes litteraires, a la base d’une discipline comme la stylistique — laquelle pour etre relativement recente comme…

Реферат: Lexical unit

The theoretical value of the term paper lies in the fact that the investigation can serve to the purpose of inputting the information in certain chapters of grammar (grammatical homonymy, transposition of parts of speech). The reason for inputting the supplementary to the dictionary article is the refining meaning which was brought out of in the result of the investigation. It is the clause…

Курсовая: Lexical and grammatical peculiarities of scientific-technical texts

Thus, for translation it is obviously important, how «universals of discourse» are realized in contacting with each other languages during translation and the results of it for the structuring of the final text. Barhudarov N. S. gives the following example: «You goin' to court this morning? asked Jim. We had strolled over» (Мы подошли к ее забору — «Вы в суд пойдете? «- спросил Джим). As the…

Реферат: Lexico-semantical Peculiarities of Edgar Allan Poe"s tales

In most Edgar Poe’s tales a motive of death is significantly felt. This theme was popular in the literature of American South, as it reflected the depression of decay of the Virgin Renascence period, affirmed the idea of inevitable destruction of the whole Splendid, Beautiful in the times of worship money flourishing. To some extent the Edgar Poe’s «frantic» world became the reflection of the…

Реферат: Lexicography as a science of dictionary-making

The preliminaries also include a short history of the language, with long extracts from earlier authors, and a grammar, much influenced by the work of John Wallis, with sections on orthography and prosody. But it is in the Preface, often anthologized as an independent text, that we find an unprecedented statement of the theoretical basis of a dictionary project. The statement is notable for its…

Реферат: Liberal and democratic political modes in a modern world

In Greek democracy means «government by the people» (demos — people, cratos — power). A more detailed definition of democracy, which became a classic, was given to U.S. President A. Lincoln in his famous speech hetysburskiy (1863): rule of the people, chosen people and for the people. However, despite evidence of the interpretation of democracy as a democracy, there are several problems that…

Курсовая: Lexico-Semantic Features of Antonyms in Modern English

If two words exactly coincide in meaning and use, the natural tendency is for one of them to change its meaning or drop out of the language. Thus synonyms are words only similar but not identical in meaning-. This definition is correct but vague. A more precise linguistic definition should be based on a workable notion of tie semantic structure of the word and of the complex nature of every…

Реферат: Life and creation of A.K. Tolstoy

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoj was born on September, 5th (on old style on August, 24th) 1817 in St.-Petersburg. Its father occured from an ancient and known sort Thick (the Lion Thick on this line is necessary Alexey the second cousin). Its mother, a beauty Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya, studying A.K. Razumovsky’s column, has left in 1816 in marriage for elderly Konstantin Petrovicha Tolstogo’s…

Курсовая: Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of Poetic Works of English Romanticism

Byron underwent a tumultuous schooling at three different schools (Harrow, Trinity, and Cambridge), through which he was forced to fend for himself due to mockery from peers about his club foot and his weight (13, 75). By the end of his schooling, Byron had forged himself into the lordly, urbane, slim and debaucherous man who would become famous. Like his father, Byron accumulated debts through…

Курсовая: Linguistic and socio-cultural peculiarities of business communication

In business communication one must also remember that a person whose pitch is too high, too low, or monotonous (on the same level) may not only transmit a negative impression when communicating, but risk losing customers completely. Some individuals, however, overuse one tone to the exclusion of all others. They have monotonous or monotone voices, which are characterized by having too little…

Дипломная: Linguistic Аspects of Black English

The discussion about how to classify JC may seem to be of little importance, but if it were to be regarded as an English dialect comparable to Cockney or any other variety of English, it would be difficult to claim its relevancy as a school subject, since no other dialects are being taught in British schools. However, the situation for JC speakers seems to be rather different than that of…

Курсовая: Lingual-Stylistic Peculiarities of G. Byron «s» The Prisoner of Chillon «and» Sonnet on Chillon «, and Their Reproduction in the Translations by P. Hrabovs» k

As we can see, the definitions are rather broad and ambiguous, NED speaks of clearness, effectiveness and beauty of writer’s mode, while the Ukrainian dictionaries say nothing of the kind, but concentrate on the usage of expressive means, discourse organization and grammatical rules. V. Vinogradov explains this ambiguity in understanding of the notion of style by the fact that different…

Курсовая: Lingvostylistic analysis

There is one fundamental difference between rock music and classical (or serious) music: classical music’s goal — to create a musical work, and the problem of interpretation, interpretation the author’s intention and reports it to the public is satisfied by someone else (conductor, arranger) in rock music is that distance does not exist. It turns out that classical music exists only…

Лекция: Lipid biosynthesis

The biosynthetic reaction pathway to a compound is usually not a simple opposite of its breakdown. Chapter 12 of Volume 1 discusses this concept in regard to carbohydrate metabolism and gluconeogenesis. In fatty acid synthesis, acetyl-CoA is the direct precursor only of the methyl end of the growing fatty acid chain. All the other carbons come from the acetyl group of acetyl-CoA but only after…

Курсовая: Listening comprehension in English language teaching

Section II: Intensive listening will focus the students' attention on language form. The aim of this section is to raise the learners' awareness of how differences in sound, structure, and lexical choice can affect meaning. Because this kind of listening involves an appreciation of how form affects meaning, all of the activities in this section are contextualised — placed in a real or easily…

Дипломная: Listening and memory training in translation

If the near-native also has a profound awareness of his primary culture, he can be considered bilingual. (Actually, true bilingualism is rare. Unless both languages and cultures are constantly accessible and in equal measure part of the working and living environment, one of them soon moves into a secondary position.) Finally, in addition to engaging in a comprehensive «contrastive analysis…

Курсовая: Literary analysis of the play «Pygmalion» by G.B. Shaw

Mrs. Higgins' drawing room, the next morning. Higgins and Pickering, perturbed by the discovery that Eliza has walked out on them, call on Mrs. Higgins to phone the police. Higgins is particularly distracted, since Eliza had assumed the responsibility of maintaining his diary and keeping track of his possessions, which causes Mrs. Higgins to decry their calling the police as though Eliza were…

Реферат: Lithium

Lithium was used to decrease the melting temperature of glass and to improve the melting behavior of aluminium chloride when using the Hall-Hйroult process. 31] These two uses dominated the market until the middle of the 1990's. After the end of the nuclear arms race the demand for lithium decreased and the sale of Department of Energy stockpiles on the open market further reduced prices. 30…

Дипломная: Literature in New England

Representing the South in the arena of political debate were John C. Calhoun (1782−1850) and Henry Clay (1777−1852); while the names of Rufus Choate (1799−1859) and Edward Everett (1794−1865) are joined with that of Webster, as representative of the eloquence of New England. Foremost among the orators developed by anti-slavery sentiment in the North were Wendell Phillips (1811−1884) and Charles…

Реферат: Londan underground

A fierce rivalry soon developed between the District and the Metropolitan. This severely delayed the completion of the Inner Circle project as the two companies competed to build far more financially lucrative railways in the suburbs of London. The London and North Western Railway (LNWR) began running their Outer Circle service from Broad Street via Willesden Junction, Addison Road and Earl’s…

Контрольная: London

In contrast, the cinema in Britain is often regarded as not quite part of 'the arts' at all — it is simply entertainment. Partly for this reason, Britain is unique among the large European countries in giving almost no financial help to its film industry. Therefore, although cinema-going is a regular habit for a much larger number of people than is theatre-going, British film directors often have…

Реферат: London (Places to Visit)

The international symbol of London is Tower Bridge. It was built between 1886 and 1894 by Sir Horace Jones. Originally steam engines were used to raise the bridge, so that ships could pass underneath. Nowadays, electric motors are used instead. As you cross the bridge you’ll enjoy a wonderful view of the river Thames and London. Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s official residence, is situated…

Реферат: London history

At the biginning of The 11th century England was already a great contry and London was a very inportant city. In 1066 William the Conqueror and his people went went to England from Normandy in France. All Kings and Queens of England have live in London. It became the biggest city in England. Bu 1600 there were more than 2 hundred thousand (200 000) people in. It is the oldest part of London. The…

Курсовая: Marketing in tourism

There are a number of strategies that can be employed to obtain loyalty from consumers. As all business people know, it is cheaper to keep a customer than to get a new one. However, loyalty in today’s competitive environment is hard to come by. By studying psychological factors that play into a consumer’s loyalty and commitment to a hotel and its service, programs to garner that loyalty have…

Контрольная: Marketing Plan for juice «Seila»

The next important learning outcome I gained is absolute necessity to find a way of effective communication with customers. I am sure that the role of communication in marketing strategy is absolutely necessary. It provides transferring information, ideas, and plans among multiple customers. It is a vascular system of any marketing strategy. Communication process is inevitable for marketing…

Дипломная: Активизация речевого взаимодействия учащихся в процессе обучения иноязычному общению

Специфической особенностью третьего типа организации учебного сотрудничества является его прямая зависимость от содержания и условий осуществления деятельности. Этот тип называется «коллективным решением вербальных задач». Задачами, адекватными для этого типа взаимодействия, могут быть такие, которые предполагают возможность выделения функциональных ролей при их решении. Для коллективного решения…

Эссе: Marxism and women"s movement

Оnе fеmіnіst hіstоrіаn cоmmеnts thаt «thе suffrаgіsts tеndеd tо bе Vіctоrіаn prudеs whо wоuld hаvе bееn scаndаlіsеd by thе currеnt dеmаnds fоr sеxuаl lіbеrаtіоn.» Cаrоl Bаcchі, «Fіrst-wаvе fеmіnіsm: hіstоry's judgеmеnt» іn Аustrаlіаn Wоmеn: Fеmіnіst Pеrspеctіvеs, Nоrmа Grіеvе аnd Pаtrіcіа Grіmshаw еds. Оxfоrd Unіvеrsіty Prеss, Mеlbоurnе 1981, p.156. Іn, а survеy оf hіstоrіаns' аttіtudеs tо thе…

Контрольная: Mass Media in Modern Russia

Many municipalities both local and regional received the channels or began to participate in the private channels organized as joint venture. Besides the government has disposed in spring 1994, that the state channels should have limited time given to the independent organizations for an announcement of their materials. On the market of advertising the manipulations directed on causing harm…
