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Дипломная: Современная английская шутка в аспекте интертекстуальности

Опубликованная в том же году книга «Интертекстуальность: теоретические и практические проблемы» впервые рассматривает проблему с разных сторон: с точки зрения теории культуры, теории литературы, анализа текста. Однако говорить о том, что здесь интертекст выступает как лингвистическая категория, на наш взгляд, преждевременно. Хотя попытки несомненны. Интертекстуальность здесь рассматривается как…

Дипломная: Концепты «вражда» — «дружба» в английской и русской фразеологии

В третьей, самой обширной, зоне будут находиться устойчивые словосочетания и фразеологические обороты различного типа, характеризующие враждебные отношения. Сюда мы отнесем фразеологизмы глагольного типа: «agree like cats and dogs», «agree like harp and harrow» (жить, как кошка с собакой), «mask one`s batteries» (скрывать свои враждебные намерения), «bear somebody malice» (затаить злобу против…

Реферат: Возникновение и развитие латинского языка

По своему типу дошедшее до нас руническое письмо является вокализованно-звуковым; каждый знак его обозначает отдельный звук. В древнейших надписях (так называемые «старшие руны» — Ш—VIII в.) применялось 24 знака, которые делились в алфавите на 3 ряда по 8 знаков в ряду; в дальнейшем (так называемые «младшие руны») количество знаков сократилось до 16 и варьировалось в зависимости от времени…

Дипломная: Явление вариантности форм родительного падежа множественного числа в современном русском языке

Подъем производительности труда во времена Андропова был вызван, на мой взгляд, не только страхом, которым пытаются все объяснить современные политологи, а, в первую очередь — ощущением того, что в России больше нет «неприкасаемых священных индийских коров», что даже генерал, пойманный в бане, без погонов, а с женщинами, может лишиться погонов как простой прапорщик. (Владимир Гусев. Путь наверх…

Реферат: Adam Smith

Here then was a «machine» for growth — a machine that operated with all the reliability of the Newtonian system with which Smith was quite familiar. Unlike the Newtonian system, however, Smith’s growth machine did not depend for its operation on the laws of nature alone. Human nature drove it, and human nature was a complex rather than a simple force. Thus, the wealth of nations would grow only…

Реферат: Sports in Great Britain, the USA and Russia

Basketball was invented in the United States. A schoolteacher designed the rules for a game that his students could play indoors. There are only five players in a basketball team. Usually basketball players are very tall and they show that basketball can be exciting. Ice hockey is America «p.s favourite winter game. It is very fast. It can be dangerous and its players wear helmets too. Other…

Реферат: Wright, Frank Lloyd

Wright «p.s innovative designs and use of materials often drew controversy. Builders doubted whether his cantilevers-especially at Fallingwater-would support their weight. Others questioned the practicality of his designs, such as that for the Guggenheim. Wright «p.s legacy consists of more than 1,000 designs, nearly half of which were built. He continued working until his death, two months…

Реферат: Boris Godunov

Boris’s reign began successfully. However, really terrible events broke out soon. In 1601 there were long rains, and then early frosts came and, according to the contemporary, ««. The next year the poor harvest repeated. The famine, lasting three years, broke out. The price of bread increased in 100 times. Boris forbade to sell bread at a price higher than the settled limit, he even resorted…

Реферат: Altdorfer, Albrecht

No architectural work by him is known, but his interest in architecture and his skill in handling intricate problems of perspective are demonstrated by his Birth of the Virgin (Alte Pinakothek, Munich). It is possible that he was involved in the design of the pilgrim church Zur Schönen Madonna (now the new Neupfarrkirche) at Regensburg. Although none of his architectural projects survive, the…

Реферат: International Raw Materials Market

Raw materials are products immediately extracted from nature which have undergone a first processing through which they have become marketable and, consequently, a tradable commodity. Raw materials include all energy raw materials (crude оіл, natural gas, coal, uranium), metals, semi-metals and industrial minerals (kaolin, graphite, sulfur, salts, phosphates), rocks, water as well as all plant…

Реферат: Беларускій етнос Беларус

Крыху паздней ва усходнiх слов’ян атрымала распа? сюджанне назва «Русь». Яна становiцца шырокавядомай у сярэдзiне 9 стагоддзя, калi руси зрабiлi некалькi паспяховых ваенных пахода? на Вiзантыю. То в адным із апiсання? гаварылася: «Усё па берагах Э? ксiна і яго? збярэжжа разбура? і спусташа? у набігах флот роса? (народ жа ріс — скiфскi, жыве розжарюючи па? ночнага Та? ра, грубі і дзiкi. I вось…

Реферат: Youth Drinking: Risk Factors and Consequences

Binge drinking, often beginning around age 13, tends to increase during adolescence, peak in young adulthood (ages 18−22), then gradually decrease. In a 1994 national survey, binge drinking was reported by 28 percent of high school seniors, 41 percent of 21- to 22-year-olds, but only 25 percent of 31- to 32-year-olds (3,12). Individuals who increase their binge drinking from age 18 to 24 and…

Реферат: Customs and Traditions

The first Christians in Rome made hot cross buns two thousand years ago. But now they «re an Easter tradition in Britain. Here «p.s a storv about hot cross buns. In 1800 a widow lived in a house in East London. Her only son was a sailor and went to sea. Everv vear she made hot cross buns and kept one for him. He never came back, but she kept a bun for him every year. Then, after many, years, she…

Реферат: Поиск кордони між Сходом і заходом english

The definitions of a nation are nearly as much various as the definitions of such notions as culture. They are ranging from narrow radical concepts, distinctive, say, for Marxism, up to maximum general and, therefore, amorphous views, typical for some positivistic scientific schools. Not entering the discussion on nation definitions, we suggest a working definition of a nation, built upon most…

Реферат: Intercultural business communication

Your word choice should also reflect the relationship between you and the reader. In general, be somewhat more formal than you would be in writing to people in your own culture. In many other cultures, people use a more elaborate, old-fashioned style, and you should gear your letters to their expectations. However, do not carry formality to extremes, or you will sound unnatural. In terms…

Реферат: Internet

Magellan. But not seldom happens so, that the list, given out by the machine, is very great and to see (overlook) it (him) simply not really. An output (exit) from this situation can become stricter selection of the information brought in the catalogue. One of most known such systems — catalogue Magellan to the address: http: // internet This database contains the items of information on 80…

Реферат: Multiracial Britain

There is no doubt that the presence of ethnic minorities in Britain and much more foreign travel have transformed the British diet for the better. Noticeably fish and chips have been overtaken by curry as the most popular British takeaway. For many years, Britons have got used to seeing black athletes like Linford Christie representing them internationally. And much of the famous «Cool Britannia…

Реферат: Political System of the USA

The Congress in work. A new Congress session begins on the 3rd of January each odd number year and continues for two years. A Congressman must work long and hard. But most of their work is done in committee meetings. Here bills are studied, experts are consulted, and recommendations are made to the whole House of Senate. During a two year term of a Congress, as many as 20 000 bills are…

Реферат: The development of computers in the USA

Researchers today are proceeding in the same spirit that motivated Kay and his Xerox PARC colleagues in the 1970s: to make information more accessible to ordinary people. But a look into today «p.s research labs reveals very little that resembles what we think of now as a PC. For one thing, researchers seem eager to abandon the keyboard and monitor that are the PC «p.s trademarks. Instead they…

Реферат: The profile of an effective manager

21] Are you flexible enough to succeed?, By: Raudsepp, Eugene, Manage, Mar90, Vol. 41, Issue 4 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, pearson Education Limited, 1978,2001 Are you flexible enough to succeed?, By: Raudsepp, Eugene, Manage, Mar90, Vol. 41, Issue 4 George T. Geis, research coordinator at UCLA «p.s Center of Human Resource Management at Are you flexible enough to succeed?, By…

Реферат: Грамматика

Are you coming to classes _ Monday? 2. Can’t you hurry up? The train leaves _ 9 o’clock. 3. There weren’t many people _ the party. 4. David has been a teacher _ 10 years. 5. They got married some time _. 6. Do you know the names of the letter _ English? 7. I don’t live far _ my office. In fact, it’s quite _. 8. What time do you usually come _ home? 9. He lives _ the country. 10. I think she’s…

Реферат: Корни персонажів Д.Р.Р.Толкиена

In the beginning of ages in «The spring of Arda» («Arda» means «The Earth») there was no light at all. The Earth was bare: no trees, no plants, no animals. The Valar saw, that there was a need of the light. And then «Aule at the prayer of Yavanna wrought two mighty lamps for the lighting of the Middle-earth which he had built amid the encircling seas. Then Varda filled the lamps and Manwe…

Реферат: Сонеты Шекспира

Sonnets of William Shakespeare — |Sonnet 40 — |XL. — |Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all; — |What hast thou then more than thou hadst before? — |No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call; — |All mine was thine before thou hadst this more. — |Then if for my love thou my love receivest, — |I cannot blame thee for my love thou usest; — |But yet be blamed, if thou thyself deceivest…

Реферат: Стилистическое значення усталених висловів німецькій мові. Крилаті висловлювання й висловлювання на Фаусе Гете

Nach E. Riesel und E. Schendels sind zahlreiche Sentenzen, Aphorismen und Aussprьche berьhmter Dichter, Staatsmдnner, Gelehrten als feste Elemente des Wortbestands in den allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch eingeflossen. Nach alter Tradition werden sie unter den Namen geflьgelte Wцrter in die Phraseologie eingegliedert. Man nimmt den in den Fachliteratur gebrauchten Terminus anhauptsдchlich deshalb, weil…

Реферат: Теоретическая граматика англійського языка

Distributional class-tion of morphemes. In the distrib. analysis 3 main types of distribution are discrimin.: contrastive distr., non-contrastive distr., and complementary distr. Contr.& non-contr.distr.concern identical environments of different morphs. (Morph is combination of phones that has a meaning, it happens only once) The morphs are said to be in contrastive distr. if their meanings…

Реферат: Sir Henry Rider Haggard

The story begins one rainy night, when a man of twenty-two Ludwig Horace Holly was sitting in his room at Cambridge, grinding away at some mathematical work. At last, wearied out, he flung his book down and happened to catch sight of his countenance in the glass. As he stood and stared at himself in the glass Horace Holly thought about his physical deficiencies. Most men of twenty-two are endowed…

Реферат: Texas

After a successful war of independence against Mexico, the Texans raised the Lone Star flag over their own republic in 1836. This government was officially recognized by the United States and by several European countries. Then in 1845 Texas accepted annexation by the United States and was admitted to the Union as the 28th state. Texas is second only to Alaska in area. It covers more territory…

Реферат: Беларуская музика

У гади вайны з’явілася опера «Алеся» Я. Цікоцкага. У пасляваенны перыяд беларускія кампазітары стварылі многа нових оперних твораў на самыя розныя сюжэты. Д. Лукас стварыў оперу «Кастусь Каліноўскі» аб паўстанні ў Беларусі, Р. Пукст оперу «Машэка», М. Аладаў — оперу «Андрэй Касценя». У гэтай опери апавядаецца пра барацьбу із фашысцкімі акупантамі, аб бесмяротным подзвігу Канстанціна Заслонава. А…

Реферат: English painting

Our life seems to be impossible without art. It really occupies an important part in our daily life. Art offers us not only pleasure and amusement but it is also a vehicle of culture and education. Art penetrates into all spheres and sides of our life and makes it brighter, richer and more intellectual. People like and know different types of art. Some of them are fond of painting. Others have…

Курсовая: Особенности обучения второму иностранному языку на начальном этапе общеобразовательной школы

Расширение международных контактов и сотрудничества на всех уровнях, политика интеграции России в общемировое пространство ставят перед отечественной школой задачу реализации идеи плюралингвизма, т. е. организацию школьного образования такого уровня, при котором учащийся имеет возможность изучать не один, а два или даже три иностранных языка. При выборе второго иностранного языка следует…
