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Эссе: Mass migration in Australia

The demeaning assumption was alive and well in the 1920s. Second-year students in Australia’s first university department at the University of Sydney were instructed by its head, Griffith Taylor, to «insert the measurement of three skulls in a table», using calipers, tapes and radiometers; and were directed to a paper on the Kamilaroi tribe, co-authored by Taylor, for a discussion of «the changes…

Реферат: Measure for measure: original and actual place of setting

At the beginning of the seventeenth century the regions ruled by the German Habsburgs included Upper and Lower Austria, Bohemia together with Moravia and Silesia, the lesser part of Hungary which had not been conquered by the Turks, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, the Tyrol, and the provinces bordering on Germany. This territory, however, was divided among three branches of the family, the main…

Реферат: Mechanical Solidarity through Likeness

In the case of economic disasters, indeed, something like a declassification occurs which suddenly casts certain individuals into a lower state than their previous one. Then they must reduce their requirements, restrain their needs, learn greater self-control. All the advantages of social influence are lost so far as they are concerned; their moral education has to be recommenced. But society…

Курсовая: Media in China

The top national Chinese Communist Party papers (People's Daily, Guangming Daily, and Economic Daily) — which mostly feature party speeches, announcements, propaganda, and policy viewpoints — are steadily losing circulation and much-sought advertising revenues to evening municipal papers that have far more diverse content. For example, People’s Daily’s circulation fell from 3.1 million copies…

Доклад: Medicine in Ancient Civilization

During the period of 5000 В.C. the medical knowledge from Egypt spread to Greece where it was further developed. The Greeks knew how to stop bleeding. Such great philosophers as Hippocrates, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all connected with the development of science and medicine in Greece. The Greeks could diagnose illness. The Greeks also credited many gods and goddesses as they could cure…

Реферат: Mesures non tarifaires

Les obstacles non tarifaires se sont multipliйs au cours des derniиres annйes alors que les droits de douane, а lґissue de plusieurs dйcennies de nйgociations dans le cadre de lґAccord gйnйral sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce (GATT), diminuaient. Pour nombre dґobservateurs, les obstacles non tarifaires sont une nouvelle forme de protectionnisme, plus difficile, а dйtecter et, а dйfinir…

Курсовая: Metaphoric Representation of the Concept «Beauty» in English Proverbs

Thus, we have found out the main points of the use of metaphors in the speech, defined the notion of metaphor as a linguistic unit. Furthermore, we considered the basic functions of metaphor. According to our research we can do the following conclusions: a metaphor as the linguistic phenomenon commonly accompanies language and speech; the study of metaphor involved in many linguists, they are…

Курсовая: Metaphor analysis in Heartbreak House by Bernard Shaw

However, it should be noted that creating a pictorial and emotional, while the metaphor may make it difficult and complicated. In this regard, the frequency of use of this trail in verse and prose is uneven. In prose, excessive colorful speech impediment stands in the assimilation of the content. Unsuccessful use of metaphor is observed when it conjures up images that do not match the general…

Реферат: Metaphor in its Broad Perspective

In the metaphor the distant relationships between concepts are established. Named «interaction theory». Metaphor has two different subjectsmain and auxiliary (A. Richards calls them «tenor» and «vehicle»). According to Black the mechanism of metaphor is that the subject is attached to the main system of associated implications related to the subsidiary subject. N. D Arutyunov sees metaphorisation…

Курсовая: Metaphoric representation of the concept «Love» in english proverbs

After analyzing English proverbs, we can say that love plays a very important role in life of English people and requires more detailed studying. There are a lot of English proverbs, concerning this feeling, which express different shades of love. As we have studied many proverbs, we can make a conclusion that the concept «love» can be expressed in English proverbs metaphorically, with the help…

Реферат: Methods of concept description

The Method of conceptual analysis. It is based on lingvocultural, historical and cultural aspects and directed to studying concepts through the semantic structure of words, regarded as cultural phenomena with their history. This principle is built up upon the idea that creating a full image of a concept demands not just description of its ethimology. We should also compare its historical meanings…

Дипломная: Metaphorical expressions describing emotional state of a person in modern romantic novels

The linguistic data on which this study was based indicate that to understand what the metaphor means we need to know the systematic mappings between a source and a target. It is not suggested that this happens in a conscious manner. This knowledge is largely unconscious, and it is only for the purposes of analysis, that we bring mappings into awareness. However when we know a conceptual…

Учебник: Methods of foreign language teaching

To avoid the use of the vernacular. To create simple linguistic situations that remain under the complete control of the teacher. To pass on to the learners the responsibility for the utterances of the descriptions of the objects shown or the actions performed. To let the teacher concentrate on what the students say and how they are saying it, drawing their attention to the differences…

Реферат: Methods of Lexicological Analysis

For example, a typical Ukrainian word-group used to describe the way somebody performs an action, or the state in which a person finds himself, has the structure that may be represented by the formula adverb followed by a finite form of a verb (or a verb + an adverb), він кріпко спить, він швидко/повільно/ засвоює. In English we can also use structurally similar word-groups and say he smokes…

Курсовая: Metonymy as the basis of the secondary nomination in the system of the contemporary English phraseology

Using a metonymy serves a double purpose — it breaks up any awkwardness of repeating the same phrase over and over and it changes the wording to make the sentence more interesting. Thus, metonymy is the basis of the secondary nomination. If metonymic transfer is made within the formative type, then it may be due to polysemy suffix (for example, the suffix-ming, — enie). Association of objects…

Курсовая: Активность и продуктивность основных словообразовательных моделей в истории английского языка

Отсутствие четко очерченных границ аффиксальной подсистемы связано с различной интерпретацией морфемного статуса единиц типа under — (производные underfeed «недокармливать', underestimate 'недооценивать» и др.), — man (производные workman «рабочий', seaman 'моряк» и т. д.). Эта проблема, получившая название проблемы полуаффиксов, актуальна для многих германских языков. В зависимости от того…

Курсовая: Анализ наименований посуды в современном русском языке

Примером минимального семантического поля парадигматического типа может служить синонимическая группа, например некоторая группа тех же глаголов. Это поле образуют глаголы говорить, рассказывать, болтать, трепаться и др. Элементы семантического поля глаголов объединены интегральным семантическим признаком «говорения», но их значение не тождественно. Единицы этого семантического поля различаются…

Контрольная: Microwave in chemical syntheses (Микроволновая печь в химических синтезах)

Материалы имеют физические свойства, которые могут быть измерены и использоваться, для предсказания их поведения в микроволновом поле. Один расчетный параметр — фактор разложения, часто называемый тангенсом потерь. Фактор разложения — отношение диэлектрических потерь (фактор потерь) к диэлектрической постоянной. Делая еще один шаг, диэлектрические потери — мера того, насколько хорошо материал…

Контрольная: Minor types of word formation

According to Marchand (1969), clippings are not coined as words belonging to the standard vocabulary of a language. They originate as terms of a special group like schools, army, police, the medical profession, etc., in the intimacy of a milieu where a hint is sufficient to indicate the whole. For example, in school slang originated exam (ination), math (ematic), lab (oratory), and spec…

Дипломная: Minor Types of Lexical Opposition (Shortened Words)

The term blending is used to de-§ 39. Blending signage the method of merging parts of words (not morphemes) into one new word; the result is a blend, also known as a portmanteau word. The noun smog is an example in point. It is composed of the parts of the nouns smoke and fog (smoke-Hog). Thus blending is in fact com-pounding by means of clipped words. The result of blending is an unanalyzed…

Курсовая: Modality as one of syntactic categories of language

Lexical means are such modal words as perhaps, maybe, probably, possibly. Many linguists say about modal words as an independent part of speech. Their syntactic function is an introductory member suggestions. The question of modal words was first staged by Russian linguists in relation to the Russian language. In foreign linguistics this type was noted, but was not allocated in a special…

Дипломная: Modal verbs

The modal verb may has the following forms: may — the Present tense (e.g. it may be true) and might — the Past tense. The form might is used in two ways: a) in past-time contexts, mainly in reported speech in accordance with the rules of the sequence of tenses (e.g. He told me that it might be true) and b) in present-time contexts as a milder and more polite form of may, or as a form implying…

Контрольная: Modern Means of Business Communication

The definition of the term product is based on the concept of a market. The market is an extension of the ancient idea of a market as a place where people gather to buy and sell goods. In former days part of a town was kept as the marketplace, and people would travel many kilometers on special market days in order to buy and sell various commodities. Today, however, markets such as the gold…

Эссе: Modern dialectical materialism

The Greek philosopher Anaxagoras (500−428 B.C.), in a brilliant deduction, said that man’s mental development depended upon the freeing of the hands. In his important article, The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man, Engels showed the exact way in which this transition was achieved. He proved that the upright stance, freeing of the hands for labour, the form of the hands, with…

Реферат: Modern tourism

With its headquarters in Madrid, Spain, the WTO plays a central and decisive role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, with the aim of contributing to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms. In pursuing this aim, the Organization…

Реферат: Money and money system

To guarantee the value of coins, kings and governments strictly controlled their production. In ancient Rome, coin production was done in the temple of Juno Moneta — which is where the word 'money' comes from. Later, as the Roman Empire expanded, other mints were opened and the same roman coins were accepted for exchange all across Europe, from the British Isles to Turkey — the first pan-European…

Конспект урока: Money. Clauses expressing purpose

A reflexive pronoun is a special kind of pronoun. It is usually used when the object of a sentence is the same as the subject, as you will see below. Each personal pronoun (such as I, you, and she) has its own reflexive form. This introduction will explain what the different forms of reflexive pronouns are, and when they are used. All right! Today we are going to discuss the role of money…

Конспект урока
Учебник: Modern English and American literature

His first recorded poem was written in 1891. The collection of poetry entitled Chamber Music was published in London in 1907. His second work was an autobiographical brief sketch called A Portrait of the Artist, written in 1904. He also began the collection of short stories. The original manuscript contained twelve stories. They were mostly written in late 1904 through 1905. By 1907 the…

Реферат: Most striking traits of peoples character

Somebody said: «English is a language that came from nowhere to conquer the world…» These words are really true and I will prove it. Firstly I would like to talk to you where English comes from. English is a member of the West Germanic subgroup of the Germanic branch of Indo-European language family. Secondly I would like to dwell on some of the chief literary works written in English language…

Курсовая: Multiple negation

The definition does not cover negative sentence with correlative pairs or triplets, such as neither… nor or neither… nor … nor, as these negatives do not function independently but only in conjunction with each other, offering alternatives within the sentence. Sentence with a negative such as not, never or no followed be the negative conjunction nor are similarly excluded. Such sentences are…
