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Реферат: How to make career in hotel business

The broad participation of the staff in the production process. Personal service cannot be mechanized or automated. Some technologies are being instituted to speed up routine tasks, but the human element is the determining one of the hospitality business. Therefore the problem of the standardization is significant in the lodging industry. The standards of the service are worked out at many…

Эссе: How the comintern was stalinised

Within a few days I was on my way to Moscow via Finland. At the time it was dangerous to travel through Poland. I was able to get through to Moscow without any trouble at all. That was because before I left Australia Moxon had advised me to place Communist Party papers on the top of my luggage so that at the Soviet Union border I would be quickly processed. It worked very well, and I was asked…

Топик: How to make your child gifted?

Yes. Of course what I would do the same is give them as much love as my parents gave me. But of course I would simply spend much more time playing, reading, discussing with them than my parents did with me due to the fact that they were too busy earning a living when I was growing up. Scientists say that parents themselves do not need to be experts in the field of their child’s future talent. The…

Контрольная: Human resousce management

The elements whose absence or inadequacy in, а job produced dissatisfaction are: payment, relations to others, type of supervision, company policy, physical working conditions, fringe benefits. Herzberg саllеd themsatisfiers (because they make the job environment fit to occupy). The main application of the theory has been in enlarging or enriching of jobs of non-manual works. Job is enlarged when…

Курсовая: Human being hypostases in «Gulliver» s travels» by Johnatan Swift

Swift, though of unmixed English descent, related to both Dryden and Robert Herrick, was born in Ireland, in 1667. Brought up in poverty by his widowed mother, he spent the period between his fourteenth and twentieth years recklessly and without distinction at Trinity College, Dublin. From the outbreak attending the Revolution of 1688 he fled to England, where for the greater part of nine years…

Курсовая: Humanity in J. Conrad «s and W. Somerset» s creativity

Flash fiction is fiction of extreme brevity. The standard, generally-accepted length of a flash fiction piece is 1000 words or less. By contrast, a short-short measures 1001 words to 2500 words, and a traditional short story measures 2501 to 7500 words. A novelette runs from 7501 words to 17,500, a novella 17,501 words to 40,000 words, and a novel 40,001 words and up. In theater script and poetry…

Контрольная: Imperativ. Konjunktiv

Уже через год, когда ее дочь была еще далека от окончания учебы, Фрау Вогд принялась за преподавание русского в школе. L. Lotte wollte Lehrerin warden. Sie besuchte die Universitat. Und alles was sich an Gedanken wahrend des Tages bei ihr aufstappelte, das besprach sie abends mit ihrer Mutter, am lauwarmen Ofen in der kahlen Stube. Die Studenten werden in diesem Jahr auslandische Zeitschriften…

Реферат: In what way is pygmalion a shavian play

Bernard Shaw — the outstanding English playwright, one of the founders of a realistic drama of XX century, the talented satirist, the humorist, the wittiest paradox composer. Shaw has entered drama area as the original innovator. He has confirmed at English theatre new type of a drama — an intellectual drama in which the basic place belongs not to an intrigue, nor to fascinating plot but to those…

Курсовая: Independent work of students on practical employments

Several publishers, too, have come up with book lists. Learning Links, Houghton Mifflin, DC Heath, Harcourt Brace, and Dandy Lion, among others, offer sets of children’s literature by grade level. These and other publishers also offer sets of theme-related trade books. Houghton Mifflin, for example, offers sets of mathematics-related trade books by grade level. Learning Links offers sets…

Контрольная: India

India is the seventh largest and second most populous country in the world. A new spirit of economic freedom is now stirring in the country, bringing sweeping changes in its wake. A series of ambitious economic reforms aimed at deregulating the country and stimulating foreign investment has moved India firmly into the front ranks of the rapidly growing Asia Pacific region and unleashed the latent…

Реферат: Industrial development of the African countries

Environmental groups such as Greenpeace claim that the deforestation caused by making way for oil palm plantations is far more damaging for the climate than the benefits gained by switching to biofuel. The world’s centres for oil palm production are Indonesia and Malaysia where rapid deforestation and the drying out of asssociated peatlands are, Greenpeace claim, releasing huge amounts of carbon…

Топик: Industry overview

Chilled meat produced by the complex under the present project will be priced at 115 rubles per 1 kg (including VAT 10%), which is the same to the wholesale price stated by the Russian companies producing the same goods. Motivation system, competitions and bonuses awarded to best distributors, trade representatives that attracted the biggest number of customers, made the biggest sales…

Реферат: Influences that affect the business environment of Hydrolife Bottlers Company in Uzbekistan

One of the main social threats, which presents at all countries of the world is gossips. On the territory of Uzbekistan it is very important to keep relationship between relatives and friends strong. That’s why the negative gossips spread very fast among relatives and friends, colleges and acquaintances. If somebody of familiar people would say something bad about production of Hydrolife Company…

Контрольная: Information Systems Security

In recent years there is a rapid development of systems of the telecommunications, one of which key elements is the global computer network the Internet and its main service WWW (World Wide Web). Use the Internet as one of elements of system of marketing can make considerable impact on positive image of firm and on awareness of the consumer about the goods and services. For years of the existence…

Топик: Interior design

There is very little in modern design which is completely new. Most styles and changes in fashion are amalgamations, adjustments and improvements on previous designs and trends. Today’s stream-lined contemporary look harks back to 1930s modernism combined with a dash of 1960s spirit. And, yes, today’s turquoise, yellow and pink toasters, kettles and lemon squeezers have the 1950s to thank for…

Реферат: Internal diagnostics company, identification of strengths and weaknesses

Search of ways of an exit from an economic crisis is directly connected with elimination of the reasons promoting its occurrence. The careful analysis of the external and internal environment of business is carried out, those components which really matter for the organisation are allocated, gathering and information tracing on each component is spent and on the basis of an estimation of real…

Курсовая: Intercultural communication of Russian and English languages

Total computerization has leaded to the appearance, in Russian language and especially in the youth midst, a peculiar computerese jargon. It is obvious, that all innovations are held inside the system of the language and are formed up by means of Russian language grammatical rules. Consequently, the users of this jargon, aimed at making their speech distinctive and colorful can not manage without…

Курсовая: Intercultural communication in English language education

In this paюrt, we will briefly exaюmine the relaюtioюnship between laюnguaюge aюnd culture aюnd see why the teaюching oюf culture shoюuld coюnstitute aюn integraюl paюrt oюf the English laюnguaюge curriculum. Toю begin with, laюnguaюge is aю soюciaюl institutioюn, boюth shaюping aюnd shaюped by soюciety aюt laюrge, oюr in paюrticulaюr the `culturaюl niches', in which it plaюys aюn impoюrtaюnt…

Курсовая: Interpolation, approximation and differential equations solvers

In engineering and science one often has a number of data points, as obtained by sampling or experimentation, and tries to construct a function which closely fits those data points. This is called curve fitting or regression analysis. Interpolation is a specific case of curve fitting, in which the function must go exactly through the data points. The method of least squares is an alternative…

Реферат: Interrelation of culture and language (on the basis of English proverbs and sayings)

The perception of this standard variety as correct, `good' English was also supported by attempts at codification, notably Johnson’s dictionary and many prescriptive grammars of the 18th century. The vocabulary of English was consciously elaborated as it came to be used for an increasing variety of purposes, including translations of classical works rediscovered in the Renaissance, a burgeoning…

Курсовая: Intonation system of English in the process of historical development

To characterize a particular style or variety of oral speech which may be called the stylistic function. There is no general agreement about either the number or the headings of the functions of intonation which can be illustrated by the difference in the approach to the subject by some prominent phoneticians. T. M. Nikolajeva names the three functions of intonations: delimitating, integrating…

Статья: Аксиологическая лексика древневерхненемецкого периода в произведении «Татиан»

Таким образом, оценку, как логико-семантическая категория, соотносимая с аксиологической шкалой «хорошо — плохо» определяется как положительная и отрицательная характеристика предмета, связанная с признанием или непризнанием его ценности с позиции определенных ценностных критериев. Оценка имеет свои свойства, которые заключаются в том, что, в сравнении с дескрипцией, она отражает не мир как…

Дипломная: Аксиологическая функция неологизмов в медиа-политическом дискурсе

Под политическим дискурсом мы понимаем «связный, вербально выраженный текст (устный или письменный) в совокупности с прагматическими, социокультурными, психологическими и другими факторами, взятый в событийном политическом аспекте, представляющее собой политическое действие, участвующий во взаимодействии политических деятелей и отражающий механизм их политического сознания». Рассматривая данное…

Реферат: Irony from the cognitive perspective

Irony, as a widely used figure of speech, has received considerable attention from cognitive psychologists and linguists. The traditional study of verbal irony from rhetorical and aesthetical approaches has been shifted to current cognitive and pragmatic investigation. From the perspective of Figure-Ground theory, the context or the apparent meaning of irony corresponds to the Ground; the…

Дипломная: IRC как жанр виртуального дискурса

Мы также предлагаем выделять продуктивные и непродуктивные речевые жанры. Под продуктивными мы понимаем жанры, использование которых активизируется в конкретный период времени в зависимости от развития языковой и общественно-культурной ситуации. По словам М. М Бахтина, «в каждую эпоху развития литературного языка задают тон определенные речевые жанры, притом не только вторичные (литературные…

Реферат: Is teaching an art or is it a science?

There are two ways of explaining the meaning of the word: translation and direct way. The first way of presenting the word: a direct translation of the word. Translating a new word can be useful. It is often the simplest and clearest way of showing what a word means. When the teacher presents words denoting abstract. Direct way of presenting the words brings the learner into direct contact with…

Контрольная: Israel

A 'green card' insurance certificate is required for cars temporarily imported into Israel. There are few border-crossing points where one can enter Israel from the surrounding Arab countries. From Jordan, the main routes are via the AIlenby Bridge near Jericho or the border crossing point at Eilat, which was opened in 1994. The Damiya Bridge, between Bet Shean and Nablus, has also been opened…

Контрольная: Italy, the late Gothic

In 1373 similar fiasco was averted in Florence when it was discovered that the walls of the great campanile begun three years earlier had only half the thickness necessary. The culprit in this case was none other than Giotto, who had been appointed capo maestro on the strength of his publicly acknowledged status as the greatest painter of his day. Giotto’s design easily excelled its simple and…

Курсовая: Ivan Turgenev «Otcy i deti». Bazarow als Hauptfigur des Romans

Bei der Arbeit an dem Charakter von Bazarow hat Turgenev ein Ausgangspunkt aus dem wirklichen Leben gebraucht, um seiner Gestalt eine gewisse Wahrhaftigkeit zu geben. Er musste diese Person mit den Augen eines Dichters sehen und spuren. J. Nikolski in seinem Buch «Turgenev und Dostojewski» Никольский Ю., Тургенев и Достоевский (История одной вражды), София 1921, S.23 fuhrte folgenden Hinweis von…

Реферат: Lessons from Russia's parliamentary early twentieth century

The State Council has remained the focus of the higher bureaucracy. The election of half of its members (the other is still imposed king) did not essentially changed — The State Council provided its full control, and without the approval of the recommendation of the State Council of the Duma are automatically blocked. In some cases, the State Council are right of the emperor. The legislative…
