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Реферат: Museums art galleries of London and Moscow

I will tell you about not a very popular and famous musician. His songs sound wonderful, and be has an interesting way of making his melodies. Ed Alleyne-Johnson is a composer and violinist. Ed leant to play the violin at school. He played in the school orchestra, but he did not really enjoy playing classical music. It was too rigid. He did not go to the music college. He studied painting at the…

Курсовая: Активные процессы в составе глагольных слов

Бенедикт натянул валенки, потопал ногами, чтобы ладно пришлось, проверил печную вьюшку, хлебные крошки смахнул на пол — для мышей, окно заткнул тряпицей, чтоб не выстудило, вышел на крыльцо и потянул носом морозный чистый воздух. Эх, и хорошо же! Ночная вьюга улеглась, снега лежат белые и важные, небо синеет, высоченные клели стоят — не шелохнутся. Только черные зайцы с верхушки на верхушку…

Контрольная: Music history

The importance of music in the lives of the Hebrew peoples is well documented in the Old Testament. Psalms were sung during religious ceremonies in call-response (soloist followed by congregation) or antiphonally (one group followed by another). Wind, string, and percussion instruments are mentioned in the old Testament. The only traditional instrument still used in Jewish ceremonies today is the…

Реферат: Music in Russia and USA

The American serious group, however, anxious to preserve their new-found dignity, nervously dismissed this music as purely commercial (a lot of it was and is), and until it was made respectable by the attention paid to it by Ravel and Stravinsky there were only occasional attempts to borrow from its rhythms and melodies. The highly successful popular group, on the other hand, has developed the…

Сочинение: My day and its schedule

Мой день и его распорядок Однажды, когда я учился в школе, мой отец сказал, что я должен стараться организовывать свое время мудро, чтобы добиваться хороших результатов во всем. Конечно же, я хотел иметь успех в своей жизни! Вот почему я решил начать планировать мой день по часам. Когда я показал свое расписание отцу, он похвалил меня и сказал, что отныне у меня должна быть лишь веская причина…

Дипломная: Multiple Intelligences in the structure of a new English syllabus for secondary school

On the other hand a lack of such adherence has not proved harmful. They has also called into question the theory that speech is primary and reading and writing are secondary manifestations. Such theoretical and experimental rethinking has resulted in the current trend toward teaching and testing the various language skills in more integrated way. The close procedure provides an interesting and…

Эссе: My Favorite Book Characters in Native and Foreign Literature

The next work of literature, I admire with is a novel «Crime and Punishment» by F.M. Dostoevsky. Perhaps, this is the only book from the school program that I had read from the beginning up to end. I consider this book is still popular and speaks of hot problems through ages. Sonya Marmeladova is my favorite character, though she is a prostitute, she is full of Christian virtue and is only driven…

Топик: My English Studies

At the beginning of the 21st century English more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. English has become the world’s important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrams are in English. More than half of the…

Топик: My favourite writers

Reading is to mind what exercise is to body. The rise of television sometimes has been coupled with the dearth of books. But I don’t think books need to be rescued. A book is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It gives us a unique chance to link up with authors who lived hundreds and thousands years ago. Thanks to books we can talk to people who lived in different ages and countries…

Топик: My flat

My parents' room is smaller than the living-room and not so light as the window is not so broad. To the left of the door there is a big bed. At the foot of the bed there is a bedside cabinet with bedroom lamp on it. Opposite the bed there is a chest of drawers, where my mother keeps bedclothes. The walls are green, so are the curtains. Green is my mother’s favourite colour that is why she prefers…

Реферат: My University

I study at faculty of management and psychology. The dean of faculty — Alexander Mihajlovich Zhdanovsky, the candidate of historical sciences, the senior lecturer, the honourable worker of the maximum vocational training of the Russian Federation. The faculty was a part of university in 1996. Before itexisted as institute at university. Preparation of experts goes on following specialities…

Реферат: Nicole Kidman

In 2004, Kidman appeared in the remake of The Stepford Wives alongside Glenn Close, Faith Hill and Bette Midler. In September of the same year, Kidman was booed at the premiere of her movie Birth in which the 37 year-old actress' character falls in love with a 10 year-old boy. Scores of people walked out of the theater during a scene where the actress and boy shared a bath together. Despite the…

Магистерская работа: Mаrxіsm іn wоrld hіstоry

The key to understanding change in society lies in understanding how human beings cope with the problem of creating their food, shelter and clothing. That was Marx’s starting point. But that does not mean Marxists believe that improvements in technology automatically produce a better society, or even that inventions automatically lead to changes in society. Marx rejected this view (sometimes…

Магистерская работа
Топик: New Zealand

Many immigrants came to New Zealand because they expected to be able to buy cheap land. Some settlers simply took land which was not being used by the Maori for farming. Others bought land for small amounts of money and some paid only one member of the tribe for land that was owned by the whole tribe. When the Maori realized that the promises that were made to them were not kept, they started…

Курсовая: Non-price Competition

Market of tires and disks is very high, so the competition always exists. All the competitors don’t have such quality service and the variety of products, that’s what helps «Exclusive» to survive in such a big megapolis. Company is always expending by making more trade spots and hiring more quality specialist. All the workers are professionally trained to improve their quality, when new…

Учебник: Notions preliminaires. Le mot

Iajis la diachronie les moindres modifications survenues, а quelque vocable se font infailliblement sentir sur d’autres vocables reliйs au premier par des liens divers. Il est aisй de s’en apercevoir. Les modifications sйmantiques d’un mot peuvent se rйpercuter sur les mots de la mкme famille. Le mot habit voulait dire autrefois «йtat «- 'cocTOHHHe'; en prenant le sens de «vкtement «il a entraоnй…

Курсовая: Noun and its grammatical categories

The present course paper consists of four parts: introduction, the main part, conclusion and bibliography. Within the introduction part, which includes two items we gave the brief description of our qualification work (the first item) and gave general notion of the word «noun». The main part of our qualification work includes several items. There we discussed such problems as definition of nouns…

Дипломная: Nouns

A special situation exists when a subject seems not to agree with its predicate. For instance, when we want each student to see his or her counselor (and each student is assigned to only one counselor), but we want to avoid that «his or her» construction by pluralizing, do we say «Students must see their counselors» or «Students must see their counselor»? The singular counselor is necessary…

Курсовая: Nouns

Given that, in general, all passengers are persons, the last sentence above ought to follow logically from the first one. But it doesn’t. It is easy to imagine, for example, that on average, every person who travelled with National Airlines in 1979, travelled with them twice. In that case, one would say that the airline transported 2 million passengers but only 1 million persons. Thus, the way…

Бизнес-план: Opening a coffee shop

Restless" and «convenient» — that’s two words that are most commonly used in English to describe the area. Local residents like the main street bustling and convenient location of the area because it is on the way between central London and Heathrow Airport. Because of such circumstances, makes its a favorite for the Hammersmith branch of the largest global companies — from Coca-Cola…

Контрольная: Operations Management

According to Professor Jaume Ribera Operations Management can be considering as the art and science of getting things done, i.e., the way organizations produce goods and deliver services. Everything a customer pays for is the outcome of the job of operations managers who organize its production. RIBERA, J. 2010. Understanding Operations Management…

Методичка: Oral conversational topics on business English language

These four crucial variables are the foundation of the marketing strategy of any for profit or not for profit organization that uses the marketing concept and drives for success. The customer is not included in the marketing mix, but the customer is the target of all marketing efforts with the four Ps surrounding it. All four Ps are needed in a marketing mix. In fact, they should all be tied…

Реферат: Organization structure of Visa

Each region’s representation on the Visa International board is based in large part on its share of Visa’s worldwide sales volume. Regions nominate individuals from their regional boards, and these regional directors, plus the Visa International CEO, comprise the Visa International Board. The Visa International board is responsible for the oversight of the worldwide interests of the association…

Курсовая: Актуализация и манипуляция в русских и английских пословицах (на материале художественных произведений)

Трудно сказать, с каких пор в народе начали ходить пословицы и поговорки — устные краткие изречения на самые разные темы. Неизвестно время возникновения первых поговорок — метких речений, украшающих речь выразительностью, точностью, позволяющих избежать длинных пояснений. Бесспорно, пословицы возникли в далекой древности и сопровождали жизнь народа на всем протяжении его истории. Отношение к ним…

Курсовая: Актуализация и трансформация фразеологических единиц из страниц газеты «Третья столица»

В. П. Жуков в книге «Русская фразеология» определяет фразеологизм как воспроизводимый в речи оборот, построенный по образцу сочинительного или подчинительного словосочетания (непредикативного или предикативного характера), обладающий целостным (или реже — частично целостным) значением и сочетающийся со словом. Например: гнуть спину, как без рук, на носу, печки-лавочки. Фразеологизм возникает…

Реферат: Organizational Function of Intonation in English and Ukrainian Languages

Intonation is used to carry a variety of different kinds of information. It signals grammatical structure, though not in a one-to-one way, whilst the end of a complete intonation pattern will normally coincide with the end of a grammatical structure such as a sentence or clause, even quite major grammatical boundaries may lack international marking, particularly if the speech is fast. Intonation…

Реферат: Oscar Wilde «The picture of Dorian Gray»

The novel tells of a young man named Dorian Gray, the subject of a painting by artist Basil Hallward. Basil is impressed by Dorian’s beauty and becomes infatuated with him, believing his beauty is responsible for a new mode in his art. Talking in Basil’s garden, Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, a friend of Basil’s, and becomes enthralled by Lord Henry’s world view. Espousing a new hedonism, Lord…

Конспект урока: Our future. What the future holds

Open your Student’s books on page 45. And look at the photo of man. What do you think this man’s job? What is he holding? (maybe he is manager of a big company or corporation, or manager of a mobile phone’s shop, or just shop assistant). This exercise is based on that conversation between Martin and Bryony that you have already heard. So, you are to complete Martin and Bryony’s predictions using…

Конспект урока
Курсовая: Peter the Great reforms

Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia from 1682 until his death in 1725, knew very well that before him there had only been one Russian prince that had had the courage to travel outside of his country. This was the great duke of Kiev, Iziaslav, who in 1075 went to Mayence, as a guest of King Henry IV. For most Russians, crossing the border into another country meant treason. But even if the boyars and…

Курсовая: Phonetics and Phonology. Report of Theoretical phonetics

These items are actual and important even nowadays. Phonetics and phonology are worth studying for several reasons. One is that as all study of language, the study of phonology gives us insight into how the human mind works. Two more reasons are that the study of the phonetics of a foreign language gives us a much better ability both to hear and to correct mistakes that we make, and also to teach…
